By Lancelot1864

284K 11.1K 5.3K

Just another what if fanfic of TBATE (the beginning after the end) originally written by TurtleMe. In this f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132-Final

Chapter 113

893 54 15
By Lancelot1864

Arthur Leywin POV

'Papa, I don't like this.' Sylvie said mentally, in a concerned tone.

I was sitting on the corner of the bed, finishing up getting ready. I quietly slipped my left foot into my boot, trying not to wake up Tess. I looked at Tess, who was sleeping peacefully in our bed, and smiled a little, seeing a tiny bit of drool coming out of her mouth.

I didn't tell Tess that I would be leaving to speak with a scythe. I didn't need her to know I was possibly walking into an ambush since she had enough to worry about. Lilia's death hit her hard, and she had difficulty falling asleep last night. I made sure to hold her close until she finally managed to fall asleep.

'I know Sylv. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. But I need to meet with her. If I have a chance to end this war, I have to take it.' I said mentally.

I looked over towards Sylvie, who was standing near the entrance to the tent. She had her arms crossed and stared at me with a worried look.

'Allow me to come with you at least. This way, I can help you fight in case it is an ambush.' Sylvie pleaded.

'No can do Sylv. I need you to stay here. With me gone, the Trailblazers will lose their best defense. With you here, I know that they will have some protection. Plus, we have our mental connection. If something happens, you can let me know mentally, and I'll portal back immediately.' I said in all seriousness.

'But... Ugh. I understand, papa. I still don't like it, though,' Sylvie sighed.

'Don't worry, my dear gecko. I'll keep an eye on our princess here. I'll make sure nothing happens to him.' Regis said mentally as he lay on the floor.

'Regis. If you call me a gecko one more time, I'm going to beat you senseless,' Sylvie said, glaring at Regis.

Regis just chuckled and shrugged. I finished fastening my boot before I carefully sat up from the bed. I picked up my Lance uniform shirt lying on the bed and put it on.

I looked back over to Tess, who was still asleep in bed. The corners of my lips raised to form a small smile before I quietly walked to Tess' side of the bed. I leaned down and carefully placed a light-loving kiss on the top of her head, making sure not to wake her. Tess stirred a little as she nuzzled her head on her pillow.

"Hmmmmm. Yes, Art, right there," Tess moaned out in her sleep.

A smirk formed on my face as Regis burst into laughter mentally, 'Even in her sleep, she can't get enough of you.'

'Shut up, Regis,' Sylvie and I said simultaneously.

Regis mentally sulked, 'Everyone always bullies the majestic weapon.'

I stood up straight as I continued to look down at Tess. I smiled, admiring how beautiful she looked. Part of me didn't want to leave; I just wanted to lay back in bed and hold her close.

'Don't worry, papa. I'll keep her safe. I'll keep all of them safe.' Sylvie said mentally in a voice of conviction.

'I know you will, Sylv.' I said mentally before I looked at Regis.

Regis gave me a nod before he stood up. We both walked towards the tent entrance before I stopped and pulled Sylvie into a hug. I felt her hug me tightly and shake a little bit. I could feel her emotions leaking through our bond, and I knew she was worried about me.

I leaned down and placed a fatherly kiss on top of Sylvie's head. I brushed my hands through her hair, calming her down. I could feel Sylvie's emotions change as her happy emotions leaked through her bond.

'Please come back, papa,' Sylvie said mentally.

'I will, Sylv, I promise,' I reassured her mentally.

Sylvie nodded before we broke the hug. I gave her one more head pat before I walked out of the tent with Regis. Regis jumped into my core before I godstepped to the rendezvous point where I had to meet Caera.

As I appeared, I looked around, looking for her.

"I'm right here."

I turned around, looking towards the voice. I smiled, seeing Caera walk out from the shadows. She wore her leather armor and had a determined look.

"You ready?" I asked as she walked up to me.

"Ya, I'm ready," Caera nodded before she looked at me seriously. "Arthur, I don't think I need to tell you that we must exercise caution. Seris is a formidable adversary."

I nodded, "I understand. We have to be ready for anything. Regis will stay in my core and will only appear if absolutely necessary."

Caera looked towards the ground as she grabbed her chin, looking deep in thought. "So, a secret weapon. Smart."

I smirked, "Exactly. They won't know about my aether abilities or about Regis. We will have the element of surprise."

Caera nodded as she took out the tracking medallion, "Sounds good."

I watched her curiously as she closed her eyes, wrapped her hand around the medallion, and stood there for a few seconds. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"I have his location. He's not far," Caera said.

"Good," I said as I godstepped next to her.

She jumped back, a little surprised, and grew wide-eyed as I picked her up bridal style.

"Waaaa! What do you think you're doing?!" She yelled, flustered in a high-pitched voice.

I held her close as I looked at her with a raised brow. "What do you mean? I'm going to fly us there, obviously. Sylvie isn't coming with us, so you can't ride on her back. I can't portal there, so I will fly us there. Unless you want me to leave you."

Caera blushed slightly and looked away from me, "O-oh... that makes sense."

I smiled a little as I shook my head, seeing her flustered, "Alright, hold on."

"Oka- WAAAAAAA!" Caera yelped as I took off from the ground at a high velocity.

Caera immediately wrapped her arms around me and buried her head deep in my chest. I felt as she dug her mana-coated nails into my back like she was holding on for dear life.

"C-Caera. Ease up a little. You're going to draw blood," I groaned as we flew out of the dungeon.

"S-sorry," Caera said muffled.

"Now. Where to?" I asked as I flew up high into the night sky and levitated in the air.

"S-southwest." Caera stuttered as she continued to bury her head into my chest.

I raised a brow as I felt her shaking slightly. My brows raised, and a smirk formed on my face as I registered what was wrong.

"Why, Caera, are you afraid of heights?" I asked teasingly.

"S-Shut up." Caera stuttered as she held me tighter.

"Don't worr- Woah!" I yelled as I pretended to almost drop her.

"Ahh!!!" Caera yelled dramatically as she sunk her nails deeper into my back. "Stop you ass!!"

I chuckled as I held her close, "Caera, don't worry. I got you."

I felt Caera's head brush against my chest as she moved her head up and down in a nod. I smiled, seeing she calmed down a little as she knew I would keep her safe. I looked towards the southwest before I started to fly in that direction.

After a few minutes of flying, Caera physically relaxed and lifted her head from my chest. She looked around curiously as her eyes scanned the Beast Glades below.

"Nice of you to poke your head out," I teased.

Caera huffed, "A fear of heights is perfectly reasonable."

I chuckled as I shook my head, "Are we getting closer?"

"Ya. We're not too far away. I can feel we're getting closer by the second. It looks like they're going to be at that mountain range," Caera said as she gestured to the mountain range in front of us with her head.

I nodded before I picked up the pace. I kept my head on a swivel as I constantly looked around, ensuring we wouldn't be ambushed. You never know where an attack could come from, after all. After a few minutes, we arrived at the mountain range, where I noticed a thick tree line beside a ledge.

"Land on the ledge," Caera said.

I followed her directions, flying down and landing softly on the ledge. I gently put Caera down as she placed her feet on the ground. We both walked forward cautiously as we scanned the tree line.

"Well. I didn't think you'd actually show."

Caera and I stopped as we both took defensive stances, looking toward the voice. I pulled out despair, and she pulled out her ruby sword from her dimensional ring. Caera wrapped her sword in soul fire as I wrapped mine in all four elements.

"Always so defensive," The figure in black armor said as they walked out of the tree line.

"Cylrit. Where's Seris?" Caera asked defensively.

"You go missing for a few years and forget your manners. I do have a title Caera." A female voice said behind us.

Caera visibly paled as we both turned, so Cylrit was to my left, the female was to my right, and Caera faced me. I looked at the female, seeing she was a beautiful lady who looked to be around Tess' age. She had obsidian horns that glowed like precious stones, contrasting with her pearl-colored hair that flowed back past her narrow shoulders. She had dark eyes that looked like they could pierce through you.

She held a stern expression as her eyes were glued to Caera. Caera shivered a little, and the soul fire on her sword dwindled. I watched as the woman's eyes flicked to me, and she looked me up and down with a raised brow.

'Oh my... mommy?' Regis said mentally.

'Regis, concentrate,' I scolded.

Regis mentally nodded, 'I know... but damn.'

"So this is him," She said, sounding slightly impressed. "I can say I'm not disappointed, as I held no expectations. However, the presence coming from you... interesting. You're far stronger than Caera let on."

Caera flinched a little as she looked at me with a guilty expression. "Arthur... I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Caera; we've already been over this. You had no choice." I said, looking at her with a smile before I looked at the woman with a severe expression.

"Seris, I presume," I said sternly.

Seris' eyes flicked between Caera and me curiously before they settled on me, "You would be correct, Arthur Leywin. You can lower your guard, by the way. I have no desire to fight you. Plus, we are all alone here."

"While I appreciate that, I hope you don't take offense if I don't trust you," I said as I narrowed my eyes at her.

Seris chuckled as she casually clasped her wrists to the small of her back. "I would think you'd be a fool if you did. We are enemies, after all. Well, for now, at least."

I looked at her curiously, as she showed no sign of aggression towards me, "What do you want of me, Seris?"

"I'm sure Caera passed along my message," Seris said matter of factly.

"She did. She said you wanted to speak about ending the war. What does that even mean? If you expect us to surrender, you're mistaken," I said aggressively.

Seris shook her head as she turned and looked into the distance, "I'm afraid this war wouldn't end, even with your surrender. Once the High Sovereign defeats Dicathen, he will do the same to your people that he did to mine. He would subjugate you and use you in his goal to march upon the gates of Epheotus."

I looked down as I remembered what Windsom said during the meeting at the floating castle. "He wants to build an army. But I don't understand. He already has Alacrya," I said, confused.

Seris looked at me intently, "That's not enough to take on Epheotus. He needs the power and strength of both Dicathen and Alacrya. Only then can he hope to defeat Epheotus. Bahamut, Mordain, and Kezess alone pose a threat to Alacrya."

"The big three," I whispered.

"So you've heard of them," Seris said with a raised brow.

I nodded. "An Asura told me about them. Agrona is just as powerful as them."

"Almost. He can put up a good fight. But he's not as strong. But he is a threat. With numbers, he can overwhelm Epheotus and possibly win. Possibly. But it's not guaranteed," Seris said.

"Then I ask you again, what do you want from me," I said.

Seris gestured to me, "I was intrigued by your abilities and believed you could aid me. I wanted to tell you to get stronger, but it seems you've done that already. With your presence, I can tell you can defeat a retainer with ease. Possibly even a scythe. However, this is not enough to defeat Agrona. Far from it, in fact."

"Defeat Agrona? Aren't you his subordinate?" I asked in confusion.

"I fight for Alacrya. Not him," Seris spat. "Most are blind to his rule and will do whatever he says. However, there are some who see the truth. I wish to defeat Agrona and finally free Alacrya from him."

"How?" I asked.

"I will answer that at a later time. For now, focus on the defense of Dicathen. You are doing the right thing in clearing the dungeons of the beasts. Soon, Agrona will begin his assault." Seris said.

I grew wide-eyed. "How soon?" I asked with concern evident in my voice.

"That I don't know. If I did, I would tell you. Be ready, Arthur Leywin," Seris said.

"And what will you do?" I asked.

"What I've been doing. Strategizing. I will contact you again when the time is right." Seris said as she lifted her right hand and threw a black stone toward me.

I caught the stone with my free hand and looked at it, confused. It was a solid black obsidian oval-shaped stone that was cool to the touch.

"Keep this on you. It's a type of communication device. When the time comes, I will contact you again." Seris said.

"Ok, I can understand your reason for wanting to help me," I said before my eyes flicked to her. "However, why should I trust you?"

"Actions speak louder than words. Hopefully, one day you will be able to trust me fully," Seris said before she looked at Caera. Caera looked down, looking like a child who was in trouble with their parents. Seris smiled as she chuckled a little, "I'm proud of you, Caera."

Caera looked up surprised, with her brows raised and her mouth slightly agape. Slowly, a small smile formed on her face as she nodded.

"Thank you, Ser-... Scythe Seris," Caera said warmly.

Seris smiled before she looked at me sternly, "I expect you to take care of her, Arthur. If anything happens to her-"

"Nothing will happen to her," I said, cutting off Seris, who narrowed her eyes to me. "I promise I will watch over and protect her," I said with conviction clear in my voice.

Seris' face relaxed, and she nodded, "I'll hold you to that. It was interesting to meet you, Arthur Leywin. Until we meet again."

I watched as Seris flew into the air, with Cylrit following behind her. They flew off into the distance, and I looked down towards Caera. Caera was still looking at the floor with a smile, and her cheeks were still slightly red.

"Caera?" I said, getting her attention.

"Huh?" Caera looked up, surprised, before she cleared her throat and composed herself. "So what now?"

I took a breath as I stored despair. Caera followed suit and stored her sword as well. "Now, we have a lot to think about. For now, we will head back to camp."

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