This Girl Is A Delinquent!, V...

By mangocannon

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Aspiring writer and unabashed loner, Ken Wright, is a second year student expecting another quiet year at the... More

Chapter 26: A Crash Course In Communication
Chapter 27: A Dress To Impress
Chapter 28: A Crescendo On The Festival Eve
Chapter 29: Friends And Strangers
Chapter 30: Seeing Eye To Eye
Chapter 31: The Arms That Lift Us
Chapter 32: Together In the New Year
Chapter 33: Out To Sea
Chapter 34: New Beginnings
Chapter 35: Where Do We Go From Here?
Chapter 36: Unscheduled Heartbreak
Chapter 37: For One's Own Sake
Chapter 38: Growing Pains

Chapter 39: Salutations and Farewells

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By mangocannon

Like sand in an hourglass, the remaining moments of the final weeks of the school year were fleeting. The hallways that were once draped in the silence and stresses that accompanied the end of year tests were now bustling with life. The reason was uttered by groups of students as they shared in both sentimental smiles and tears. The final day of the school year had arrived.

Ken walked along the familiar corridors of the first floor navigating through the crowds as he looked for someone in particular. Just as he was about to reach for his cell phone in defeat, a pair of blonde pigtails arrived at his side.

"Looking for me?"

With a smug grin, Sonya shuffled along while Ken slowed his pace to match her.

"Yes, actually. They gave us the afternoon off and I was wondering if you wanted to play Dark Olympia?"

"Are you actually suggesting that we bail on all of the third years? Don't you have anyone that you want to say goodbye to?"

Looking up at him with a disgusted grimace, Sonya narrowed her eyes as Ken touched his glasses uncomfortably.

"Well... I guess I was used to leaving early since I did last year."

Sonya shook her head and let a long sigh escape her lips.

"You're such an idiot... C'mon, let's go to the courtyard. There's a few people that I wanted to say goodbye to. I don't want to go alone."

Meeting his eyes with her own Sonya gave a stare that didn't leave room for discussion. Ken wondered when it had become so commonplace for her to be so honest. Letting his eyes rest on hers a little too long, he felt his cheeks grow warm and tried to move the conversation along.

"S-sure, I'll follow you."

Sonya shrugged and started to walk towards the archway leading to the courtyard. The large tree that was the centerpiece of the area towered above them. Small buds had started to appear on the branches and was a sure sign that spring was upon them once more. However, the scene below was different from any other day in the school year.

Crowds of students exchanged and mingled as heartfelt goodbyes were broadcasted beside plans for the future. Ken and Sonya stayed off to the side as they surveyed the area. In the mix of unfamiliar students, Ken noticed someone that he knew.

"Hey, was that Lyra?"

"Yeah, Elise recruited everyone to monitor the halls in case things get out of hand. She's really taking her job seriously. Believe it or not."

With an unusual armband, his sister appeared to be monitoring the courtyard as she slowly stepped through the crowd.

"They didn't recruit you too?"

"Hmph... Mary told them that I needed to go and say goodbyes to all the third years that helped me this year. So, I get the time off. I asked for you to be excused too."

Her consideration made Ken feel grateful. However, something about Sonya's explanation sounded fishy.

"Sounds like you were going to bail on the third years until Mary reminded you..."

"Shut up."

With a scowl, Sonya turned and walked away as Ken sped up to follow her. He couldn't help but smile at her flustered expression. Noticing his amusement, Sonya felt the smile spread to her as well.

Yet, their exchange was cut short by the appearance of a short girl with large spectacles. Immediately noticing her as Sue Ellen from the newspaper club, Sonya raised her hand to wave, but quickly withdrew it. Ken looked puzzled at her reaction until he realized the cause. While other upperclassmen were surrounded by groups of friends, Sue Ellen was standing alone.

"Why isn't anyone saying goodbye to you?"

"Yeah, where are all the newspaper club members?"

Following up Sonya's inquiry with his own, they watched as Sue Ellen looked over to them in surprise. After a few seconds of staring, she flashed a toothy grin and spoke while beaming.

"Huh? That's an easy one! Because all of my club members are off hunting stories. They make me so... proud..."

Facetiously wiping a tear from her eye, Sue Ellen gave them a playful look as a voice cut through and interrupted.

"Sister! I found out that several members of the student council are dating! This is the next big scoop for next year!"

Running towards them in excitement, a girl no taller than Sue Ellen and with similar black hair barreled past Ken and Sonya. She seemed to be close to their age, but her lack of school uniform suggested that she wasn't a student. Seeing the confusion bubbling, Sue Ellen called out.

"This is my sister, Georgina. My parents came today to help me move my things and brought her along to see the school. She's a middle school student but she will be attending here next year. Georgina, these are members of the student council... that happen to be dating."

Gleefully letting the information slip, Sue Ellen winked at Sonya. Before anyone could protest, Georgina's eyes glossed over as they filled with light. She quickly turned to Ken and Sonya with newfound interest.

"Can I get an interview?"

The bluntly delivered question left Ken and Sonya struggling to form a response. The situation was both odd and unexpected which made Sue Ellen giggle as she deftly intercepted the question.

"You'll have plenty of time to snoop around next year. Why don't you wait for me in the hallway? I'm almost ready to go."

With a look that only an older sister could manage, Sue Ellen delivered her instructions. While Georgina looked like she still had more to say, she nodded and trudged towards the edge of the courtyard. It seemed that the crisis had been averted, at least for now. Using the lull as a way to change subjects, Sue Ellen looked closely at the short distance between Ken and Sonya and lowered her voice to address her underclassmen.

"I'm glad to see you two finally figured things out. I knew there was a story here."

Her sincere words resonated with Sonya and she offered her own in return.

"Thanks for everything, Sue Ellen. I'm sorry if I was rude at the beginning."

"Think nothing of it, you don't owe me an apology. I only taught you how to do an interview."

Exchanging smiles, the girls looked at each other warmly. Observing Sonya's growth firsthand, Ken felt his chest tighten as he pushed nostalgic memories from his mind. A few seconds passed before Sonya replied.

"I still appreciate it... What about you? What happens now?"

"Journalism school, of course! I hate to leave the paper, but I have a feeling it will be in very capable hands... Although, I will regret not being here to see what kind of trouble you two stir up."

"It makes me feel like we should be worried about your sister."

Interjecting his commentary, Ken looked at Sonya and back to Sue Ellen.

"Hmm, that's a possibility... But! You have better things to do than linger here with me. Consider your respects paid in full."

As the words rolled off her tongue, a certain tension fell over the atmosphere for Ken and Sonya. It was very well possible that this would be the last time they saw Sue Ellen for an extended time. While their minds filled with possibilities, only one emotion shined through clearly. They were thankful to have to have met her and showed as much with a response at the same time.

"Goodbye, Sue Ellen."

For the first time since they had started talking, Sue Ellen made a wistful expression that she quickly tucked away.

"You two are too much. Goodbye to you too. Right now, I'm off to retrieve a tearful farewell from Mary!"

Shaking her head with a smile, she turned away from them while waving her hand overhead. Her absence left a quietness between Ken and Sonya that felt awkward and uncomfortable. However, the lingering warmth from their previous interaction caused Ken to speak aloud.

"I guess there were people that I needed to say goodbye to..."

"Told ya..."

In lieu of a smug grin, Sonya gently nudged Ken with her shoulder. At first, he thought it was her way of overcoming the atmosphere from before. However, the sensation of her touch lingered for more than a few seconds and Ken realized that Sonya was leaning against him without meeting his eyes. As he was about to call out to her, another set of voices interrupted.


"Delicate maiden!"

Quickly separating from one another, Ken and Sonya looked around to see a familiar set of twins approaching them. Davin from the sewing club and Gavin from the theater club slowly walked up while the former seemed to be supporting his brother with every step.

"This sorrowful farewell is too much to bear!"

Gavin bellowed as he covered his face with his palm in despair. Yet, Davin only looked down and shook his head before addressing Sonya and Ken.

"Sorry about him. He's not handling this well at all."

As Gavin's over the top personality was referenced, Sonya couldn't help but feel a slight comfort in seeing that, even after graduating, the twins remained the same. Stifling a chuckle, she cherrily called out to them.

"It's okay. It's your last day after all."

The mention of the occasion made Gavin whimper dramatically while Davin continued.

"Yeah, well we will be staying the weekend to finish packing. Gavin hasn't packed a thing."

"How can you be so cruel?! To think... My own brother... Davin, how could you?"

Lamenting his brother, but still using him to support his frame, Gavin turned his head away in defeat. Yet, as he did, a loud groaning sound filled the air. Gavin's cheeks filled with red hues as the group realized that the sound was coming from his stomach.

"I have some candy..."

Unsure of how to react, Sonya reached into her backpack and produced a few brightly wrapped pieces of candy. Nervously extending the offer, she waited as Gavin eyed her suspiciously. To her surprise, his expression switched to one of excitement and he greedily took the treats from her hand.

"My day is saved by your generous offer! Thank you!"

Stuffing the morsels into his mouth, Gavin drew Sonya into an embrace that was more of a shake than a hug. While Ken and Davin watched Sonya struggle to get free, they exchanged smiles and made small talk.

"So where are you guys off to? I'm sure Gavin is going to film school, right?"

"Actually, we both are... I want to learn set design so we can follow in our parents footsteps."

With a nervous smile that steadily grew firm, Davin displayed his intentions. Meanwhile, Gavin tumbled onto the ground landing on his rear end as an enraged Sonya instantly switched to a calm smile while addressing his brother.

"That's great. I'm sure you both are going to have a great time."

"Sonya! You are too kind! We will never forget you!"

Instantly responding to her words meant for his brother, Gavin was met with a harsh death stare from Sonya. As he cowered in response, Davin spoke again.

"That aside... Thanks for the well wishes. We won't keep you."

Stretching out a hand to help his brother, Davin lifted him to an upright position and they turned to leave.


With clenched fists, Sonya called out to stop them.

"The dress... Back at the festival, you really helped me out. I know I thanked you before, but I wanted to say it again. You both helped me try out clubs when you didn't have to... Thank you."

Gavin and Davin exchanged surprised glances before smiling at one another. Turning back to Sonya, they replied.

"It was fun. Let me know if you ever need another dress."

"That goes for me as well! I can teach you how to act! Just make the request!"

One might have thought the smiles spread across the twin's faces were identical, but to Sonya and Ken, they couldn't be more different. Yet, despite the differences, they were both friends that they were happy to have met. And so, with bright smiles of their own, the two students waved enthusiastically as they said farewell.


With affirmative nods, the twins showed their backs as they disappeared into the crowd of students in the courtyard. Still looking at where they once stood, Sonya's shoulders dropped slightly as Ken walked up to her side.

"You okay?"

Keeping her gaze anchored, Sonya shivered for a moment before speaking.

"Yeah... L-let's go. There's one more person that I want to say bye to."

Lurching forward, Sonya led the way as they walked around the courtyard. Soon enough, they arrived at their target. A tall boy with short black hair was holding a shorter blonde boy in his arms while tears streamed down his cheeks.

"You're going to make a great team captain in my stead, Hans! I have great expectations for youuu!"

"It's okay, Oliver. We'll still be in touch."

Recognizing the pair as fencing club members Sonya and Ken exchanged commentary.

"I wouldn't have expected him to be this emotional."

"I know. When they stand side by side he looks like he could be Hans' dad..."

Glancing up while still being embraced by Oliver, Hans saw Sonya and greeted her with a smile.

"Hey, it's the fencing prodigy! Have you considered joining the team?"

Caught off guard by his voice, Sonya stumbled over her words.

"N-no, I'm happy with the writing club. I wanted to say goodbye to Oliver before he leaves."

"That's right! I'm leaviiing!"

With a wail, Oliver released Hans and covered his eyes with his hands. Patting his upperclassman on the back, Hans addressed the students.

"He'll be okay. It's just a lot of mixed feelings today."

Seeing that Oliver was worse for wear, Sonya decided to quickly say her piece.

"I can understand. I just wanted to thank you both for helping me figure things out this school year. Please let Oliver know. We'll get out of your hair."

Hans tilted his head as he listened with a smile. Feeling embarrassed, Sonya's face became flushed and she turned to conceal it.

"Hey, Sonya."

Her spine bristled as Hans called her name, but she made no effort to face him.

"Thanks for keeping your word. Stella tells me stories about you all the time. She's happy that you're her friend."


Her words caught in her throat as Ken saw the complicated expression arise on her face. After a brief pause, Sonya spun around and announced her feelings.

"I'm happy that she's my friend too!"

Nodding with a chipper grin, Hans replied.

"That makes me happy. I'll tell him that you said bye. Come on big guy."

Guiding Oliver, Hans made a beeline for the exit to the courtyard as Ken and Sonya stood in the now clear space. As seconds turned to minutes, Ken kept an eye on Sonya as her arms fell limp at her sides. With a concerned voice, he called out to her.

"You're being really quiet."

"It's going to be like that with you next year, right? When you... leave..."

Her words sloughed out slowly as if she was afraid of what might proceed.

"Yeah... I guess it will."

Ken's nonchalant reply made her want to snap on him, but as her anger rose, his voice continued.

"But... It won't be sad."

Thinking about his response, Ken realized that even though it was a melancholy feeling manifesting within him, he didn't feel sad. Hopeful was a better term to describe the way he felt about the new adventures awaiting everyone. Yet, he wanted to put it into words that would leave Sonya reassured.

"We said goodbye to so many friends, because we made so many friends. We'll make even more next year. I'm sure there will be plenty of first years waiting to join the student council next year. You won't be alone."

"But you won't be here."

Sonya turned to face him as she emphasized. The somber emerald eyes locking onto his were misty and unsteady. Now understanding the source of her worry, Ken spoke his unfiltered thoughts in an attempt to assuage her fears.

"Well... When that happens, I'll come visit you and I'll call you all the time. At least until you graduate and we can be together. We can go to the same college until we're ready to-"

In his rambling, Ken saw Sonya's cheeks becoming a deep crimson and realized what he was saying. Abruptly cutting himself off, a feeling of humiliation made his face rival Sonya's.


His heart raced as he wondered if he had offended Sonya or perhaps even scared her with his talk of the future. However, her stammering voice cut through his fettering thoughts.

"I-It wouldn't be so bad if we went to the same college, I guess. If you even want to go... I haven't really thought about it."

A cool rush of relief washed over Ken, as the smile on Sonya's face spread across her rosy cheeks.

"Me either... I mean... There's still time before I have to decide..."

"T-then let's think about it next year. Geez, you're making this weird!"

Softly hammering a fist against his chest, Sonya felt happy that she wasn't alone in thinking about their time ahead, but even more thrilled that Ken was thinking of her. Covering her dopey grin with her hand, she heard Ken speak.

"Sorry, Sonya. Ready for some Dark Olympia?"

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Stomping ahead, Sonya made her way toward the end of the courtyard with Ken following behind. This way, she thought, he wouldn't be able to see her bubbly expression. Yet, as they arrived at the threshold back into the school, a lofty voice caused them to halt.

"Didya think you were gonna run off without saying goodbye to us?"

With a hand firmly planted on her hip, Lyra casted her finger forward in an accusatory pose aimed at Sonya. As the target stood rigid in shock, Ken shook his head and replied in a flat tone.

"You aren't graduating."

As they spoke, several familiar figures appeared by Lyra's side. Two of which were noisier than the others as Mary tried to console a distraught Stella.

"The sentimentality appears to be infectious."

"I'm going to miss everyone!

Pulling Mary, Sonya, and Lyra closer, Stella embraced them through bursts of large tears as Lucas swiftly stepped forward and put his arm around Ken.

"You know, I can't disagree with Stella."

"The next trimester literally starts in like a week. You guys are being dramatic."

Elise clicked her tongue in apparent annoyance. Yet, she still stepped in closer to Stella as she did. The sight of all his friends gathered in the courtyard made Ken smile as he thought of all the memories from the past year. As he briefly ruminated, his desire to make even more memories in the future made him anchor his eyes on Sonya's before addressing the group.

"Hey. Why don't we help you guys finish up and we can all walk to the train station together? If it's okay with you, Sonya?"

With a soft sigh, Sonya sported a shy smile as she moved Stella's hair from her face and dried her tears on a handkerchief provided by Mary.

"Yeah... That sounds great."

Her words elicited a smile from Stella that spread amongst the group. While her plans with Ken would have to wait, Sonya felt the same as he did. On a day where goodbyes were to be found easily, they wanted to prolong saying the words again, if only by a little bit. And so, the group of friends gathered for one last time while the last minutes of their school year passed by leisurely. One thing was certain, they would not forget these memories for as long as they lived.

It was a warm spring day as Ken sat overlooking a hillside while a cool breeze tousled his hair from the opening in the car window. He stretched his limbs that had become stiff from the long ride and looked down at his clothes. Sonya had suggested that he wear something formal, but his options as a high school student on an island were limited and his school uniform was the best option. Pushing his insecurities about his outfit from his head, he focused on what his ears could pick up. The area was quiet with the exception of the dull hum of the car engine. As the sound of door opening broke the monotony, he thought back to how he had arrived here.

For the most part, the week before the new school trimester was a quiet one. While he usually would have been enjoying the late nights of video games and overall relaxation, Ken found himself more interested in Sonya. It was the first time that they had so much free time since becoming a couple and they both wanted to enjoy each other's company. It was during one of their halcyon afternoons that Sonya asked him to join her on a trip.

Usually, he would have asked questions, but the serious expression that Sonya had shown him was unlike any he had ever seen from her. So, he had silently obliged and the next morning, escorted by Theo, they rode the ferry to the mainland. A car awaited them and they had quietly traveled for what felt like hours. Anytime he glanced at Sonya, he was met with the same uncannily calm stare. It was as if she was bracing for something, he thought.

His fears were affirmed when they arrived at their destination. A hillside dotted with headstones and protected by iron fencing. There could be no more doubt, Ken thought, this was a cemetery. Familial placards decorated the section as the car pulled up and Ken nervously waited for any type of instruction or explanation. As he heard the door on Sonya's side of the vehicle open, her voice called out to him.

"There's someone I want you to meet. Can you come with me?"

Her voice was timid but as Ken met her eyes, he could see the resolve behind them. She wasn't pleading with him to join her out of fear. Instead, there was something that she wanted him to hear. Without responding, Ken slid across the seat and followed her from the vehicle while Theo stayed behind. Sonya gently stepped along a marked pathway that forked in several directions towards different headstones. Yet, she did not hesitate and moved along in such a way that let Ken know she had done this many times.

The situation felt like a strange dream to him, but he was more concerned with how Sonya was feeling. Yet, every glimpse of her face revealed the same calm visage. Just as he thought about saying something, she slowed her pace until they came to a standstill in front of a well maintained block of stone. Ken could make out the name as Sonya gingerly extended her fingers to touch the headstone. Kneeling in place, she looked at Ken with a half-smile before turning back to the stone and speaking in a nonchalant tone.

"Hey, Daddy... It's my birthday again... I hope you're doing okay. I'm doing... I'm doing really well, actually. I'm going to your school just like you wanted and I've made so many friends. Really good friends. Lyra, Ken's sister, is loud, but she stands up for her friends. Stella is quiet, but always thoughtful. Mary and Lucas work hard to keep us out of trouble. And Elise... She used to be a bully, but now she's my friend too. She's actually really nice underneath. I almost couldn't believe it."

A heaviness weighed on Ken's heart as he listened to Sonya happily talk about her life. It was as if she was picking up a conversation with an old friend. While he could never understand how it would feel to speak to a parent that had passed away, he understood that she was including him because she trusted him. Feeling grateful, he continued to listen as Sonya motioned for him to join by her side.

"None of this would have been possible if Ken hadn't been there to help me. A lot of things wouldn't have been possible... That's why I brought him to meet you. He likes to write and he listens to me. Even when I'm being... difficult. He helped mom and I start talking again. That's why I... That's why I love him. He's my boyfriend. So, I hope you like him too."

As Ken knelt next to Sonya, he awkwardly looked at the gravestone while fumbling for words. A warmth closed around his hand as Sonya grasped it tightly. Despite her calm face, he could feel her fingers shaking slightly. Even if he didn't know what to say, he would support Sonya. He promised himself as he squeezed her hand to steady it. This caused Sonya to smile as she spoke to the stone once more.

"I miss you a lot. I used to think that meant that I had to feel bad. Bad because I couldn't see you smile anymore. But, now... I understand that I have to do things that make me smile. And when I do, I know you're smiling too."

Heat filled Ken's eyes as he wiped a single tear from his cheek. After collecting his emotions, he started to speak as if talking to Sonya's father for the first time. Losing track of time, they shared stories about their school life and the friends that they had made. Eventually, Theo came to collect them before paying his own respects to his former employer and friend.

As they arrived back at the car, Sonya's expression wavered and her exhaustion was revealed. Yet, Ken said nothing and instead spoiled her as she fell asleep against him in the back seat. Still gripping her hand, he marveled at how strong of a person she was and he hoped that they might come visit her father again.

Arriving back at the Astaril home after stopping by the boy's dorm, Ken was invited in by a more lively Sonya as the sun inched closer to the horizon. Taking a seat in the sitting room he watched as she stumbled from the room and loud sounds of footsteps on the staircase followed. While she hadn't mentioned the earlier events at all, he could tell that her mood had improved. Smiling to himself, he was interrupted by the thunderous sound of the door opening.

"Did you bring the tripod I asked for?!"

Hoisting a large telescope in her arms that Ken recognized as the one from her room, Sonya swayed haphazardly as she carried it into the room. Quickly meeting her and stabilizing her by the arm, Ken held up a crudely wrapped box that he had picked up while changing clothes.

"Right here. I thought it was a weird birthday present, but now it makes sense. Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah, I think it's about time... It's what he would want. We might even be able to catch the end of the gamma normids meteor shower... If we're lucky."

Greedily opening the box, Sonya attached the tripod to the base of the telescope. Ken shook his head as he knew that she already owned several tripods, but he wasn't about to argue with what she wanted.

"I'm not sure what that means, but I'm happy to help. As long as I'm not in the way."

"Don't be dumb. I want to do this with you."

Sonya cocked her head to the side as she corrected him. Watching her switch modes so easily, Ken was reminded of how far she had come. She was surrounded by friends at school now and her grades were steadily improving. During their time together, she had become much more honest with both him and herself. Most of all, she smiled so brilliantly now, with each one brighter than the last.

She had spoken highly of him, but he also felt that she had changed him for the better as well. His relationships with his friends and family had gotten better and he was able to take pride in his writing. Thinking about the new submission that they had been working on made his heart fill with warmth. All of this because he walked back from school late and crossed paths with a strange girl in odd clothing.

"I love you, Sonya."

The phrase caught Sonya by surprise and nearly made her stumble from where she was setting up the telescope.

"W-Where did that come from!"

With a pink hue across her face, Sonya flailed her arms as she stomped in place. Ken could only chuckle as he replied.

"I just felt like saying it, I guess."


Turning back to the telescope, Sonya made a few more adjustments before looking through it. A few seconds later, she looked back at Ken with a flat smile.

"I love you too."

Not wasting any time, she motioned for him to come over and they took turns spotting the meteor shower. While Ken gazed through the telescope, Sonya would boast about her astronomy knowledge and steal glances at his wide shoulders. As they swapped places, Ken would watch her unbridled excitement and muse as the moonlight washed over her flaxen hair.

They reflected on how their values had changed. Where they had once decided that their lives were destined to remain isolated and quiet, that assuredness was now replaced with anticipation for the unexpected changes that made their days brighter. Raising her head from the eyepiece, Sonya's eyes met Ken's. While they exchanged yet another of countless smiles, they were more than happy to be wrong. This, they thought, was how they wanted to live from now on.

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