Ebenezer Scrooge x Reader

By S4m0H4m

12.6K 222 256

I decided to make this, as everyone is simping over this man(including me) and I need something to do! Pleas... More

Fred's Visit
Jacob Marley?!
The Second, at two
The Third, at three
(Fluff Bonus!) The Wedding
(Smut Bonus!) The Morning After
A/N 2

The first, at one

1.2K 25 19
By S4m0H4m

You finished cleaning up the floor you were working on. And decided to tell Scrooge.

"Mr. Scrooge? I finished cleaning this floo-"

"Y/N? Come here! I think I'm going mad!"

You went in, and there was a lady, made of wax with a flame atop her head, she was rather pretty.

"Oh! Mr. Scrooge I never knew you had a wife? She's lovely!"

"I'm not his wife- I'm his worker, he's letting me stay this night.."

"No matter! You'll join us then."

"Huh? I Never signed up for anything!"

"Well that's too bad."

She had created a large fire ring, with space like stuff in it, like it was glass, it shattered and you began to fall.



The three of you began to fall, wax lady falling more angelic than you and Scrooge.

You fell in snow, feelings slightly exhausted. Prudence falling on top of Scrooge ribs.

"Oooh..are you okay sir?" You winced, thinking of that to be painful.

"Obviously not-" Scrooge didn't get to finish his sentence as Prudence began to shake off the snow, onto him.

"Sorry! It certainly takes a toll going this far back, did I not warn you?" Wax lady told the both of us.

"No, you most certainly-" he paused.
"What do you mean back?" He pulled out his pocket watch and saw it going backwards in time.

"We're not quite there yet.."
It finally stopped.
"Ah, we're here, the past." She moved swiftly away with prudence as the building formed.

"I know this place, it was demolished years ago."

A man with a cart was walking by, Scrooge went up to him.

"What day is it? My word-" he tried to out his hand on the man's shoulder, but got electrocuted, and stayed on his head..?

"Ooh..Sir? Are- are you alright?" You asked, knowing what the answer was gonna be.


"I wouldn't do that if i were you! Nobody can see, or hear you!" She teleported you all into the factory.

"Oh! Look, Ebenezer Scrooge, working hard on Christmas Eve. Not very festive, is it?" She turned into young Scrooge.

"I had no choice, without my modest income, my mother and sister would've starved."

"Did you father not have money, Scrooge?" You decided to speak up, not using formality's, you feared he'd get pissed at you.

"He was not a poor man, but he spent his way into debtors prison."

"Ooh! Debtors prison..a horrible place..what is debtors prison again?"

"Debtors prison is..none of your business!"
Scrooge exclaimed, walking through a door way, popping out a door near by.

"You can't escape your past mate!" Wax lady gleamed.

Prudence was having the time of her life, when you heard a girl singing, you walked up the window. Looking outside.

"Oh she's beautiful!" You exclaimed, looking at the girl outside.

"Hm?" Scrooge and wax lady approached the window beside you.

"It's Jen!" Scrooge said happily.

Wax lady teleported you outside.
The girl had finished singing, and got into a coughing fit. Young Scrooge covered his sister with his jacket.

You noticed Scrooge seemed upset, so you slightly rubbed his back as to try to comfort him. You remembered he didn't like contact, and took your hand away.

"Sorry, I forgot.." You half-whispered.

"It's fine.." Scrooge looked down, facing away from you.

Wax lady came up behind you and whispered:
"I think he's a bit fond of you." She giggled.

"I doubt that-"
She continued, cutting you off.

"I don't think so, he's been staring at you this whole time with a little something in his eye."
She winked at you.

Your faced reddened. And during that time Jen gave young Scrooge a Father Christmas doll, and they sang together on their way home.

"Such a sweet child! Will she be alright?" Wax lady spoke to Scrooge.

"Yes, for a while at least. My father payed his debts and found the right doctor."

You spaced out for a moment. Your mind going south. Not in a h0rny way. But in an overthinking way. Scrooge has had a hard child hood. You began to think about Scrooge maybe seeing something in his past you don't want him too see.

During the time you were spaced out. Scrooge had finished his talking with wax lady and you were about to travel some more.

You heard a young man's voice.

"You have a week, and no more. Or we shall both have to find new employment. Good day."

The young man walked away.

young scrooge..?

"My, you were a handsome chap Scrooge! What went wrong?"

You looked at young scrooge, he was hot as hell. But, aging didn't change much about how hot he was. Not thinking, you said something you regretted soon after.

"Scrooge aging didn't change much about his handsomeness, really.."

"Ebenezer! Wonderful to see you my boy!"

Thank god he came in right after you said that.

"So that's Mr. Fizzifig!"

"Fezziwig, yes. I worked in his warehouse before Marley took me on."

"Why didn't you keep working for him?" You decided to speak up again.

"Marley offered a position with a lot more security! People will always need money, if I had stayed, I would've been Fezziwig's lowly apprentice. I needed to better myself before even thinking of proposing to her."

"Proposing?! Oh I do like a wedding, who's her? Where's her?" Wax lady was rather excited..

Fezziwig exclaimed for two women, Flora and Isabel.
"Yes, father? A girl with gorgeous blonde hair and blue eyes, looked over. God you were jealous.

Young Ebenezer looked so fondly at Isabel, both young Scrooge and old, said her name at the same time.

Isabel spoke:

"Ebenezer! How lovely to see you! My, you look splendid in your suit. Although, do you mind? "

She fixed his tie and he became a stuttering mess. You grew even more jealous of that Isabel girl.

Fezziwig spoke up.
"Ah! Ebenezer, do you have any plans tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, sir?"

"You know? Christmas Day my boy!"

"No sir, my sister is with her husband in Kent, there expected a child, you see, any day now. She invited me to visit, but I had to decline."

"Then it's decided! You'll just us for Christmas dinner, tomorrow!"

"I'm not sure I can, to much still to be done, And Mr. Marley doesn't even take the day himself!"

"Oh, do say you'll come Ebenezer! It'll be such fun!" Isabel took hold of his arm. Your face was beginning to redden, with rage. But you calmed yourself down. This is the past, he isn't with her anymore, is he?

Wax lady covered Prudence's eyes.
"Oh look away!"

"I..I uh..I'll talk with Mr. Marley."

Fezziwig hugged young Ebenezer.

"Did you go?" Wax lady approached Scrooge.

"Well, it would've been rude not to, I felt obliged!"

"I see, but you didn't enjoy it?" You asked, teasingly.

"No. Not one bit."

Wax lady teleported us to the day if the dinner, everybody was dancing happily, Young Ebenezer and Isabel in the middle. Having the time of their lives.

You spaced out, overthinking it again, wishing you were Isabel.

Fezziwig began to play more romantic music.
They began slow dancing.

(Not my song)

They say happiness is a thing you can't see, a thing you can't touch, but I disagree.
Happiness is the folly of fools
Pity poor me~
One of those fools
Happiness is standing beside me
I can see him, he can see me~

In the sky above, was that pocket watch he had, he was still In love with her..

Happiness is whatever you want it to be~
They say happiness is thing you can't see, a thing you can't touch, I disagree
Happiness is the folly of fools
Pity poor me
One of those fools~
Happiness is smiling upon me
Walking my way
Sharing my day
Happiness is whatever you want it to be~

Happiness is a bright star
Are we happy?
Yes we are
Happiness is a clear sky
Give me wings and just
~Just let me fly~
~Let me fly~
~Just let me fly~
Let me fly~
~Just let me fly~

They finished, you were lightly crying, not because it was sad, because they were so in love.

"A delightful woman!" Wax lady spoke.

"Without her, I believe Jen's death would've taken an even greater toll on me.."

"Did you marry her?" You asked, wiping your face.

"No, not quite.. I.."

"No?! I would like to see why not!"

"No!" Scrooge yelled, but she had already began teleporting us.

It was the office?

"I do wish you would stop doing that..Home! Finally! Well, goodbye. Whatever you are. I would say it's been a pleasure, but it hasn't."

"Where's my name?"

Isabel came up the stairs, humming. With a basket of food.

"Ebenezer? Hello?! Hello?"

"I'm still in the past!"
"Your a fast learner aren't you?"

Isabel stood on some boxes, looking in the window.

"Ebenezer are you there? I brought some lunch! I see so little of you these days, so I thought...I don't know what I thought."

"Ah! Lovely Isabel! But you said you didn't marry her?"

"We are!..we're merely engaged, for quite some time."

"I see, I would've thought you would've gone back to Wiggyfiz!"

"Of course not! His charity would've led to the same ruination that befell my family!"

Wax lady mocked him.

"I needed more security than he could offer. We needed it!"

Isabel finished talking with a man, asking where Young Ebenezer and Marley were.

Scrooge followed her.

"Lead in Scrooge! Lead on, alonsy!"


Your father was there, on his knees, begging.

"Please Mr. Marley, sir. This is my lively hood! My home! My family! Just one more week, one more day and I'll have your money, I swear!"

"You've had 3 weeks already, I am sorry!"

"No! No apologies Ebenezer, times are hard. And my financial burdens are, considerable. Should I add to them by putting upkeep from your entire family? Does that sound fair to you, Cratchit?"

"Sir! It's Christmas Eve! Show some mercy!"

"Oh no.." you cried.

An 8-year old you walked up to young Ebenezer and Marley.

"Sir, please don't do this to my father! He never meant anything wrong Mr. Marley! Please, just one more day!"

Marley knelt down, and spoke to you.

"I'm sorry, little girl. But it's too late. Your father tried, and he couldn't do it. Now, go on to your family before you get left behind."

Young Ebenezer looked so sorry for your young self. You were quietly sobbing at this point.

"I..I don't remember this.." Scrooge said, Noticing your tears.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" He asked

"No, I'm not. Your partner sent my father away, I never saw him again after that." You looked away, wiping your face.

"T-that girl was you..?" Scrooge questioned.

"Yes. Yes it was. I don't hate you. Just so you know." You looked up again.

"I'm not surprised you don't remember this scrooge, you seem to dwell on bad memories but never learn from them."

"Isabel saw all this by the way." You said.

Wax lady and scrooge looked at her, she was crying, wiping a tear.

We teleported again. Inside the office now.

There was knocking. Isabel walked in.

"Ebenezer? Can i talk to you? Alone."

"Not now Isabel! I have far to much work. Later! Later!"

Marley chuckled and got up, "I'll leave you two love birds to it shall I? Come, Boris."

Isabel was gonna leave. But she stayed.

When we first met
Your heart was free
Your hopeful eyes
Saw only me
Now yo ur looking for something
Something i can never be
When you are really all I need
You keep on telling me later
But later never comes around
Please stop telling me later
As you search for what just can't be found
Take my hand
Come with me now and we'll fly free
No more later we both know that's a lie
Don't let this be the day I say
When you met her
You were set free
Her love for you
Was plain to see
You kept looking for something a measure of security
But she was really all you'd need
You kept on telling her later
But later never comes around
Please stop telling her later
Stop searching for what can't be found
Take her hand
Go with her now and you'll fly free
No more later we both know that's a lie
This will be the day she says

They were singing together, it was beautiful. You wished Scrooge the happiest.

"Ebenezer? Some assistance please?"

"Yes Jacob! Coming."

"Later, Isabel."

"No! There is no later!" Scrooge tan after his young self.

Isabel took off her ring and placed it on the scale.

"Goodbye Ebenezer."

A glimpse of Isabel in the future showed in the sky.

"What's the point of showing him this if he can't change it? You want him to grief more than he already is?  Is that what your here for?!" You we're a little mad. Why?

Everything began to collapse, we were falling.

"You can't change the past! But you can learn from it! For your sake Scrooge, I hope you do! It really is time to go!"

You hated heights, which made falling for a little while made you start panicking.

"I don't like this!" You yelled.

Scrooge grabbed you by your waist and held you, you hid your face in his side.

You fell into this huge room, with a ton of portals. It was so shiny.

"Hello? Is there anybody there?" Scrooge yelled out.

"Sir, I don't like this at all.." you whispered, getting closer to him.

"Just call me Ebenezer." He grabbed your arm, pulling you close and moving it to your shoulder.

You had the craziest butterfly's. You were still scared tho. Where were you?

2329 WORDS?! WOW! MY ARMS HURT. I hope you enjoyed this tho! It's 2:30AM, I love y'all sm. I'll update again soon!

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