Pokemon Sword And Shield X XY...

By Hankan27

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"Whenever a story ends, another will be born. And that's what happened to this unfortunate person named Victo... More

The Beginning of the Story
The pen to write down the first chapter!
Saber is in our hands! To rewrite this world!
Believe in her strength! Kamen rider Blades! The Swordswoman of Water!
Experience in the first gym!
The thunder rumble the earth! Buster and Espada! Swordsmen of Earth and Thunder!
Scary interaction
Collective Conspiracy
An evolution of bonds!
Summer... filler?
The Swordsman of Sound bayonet! Kamen rider Slash dances in the summer!
Friend or enemy if opposite ideals?
Swordsman of wind! Kamen rider Kenzan! Stealth is it's specialty in missions!
The end of the conspiracy... Darkness always comes back!
The tree of belief!
The showcase challenge!
Oasis of determination!
The darkness twist the crime!
Home sweet belief
The darkness fades when there's light!
A friend or enemy from somewhere
The predictions and message from the future
The sorrow from the dream
The light that saves the day! Kamen rider Saikou!
The Ninja village under attack!
Flying! Smog! Sting! Steam! Swordswoman of Smoke! Kamen rider Sabela!
A Swordsman fights with all the colours!
A strong bond and smile repells the sorrow!
True identity and past
Pokemon Sword and Shield X Kamen rider Saber: Generation Gathering (Part 1)
Pokemon Sword and Shield X Kamen rider Saber: Generation Gathering (Part 2)
Pokemon Sword and Shield X Kamen rider Saber: Generation Gathering (Last Part)
A thousand and one chances
Moonlight hearts sparkles
Two illumination of light together
Moonlight dances illuminate the night
The preparation for the Masterclass!
The sessions starts!
Cold thoughts
Frozen from the outside but warm from the inside
Infiltrating of the base!
Fear has now arrived...
Grieving past
Resurrected to end the fear
All Seiken's gathered to create the conclusion of the end
Trust! Follow the right path!
Friendship! Rewrite the story!
Oh my, the sword of in-between!
A challenge, to become champion!

One always has their back's

40 2 0
By Hankan27

"Bonne lecture! Tassel here, in the previous chapter, we where shown that the Malamar is Calibur's side plan. What does that mean? I have no idea, and also, Victor's Seiken got sealed. How will he get the seal off from his Seiken some of you may ask? We'll be seeing that in this chapter," Tassel said

Chapter 8: One always has their back's

In the royal throne room

The other male figure offers something to Calibur, "Here, the door to the rift of time will likely open with this. Though I must ask one thing in return, what will you do after you obtain its power?" He asked

Calibur went silent for a while, "It's to use to accelerate our plan to merge the worlds," he replied

"Great, take this and go ahead. I can wait for you if you're ready," then give it to Calibur

He receives it from him, "I appreciate it, Storious," then he walks out of the room

In the hallway

Calibur is walking alone in the hallway, 'I swear to myself, I'll get them back... And I don't plan to move on without them' Calibur's thoughts

In the Sword of Logos base under the cafe

The four of them are gathered in the base and are silent. Until Naomi broke it, "So, you said that you want to go to Avalon, right?" She asked

"Yeah, but what I heard from other members that this place is where almost no Swordsmen or Swordswomen has ever venture. Until Touma has entered it to gain it's great power," Victor responded

"What makes Avalon so difficult to venture?" Hop asked

"It's more likely that it only chose those who have the worthiness of wielding such power," Victor replied

"Then, are you worthy enough to use it if you entered it?" Naomi asked

"I just hope so. And lucky too, just like what Touma did," he replied

"It must be a difficult process for him to get it," Naomi said

"He did say he was assisted with Kento who helped him to get to Avalon. But there's one problem, Avalon is something well known that there's a high probability Calibur is also planning to get its power," Victor responded

"So you need someone who can help you?" Naomi turns her eyes to Gloria

Hop turns to Gloria who was still silent the whole time, "Hey, is there something wrong?" He asked

"I... I refuse to get pass that weakness," she goes into the door that leads to the Libération

"H-hey! Gloria!" Victor called out her name but she didn't reply

"What happened to her?" Hop asked

"This is kinda personal to her. But Gloria wanted to be stronger," Naomi replied

"Stronger? Isn't she like already strong?" Hop asked

"She was, until Zooous defeated her in a fight. She was devastated by the defeat, I of course fought Zooous to help her and that is why my Seiken got sealed," Victor responded

"Why would she blamed herself for it? It wasn't her fault," Hop said

"It isn't. Yet she's taking it like it can't be passed through," Naomi replied

"I see... Victor, is the Libération a training ground, right?" He asked

"From what I know, time passes differently while in the Libération. In which places enormous strain on the body," Victor replied

"So that's what happens if you enter it?" Hop asked

"There's another I want to mention, it could put her life in danger," he responded

Hop was surprised by the information, "What? Did Gloria already know about that?" He asked

"Yes, I had told her before yesterday but she went in anyway," Naomi replied

"She does all of this to get stronger," Hop said

"It's not about strength she's after," Naomi said that got their attention

"What you mean by that?" Victor asked

She turns to Victor, "She wants to get stronger to protect you,"

"Huh? Why?" He was confused about it

"Don't you remember back in your home?" Naomi asked

"My home..." Victor tries to remember what she means by that

"Your death. Don't think that your death didn't effect everyone mentally," Naomi said

He then remembered every close death he faced, "I see... So it's my death the reason why she's like this I suppose," Victor responded

"Yeah, and that death. That death is where she can't get you back, it's the reason why," she replied

"So let me get this straight. She wants to protect people who's precious or she loves to her," Hop said

Naomi nodded, "You must be careful when fighting a Megiddo or a Team Despair's members with her. She won't accept her mistakes even how much you tell her," she said

Victor looks down and remembers all of theirs past relationship together, "No, it was my fault for being reckless. If I was a bit careful, I wouldn't be in this situation. I knew that they will use a sealing book against one of us, yet I was an idiot for not telling this sooner," he said and took out something and give it to her, "Please give this to Gloria. It's my apology and my appreciation for her,"

Naomi received the item from him, "Wait this is..." While inspecting the item

"I've had that book with me the whole time. I just wanted to wait for the right moment," Victor said

"Yeah, I think I can tell her about your appreciation for her," Naomi replied

"Hop, we're going to the Avalon together, since I can't use mine and that place can break this seal," Victor said to him

"Right. I can help you with that," he replied

"How'd you know you've already solved to the lead to Avalon?" Naomi asked

"Because, it was in the books," Victor replied, he then placed the books on the table and to show the writing

"Are these the clue?" Hop asked

"Yes it is. Here what it says," Victor is going to read the verses

"When the world unravels, a bright light and two dragons will come together, revealing a path to a chasm in the world's midst."

"The king slumbers in the rift of time,"

"These are both verses from the book of legends. And then there's..." Victor continue on reading

"When the 13 stories are connected by a sword... The world's rift shall be reached."

"That verse was in the forbidden book. The world's chasm, the rift of time, and the world's rift. They're from different books, but they all point at the same place," Victor concluded, "I deducted that it's a world located in an alternate dimension,"

"An alternate dimension?" Hop asked

"And then these words..." Victor is going to read the verse

"The king slumbers in the rift of time."

"When king Arthur near his death, he was taken to an island named Avalon. That would mean, Avalon exists in an alternate dimension," Victor responded

"Is that the kind of place we're going?" Hop asked

"Exactly, we're going to a place where almost no Swordsman ever wanders or ventures. Because it's a difficult one to solve if you're don't know what it means," Victor replied

"You know what? I agree going with you. Since high likelihood that Calibur knows about this and is going after the great power that's sealed within Avalon," Hop said

"I would expect his presence, since this dimension needs two dragons. He probably knew I'll be there too to get the seal off and going to take my book to get the power to himself," Victor responded

"So tell me, how can we get there?" Hop asked

"Here," Victor show the page to him, "This is how we get to the alternate dimension. And we need this too," then show him an art of the ancient Swordsmanship techniques, "A form of Swordsmanship passed down from ancient times,"

"I get it now," Hop replied then transforms into his rider form


Then he swings his sword like what the form of Swordsmanship depicts. Then the 13 books appears in front of him

"The diagram is composed of 13 stories, upon connecting them with the path of it's blade..." Victor said while Hop is swinging his sword and follows the instructions

"When the 13 stories are connected to a sword... The world's rift shall be reached..."

The books aligned themselves and Hop stabs the middle with the Raimeiken Ikazuchi. The books turned white and then into particles that goes to the door in front of them. The door opens to show a bright light

Victor was about to go in but turns back to her, "Naomi, tell this to Gloria after I leave,"

At Calibur

He opens the book and puts the Ankouken Kurayami sword up and say the verse

"As they call upon me. The 13 stories knock on the forbidden door."

The 13 alter ride books appears and organised themselves and made a pattern like in the forbidden book. Then, a bright light appears and Calibur then approaches it

At Victor and Hop

They've entered the door to see themselves to be in a distorted world around them that's constantly changing

Both then sees the bright light ahead of them and goes heading up to the light. "The bright light will reveal a path to a chasm in the world's midst! I'm sure that's the right one, let's go! Hop!"  Victor said

"Right behind you," Hop replied while following him

Calibur appears behind them while trying to approach the bright light

In the royal throne room

The members are in the room after Calibur has left to Avalon

"Calibur headed off to the world's chasm. Don't you think we should take this time to accelerate our invasion?" Storious asked

"I'd love to be one," Legeiel replied

"What about me? I'll do it!" Falchion said

Storious turns to Zooous, "Here, this is the book you must use," while giving her the alter ride book

She received the book, "It's an honour to merge the worlds with you,"

"Then what about me!?" Falchion asked

"And for you," Storious then gives Falchion the alter ride book

Falchion receives it, "Thanks, I'll be the one who'll do it first," he headed out of the room

"Wait, you can't just-" Zooous was cut off

"Now, let him do his thing and you'll assist him," the figure on the throne responded

"Hmph," she sat back down, "What a troublesome child we have in this team,"

"I know, right?" Legeiel asked

"I wasn't talking to you," Zooous replied

"We don't have time to complain," Storious said to them

In the Libération

Gloria is seen with her Driver and the books on it. She was training by unsheathing the sword while pressure is applied to her body. After a while she was exhausted but still wanted to continue

"Here, this will help you,"

Gloria looks back to see Naomi is offering her the book. She takes the book, "Where did you get this?" She asked

"It was from Victor," Naomi replied

"Victor? But why did he keep this to himself?" Gloria asked

"Because, he wanted to give you this in the right time," Naomi replied

"I see..." Gloria puts the book on the right slot and was about to unsheathed it

"There's something that Victor wanted to tell you before he left," she responded

She stops and looks at her, "What is it?" Gloria asked

"He said..." Naomi remember what he said before

In the flashback

"Naomi, tell this to Gloria after I leave," Victor said

"Sure, what is it?" She asked

"Tell her that I appreciate her efforts. But you mustn't keep it that way. You can be strong, but still couldn't protect and save everyone. Everyone has their limits, and that limit will get more difficult if you break it overtime. So please, don't put your focus all about protecting me, protect others who you call friends and allies. And for me, I'll save everyone if I can. And for you, you're still strong. There'll always be enemies who are stronger. But don't push yourself of the mistake you've made, but rather, you must continue on in your life," Victor responded

Back to reality

Naomi said what Victor told her to do. Gloria was surprised by the message he gave her

"Gloria, don't go overboard with the mistake. It wasn't your fault that his Seiken got sealed. It wasn't your fault that you're not strong enough," Naomi said

"Victor... Who would've thought he could give such message," Gloria responded

"With those three books. You can now use your Wonder Combo," Naomi said

"I know," she replied

At Victor and Hop

They're wandering around in a desert of some sort after they went into the light

They're trying to find the door to the Avalon until Victor spot one. "Hop!" He called out his name while pointing at the direction, "We're getting pretty close,"

"But it's still far away," Hop replied

"Don't worry, with you on my side, we'll get there in a minute," Victor was about to go there but heard something behind him and turns around

He sees a male figure wearing a suit of some sort that's dragging a sword and he's approaching him. "You did well going this far I could say. But are you worthy enough to receive its power?"

Victor was staring at him and can't see his face clearly because it's somehow got blocked by the sun behind the figure

The figure took out his book and press it

"Jaaku Dragon!"

He opens the page

"It was only one god beast which birthed the darkness that once enveloped the world..."

He closes and scans the book on the Ankouken Kurayami's blade

"Jaaku Read!"

The figure places the book into the Driver he has on his waist

He puts the sword above the button on his waist. The bigger version of the book appears behind him. "Henshin," the figure pushed the button on the Driver with his sword's bottom handle

"Ankouken Kurayami!"

The book behind him opens and the Jaaku Dragon cones out of it and going around him. He slashed it downwards in which he has transformed into his rider form


"Kurayami translation: Stealing the light, the jet-black sword ruthlessly rules the dark dragon..."

Hop arrived to see Victor is facing Calibur, "I knew you'd be here, Calibur!" Then he took out his two books and transformed into his rider form, "If we defeat him first, then his book will be ours,"

"Good plan," Victor took out his Gatrikephone and turned it into a vehicle then throws it before it gets bigger

"Ride Gatriker!~"

"I'll be ahead!" Victor rides on the Ride Gatriker and was about to go to the door but stops and looks back

Hop and Calibur are fighting each other until Calibur was rammed by Victor with the Gatriker. Hop moved away in the right time before he got hit

Victor stops the Gatriker and looks back at Hop, "There's no doubt he'll follow us if we head to Avalon. We'll settle things here," he said to him

"You've got it," Hop replied and taps on his book

"Lamp Do Alangina!"

Victor drove off while Hop is on a golden floating magic carpet. Both are heading off to Avalon leaving Calibur behind


At Falchion

He opens the book and summons a group of Piranha Megiddo

"I want you guys to break havoc in this city," Falchion said

"As you wish!" The Piranha Megiddo opens the blank book

Then the giant book appears and covers parts of the city

A book appears, Gloria and Naomi got out of it to see the book

"You have to stop them before they merge the worlds," Naomi said to her

"I know, and I'll use the Wonder Combo," Gloria replied and goes into the book

"Becareful, since it strains your body," Naomi said

After she entered in the book. She saw many people panicking and running away from the Megiddo. The city's floor has turned into a shallow water

The Megiddo turns to Gloria, "What's that I smell? That smells like a Seiken wielder!"

A bunch more Piranha Megiddo appears and is going to attack Gloria

"I don't care how many of you here, but I'll stop you all!" She took out all of her books

"Lion Senki!"
"Peter Fantasista!"

"Tenkuu no Pegasus!"

She opens the page

"There once was a God Beast with pale wings that shined down from the sky..."

She closes it and puts them in the slot of her Driver. The three books appeared behind her and she unsheathed her sword


"Henshin!" She does a vertical slash in front of her. Then the Pegasus, Lion, and fairy comes out of their respective books and are going around her

"The mane of the blue beast flutters in the sky! Fantastic Lion!~"

The three turns into her rider form and it finishes when the slash came back and turned into her visor

"Nagare Volume 3: The azure sword turns its fangs and controls the galaxy!"

"I won't let you guys make people lose their loved ones!" Gloria shouted


At Victor and Hop

They've arrived at the light that's above them. "We're here!" Victor said

"So this is Avalon?" Hop asked

Without Victor's noticed, Calibur was behind and was about to strike him but Hop got in the way and blocked it

"I won't let you do that!" Hop said

"I have no business with you!" Calibur pushed the sword and slashes him back, he took out his book from his Driver and scan it on the Ankouken Kurayami's blade

"Finish Read! Jaaku Dragon!"

He press the trigger

"Kurayami Finishing Flash!"

The dark energy is on the blade. He then unleashed a dark energy slash at Hop. He tried to block it but got knocked back by impact

"Hop!" Victor shouted his name

"Now hand it over, give me the Brave Dragon!" Calibur demanded while running up to him

Victor was prepared for the worst until their Driver's light up and both dragons comes out of it. The two dragons goes around the bright light

"The bright light and the two dragons have united!" Victor said while looking at it

The two dragons brought down the bright light and it turns into a grey translucent door

"The door to Avalon has opened," Calibur then goes up to it

Calibur was hold back by Hop. "Victor! Go!" Hop shouted

"Got it! I'll be back to help you!" Victor replied and ran into the door

After he entered, he's in a white void of some sort and looking around, "So this is Avalon? I must find it before Calibur gets here,"

"It shall be if you believe it,"

Victor turns his head to see a figure in ivory cloth cloak that had its hood down, "Who are you?" He asked

"Don't seek the great power that lies within,"

"I need that power!" Victor replied

"Do not seek that power,"

"I want it to fix this sword to save everyone!" Victor replied

"I said... Do not seek that power,"


Back to Gloria

She's fighting off the Megiddos while evacuating civilians. Falchion stumbled across her fighting them all, "What the hell! How'd you get that form!" He then ran up to her

He tried to slash her but she block it and kick him away and tap on the book

"Lion Senki!"

She turns into a water and goes through Falchion then turns back into herself and hurting him in the process

"How did you turn into a full liquid, lady?!" Falchion asked and went for another strike

Gloria uses the hook and tie around Falchion, "I heard about your immortality, it's quite annoying to fight you over and over," she said

"This isn't over!" Falchion responded

Gloria throws him around before throwing him away from her. The remaining Piranha Megiddo surrounds her. She sheaths her sword and press the trigger

"Finish Reading!"

Then unsheathed the sword


"Pegasus! Lion! Peter Fan! 3 Volumes Slash! WA-WA-WA-WATER!"

"Hydro Vortex!" She uses the hook and unleashed a stream of currents at the Megiddos. The Megiddos rise up and she slashes them all in one swing, eventually killing them all

The sky went back to normal. The parts of the city is no longer covered by the giant book that disappears after Gloria has defeated the Megiddo


Back to Victor

He's still having an argument with the figure

"Where is it!?" Victor asked

"Do not seek its power..."

"I need that power!" He continues to argue

"Do not... Do not... Do not seek its power!"

"Then how do I get its power?" He asked

"If you believe it, it shall be,"

"If you believe it, it shall be..." He then understand what the words meant and closes his eyes

His surroundings turns into pure darkness. A book appears but it's going around him, making it a bit difficult to catch it

'It's here. The book with great power...' his thoughts while closing his eyes

He reached his arm out and grabs the book. Victor opens his eyes to see the book is in his hand, "King of Arthur..." He read the title

"This begins your trial to prove your worthiness,"

He looks around his surroundings to see he is in a different place than before. He's in some sort of ancient abandoned ruins. He turns around to see his opponent

The opponent who will test out his worthiness, throws a magical fireball at him. He dodges the attack and opens the page of the book

"King of Arthur!"
"A certain knight king swings down the sword of poetic justice..."

He closes the book then puts the Brave Dragon and with King of Arthur on the Driver. He grabs on the handle and unsheathed the sword


"Henshin!" Then does a cross slash in front of him. Victor was in gulf in flames and showed his form

"When two volumes meet, that power will infused within the sacred blade! WONDER RIDER!~"
"Dragon! King Arthur!"

The opponent unleashed a fire light blue breath at Victor. He slashed it with the Kingxcalibur. Then it throws a multitude of light blue fireballs at him. He slash it all with the sword and the Kingxcalibur. He press the trigger on the Kingxcalibur to initiate a finisher

"Finish Read!"
"King Slash!"

Kingxcalibur alongside with Rekka unleashed a slash projectile at the opponent. It then gets hit by the projectile and was defeated, the results of his worthiness to carry the great power

Victor cancel out his transformation and looks at the remains of the opponent, "I was able to use the power... But will I prove my worthiness into using such power?"


"Both Victor and Hop has achieved their goals to arrived and get to Avalon to receive its power. Gloria has save the city from merging with the wonder world when they were away. But, who is this individual in Avalon called? What does he mean by trial? Let's see that in the future chapter. So anyways, I'll be going," Tassel opens his umbrella and goes outside then floats away


Pokemon Sword and Shield X XYZ X Kamen rider Saber: The belief in a story
Short stories
Episode 5: Guess which truth and lie

Victor, Hop and Gloria are in the Sword of Logos base together. They're there to play a game since they're bored

"This boredom is killing me, it's been days since they sent out a Megiddo," Victor said

"Oh I know, what about we play a game?" Hop suggested

"Good idea, what game should we play?" Gloria asked

"Let's see... What about those guessing which is true and lie kind of games about yourself, how about those?" Hop asked

"Yeah that's fine, alright who's going first?" Victor asked

"I'll go first," Hop said

"Then I'll go second and you'll be third," Gloria said to Victor

"Sounds fine by me," he responded

"Alright, guess which two are truth and one lie," Hop said

"Tell us what you want to make us guess," Victor asked

"One, I have a great singing voice. Two, I have a keen interest in being a pokemon professor. Three, I call by my brother as Leon," Hop said the options

"These decisions are way too basic," Victor said

"Just pick it already so you guys can customize yours whatever you want," Hop said

"The first and second,"

"One and two,"

"That's correct! Now you can do yours,"

"Any, right?" Gloria asked

"Yes, any options you can make and maybe change the rules," Hop replied

"Okay, this time it'll be one truth and two false," she said

"That's fine, give it your best shot," Victor said

"I wonder what her's will be," Hop wondered

"First, I swallowed Victor's ##### every night,"

"Wait what the f-"

"Second, I #### him off when he's asleep. Third, I once sucked his tongue,"

Hop was unhinged at the options, "Why'd... You make those your... Options...?"

"You said any," she replied

"Well yeah, but didn't expect that far!"

"Are you going to choose or not?" Victor asked

"Victor, can you give me any hints if any of these are true?" He asked

"Depends on what you believe," he replied

"I'm confident that third is true," Hop said

"Third option,"

"And you all... Correct!" She responded

"Phew, good thing that's one is true,"

"Now's your turn," Gloria said to him

"Mine is gonna be 2 truth and one false," Victor said

"Okay, I got it," Hop said

"Hmm... Mine are, one, I slept naked. Two, I #### every night. Three, I have a 10 inch,"

"What kind of- why did you pick these ones?!" He asked

"You said anything," Victor replied

"Wha- First off, what kind of relationship are you guys in? Might be the weirdest I've ever seen,"

"That's a secret,"

"Fine, I'll pick... One and three,"

"I'm going with two and three,"


"It's wrong isn't it?"



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