Pokemon Sword And Shield X XY...

By Hankan27

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"Whenever a story ends, another will be born. And that's what happened to this unfortunate person named Victo... More

The Beginning of the Story
The pen to write down the first chapter!
Saber is in our hands! To rewrite this world!
Believe in her strength! Kamen rider Blades! The Swordswoman of Water!
Experience in the first gym!
The thunder rumble the earth! Buster and Espada! Swordsmen of Earth and Thunder!
Scary interaction
One always has their back's
An evolution of bonds!
Summer... filler?
The Swordsman of Sound bayonet! Kamen rider Slash dances in the summer!
Friend or enemy if opposite ideals?
Swordsman of wind! Kamen rider Kenzan! Stealth is it's specialty in missions!
The end of the conspiracy... Darkness always comes back!
The tree of belief!
The showcase challenge!
Oasis of determination!
The darkness twist the crime!
Home sweet belief
The darkness fades when there's light!
A friend or enemy from somewhere
The predictions and message from the future
The sorrow from the dream
The light that saves the day! Kamen rider Saikou!
The Ninja village under attack!
Flying! Smog! Sting! Steam! Swordswoman of Smoke! Kamen rider Sabela!
A Swordsman fights with all the colours!
A strong bond and smile repells the sorrow!
True identity and past
Pokemon Sword and Shield X Kamen rider Saber: Generation Gathering (Part 1)
Pokemon Sword and Shield X Kamen rider Saber: Generation Gathering (Part 2)
Pokemon Sword and Shield X Kamen rider Saber: Generation Gathering (Last Part)
A thousand and one chances
Moonlight hearts sparkles
Two illumination of light together
Moonlight dances illuminate the night
The preparation for the Masterclass!
The sessions starts!
Cold thoughts
Frozen from the outside but warm from the inside
Infiltrating of the base!
Fear has now arrived...
Grieving past
Resurrected to end the fear
All Seiken's gathered to create the conclusion of the end
Trust! Follow the right path!
Friendship! Rewrite the story!

Collective Conspiracy

44 1 0
By Hankan27

"Bonne lecture! Let's recap from the previous chapter like I promised or you've already read it anyways. In the previous chapter, we learned that there is used to be an older Sword of Logos existed before our cast. And during that time, we learned that there was an attack of some sort. That is about Megids, what happened to the Swordsmen and Swordswomen? Only a few survived, sadly. But their legacies move on without them. And also we saw a picture, that picture has this mysterious boy that has almost exactly like what Victor's face is. Isn't that crazy? Or is it just a lie that the author made? Who knows, we'll see what is the truth behind all of it," Tassel said

Chapter 7: Collective Conspiracy

Team Despair's base

Footsteps fills in the silence of the hallway. It was revealed that Zooous is walking in the hallway to go outside. She walked passed Calibur and stops, "What do you want me to do with the Malamar?" Zooous asked

"I've made a plan," he replied

"And that plan is?" She asked

"To give us some time now while they're wasting theirs," Calibur gives her a book

"What's this?" She asked while receiving it

"One and only time use book that can seal a Seiken," Calibur continue on walking through the hallway to get to the base

"Heh, don't think you're special because you're different," Zooous continue to walk out of the base

In the Fantastic Bookcafe Kamiyama

Victor stretches his arms and yawn, "Is there any Megiddo's presence?" He asked

"None yet," Gloria replied

"It's been like days since they sent out that Hanzaki Megiddo. I'm starting to think that they have a schedule for using the Megiddo," Hop said

"You know what? Yeah, I'm starting to get worried that they're planning on something that is going to be very dangerous," Victor said

"We still don't know if Team Despair has members," Gloria said

"They probably have some. But they won't make their first moves yet," Hop responded

"Yeah, I'm trying to think what will be their next plan?" Victor said

"If I were to guess. Maybe or maybe not it's about mind control," Gloria responded

"Mind control? Who do you think that can control minds?" Victor asked

"Actually, there is a Pokemon that can do something similar like that," Hop replied

"Then what's the Pokemon?" He asked

"It's called Malamar. They're a dark and psychic type Pokemon. Their entries stated that it has a very powerful psychic abilities that it could hypnotized prey's and possibly control a minds of a human," Hop replied

"If that's so. What if they caught them and use it for evil? Is that the reason why they took so long?" Gloria asked

"I don't mind them spent their dedication to catch that Pokemon. But if it's true, then we should be prepared for something like that," Victor responded

In the Team Despair's base

Calibur walks into the royal throne room and meet up with the rest. "Hey, where's Zooous?" Falchion asked

"She's currently unavailable for now," Calibur replied

"I heard you had a plan. Tell me, what's the plan," Legeiel asked

"My plan is to use the Malamars that I agree to work with," Calibur responded

"Malamars? You mean those goofy ass squids?" Falchion asked

"They may look silly. But they're quite a smart Pokemon to use for my plan. And I needed Zooous to work with them," Calibur replied

"So you ask Zooous to work with the Malamars? Why?" Legeiel asked

"The Malamar has a special ability. That is it can hypnotized anything with it's powerful psychic abilities," Calibur replied

"I was expecting mind control," Falchion said

"Kind of, it's almost like mind control but different," Calibur responded

"By the way, when are we going to use the Megiddos?" Legeiel asked

"Soon, hopefully," Calibur replied

At Victor

He took out a book and press it

"Storm Eagle!"

He opens the page

"It is said that when this Steller's sea eagle appears, a ferocious tornado will occur..."

He closes the book and looks at it, "Touma uses this to gain the ability to fly. Might use this on the next fight,"

"I'll be going!"

Victor turns his head to see Gloria going into the book gate, "Where are you going?" He asked

"To somewhere," she replied and going into the book

"Hope you don't get in trouble," Victor said and starts to think about what Hop had said before

"Their entries stated that it has a very powerful psychic abilities that it could hypnotized prey's and possibly control a minds of a human,"

"If they have that kind of ability... Then were there incidents like that?" He gets up from the seat and goes into the fridge to go to the base

In a forest

A book appears and Gloria comes out of it. "They said an officer Jenny has gone missing and this is the last known location," Gloria said while looking at the Gatrikephone, "It's this way," and goes to the Radio Observatory

She stops in front of the tall fence, "Guess I'll destroy this thing to get past," then took out the Suiseiken Nagare Swordriver and was about to use it to destroy it until she stops when he heard something from behind

Gloria turned around to see a robotic Pikachu heading straight at her, "What is that thing?" She wondered

"Move out of the way!"

She looks behind it to see Ash and his friends chasing the robotic Pikachu, "You guys?"

The robotic Pikachu then rammed onto the fence and exploded. Everyone has fuzz up hair after the explosion except for Gloria for some reason

"Oops, another failure," Serena said while Bonnie coughs

"Failure is the mother of success... And I want to believe that," Clement then falls back

"What were you guys doing?" Gloria asked

"Oh, Gloria. We were trying to get Pikachu back," Ash replied

"Take Pikachu back? Then who took it?" She asked

"It was madame X and that Malamar!" Bonnie replied

"Malamar? Wait, did it took Pikachu?" Gloria asked

"Yeah, it use psychic and took Pikachu away. And also Team Rocket were involved and got controlled by it," Ash responded

"Got controlled..." She remembers what Hop said

"Their entries stated that it has a very powerful psychic abilities that it could hypnotized prey's and possibly control a minds of a human," Hop said in the flashback

"If it's about Malamar, I'll be in of a assistance," Gloria responded

"Really?" Ash asked

"Yes, I'll help you get Pikachu back," she replied

"All right!" Ash gets up

"By the way Gloria, how did your hair didn't get messed up by the explosion? You were closer," Serena asked

"Well, explosion was probably more concentrated on your side than I was," Gloria lied

In the Sword of Logos base

Victor is reading books to find if it's possible if Malamars can control minds, "It says here that it can hypnotize and make their prey do anything they want,"

"Victor!" Hop came down the stairs

He turns his head, "What is it?" He asked

"Where's Gloria? Where did she go?" Hop asked

"I don't know, she just likes to go on herself to somewhere that she didn't told me," Victor replied

"And you're not going to be there for her safety?" Hop asked

"I'm currently reading books about Malamars and their doings in this region's past," Victor responded

"Cool, any information you found?" Hop asked

"It says here that an officer Jenny went missing after going to the Radio Observatory to investigate a disturbance," he replied

"And?" He asked

"It's just blanks after that," Victor replied

Then, the book starts writing something on it. Victor and Hop looks to see the book is being written. "Wait, didn't you say that the books here always catch up with events that's currently happening?" Hop asked

He looks back at him, "Yes. And it says here that a couple of trainers has gone missing and their last appearance is in the Radio Observatory," Victor responded

"Can we alter that event?" Hop asked

"I hope so," he replied

They rushed out of the base and get to there to change the outcome

Outside of the Radio Observatory
At the six of them

Clement is done fixing the robot, "Okay, we're all set. Now, let me see how you work," he then presses the button. It turns on but doesn't function as well as before. "Huh, that's odd. Perhaps a loose wire," Clement said

While the four is looking at the place where the robot was heading. "That's the Radio Observatory that we saw before," Serena said

"Why are you here anyways?" Ash asked Gloria

"I'm here to..." She was cut off when Bonnie pointed out something

"Look! Isn't that officer Jenny's motorcycle?" Bonnie said while pointing at it

They look at where she's pointing and sees the motorcycle. "You're right, I wonder what she's doing here," Ash said

'Officer Jenny's motorcycle... So the source was right about this,' Gloria's thoughts

"You know, if that peek-a-bot of yours was on the right track. Maybe this weird joint is madame X's hideout," Meowth said

"Huh?" They turned around to Meowth after he said that

"Could be, officer Jenny could have gotten a report and went to investigate, I'd say the probability is quite high," Clement replied

"Okay, let's go in," Ash said

"Right," Serena responded

"Wait!" Gloria said that made them stops

"What is it?" Ash asked

"They're probably watching us, so we need to be careful if they found us or knows if we're entering," she responded

"You're right, why don't it has security?" Clement said

"Don't expect if it found us, okay? And also I'll be getting help to assist you guys," Gloria said

"All right," Ash replied

They all goes into the area except for Gloria who took a different route to transform in private, leaving the robot behind

Inside of the Radio Observatory

A Malamar shine it's hypnotic light at Pikachu. The Pikachu slowly gets hypnotized by the Malamar

The woman in the cloak laughs, "Now you belong to me, come Pikachu,"

The Pikachu went up to the woman and sits on her lap. "Good, I know you'll work very hard for me," the woman said


"Madame X we have intruders," Jessie said that's hypnotized

"So they found my hideout? Those fools, they're going to pay for this!" Madame X said

"That's not going to be easy if she's with them,"

Madam X turns her head to see Zooous in the hideout, "Who are you!?" She asked

"I'll be someone that'll help you with this," Zooous replied

"I don't trust you," madame X said

"Malamar," it shine it's hypnotic light at Zooous

The light did not effect Zooous at all. Madame X was surprised by this, "How are you not effected!?" She asked

"Did you really think that's going to work? No, it doesn't," Zooous replied

"I'll need to get rid of you! Pikachu go!" Madame X said

"Pika pika!" It jumps out of her lap and lands in front of Zooous

"I thought Calibur had told you. But oh well," she puts her hand on the chest and starts doing a scratch that transforms her into her Megid form

"What is that!?" Madame X asked

"Like I said, I'll be helping you," Zooous replied

"I don't need help from someone like you!" She responded

"Pika! Pikachu!" It uses Thunderbolt at Zooous. The electricity did not effect Zooous

"This is getting boring. You're just arguing to waste time," Zooous said

"Then who the hell are you!?" She asked

"I'm the person that Calibur talk about that's going to help you," Zooous responded

"Calibur? You mean that knight guy?" Madame X asked

"Yes, and I'll be helping you if there's someone disturbing your plan," Zooous transforms back to herself

Madame X chuckled, "That's wonderful. Now, you must get those fools out of my hideout,"

Zooous then smells someone who's also going into the hideout, "No, there's someone here that I'll be targeting," she goes out of the hideout to meet that specific individual

At them

They've entered the Radio Observatory and seeing two paths leading to different directions

"We should split up," Ash suggested

"Right, Bonnie come with me," Clement goes to the other direction while Bonnie follows him

"Okay, then we'll go down here," Ash said to Serena and Meowth

At Clement

He and Bonnie are going to the direction they're heading. "Officer Jenny.  Since we saw her motorcycle parked outside, she should be in here," Clement stated

"Yeah but where is she? I wonder if madame X got a hold of her," Bonnie said

"Ne nenne!" Dedenne pointed out something

They both stopped when a Malamar is in front of them. "Malamar!" Clement shouted


"So this is madame X's hideout isn't it!?" Clement asked

"Malamar..." It shine it's hypnotic light at them. They're staring at the light and slowly gets hypnotized

At Gloria

She's in her Lion Peter Fan rider form and wanders around in the Radio Observatory to find madame X

"They said they should be here..." Gloria said

Then she stumbled upon a Malamar that's using it's hypnotic light. Gloria quickly sheaths the sword and press the trigger

"Finish Reading!"

She unsheathed the sword

"Lion! Peter Fan! 2 Volumes Slash! WA-WA-WATER!"

"Fantastic Stream!" She unleashed a blue water slash at the Malamar and it hits

She looks in front of her to see Ash and Meowth, "Quickly! This way!" Gloria shouted

Ash and Meowth wasted no time and ran towards her to get away from the Malamar

They're now running in the hallway to find madame X to retrieve Ash's Pikachu and eventually saving everyone who got hypnotized

"Dig it now, maybe we'll finally get the chance to stomp all over madame X's plan to take over the world and save our buddies at the same time!" Meowth said

"That won't be easy to do!" Gloria responded

"What's your name?" Ash asked

"It's Blades. And I'm here to investigate the disturbance here. Never thought I'll meet you guys," Gloria replied

"Lucky for us that you've found us!" Meowth said

They've arrived in a different room than the other ones. "Hey, where are we?" Ash asked

"It's too dark to know for sure but I think we're inside the monitoring room!" Meowth responded

"I wonder if we're going to the right path," Gloria said

They continued to ran to find madame X. Until a light turns on and they turned around. They look to see madame X is on top of a pile with Pikachu on her lap

"You thought correctly," she giggles

"Pikachu!" Ash yelled

"So that's madame X?" Gloria said

"I knew you'll come here, Blades,"

They turned their heads to see Zooous in her Megid form

"A Megiddo?" Gloria said

"Since our primary is animals, why don't we fight?" Zooous ran up to Gloria

She blocks her attacks with the sword and they're going to the other side to not disturb them, "Ash! Go on and save Pikachu!" While holding off Zooous

"'kay," he replied

"Go on and show them your power," madame X said and Ash's Pikachu jumps out of her lap and comes down. The Pikachu use Thunderbolt on Ash. He gets hit by a Thunderbolt and falls back

"Ash! Are you okay!?" Gloria shouted before gets hit by Zooous

"Your fight is with me. Not her," Zooous said while kicking her

She rolled by the kick and turns her head to her, "Just, who are you!? Are you a Megiddo?" Gloria asked

"Half right. I'm Zooous, a member of Team Despair," she responded

"Team Despair?" Gloria asked

"That's right. And I remember clearly, that I once shredded someone like you who wielded that sword before. It's satisfying to see her getting killed while still being alive," Zooous replied

"You... Killed the previous wielder?" She asked

"Precisely, and you're next," Zooous goes up to her

Gloria uses the hook and Zooous caught it and pulled it to get her close. She scratches her and kicks her back. She rolls over and get up to slash her

Zooous blocked it with her claws and punch her back. She goes in for another slash but the results is still the same. "This is getting boring," Zooous then does a scratch that made Gloria fall back and she took out the book that can seal her Seiken then stops, "You know what? I'll spare you because the fight was so boring," Zooous said

She turns her head to see Ash that's getting hit by his own Pikachu with Iron Tail. Gloria wanted to get up to help but was too weak to do after her fight with Zooous, "Why... Why can't I...?"

"Pikachu can't hear what you say, madame X is taking Pikachu mind!" Meowth said

Ash still gets up after the hit, "I don't believe it. Pikachu's still my number one partner, and my friend. I know you can hear me!"

"Give it up Ash..."

They turned their heads to see them and Malamar too. "You guys... They've been hypnotized?" Gloria said

"No matter how you fight you cannot resist madame X," Bonnie said

"The world now belong to madame X with Pikachu and the Pokemon patrol," Clement said

"Pokemon patrol?" Gloria said. Then the gate opens to show many of the Pokemon that has been hypnotized

"This is bad..." Gloria tried to get up but Zooous stomps on her back

"I won't let you make the job more difficult," she said

"Pikachu, finish this," madame X commanded

"Pika! Pika pikachu pi!" It uses electro ball at them and follows with Thunderbolt that's electrocuting Ash

Gloria wanted to help but Zooous made her unable to do it


Outside of the Radio Observatory

A book appears, Victor and Hop comes out of it. "So this is the place?" Hop asked

"Yeah," Victor was about to go in but he got a notification from his phone. He took it out to see the GPS app notification to see Gloria is there

"What's wrong, Victor?" Hop asked

"Gloria is here," he responded

"What? She is?" Hop asked

"Yes, and I have a plan. That is by surprise," Victor replied


Inside of the Radio Observatory

Ash is crawling up to Pikachu despite being hurt by the electricity, "Pikachu... Can you hear it?... Fight it! You can't give it to her..." While still crawling

"You fool, you cannot win," madame X said

Gloria tried her best to get up to help but Zooous made it more difficult. "Stay still would you," Zooous said

"Pikachu... Buddy..." Ash couldn't handle the electricity until someone put their hand on his back

He turns around to see Espada behind him, reducing the electricity that was going to damage him. Espada nodded to him to continue and he turns back to Pikachu and puts his hand on it. The Pikachu stops using Thunderbolt

Madame X caught this by surprise, "Who are you!? And why did you stop to attack the boy?"

Espada gets up, "A bond like theirs couldn't be broken. Even with a hypnotism,"

"There is it Pikachu, you can break free," Ash said to the Pikachu

"Whatever bond left, I will soon break the connection forever. Pikachu, stop him now," madame X said

Zooous sees Espada in there, "Finally, a perfect one to use the seal with," she was about to go up to Espada but Blades grabs her leg

"You can't do that!" Gloria yelled

"Get off me!" Zooous shook her leg

Pikachu was about to use Thunderbolt but couldn't unleashed it

"You can do it Pikachu!" Ash said

As they were watching Pikachu failing to use Thunderbolt on Ash. A sound can be heard and everyone turns their heads

"Tornado Dragon!~ Eagle!"

It was Victor and he's flying straight towards Malamar and slash it. He lands in front of them while confronting Malamar

"Rekka Volume 2: A raging winged dragon that burns everything with a hellish flame!"

Victor pointed his sword at Malamar, "Guys, the ones that's using hypnotism is this Malamar,"

"Saber?" Ash said

"I do want to talk but let me finish this right away," he sheaths the sword and press the trigger

"Finish Reading!"

He unsheathed the sword

"Dragon! Eagle! 2 Volumes Slash! FI-FI-FIRE!"

"Flame Tornado Slash!" He summons a tornado on the Malamar, trapping it. Victor jumps into the tornado and slash it multiple times before getting out. The tornado that the Malamar was in just ignited in flames. After it dissipate, the Malamar is downed

Zooous is watching him, "Wow, wonderful," she kicks Blades off from grabbing her leg

Everyone who was hypnotized by Malamar has turned back to their normal self after Saber has defeated it

"Pika? Pika pi?"

Ash looks at Pikachu and see that it has returned to normal, "Pikachu?" Both hugged in joy after their reunion

"Why are we here?" Jessie asked while looking around

"Most likely to know where we are," James said


"You're you again! Big improvement," Meowth said

"Uh... Can someone tell me what Serena is doing over here?" Clement asked

"I guess... Malamar was controlling me as well," she responded

Espada goes up to Saber, "You came late. Where were you?" Hop asked

"I got lost for a second," Victor replied and turns to her, "Blades!" And ran up to get to her

Saber helps her getting up, "Hey, are you okay?" Victor asked

Espada was about to go to her but stops when madame X is in front of them, "Who are you really?"

Madame X stands up and her cloaks fell down from her. It was revealed that the madame X was officer Jenny. Everyone was surprised to see her to be madame X

"Officer Jenny!?" Ash said

"What am I doing? I got a report that strange things going on here and hurried over right away. Then, I ran to that Malamar..." Officer Jenny said

The Malamar then gets up and starts speaking. "Hey! Malamar says it's really grateful to officer Jenny for doing all of it's work for it!" Meowth translated it

"Work?..." Hop said before turning back to the Malamar

"What's going on?" Serena asked

"Of course! Malamar must have hypnotized officer Jenny so she could assume the role of madame X!" Clement responded

The Malamar starts speaking again. "Malamar says that's how it was able to start working on a new weapon," Meowth translate it

"A new weapon?" Officer Jenny said

"A weapon!?" Hop said

"And what are you going to do with it!?" Ash asked


Malamar replied to his questions. "Take over the world. Then that means we'll be doing all the work from Malamar like before," Meowth translated it

"In your dreams! Inkay Psybeam!" James said

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt let's go!" Ash said

"Don't forget about me too," Hop then sheaths his sword and press the trigger

"Finish Reading!"

Then unsheathed it

"Hedgehog! Alangina! 2 Volumes Slash! THU-THU-THUNDER!"

Inkay shoots out a beam. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt. While Espada is using his finisher, "Thousand Thunder Spears!" Then unleashed thorns with electricity at Malamar

All of their attacks hits Malamar but it floats up and retreating

"It's fleeing!" Clement said

"Come back and fight you coward!" Jessie said

"I'll get it!" Ash chase after the Malamar with the rest too

"Victor, Gloria. Let's go," Hop said and turns his head to see them gone, "Wait, where did they go?... Whatever they're probably gone back home," he goes after the Malamar as well

While they were chasing after it. The Malamar opens a secret passageway and they've entered it. The secret room has some sort of egg sacks in it. Espada arrived late and see it, "What is this?" Hop asked

"The new weapon, this is it," officer Jenny said

"So this is the weapon?" Hop look around


"That's right, this is how the new world starts, and that will only be the beginning of it's evil design," Meowth translated what Malamar says

"Mala Malamar..."

"But now that it's been discovered, it has to destroy the weapon right away," Meowth translated it

The lights turns on and made an explosion. Everyone started freaking out by the explosion

"Everyone! I'll get you guys outside!" Hop took out his book gate and open it

"Open the gate!"

The book appears in front of them. "This way!" Hop leads them into the book to get out and they followed


Outside of the Radio Observatory

The Pokemon that was hypnotized got out of it. The book appears and everyone got out. The Radio Observatory has made a giant explosion. Everyone is holding their balances from the shockwaves from the explosion

The Malamar can be seen that is flying away. Everyone look at the Malamar. "The beginning of it's evil grand design... Those words came from Malamar," Clement said

"What does it mean?" Serena asked

While Espada is staring at the Malamar, "What kind of plans does it have in the future...?"


At Victor and Gloria

Victor is fighting against Zooous who transport them into the wonder world. He's getting the edge while fighting her. She backed down and laughs, "This is what I want from a sword wielder. Better than that girl you call ally,"

Gloria looks down while Victor pointed his sword at her, "Don't think she's weak just because she lost to you. Blades... She's not a weak one! Don't underestimate something that will go over your expectation!" He said

Gloria looks back at him, "Victor..."

"Well then. I'll be taking your Seiken away to see if that's true," Zooous took out the seal book and ran up to him. She uses the book and chains starts forming on the sword

Victor got knocked back and cancelled out of his transformation. He tried to pull it out to transform but couldn't, "Why can't I?" Then realized something, "Was that the sealing book?"

"Yes, it was. And you no longer can transform," Zooous laughs and disappears from the wonder world

Gloria was in shock that his Seiken got sealed because of her, "No... Why couldn't I..." She clenching her fist


In the royal throne room

Zooous came back to the room, "Calibur, I did what you asked. That is to seal his Seiken. But bad news is, the Malamar has failed its plan,"

Calibur goes up to her, "That's okay, it's just my side plan anyways. It doesn't effect my main one,"

"Then, what's your main plan?" Zooous asked

Calibur looks back at her, "A different place with great power that exist in a rift of time,"

Later that night
In the Sword of Logos base under the cafe

Victor can be seen sleeping with an open book on top of his face. Naomi entered the base to see him, "Seriously? You could've just do that tomorrow than doing it this late at night," she goes up to him and took the book

She looks at the inside contents of the book

"Wait this is... The forbidden book. That means..." Naomi looks back at Victor, "He wanted to go to Avalon to break the seal on his Seiken,"


"Avalon? Forbidden book? What does all that mean? How will Victor get the seal off of his Seiken? We'll be seeing that in the future chapter," Tassel said


Pokemon Sword and Shield X XYZ X Kamen rider Saber: The belief in a story
Short stories
Episode 4: Falchion prank calls

Falchion is seen walking in the sidewalks in the dead of night in the Lumiouse city. He was bored after knowing that the summoning of the Megids are rather late

"Why do they want to send them out later? Why not sooner?" He said as he scratches his head while walking

Until then, he saw a missing poster about a missing Pokemon. The pokemon on the poster was a Yamper

"If I can't get entertain through that team that has a ridiculous schedule, then I'll try this. Hope this helps my boredom disappear," he said

Falchion dialed on his phone to call the number shown on the poster. The call was answered

"Hey, are you the one calling? If so, did you found Yamper?"

"Yam Yam Yam!"


Falchion snickers, "Who do you think that is,huh? It was prank! You got prank! Your Yamper will be forever missing!" He hung up the call and continue to walk after his prank call

The next day, he's back in the sidewalks in the dead of night. He's finding another missing poster to prank

"Let's see... What poster should I call," he said

Falchion then stumbled upon another missing poster about a bicycle is missing and they need anyone to call their number to find it

"I'll ignore the findings and I'll be the one pranking," he dialed the number and then called the number

The number answers the call, "Hello? Is this the number you call when you found the bike? I lost it when I left, can you bring it back? I put a lot of money into that,"

"Yeah sure, where do I drop this off?"

"Next to the Lumiouse tower, add a padlock so noone else can take it, be there for tomorrow,"

"I can't,"

"Why not? You called the number?"

"I can't if I haven't found the bike,"

"...wait huh?"

"It's a prank! I didn't actually found your bike!"

"Oh you SON OF A BI-" Falchion cut him off by hung up the call

"Now that's over, maybe prank calling people might be a new source of entertainment for myself," he said and continue to walk

The very next day, in the sidewalks in the dead of night. Falchion is back yet again to prank people from the missing posters

"Alright, let's see who's going to get pranked," he said

Falchion then sees a missing poster about a missing child

"That's perfect!" He then dialed the number to call the person

The person he's calling has answered the call

"Did you find my child?!"

Falchion then clears his throat to change his voice, "It's been a year daddy," he puts the phone away while holding his laughter

"Is it really you, Arthur?"

"I really really miss you," he said while holding his laughter

"I really miss you too, please come back... I've been worrying about your safety, your mother is very sad for your disappearance. Please tell me where you are..."

Falchion felt bad for the person who probably has depression after knowing their child is missing then changes his voice back to normal, "Hey, I'm the adult that just found him, can you tell me where to put him for you to take him home?"

"Oh thank goodness, we can meet at the Lumiouse tower if you can,"

"We can arrange that, we'll be there,"

They hung up the call and he decided to go to the Lumiouse tower after hearing what the person said about his missing child

He has arrived at the tower on ground level and waited for the person so he could probably comfort them in their desperate times

Until that is when someone put a bucket on his before being pushed down by someone

That someone was Naomi and she's there with Hop, Victor and Gloria after knowing who the prank caller is

"So this is the person who keeps prank calling us," Naomi said

"Then why don't we teach him a lesson to not do that anymore!" Hop said

"I'm in," Victor agreed

"Me too, I hate it!" Gloria said

Then they started kicking Falchion as he still has the bucket on his head while he's asking for mercy

"Please! That hurts! Please stop!" His desperate voice was ignored as they continue to kick him


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