All on me | byler

By mo_is_maladaptive

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SEQUEL TO 'KEEP IT BETWEEN US' SO READ THAT FIRST!!! (or don't idrc) Mike and Will are finally off to college... More

For the better chapter 1 preview
thank you


331 5 38
By mo_is_maladaptive

warning- cringy couple stuff and a little intimacy or whateva| also not proofread!

Mike was sitting on his bed playing his Gameboy while he waited for Will to come over to his dorm. He had gotten out of class a little bit ago and he wondered what was keeping Will. He didn't have to wonder for long though, because soon enough there was a knock at the door.

"Yeah!" Mike yelled across the room.

The door opened and Mike was faced with the most beautiful sight known to man: his boyfriend.

Will gave a shy smile and waved from the entrance. "Hi."

"Hey." Mike smiled back. "Come here." He tapped his bed for Will to join him.

Will walked over and sat on the bed next to him, close enough so they were touching. Mike took the opportunity to wrap his long arms around him and rest his head on his shoulder.

"You look good." Mike stared at his boyfriend.

"Thank you." Will smiled again.

"No really like-" Mike repositioned himself to feel Will's arm which was covered by a sweatshirt. Will was always insecure about his body
and nearly anorexic at a point. Mike couldn't have been prouder that he was eating better, and becoming more secure in his body. "You've been working out?"

"Maybe." Will giggled. 

"Damn." Mike started to put pressure on the muscle. "How much do you lift usually?"

"I don't know? Like 180? You can stop groping my arm now." Will rolled his eyes in a chuckle. "You're like- drooling."

"I don't know if I'm extremely jealous or extremely turned on right now."

"Oh my gosh." Will rolled his eyes again while trying to hide a blush. He quickly changed the subject. "Why'd you buy this stupid video game anyways?" He picked up the Gameboy. "I think it was a big waste of money."

"Excuse me?! This thing has got me through really boring times this semester!" Mike held a hand up to his chest.

"Ugh, whatever dude."

"Dude? Dude? I know you did not just call me dude!?"

"I mean the most smartest, super handsome, and most beautiful man I've ever met in my entire life."

"I like that name more." Mike murmured as cuddled closer to Will. Will could feel the heat of Mike's breath on his skin.

"What other names do you like?" Will started to softly massage his boyfriend's scalp.

"I like babe, and love of my life, and baby, and my boyfriend..." He looked up at Will.

"My boyfriend? That's a title not a pet-name." Will slightly nudged.

"Yeah but I'd like if you tell people that I'm your boyfriend. Like- Hi I'm Will and this is my boyfriend Mike. Yknow?" He explained.

"I do do that. When necessary."

"That's what I'm talking about. What does necessary even mean Will?"

"I don't know. I guess I don't need to blurt it out every chance I get." He shrugged.

"But why not?" Mike whined. "I'd tell the whole word that I'm yours. Cause I love you. I know you're not like ashamed of me or anything, but it feels like you are sometimes." He pouted.

"Does it really bother you that much?" Will sighed.

"Mhm." He nodded in return.

"I'm sorry. I'm not ashamed of you Mike, I love you too much for that. I'll start screaming it from the rooftops if it makes you feel better."

"It does. I love you." Mike gave him a kiss.

"Love you." Will replied as he softly grabbed Mike's face to deepen the kiss.

Mike broke them apart with a smirk. "Oh so you think you can just manhandle me just cause you're all big and strong now?"

"Nah, that's your job." Will smirked back. "Kiss me please."

Mike pulled him closer to where their parted lips were breathing the same breath. "If you keep saying please like that, I can do more than just kiss you."

"You're so lame with that little joke of yours." Will whispered back, closing his eyes.

"You love it." Mike connected their lips once again.

This went on for a while. The two of them went back and forth pushing each other for power. Their tongues met at a familiar taste as they repositioned themselves in a more comfortable position. Mike slowly snaked a hand up Will's sweatshirt. Will quickly responded by lifting himself up and lay flat on the bed.

"you're so hot." Mike murmured.


"god, i love your body so much." Mike groped harder as he kissed up and down Will's jaw.

"mike please." Will pushed up again.

Mike grinned. "aw, you said it again for me baby."


The couple was woken up by the sound of a phone ringing. Will wasn't budging so Mike would have to get up. In order to do that though, he needed to pry Will's arms off of him which were painfully attached to Mike's waist.

Mike reluctantly got up to answer the phone.


"Michael, honey is that you?"

"Oh, hi Mrs. Byers."

"Hi Mike, how've you been!"

"I've been fine, how about you?"

"It's been alright. Hey, I was calling to ask if you knew where Will was. I've been calling but he hasn't been answering."

"Oh, he's not in his room right now. That's probably why."

"Well- but I've called him two days ago as well."

"That's weird. I'll see what's up with him."

"Wait, today is Saturday; he doesn't have any classes. Where is he if not in his room?"

"Oh- uh... he's in my room. He's sleeping right now."

"Just can't separate the two of you huh?" Joyce laughed. "Ok, well I'll get out of your hair. Please tell Will that I've called, and tell him to call me back."

"Will do."

"Bye Michael!"


As Mike hung up the phone, he thought about how weird it was for Will to not be answering his mom's calls. He loves his mom more than anything and hated to have her worried. Maybe it was just a coincidence though. Maybe he was always out whenever she called.

"Mike, it's cold." Mike heard a voice call softly from the bed.

"Maybe if you'd put some clothes on, you wouldn't be cold right now." He joked. Of course he was joking. He could stare at his shirtless boyfriend all day long without ever getting tired.
Will huffed in return, closing his eyes, and turning the other way with all the blankets.

"I'm just kidding." Mike smiled as he went over to the bed. "Let me in."

As soon as Mike slipped into bed, Will's arms were wrapped around him again. "I love you."

"You love me?" Mike brought up one of his hands and layed soft kisses on the fingers.

Will smiled at the gesture and dug his face into Mike's back. "Mhm, I love all of you. Every single bit."

"I know you do. I love you too."

Will hummed in return, still not opening his eyes. "Was that my mom who called?"

"Yeah, she wants you to call her back asap."

"Ugh, I'll do it later. Mike?"


"Can we go out tonight? Together?"

"Of course we can, anything you want."

There was definitely something going on. Maybe a good thing, maybe a bad, but Will was acting different. Of course he liked when Mike took him out and such, but his whole demeanor was a bit off. He initiated everything last night for crying out loud! Mike's usually the one begging for them to do something in bed.

"K, well I'm gonna go shower and then head to the gym. Do you wanna go with me?" Will asked.

"Nah, that's your thing. Will, don't forget you have a session later today." Mike reminded.

"Ok mom." Will got out of bed to slide his pants on. "I'm a big boy, I can handle my own schedule." He scoffed.

"Well sor-ry. Just trying to help." Mike rolled his eyes.

"Yeah well I don't need a talking calendar babe." Will gave Mike a peck on the lips before turning towards the door. "Bye."


After his shower, Will went back to his room to get dressed for them gym. He started going regularly because he therapist suggested him taking up a hobby. She also said that exercise helps to clear the mind, so why not work out at the completely free student gym upstairs? Will thought.

"Morning Luke." Will greeted as he walked through the door.

"William." He nodded from his bed. "I take it your night went well."

"It did actually, thanks for your concern."

"Well where are you going now?" Luke asked Will who was packing a bag.

"Gym. I'll be back in a bit."

"Good for you! Get those abs man!" Luke teased.

"Ha. Ha. I'm out of here."

Will made his way upstairs, planning on starting with cardio.

"Will! Hey!" Tyler came behind him with a big smile as he rested a hand on Will's shoulder.

"Hi, Tyler. How are you?"

"Hey Will. Headed to the gym?"

"Yep. That's why I've got my gym bag in hand, standing in front of the gym." He raised an eyebrow.

Will didn't really want people he knew watching him work out.

"Feisty, aren't we? Come on, what are we doing first?" Tyler urged Will into the gym, not taking the hand off his shoulder.

"Well I was just gonna do some running for a while." Will shrugged, trying to shrug off Tyler's hand. Man this guy was annoying. No boundaries. Will could never live in a world with no boundaries.

"How about I join you? I come in here everyday, maybe I could show you some things." Tyler offered.

"No, I'm good. I kinda have a routine so..."

"Oh. Don't worry, I can take a hint." Tyler smiled awkwardly. "See ya." His mood fell.

As much as Will wanted to be alone, he felt incredibly bad about the way he treated Tyler. As soon as he was done, he was going to go apologize.

About an hour later, Will noticed that Tyler was heading for the showers. "Tyler, wait!" He called out.

"Oh, hey."

"Hey uh- I'm really sorry for the way I acted earlier. I didn't mean to be so rude. I just wanted to be alone yknow?"

"Aw, it's fine. No hard feelings. But I mean, if you wanna make it up to me, I was gonna go to this spot I know tonight. You could come with me if you really want." He tried. All black dress code. I'm cool with the bartender so don't worry about that.

"I mean, I was supposed to go out with Mike tonight though."

"He could go too." Tyler shrugged.

"Yeah?" Will smiled.

"Yeah." Tyler returned it. "Yeah, why not? The more the merrier right? Hey, I'm gonna go wash off and head home for a little while, but I'll swing by again later for details.

"Ok, for sure." Will was much chipper now. "Bye!"

"Bye." He waved.


"Miiiike?" Will asked, walking into Mike's room.

"Yeah babe?"

"I have a question. But like- you can't be mad or anything ok? You have to hear me out first."

"Uh-huh. What is it?"

"Don't get all crazy. Just think it through ok?"

"Will. What do you want?"

"So um... so Tyler offered you know- uh, he gave me an invite to go to this bar, and he said that you could come as well." He explained lowly.

"Will, we're supposed to go out tonight! Don't tell me you said yes to that asshole!" Mike got up from his bed.

"We will be going out! And yeah, I did say yes! Why does he have to be an asshole anyway? What did he do to you?"

"He called you hot!"


"W- I- He-"

"What? Do you think he was lying Mike? You afraid of people complimenting me?"

"No- I just- He-"

"We're going. We wanted to go out, now we have plans already set for us."

"I can't get out of this, can I?" Mike sighed.

"Nope, not unless you want what happened last night to never happen again."

"You're gonna be holding that against me forever right?"

"Maybe." Will shrugged.

"Hey, did you ever give your mom a call?" Mike took a seat at his desk.

"Oh, I'll do it later."

"Later? You said later earlier. Now it's later. Wait- No, yeah. Now is later. So you should call her now."

"Why are you so worried? I'll do it." Will chuckled.

"Well, she says that you haven't been answering her calls lately. I think she misses you. And aren't you two supposed to be planning a date for her to come visit?"

"Yeah. And we'll do that when I call her. La-ter."

"I don't know, I just have a feeling that you're not gonna do it later like you say." Mike shrugged.

"So you have a feeling that I'm a liar?"

"That's not what I mean! It's just that you're gonna be busy and you might forget, yeah? And you're mom I mean- she seemed like she really wanted to talk to you. I told her that I would see why you haven't been answering her calls. I can't lie to my mother-in-law!"

"Your WHAT? Mike, last time I checked, we weren't married because I don't have a ring on my finger!"

"Ok, ok, ok! Just- you're not avoiding her, right?" Mike asked.

"W-what? How could you even say that?! I'm not avoiding my own mother's calls!"

"Alright. Just make sure she knows that."

"Alright just make sure she knows that." Will murmured in a mocking tone.

There was a moment of silence before Mike was lunging at Will.

"MIKE!" He laughed into the bear hug. "GET OFF!"

"Don't make fun of me." He pouted.

"Ok, I get it! Let go of me!"

"Fine. Hey, what about that ring you mentioned?" Mike unhanded Will.

"What about it?" Will panted.

"Is that what you want? Would that get you to marry me?"

"I don't know. How expensive would it be?" Will decided to play along.

"Only the best for you." Mike hummed, hugging Will's waist from behind. "Whatever it takes for you to spend the rest of your life with me."

"You know I'm just teasing. I'd marry you right now if I could." Will melted into the touch.

"What's stopping you?"

"Hm, the law maybe?" He smiled.

"I'll put on a wig, they'll never know!"

"That might just work." Will giggled. "Mike, do you really wanna marry me?"

"I wanna marry you like- last year babe." Mike rolled his eyes.

"You want me to be your husband Michael?"

"I've never wanted anything more in my entire life. I want you to be my husband, and I wanna be yours."

"Mm, well too bad you're not a girl." He giggled again. "How dare you really?" He joked.

"Hey well, just because I can't marry you doesn't mean I can't propose to you."

"With no ring? I think not!" Will huffed.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna get you a nice flashy one to match your pretty little hands."

Will did a dramatic gasp as he backed away from Mike. "Little!? My hands are not little!"

"Come on Will, they're kinda... they're kinda tiny. But it's cute! It's so, so cute!"

"Mhm." He stared up at Mike. "Mike, do you think we're ever gonna be able to get married?"

"I don't know. Maybe. But I'd still be able to tell people you're my fiancé either way." He grinned.
"Soon to be wed."

"I love you. And I'd love to marry you."

"And I'd be the luckiest guy ever if I got to marry you."

"You would be, wouldn't you?" Will snickered.

"Yeah, now go and get ready for your session! I'll walk you."

Will shook his head. "You always do, Mike."

word count: 2675

a/n: don't wanna keep y'all waiting so here's a quick chapter! big emotions next chapter! *cough* lots of angst *cough* you'll see!

love you guys <3

~Mo :)

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