Breaching Chains

By Jesse_1010

13.8K 799 491

He was my undoing, I was attracted to him like a moth to a flame. Everything about him screamed danger. He wa... More

Breaching Chains
Copyright Statement
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

1.4K 85 65
By Jesse_1010


  I still couldn't believe Scott dragged me into this and most of all how did I agree to this madness? I couldn't sleep all night and how could I? When I knew what I had to do in the near future. Tricking an innocent girl and taking her to Scott, just the thought of it made my guts wrench. I felt disgusted with myself!

  I dragged my suitcase behind me as I passed the clearance. River was busy flirting his ass off with some random girl like usual and I glared at him. I swear all that guy can ever think about is girls. We just landed in New York and he was having trouble keeping it in his pants! I didn't have time for this. I wanted this mission to be over as soon as possible so I could save my self from all this guilt. River obviously, sensing my mood stopped immediately and walked in my direction.

  "Lets get a cab. I know the address to the hotel," he suggested and I nodded my head as we advanced towards the exit. I hadn't really spoken to River. He knew that I wasn't particularly cheerful about this trip. The guy knew better than to get on my bad side, so he didn't bother saying anything as well.

  I was quiet the entire ride but River couldn't stop his yapping about how Los Angeles was much better than New York. I could tell that even the driver was starting to lose his calm around him and I smirked, this was so typical of him to annoy the hell out of the other person. Don't get me wrong I loved him like a younger brother that I never had, but sometimes I just wanted to stuff a sock in his mouth.

  We finally pulled up in front of some fancy looking hotel. I could tell that it was in some posh area because of all the security. I knew exactly why Scott picked it. It blended well with the story, if the girl asked why I was in Manhattan.

  Grabbing my suitcase, I stepped out of the cab and made my way inside through the self-closing door. A bell boy immediately took our suitcase as River went over to the reception desk to get the key card.

  By the time we got to our suite I was really tired to look around, unlike River who left a puddle of drool on the expensive carpet with his mouth hanging open as he continued to gawk.

  I took my suitcase from the bell boy and went straight to my room. There was a sudden, sharp burst of pain in my head and I closed my eyes. This was probably due to my lack of sleep. I downed a few painkillers down my throat.

  Kicking my shoes off, I buried my face in the pillow and made a useless attempt to leave everything behind. The pills soon kicked in as my eyelids started to get heavy and I drifted into a restless sleep.


  The sound of someone knocking on the door woke me up and I groaned, lifting my head from the pillow. I rubbed my temples while getting up and glanced at the wall clock.

  There was another knock. I stood up and walked over to the door and opened it to reveal River standing there with a cell phone in his hand.

  "Scott," he said apologetically and handed me the phone. I let out an aggravated sigh and I gripped the phone tightly. I really wasn't up for this right now.

  "Yeah?" I asked dryly and River shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another. He knew exactly how heated up situations could get when I talked to Scott.

  "Next time, pick up your fucking phone when I call you!" He barked. I still had a slight headache and decided to ignore him. I was in no mood of shooting back sarcasm even though I felt anger boil in my blood as soon as I heard his voice.

  "What do you want?" Was all that I said and heard him curse before he spoke again.

  "You're starting the job tomorrow. I want her here as soon as possible," he snapped and I clenched my jaw while taking a few deep breaths too calm myself. Did he really need to remind me?

  "Do I have a choice?" I shot back at him.

  "Listen kid, don't you even dare mess this up because if you do I'm going to make you wish you were never born," his voice was chillingly calm and the line went dead.

  Rage was all that took over my senses. I clenched my hand into a tight fist, so tight that I'm sure it must have stopped the blood circulation in that area. I glanced at the phone clutched in my hand as I drew a shaky breath and threw it away. It smashed against the wall.

  I needed to get out of here before I broke every single thing in this room. I needed fresh air to get all the anger out of my system, which I highly doubt will help at all. Grabbing my jacket from the suitcase I started for the front door.

  "Jay, where are you going?" River asked quickly as he saw me from the living room.

  "I don't know," I tried not to get annoyed and started to walk again but felt his hand on my shoulder.

  "Listen man, I know you don't want to be a part of this but we really don't have a choice. Scott will get what he wants either you do this or not," he said patting my shoulder before retrieving his hand and I glared at him.

  "I need some fresh air," I informed and left the suite without looking back. River was right, the sick bastard will go to any limits to make sure I did what he wanted and that clearly meant that no matter how much I tried to escape this he wouldn't let me.

  The wind was blowing harshly. It was freezing outside and I pulled the hood of my jacket over my head, stuffing my hands inside the pockets. I had no idea where I was or where I wanted to be. After leaving the hotel I just kept walking. I had completely lost track of time, my mind was too preoccupied to concentrate on anything.

  The streets were deserted and why wouldn't they be? Who in their right set of mind would want to walk the streets in this cold? My headache was slowly returning and I rubbed my temples.

  Everything in my life was pointless! I was forced into a life I never wanted for myself, I was being forced into doing something that made my guts wrench. Nothing made sense. I kept walking as the memories from my past started replaying in my mind. I remembered all those times I tried to finish myself off but only to be saved and shoved into this pathetic well again. It would've been so much better if I had died. I clenched my jaw at that thought.

  "Please..." A faint voice came from somewhere, which was followed by a sob and I stopped dead in my tracks.

  I looked over my shoulder to see if anyone was there but the streets were just as empty as they were a few seconds ago. A small cry came once again and I realized it came from the alley I had just passed. I heard another sob and turned around to follow that sound.

  A voice inside my head was telling me to stop, to avoid that sound. I had enough crap to deal with in my life and really didn't have room for more. I knew I should have just walked away and pretended like I never heard anything. But I couldn't, even though my instincts were shouting at me to make a run for it, I decided not to give in to them.

  As I got near the alley the sound of crying became louder and I walked inside. My eyes landed on a guy who was pinning some girl to the wall, his face buried in her neck while she was crying and wriggling to get away from him. Another guy was standing behind them, probably waiting for his turn.

  The scene in front of me was enough to make my blood boil. I've dealt with many scums like these. It wasn't something out of the ordinary when you were surrounded by sick fucks. I stepped closer to them and nobody noticed me because of the dark. I couldn't bear to watch further.

  "Get away from her," I warned trying to mask my anger behind my calm voice, giving them time to run before I broke every single bone in their body. All heads snapped in my direction and my eyes settled on the girl who was sobbing uncontrollably.

  "Please, help me..." She managed to say in between sobs. Her voice sounded so helpless and vulnerable that it made me clench my hands into fists. The guy still pinning her to the wall sneered in my direction.

  "Get lost!" He barked.

  "I'm telling you one last time. Get away from her," I took a step closer. I was losing my calm and was on the verge of ripping his throat out.

  "Trey, take care of that," he ordered, looking at the guy behind him before burying his face in the girl's neck again, making her cry as she struggled and tried to push him away.

  He really shouldn't have done that. This fucker was going to bleed from every pore when I'm done with him. I was about to yank him away from her when that Trey guy plunged at me with his fist in the air, about ready to punch me in the face and I blocked it.

  I kneed him in the stomach causing him to double over and groan. I kneed him once again, this time in the face. He cried in pain and fell backwards. I wasn't done with him.

  The loud thud of him hitting the ground made the other guy lift his head and look in my direction. He finally let go of the girl and started to walk towards me but my eyes were fixed on her the entire time. She was sliding against the wall and slumped on the ground crying hysterically as she clutched her knees close to her chest, hiding her face in them.

  My eyes flicked from her to the sick fuck who was now standing in front of me, before I had a chance to react I felt a sharp pain in my left arm as a knife ripped through my flesh, causing me to grit my teeth in pain. He's seriously gotten himself a ticket to hell now.

  Without wasting a second I grabbed him by the throat, ignoring the pain that instantly shot up my arm and punched him hard on the face. I heard his bone snap but that didn't stop me from punching him again and again until he stumbled backwards covering his bloody face.

  His friend had already picked himself up and both of them were looking at me with wide eyes. I advanced towards them but the cowards sprinted in the opposite direction.

  I wanted to run after them and make them suffer but stopped immediately when my gaze shifted to that girl who as still crying with her head buried in her knees all. I had to make sure she was okay.

  I dropped down on one knee in front of her, "are you alright?" I asked but she continued to cry. She looked so fragile. I moved a few inches closer so she could hear me over her crying.

  "Did they hurt you, are you injured?" I asked once again, this time she shook her head weakly.

  "They're gone now. You can get up," I informed and was about to stand up when she gently lifted her head from her knees. Her eyes met mine and they immediately went wide.

  Fuck, her eyes were gorgeous. Those green orbs were sucking the air right out of my lungs making it impossible to breathe. Her eyes held mine captive and I was having a real hard time looking away.

  A small whimper escaped her mouth and if it wasn't for our proximity I wouldn't have even heard it but that was enough to snap me out of whatever transe I was under. What the hell am I doing?

  I got to my feet immediately, willing myself not to look into those eyes again, "you should get up now." I said looking out of the alley, afraid I'd lose myself again if I looked at her innocent face. I felt her move in my periphery vision as she struggled to stand up. The silence stretched between us and I knew I had to walk away but god help me I couldn't.

  Fuck this, I mentally slapped some sense into myself and finally forced my legs to function. To take me away from her and silently made my way out of the alley.

  I stopped abruptly when I heard footsteps following me and looked over my shoulder to see her standing there, hugging herself. I turned around to face her and was about to ask how she was getting home when she gasped as her gaze fell on my injured arm. She closed the distance coming to stand only a few feet away from me.

  "Your arm, it's bleeding," she hastily reached out her hand to touch my arm but pulled it back as if afraid to touch me.

  "You need to go to the hospital to get that examined. The cut is deep," she spoke again, her voice draped with concern and I barely glanced at my arm.

  "Follow me," I told her and her eyes instantly went wide. She looked unsure.

  "I won't hurt you," I assured and she continued to stare at me like that before nodding her head in silent agreement. None of us tried to break the silence as I walked with her following close behind me.

  My gaze landed on a cab and I stopped to haul it when I felt her small frame run into my back. The brief contact was enough to send my senses into an over drive. She let out a suppressed groan, moving back and I looked over my shoulder.

  "You okay?" I asked watching her as she rubbed her nose, nodding her head slightly. She looked embarrassed and I couldn't help but smile at how her cheeks were changing colours.

"Where do you live?" I asked but instead of answering her eyes doubled in size again. I groaned internally at how that made her eyes look more beautiful, if that were even possible. Does she really think I'm going to stalk her?

  I raised an eyebrow which seemed to make her facial expressions change instantly and she gave me the address to her place. I nodded and held the rear door of the cab open for her.

  "Sit," I nodded towards the vehicle and she obeyed. I closed the door and walked over to the other side. I repeated the address to the driver and handed him the fare.

  "Drive her straight home." I warned giving him my death glare and he nodded quickly, looking nervous.

  I pushed my self away from the cab and took one last look at her. She was still staring at me with wide eyes and a bewildered look on her face. I shook my head in amusement as the cab sped off. I memorized the number on the number plate just in case and pulled the hood of my jacket over my head before walking back to the hotel.

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