Wednesday's Child Is Full Of...

By BaguetteManOfficial

438K 18.9K 7.7K

New cover is courtesy of the wonderful @Aikon_MJ5 Apparently this story has been"Hand picked by Wattpad amba... More

Wednesday's Child Is Full Of Woe
Making Friends
The Semester Begins
Classes Resume
The Investigation
The Rave'N
The Week Of Despair
I Wrote This Late At Night. I Love It.
The Addams Family
The Family
I Cant Think Of A Good Chapter Title
Thing's Mission
Another Sleepover
Making Friends
Very Productive Writing Time
Date Night
A Day Out
Wednesday's Birthday
Wednesday's Conundrum
The Better Birthday Chapter
Baby's First Torture
Waffle Aftermath
Swap Part 2
The Thinning Of The Herd
Abyssinia Enid
Muffin Of Death
Courtney's Home
Video Chats
The Blood
Wednesday Returns (Is This Clickbait? Read And Find Out)
Enid Returns
Last Day Of Freedom
March; School Starts Up Again
May; Plans
Puppy Love
"The End"
Winds From Another World Pt. 1
Winds From Another World Pt. 2

M Is For Murder

10.7K 428 378
By BaguetteManOfficial

(Consider this extra long chapter my Chanukah gift to you all. Crappy gift right? Well I still expect something in exchange. Mwuhahahha!)

"This is the second killing this week" (y/n)'s cat like ears caught the news before he saw it. The body was apparently similar to one that had been found in town right before his arrival in the school, similar as in both students had been completely drained of their blood.

"Oh god" (y/n) quickly covered his mouth as he couldn't look away from the body the crowd was gathered around.

"I admire the workmanship" the voice of Wednesday Addams spoke from besides the boy. "The subject was completely drained of blood and if it's anything like the last body there will be no evidence as to who the killer could be"

(Y/n) just nodded, unsure or unable to respond to the girl. He wasn't sure how she was so calm in a moment like this when all he could do was barely stop himself from throwing up.

"What's the crowd about?" Enid's voice came after another moment at the back of the crowd.

Wednesday looked at (y/n). "If she sees this she will likely pass out" (y/n) nodded before quickly turning and walking towards Enid.

"Come on" (y/n) spoke quickly. He grabbed Enid's arm as he kept trying to hold back the urge to throw up.

"What's happening?" Enid asked again as she followed after the boy. "What was over there?"

"Dead body" (y/n) replied simply as Enid turned pale behind him, looking back as they kept walking.


Of course classes were cancelled that day. To Wednesday's slight disappointment the body had been quickly moved by the staff mere moments after (y/n) had led Enid away.

"You're taking this to excitedly" (y/n) spoke quietly as he watched Wednesday take off her school jacket and replace it with her large black hoodie.

"You've read one of my books. You must have realized things like murder excite me" Wednesday usually would have disliked that her friend was questioning her interests but this time she attributed it to the fear most creatures seemed to exhibit upon their first brush with death.

"I guess so" (y/n) nodded as he sat down beside Enid on her bed. "It just... never felt so real" Enid glanced over at the boy worriedly before scooting over and pulling him into a hug. He was quick to embrace it and lean into the girl. "I never expected to see someone who was killed"

"That seems to happen when you've stuck around Wednesday" Enid spoke as she ran her hand through the boys hair.

Wednesday felt a conflicting sense of flattery and concern at that statement. She sighed before walking to Enid's colorful side of the room and looking down at (y/n) who now had his eyes closed. "It won't do you any good to continue thinking about this. Come on"

(Y/n) opened his eyes and gave her a confused look. "What?"

"I'm taking you up on your earlier offer" the boy still looked confused. "Chinese food. Dinner just like Mao used to make. Remember? Although I suppose it's lunch now"

Normally the boy would have been excited about the idea of going out with Wednesday but now? "I don't know. I-" Wednesday roughly grabbed the boy by the collar before yanking him to his feet, which in turn caused Enid to pull her arms away.

"You do nobody any good by staying in my dorm and sulking. While usually I would appreciate the feeling of such an atmosphere of dread it does not suit you" Wednesday let go of the boy as he sighed. "You have twenty minutes to prepare. After that I expect to see you by the front gates" Wednesday didn't wait for a response, she grabbed the boy before shoving him towards the door and out of it.


Wednesday waited by the gates. She wore her black and white button up cardigan as well as her black jeans and boots.

"You realize there's been a murder right? They won't want us leaving the school" (y/n) spoke in the quiet and unhappy tone that he had adapted since the murder, Wednesday didn't like how different he had become in such a short time.

"They haven't said anything yet. By the time they do we'll already be in town" Wednesday motioned for the boy to follow her and pulled the gate that she had unlocked earlier open. "After you"

(Y/n) just sighed once more before walking through the gate. Wednesday was quick to follow and lock the gate once again. "This is ridiculous" (y/n) muttered as he looked at the long road to town. "How are we getting there?"

"Enid ordered an Uber" Wednesday spoke in a disapproving tone. She still didn't use her phone much and she especially didn't trust Uber, with her luck none of her drivers would end up being murderers like in the stories she had heard.


The Uber drive was quick and silent. The two exited the car quickly before looking around. "This way" Wednesday spoke as she motioned for the boy to follow her. He sighed but walked slowly behind Wednesday.

"This is ridiculous" he muttered as his mind once again drifted back to the dead body. Had it been one of the werewolves that he had sat between in class? He hadn't thought about it at the time but he did look familiar.

He was brought out of his thoughts by Wednesday's speaking. "This must be how Enid sometimes finds me" she sounded a bit amused at the idea. She turned and looked at the boy. "Walk beside me" she grabbed the boy by the arm and pulled him to her side.

Wednesday didn't let go of the boys arm as they began walking again. (Y/n) didn't complain.

After another couple of silent minutes the two reached their destination. They entered the Chinese food place and were quickly seated. "What have they to offer?" Wednesday wondered aloud as she picked up a menu. She noticed the boy just glancing at it before looking towards the window. "I'm paying"

The boy quickly looked back at her. "You sure?"

"I asked you here didn't I?" Of course he had asked her first and she had merely postponed that but what she said was close enough to the truth. "Get anything you'd like"

(Y/n) took another moment before finally seeming to decide on a meal. "I'll have the orange beef" he said still not sounding super happy.

Wednesday stared at the boy for another second before deciding to cross her arms and speak. "That's not what you really want. Tell me what you want"

"It i-" (y/n) was quickly cut off by Wednesday's hard stare.

"Tell me what you want or I'll order everything on the menu and make you eat so much that you pop like a blood filled balloon" (y/n)'s face visibly paled before he responded.

"Ribs. I'll have ribs" he spoke urgently as he quickly pointed to the spot on the menu where his desired meal was.

"Good" Wednesday spoke before deciding on a meal of her own. "I want you to enjoy yourself today. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am" (y/n) spoke with a bit more of his usual enthusiasm. He hated to feel this way right after a murder but it was touching how Wednesday was trying to help him regain his usual attitude

"Good" Wednesday nodded as she noticed the faint smile on his face. Soon enough the waiter came and Wednesday ordered for the both of them.

"You really didn't need to do this" (y/n) spoke after another minute. "I probably would have gone back to my usual self soon enough"

"On the contrary, I did need to. Murder seems to have a lasting effect on people like you, whether you realize it or not. The best way for me to regain my usual friend was to treat it as if nothing happened, show you that things have not changed and that the world goes on" Wednesday spoke in her usual tone of voice but (y/n) liked to think she was hiding a bit of a smile behind it.

"Whatever you say" (y/n) shrugged as he looked down at the table. "Did you do this for Edin the first time she saw a dead body?"

"Not exactly" Wednesday spoke as she remembered the events of that night. "In fact it was my fault. I was investigating a murder and had pictures of dismembered bodies and body parts on my board. I tried to explain everything that was happening to her and she passed out"

"Oh" (y/n) spoke, unsure whether to laugh or feel bad for his best friend.

"Yes, I learned my lesson that day" Wednesday replied as she shook her head. "I now know to prepare people for seeing those sorts of things"

"I would think the lesson to take from that is done keep dead people pictures around"

Wednesday gave him a confused look. "What else is there to take pictures of?"

"I don't know" (y/n) shrugged as he glanced around. His eyes finally fell back on Wednesday and he spoke again. "Cute things?"

Wednesday's nose scrunched up at the thought. "Such as?"

"Such as you I suppose" the words came out of the boys lips before he even realized what he was saying.

Wednesday's nose unscrunched as she rolled her eyes. "That was terrible"

"Yeah. I should have said creepy" (y/n) admitted with a shrug, owning up to his mistake. "But the two aren't mutually exclusive"

"I suppose not" Wednesday nodded in reply. "In fact if done properly the two work well together"

"On that I couldn't agree more" Wednesday was relieved to see the boy give her the sort of smile she hadn't seen from him since before the incident this morning. She had finally gotten his mind off of it.

After a couple moments of silence Wednesday spoke again. "What do you think of me?" The boy have her a confused look. "I can't imagine I'm your usual type of friend so I would like to know your exact thoughts on me. Sugar coat it and I'll go to the kitchen and find something to flay you with"

(Y/n) nodded in understanding. "I wouldn't dare. I find you intriguing, cute, intelligent, ghoulish, all around scary, sadistic, a bit evil, but most importantly you have the most squeezable cheeks in existence"

Wednesday nodded, appreciating the boy's honesty. "You know how to flatter a girl" she spoke as she stared at the boy. "You know what I think? I believe that you see some of those qualities in yourself but don't want to believe that they're there"

"How's that?" (Y/n) asked with a confused look. "Look at me, I'm a male Enid"

"On the outside perhaps" Wednesday responded with a shrug. "But beneath the surface? You enjoy my books, nobody besides you has found them anything less than disgusting. You yelled for me to kill for you-"

"That was a spider" (y/n) crossed his arms.

"It was a living creature" Wednesday spoke. If it weren't a spider the boy may have felt bad. Wednesday continued. "You bribed me into becoming your friend. You even pinched my cheek, you knew I'd dislike it and that I'd hit you"

"That was instinctual" (y/n) replied before realizing that didn't help his case.

"Sadistic instincts" Wednesday spoke as she began to smirk. "Perhaps masochistic ones as well depending on how we look at-"

"Alright, you made your point" (y/n) sighed as he shook his head. "Now please stop. Maybe you're right, but I don't want to be like-"

"Like me?" Wednesday asked causing the boy to quickly look at her. "You won't be, we aren't that much alike. I can't speak for everyone but I know neither Enid nor I will judge you for being yourself... not anymore than we already do"

(Y/n) sighed but nodded in understanding. "Alright. Let's just drop this okay? Please?"

"Okay" Wednesday nodded in agreement. "I felt it was important to discuss but I've said my piece"

They were once again quiet for a few more minutes before their food was brought to them. (Y/n)'s mind was instantly off the unpleasant topic they had just discussed and was now on the food before him. He quickly grabbed one of the ribs and bit into it.

"Eating with your hands" Wednesday nodded in approval. "Makes you seem like a savage beast"

"Well normies would classify me as a type of monster" (y/n) spoke between bites. Wednesday nodded as she picked up her fork and knife before beginning to eat as well. "And ribs are a finger food"


"You sure I can't pay for this?" (Y/n) asked as Wednesday gave the waiter a gold coin. He gave her a confused look but just walked off with the gold. "Was that gold?"

"The Addams family fortune is mostly gold" Wednesday spoke as she stood up and (y/n) did the same. "Let's go"

"Back to the school?" (Y/n) asked as he followed Wednesday towards the door.

"No. You wanted furniture, remember?"  Wednesday spoke as she exited the building. "We're going to go find you some"

"You really are going all out with this date aren't you?" (Y/n) smiled as he caught up and walked by Wednesday's side. She didn't bring up the fact that he had called it a date so he assumed she hadn't noticed. She had.

"Just enjoy it, this will not become a common event"  Wednesday spoke as she looked around the street they walked down.

"Sure thing" (y/n) nodded as he smiled down at her. "So I heard there's a dance at some point in the year-"

"No" Wednesday spoke firmly as she turned her head to avoid showing the faintest of smiles that had started to form on her face.

Word count: 2352

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