Gemsona AU: Black Diamond

By Jss2141

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The youngest and most disrespected of the Diamonds, Black Diamond wanted nothing more than to be treated as a... More

Ch. 1: Bio
Ch. 2: The Gauntlet Is Thrown
Ch. 3: Black Diamond's "Court"
Ch. 4: Pink Fury VS Dark Determination
Ch. 5: Reactions and Results
Ch. 6: Feeling Blue?
Ch. 7: Black Vs Blue, Rage and Sorrow
Ch. 8: New Plans, New Fury
Ch. 9: Resting and Planning
Ch. 10: Two New Friends
Ch. 11: The Results of Training
Ch. 12: Dark Heat and Gold Light, Clash of Wills
Ch. 13: Healing
Ch. 14: Changing the Game
Ch. 15: New Recruit
Ch. 16: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 1
Ch. 18: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 3
Ch. 19: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 4
Ch. 20: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 5
Ch. 21: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 6
Ch. 22: The Next Step

Ch. 17: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 2

630 27 2
By Jss2141

At the sound of the whip, Holly Blue quickly jumped out of the arena and stood on a floating platform as Spinel made the first move!

"Let's play!" Spinel shouted, turning her legs into a spring and jumped towards Pink Diamond!

Pink Diamond raised her arm, creating a hexagon shield, to block Spinel attack! A double kick slammed into it before pushing her back, getting into position.

"Nice try!" Pink said before jumped at Spinel.

"I'm just getting start!" Spinel shouted as she spun her arm like a drill!

Pink blocked the attack and pushed it down before jumping into the air.

"I know all your tricks, Spinel!" Pink said, floating in the air.

"Maybe the good ol naive Spinel, but I'm more than that now. MUCH more." Spinel said to Pink, jumping after her.

As Spinel was dealing with her ex-best friend, Lapis was flying around Blue Diamond while firing water shots from her wings! The shots through small, were condensed and fast, making them powerful and painful. But a diamond was a diamond for a reason, they had greater durability than other gems. So even if those kinds of attacks could poof most other gems, Blue would not be an easy to poof. The most they did was sting and that annoy her.

"Tch, I always knew you were more trouble than you're worth. I'll take this as a chance to discipline your awful behavior" Blue said, holding her hand up and creating orbs of energy.

She fired them all at Lapis, forcing her to dodge mid flight!

"You'll have to do better than that! Beside, I never liked working for you anyway!" Lapis replied as she flew high so the crowd wouldn't be hit.

Even if the arena could be shielded, it wasn't worth the risk.

"And I never liked your attitude." Blue said, combining her sad aura with an energy orb and unleashing it towards Lapis!

Lapis gasped slightly at this and quickly flew out of the way to dodge the burst, narrowly grazing her face with a tear pooling in her eye.

"Tch, stupid emotional clod." Lapis muttered, wiping away the tear.

Lapis refocused and dodged another blast, continuing to fly while avoiding blasts from Blue Diamond! She then dived towards her, gathering her water wings around her right arm to form a large fist!

'I make you cry for real!' She thought, speeding towards the diamond!

Blue gazed at the falling Lazuli, seeing her large water fist aimed for her. She scoffed as she covered her right hand in energy.

"Child's play." Blue said as she clenched it into a fist and threw a punch!

The stadium shook from the clash before Lapis was pushed back, flying back a bit before she reformed her water wings!

"Hmm, that was actually impressive." Blue Diamond said, shaking her hand in slight pain.

"I didnt waste all this time just existing, I trained hard each and every day for hours! Harder than you train because I have a better purpose!" Lapis shouted as she made to 2 more wings and turned them into water blades.

"You think you've evolved, do you? Then prove it to me." Blue said, cloaking her hand in energy again.

"Gladly!" Lapis shouted as she flew towards Blue Diamond with her water blades!

The crowd began cheering for both sides, excited by the battle and that two lower class gems were standing their own with the Diamonds! On the sidelines, Yellow Diamond was mentally preparing herself for battle as she gazed at Jasper from across the arena.

'She's far stronger than any Jasper produced before. Her weapon is unknown and her speed could be elevated as well.' Yellow thought be for their eyes met and Jasper walked around to their side for some reason.

"Greetings, Yellow and White Diamond. Sorry to meet you both in this situation, but I'm on a mission for my Diamond." Jasper said, forming the symbol before cracking her knuckles.

"None taken, little Jasper." White Diamond said with a smile, gazing down to Jasper. "Glad to see Black taught you proper manners."

"Yes, I thought he would've told you to insult us." Yellow said as she crossed her arms.

"He is a prideful warrior but a benevolent leader. He would do no such things to teach his gems disrespect. I'm sure of it." Jasper said with a smile, getting to know her diamond over this time.

'As expected, she thinks very highly about him.' Yellow thought with an eye roll.

"How about you show to us why you're with him, then?" White asked while motioning to Yellow and herself.

"Pardon?" Jasper asked, looking up to White.

"I said, can you show us or tell us why you're with Black when you could be with one of us?" White said to Jasper, trying to get Jasper to switch diamonds like Black did with some many others!

Jasper looks at her with a confuse look, gazing up to the two taller diamonds.

"Yes, why serve him when you could serve one of us? We could have you do much more with your talents." Yellow said with a smirk.

Before any of them could reply, Black Diamond came over and put a hand on Jasper's shoulder.

"If you're trying to take my friend away from my court, you've got another thing coming." Black Diamond said to them.

"Oh, don't be jealous, Black. We were just having a conversation." White commented as Pink was kicked away with Spinel jumping to her again.

"No, you were trying to throw off my teammate because you're worried you'll lose." Black Diamond said.

Yellow snarled at this, feeling insulted once again by Black!

"I'm not worried, that Jasper can do whatever it pleases. Don't think this will go the same way as before.'' she said to him.

"SHE. Not "it." Jasper is a person, not an object." Black Diamond said as he turned to leave with Jasper back to their side.

"Hmph...suit yourself" White said.

Turning back to the fight, things were pretty even at the moment. Blue was back in her battle attire from last time and blocking/deflecting attacks as Lapis was flying around her at high speed while Spinel was throwing a barrage of punches at Pink while she was dodging in her glowing skin to show her increased speed.

"Why won't you stand still and lose already?!" Spinel shouted at Pink.

"Because I refuse to lose yet again" She said, before using her hands to summon a honeycomb like dome around Spinel and compressing it.

"Aaah!" Spinel shouted in shock, banging on one wall. "NO!"

"Game over, Spinel." Pink said, moving her hands closer to make the dome shrink. "You LOSE."

Hearing this from Pink, it made Spinel furious and her eyes bloodshot! She grabbed the walls and began pushed as hard as she can while her breathing began to get heavy!

"Game over? The only game I ever lost to you was hide and seek, and I did that on purpose!" She roared, pushing with all her might as her hands began to grow bigger and expand against the dome!

Cracks began forming as the dome fluctuated between shrinking and growing!

"What?! NO!" Pink said, focusing more energy into trying to keep Spinel inside!

"You always looked down at me and looked past me, but no more!" Spinel shouted as the cracks spread all around and shattered the dome, unleashing raging winds in every direction! "RAHHH! I'm stronger then you ever seen!"

To make her point, Spinel kept her large fist and launched them at Pink as she raises a shield to protect herself only to be pushed back!

Spinel didn't stop as she let out a new barrage of attacks, now even more devastating with their large size!

"Pink!" Blue said in worry before she was cut across the cheek! "Aaah!"

"Where are you looking? You're not done with me just yet!" Lapis said before making a giant hand of water, flying around and slapping Blue across the face.

"Ugh!" Blue grunted from the pain, glaring at Lapis for this slap! "You little pest!"

Feeling anger bubble within her and worry about pink, Blue decided that she wanted that gem gone and now! With energy flowing in her hands, she clapped them together and created a shockwave of dual-colored emotional energy. Both red for rage and blue for sorrow.

"Look out!" Black Diamond shouted, quickly calling upon his energy aura and surrounded him and Jasper as the emotional wave spread through the entire arena.

What an annoying and unfortunate moment for Blue Diamond to lose her temper as everyone in the stadium began to feel the affect, being drowned in a red and blue wave as they began to feel angry, sad, both, or shifting between them! Some began to cry and hug each other while others began shouting and mildly fighting each other!

"Is this Blue's emotional manipulation you told me about?" Jasper asked, looking around.

"Yeah, it is but she's never done it like this before." Black said, gazing at all of the gems.

Back with Yellow Diamond and White Diamond, they were covered in their own unique energy to protect themselves from the emotional wave. Yellow was covered in a sparking, gold electric aura while White was covered in a shining thin white aura.

"It seems Black's gems have pushed Blue's buttons again." Yellow Diamond said, glaring at the Lapis Lazuli.

"Indeed." White Diamond said with a nod. "She was always so emotional, at least is being useful for now."

Turning back to the battle, Yellow could see that White was somewhat right as Lapis was slowly falling to the ground as she was constantly shifting between angry and sad. It was making it hard to focus on flying while becoming an emotional mess before Lapis landed and fell to her knees on the arena floor.

"I finally have you in my sights, you damn clod. Now with this final blow, you're done for!" Blue said, focusing Lapis with hands glowing with energy.

Lapis groaned as she looked up, seeing Blue form a large orb between her hands and aim at her. As this appeared to be the end of Lapis, someone looked at this in shock. She wasn't effected like everyone else by the emotional wave, since she had already expressed great sorrow and great anger from learning Pink abandoned her before Black saved her. She wasn't detected by it and was currently holding Pink in her two large hands to crush her but unfortunately, Lapis was more important than her vengeance for Pink right now!

"LAPIS!" Spinel shouted before throwing Pink away and jumping towards her!

She was too much in a rush though, so rather then blocking with her arms she just expand like a protective shield and took the blunt of the attack right in the back.

"AAAAAH!" Spinel shouted in pain, an explosion of smoke following after!

"Spinel?!" Lapis shouted in worry and fear.

Everyone gasped at the sight as the smoke slowly began to clear, revealing Spinel trying not to fall to the ground as he back was heavily wounded with smoke rising from it.

"B-By the stars that hurt." Spinel said as she looked to Lapis. "What are you doing? Heh, someone as cool as you losing her grit?"

Spinel tries to give as confident a smile as she could go Lapis, who was staring at her with wide eyes.

"S-S-Spinel." Lapis stuttered out before Spinel fell to her knees. "Spinel!"

Lapis got up and caught her, holding her in worry before looking to see Pink and Blue preparing to attack them again! Acting fast, Lapis created a large pair of water wings to protect her and Spinel as energy blasts and shield disks fired at them!

"Looks like your friendship is not so useless after all." White said with a smile, chuckling a bit. "It made things easier for us."

"Perhaps but we have to keep watching, White. This round isn't over yet." Yellow said to her before shrugging. "Besides, it's not like you'd understand friendship anyway."

Even Yellow Diamond understood "friendship" among her fellow diamonds.

"I'm not that cold, Yellow. But Black's friendship caused one of his gems to be heavily wounded because she wanted to protect her teammate. And now the Lapis Lazuli has to pick up the slack and fight two enemies by herself." White Diamond said with a smirk.

White Diamond and Yellow Diamond shared a small giggle at this as Blue Diamond and Pink Diamond began attacking the water dome even more! Without mercy and without missing a single shot!

Inside of the dome, Lapis was applying a small bit of water to try to cool Spinel's back as she kept up the dome as the same time.

"Ugh, damn clods. Working together now of all times?" Lapis asked.

"Heheh, yeah that sucks." Spinel said with a hiss of pain.

"You idiot, why couldnt you focus on your own battle? Now your like this because of me" Lapis said, feeling regret.

Spinel moved her arms to hug Lapis back.

"I couldn't if it meant you'd get hurt. Even if Black is my best friend, you're just as important to me." Spinel said softly.

Lapis just sigh but smiles, slowly tightening her hug just enough to not hurt her.

"You are impossible sometimes." Lapis said.

"Heheheheh yeah but sometimes, it's good to be something impossible." Spinel said with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess." Lapis said before Pink punched through the dome, making her angry. "Pink just loves to ruining moments, doesn't she?"

"Yeah she was always such a sore loser. That's why i let her win most of our games." Spinel said.

That made Lapis laugh a bit more before she focused back in Pink and created 4 water clones of said diamond.

"Deal with her." Lapis said to the clones, making them nod and rushed out of the water dome.

They tackled Pink away and held her down by the arms before beating her down mercilessly.

"What the!" Blue said, surprised by how strong those clones seemed to be and quickly went to shoot them with blue energy bullets.

The water clones burst until they began reforming and continuing their beat down of Pink Diamond.

Pink Diamond was getting angry and her body grows in size alongside a bright pink color.

'This..humiliation! This pain! How dare you? How dare you?!' Pink thought, hating Lapis with all her being!

Another stomp to the face made Pink scream in rage as she stood up and in a burst of light, she grew larger and larger until she was just as tall as Blue! Everyone gasped at the sight of this, shocked beyond believe that Pink Diamond was now the size of a full diamond!

"THAT DOES IT! I SHATTER YOU!" Pink screamed!

Full with nothing but untapped rage, Pink Diamond covers herself in energy and created some sort of energy armor covered in rose like spikes.

She raised her fist and slammed it into the water clones, dispersing them as a shockwave blew and began to distort the water dome around Lapis and Spinel!

"What?!" Lapis said in shock, looking at her dome wavering.

Pink then turned her attention to the water dome and raised her foot before slamming it down on the dome, making Lapis raise her hands to hold it as it began to give in.

"You can't hold it forever!" Pink shouted as she kept stomping, putting more and more power into her giant foot.

Once again, the sting of defeat by Black Diamond and his group unlocked a new power with in Pink. Gigantification, now she could become just as tall as Blue Diamond, Yellow Diamond, or White Diamond.

"I WON'T BE MADE A FOOL AGAIN!" She said, pulling her fist back to punch a compressed shockwave into the water dome!

Exploding in water droplets, Lapis and Spinel were sent skidding against to the floor to the edge of the arena!

"Ugh!" They let out in pain, looking up to see giant, angry Pink and a calm yet angry Blue towering over them.

"Drat, if only we could fuse or find a weakness" Spinel said with a groan, her back in even more pain than before.

Lapis couldn't reply as she got up and created more water wings. She still needed to protect Spinel but things just seemed to hopeless now.

"Any last words?" Blue asked with a glare.

"If not, then prepare yourselves to be shattered." Pink said with grit teeth.

"We are not giving up, in fact we are going even harder!" Lapis shouted up to them.

"Yeah, lets do this together!" Spinel said, smirking even on her back.

Neither diamond liked how determined Lapis and Spinel were, growling as the prepared to attack them and finish this.

"Then shatter." Pink said with a shield spike as Blue charged an energy orb.

Both fired their attack before Lapis grabbed Spinel and flew them into the air, dodging the attacks as they exploded against the arena floor!

Lapis flew Spinel as high as she could before stopping, floating over the arena with Pink and Blue looking up to them.

"Spinel, hit them with all you've got!" Lapis said as the pink gem nodded.

"Yeah!" Spinel shouted as she stretch and expanded her right hand, making it even bigger than the diamonds! "Let's end this!"

Lapis agreed and created more water, moving it to focus around Spinel's large hand to form spiked knuckles before they were hardened into ice as she clenched it into a fist!


"Ugh, that name stinks." Lapis mumbled.

Ignoring Lapis's comment, Spinel span her fist counterclockwise at high speed before it stopped as tightly as it could! Spinel screamed as she threw her large first forward, spinning it aback in clockwise down to the two diamonds!

"Grrr! I won't lose to you!" Pink shouted, creating a giant hexagon shield with spikes in front of it! "Blue!"

Blue nodded as she placed her hand on the shield, shrouding it with her emotional power to disrupt Spinel's concentration when hitting the shield. Pink and Blue held the shield up as the drill fist clashed with it, sending sparks flying as the wind pressure was blowing everyone back in their seats!

"Whoa..." Black said, watching in awe to his friends and their combination attack.

"Incredible! When did they come up with this?!" Jasper asked in awe!

"I don't know, they must've come up with it just now." Black Diamond said with a smile. "It's amazing."

While Black and Jasper were amazed by this, White Diamond and Yellow were still skeptical. Even if they were impressed by the power.

"It's chaotic and it will fail." White Diamond said firmly.

"Like how?" Yellow Diamond asked him.

Before she could reply, a communication device floated over to them and opened to show Black Diamond with a smirk on his face.

"Like how I'm doing better with Earth than Pink. Not to mention my court is flourishing because of "chaotic" unity of all the gems I've invited in." Black said with a smirk.

''You're telling me that chaos is going to give you the win?" Yellow asked, not beliving how silly he sounded.

"I won against You, Blue, and Pink, didn't I?" Black asked with a smirk.

"Hehehehehe." Jasper chuckled before the device cut out.

The shield slowly cracked under the pressure before it shattered and a gigantic explosion then took shape, throwing wind and fragments of the shield everywhere! Some gems were blown out of their seats while other were doing their best to withstand the winds. The arena was almost destroyed with cracks forming through and under it!

The one judging the fight and being the watcher tries her best to to see the result.

'What happened?! I need to see!' Holly Blue thought as she pulled out her wipe and began to spin it like a fan to blow away the smoke.

Everyone was at the edge of their seat, wanting to know the end result of that incredible battle.

The smoke was soon cleared, revealing something that made every gem gasp in shock. Blue and Pink Diamond were on their knees, the latter's armor was destroyed and the former's right arm turned purple from the enemy attack....but that wasn't worse than Lapis and Spinel, who were on the floor with bruises all over their bodies and their clothes in tatters! Spinel's right arm wasn't looking well either as Lapis was doing her best to get up.

"I think.....the winner is obvious." Blue said, holding her arm before turning to Holly Blue. "Call it."

"I....I..." Holly Blue stuttered, honestly not wanting to call the match because it would mean her Diamond would lose the first round.

"N-No..." Lapis said, getting in her feet with a struggling. "I can...still fight."

"What? You still wish to fight? You are in no condition to keep going, any more struggle and you will poof or shatter yourself out of hardship." Blue said, looking at Lapis with pity and frustration.

"Grrrr, like you could understand how strong I am." Lapis said, creating a small water ball and firing it at Blue Diamond.

Blue Diamond moved her head, dodging the attack as it scratched her cheek to leave a scar. This still angered Blue as she raised her hand up and created an energy orb.

"Fine. If you refuse to submit, then you will be destroyed." Blue said before Pink grabbed her hand, making her put it down.

"No, allow me." Pink said, getting up and stomping towards the duo. "I have the perfect way to make them give up."

"You do? How so?" Blue asked, curious.

Pink didn't answer as she stood tall over the two, glaring down at them. Her body was flashing just a bit as her lips twitched but she kept it in a firm line.

'I can't maintain this giant form much longer. I need to end this now.' Pink thought as she began reaching down towards them and picked up....

"Spinel!" Lapis shouted as the heart gem struggling in Pink's grip, pulling up to her face. "Put her down!"

"You know, Spinel, I realized something." Pink said, ignoring Lapis as Spinel glared at her. "You truly are one of a kind, a gem like no other and I foolishly let you go."

In a moment of great rage, Spinel spat in Pink's face to make her flinch a bit and the crowd gasp!

"You don't let me go, you abandoned me in that worthless garden of yours. You never saw me as a friend, you just saw me as a toy." Spinel said as she gazed down to Black Diamond, the one who saved her and showed her real friendship.

"Back to my point. You never were my friend, you were my toy. My POSSESSION, until Black took you from where I left you. But once again, it helped me realize something." Pink said as she used her other hand to reach for Spinel, hovering about her upside down gem. "If I can't have you, NOBDY can."

"What?!" Spinel asked in shock as Pink's large fingers grabbed her gem and added pressure, making her groan in pain. "Y-Y-You're-"

"I am going to shatter you." Pink said as she gazed down at Lapis. "Unless the Lazuli forfeits, you will leave this arena in a pile of shards."

"What?! Y-You can't do this! Are you really going to shatter her just because she doesn't want to be with you?!" Lapis shouted in shock.

But before Pink could reply, a black spear is shot straight at her hand to pierce it!

"AAAH!" Pink screamed.

"That's enough you, pink bitch! This was is a execution from bias." Black said, having thrown the spear.

Pink groaned as she dropped Spinel, making Lapis rushed to catch her in her arms.

"Are you okay?" Lapis asked, holding Spinel close.

"Yeah. Hsssssss. Just a little sore." Spinel said, her gem alright but she could feel small fractures from Pink's dastardly tactic. "But, I don't think I'll be able to continue, and with Black's intervention to save me....."

"I know." Lapis said sadly, looking towards Holly Blue Agate. "Holly, we forfeit."

With gasps from the crowd and a sad expression from the referee, Holly Blue nodded to these before gesturing to the two diamond.

"And that is the end of the first round. Winner by forfeit (and outside interference) is Blue Diamond and Pink Diamond." Holly Blue said to the crowd.

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