Story of Our Love

By Molangisthebomb

1.1K 24 2

~Q~ More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

617 7 0
By Molangisthebomb


I deleted my story 'Beauty' and this is the story I'll be writing. 

Just to put it out there, this is a short story with a couple of chapters. 




"Mummy?" The voice of a young girl called out.

The girl called out for her mum again, she frowned when she received no answer. The young girl was getting upset when she didn't get a response from her mother.

After feeling ignored, the young girl opened the door leading to the room where her mother was. The girl was slightly confused with what she saw.

Her mother, who she had been calling out, was bouncing up and down on the bed. She saw her mother's ruffled white hair and her back exposed.

The girl noticed that her mother was making noises, these noises were unusual to the girl. It sounded like her dear mother was in pain.

Tears stared to well up in the girl's big red eyes, the poor young child watched her mother yell out in what she thought was distress.

Without thought, the girl rushed over to the bed, she jumped on the bed and immediately grabbed her mother.

The woman who was bouncing stopped as she felt little hands wrap around her, it didn't take long for her to realize it was no other than her kid.

Unwrapping the child's arm, she turned to look at the child. The woman was breathing hard with sweat trickling down her brown skin.

"Dia?" A deep voice that didn't come from the woman said.

Both people got off each other and used cover to hide their exposed naked bodies, they looked at the child who had fat tears rolling down her face.

"Mummy..." The girl started, she soon stopped as she tried to calm down.

"I thought mummy was in pain" The young child said as she wiped her tears, both people who were just doing the deed looked at each other before turning their gaze to the crying child.

"Oh, mummy is okay" The woman said as she grabbed the young girl named Dia. 

While the woman distracted the girl, the man slipped out of the bed and snuck to the bathroom to put on something.

The woman noticed that her husband had snuck away from the situation, she had a frown on her face.

Her brown and green eyes snapped to the bathroom door which opened, revealing a man who was now in a robe. The woman glared at him as he nervously walked back to the bed, he sat down and grabbed the young girl.

"What are you doing up little star?" He asked as he got off the bed and walked out of the room with the girl in his muscular arms.

Once the pair was gone, the woman sighed as she got off the bed and grabbed her nightgown. She slipped her gown on and threw on some underwear, she got back into the bed and looked at the phone that was sitting on her nightstand.

She grabbed her phone and turned it on, she looked at the bright phone as she tapped away on it. Her gaze soon went to the door which opened, she her husband standing before her with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Why are you dressed?" He asked her as he stalked over to the bed, the woman only rolled her eyes as she placed down her phone.

"Because, our daughter caught us and you expect me to still have my legs open? No sir" The woman said as she shook her head.

The man didn't answer, he only walked to the bed and grabbed his wife. She only looked into his red orbs as he did the same.

"Kver, you can't give me an erection and then leave me uncomfortable" The man whined as he rubbed the woman's shoulders trying to slip her gown off.

"Baki..." The woman named Kver said as she brought her plump lips to her husband's ear. Soon, she whispered the magic words.

"Sounds like a you problem" Kver said before she laid back down and went back to typing on her phone.

The man named Baki sighed as he laid down on his side of the bed, he sighed as he looked at the erect penis poking through his robe.

He huffed before looking at his wife who was only watching stupid cooking videos, Baki was aware that his wife Kver only watching the videos because of the guy cooking. Kver thought the guy was cute.

Baki took the time to admire the beauty his wife held. Baki had to admit he never saw a woman as beautiful as Kver, not even his ex-girlfriend was so pretty.

Her hair was long and white, her white hair was caused by the Poliosis that she had. Kver naturally had brown hair but started to turn white when she was a teen.

Baki had also loved her eye color. Her eyes were two different colors, one being green while the other was a brown color. Kver wanted to wear contacts to cover her eye color but Baki quickly shut that down.

Finally, the main thing he loved about Kver was her voice. Kver naturally had a deep voice and it shocked Baki when he first heard her deep voice.

Kver the noticed the staring coming from her husband that she tried to ignore, she lowered her phone and looked at her husband.

"Are you frozen? What do you keep staring at?" Kver asked with a mean look on her face, her husband continued to stare.

Annoyed that she was being ignored, she placed her phone on the bed and lightly smacked her husband on the ear, his ear was his soft place.

Baki snapped out of it once Kver smacked him, he stared at Kver with a confused look on his face. 

"Why did you do that?!" He asked as he rubbed his ear.

"Stop staring!" Kver responded and Baki smiled at her.

"But you're just so beautiful" He said to his wife, he wrapped his arms around her waist, he placed his head on her thighs.

Kver rolled her eyes before running her fingers through Baki's soft hair, she enjoyed rubbing his hair but she wouldn't admit that.

"Kver?" Baki asked in which Kver hummed in response

"Do you remember how we first met?" Baki asked randomly, Kver sighed, trying to remember her very first encounter with her husband.

"I do" She answered and Baki chuckled.

"Tell me then, don't worry, I'll correct you along the way" Baki said to his wife.

"It started about seven years ago..."


Seven Years Ago

A young girl walked down the streets of Tokyo, Japan. The colorful lights coming from clubs and restaurants was the only thing that guided her from the darkness of the night.

While the light did guide her, it didn't protect her from the predators who roamed the streets at night. Usually, the girl would have used her bike but it was stolen.

The girl's name was Kver Yamagata, she was a 19 year old girl who had just come back from working a ten hour shift at some shitty club.

She hated her job more than she hated life, most of the people who came to the club were sweaty, broke, and drunk. But the sweaty perverts and weirdos who snuck things into people's drinks didn't annoy her as much as her boss did.

Kver had to put up with the most annoying boss that walked the Earth. Her boss was pushy and annoying. The man could barely speak Japanese and luckily Kver spoke his language, Kver also didn't fail to notice the shining ring that decorated her boss's finger. Despite being a married man with kids older than Kver, that didn't stop him from cheating on his wife. 

If the pay wasn't so good, then Kver would have left the place a long time ago. The club was popular in her area and it wouldn't be surprising if she saw a couple of celebrities there. Kver hated serving drinks to assholes because they just had to grope her even when she wasn't interested. Kver sometimes thought of going home with one of the rich assholes that came in hopes that she could probably steal some money but she always dismissed that thought.

Kver was severely in debt, she needed to pay off those loan sharks sooner or later. Her father had Cancer and before her mother ran off, she used money to help pay for her husband's treatment but once she realized that he wasn't getting better, she ran off.

One thing Kver hated the most was people who dropped their responsibilities on other people, her mother knew what would happen if she borrowed money from shady men that were known for their despicable crimes. Kver had to admit that she was scared for her and her father, she didn't want her body to be found in some ditch because she couldn't pay off the debt.

While walking down the streets to get to her home, something bright caught her eye. She looked in the window of the shop that had food on display. Kver drooled at the sight of the delicious pasta that sat in a white bowl.

Kver worked for ten hours and she only ate almonds to keep her going, almonds made Kver feel less hungry so she ate them. While Kver wanted to dig into the food, she shook her head, the money she did have was for her debt.

She could eat the chicken she had at home, Kver looked away from the shop and kept going on her way. Kver sometimes wanted to use the money she had saved up to buy things she needed but she just couldn't. Once her debt was paid off, she would finally be able to live in peace.

Kver had been working since she was 16 years old, she's paid off most of her debt and she thinks she can finish it off by the end of the year. Any extra money left over would immediately go to her sick father who was in the hospital.

Kver's mother took more money than she should have. While she tried to warn her mother, her daughter's words just went through one ear and out the other. The treatment was about seventeen thousand Yen but her mother borrowed almost nine million Yen because she just wanted to use money while never thinking about the consequence. Kver still needs to pay off another 300,000 and she would pay another 100,000 for this month.

Kver finally got home after nearly forty minutes of walking, she wanted to walk into her small crappy home and sleep. Today was Saturday so she had tomorrow off which she was thankful for. She had intentions to see her father tomorrow.

But once Kver saw what was waiting for her at her door, she wanted to turn around and run off but she couldn't. She saw five men in bright colored shirts and black suit pants, they all had some type of weapons in there hand that they seemed ready to use.

Kver sighed as she shamefully walked up the stairs, it didn't take long for the men to notice her presence while she walked up the stairs with her head hung low. The men had smirks on their faces, Kver wanted to knock the smirks off their face but that would only get her in more shit she's already in.

"Miss Yamagata..We've been waiting for an hour" One of the sleazy men said to her, she looked up at the man who had on sunglasses. She rolled her eyes as she pushed past him, she unlocked her door and gave it a light push. 

The men walked in uninvited but Kver could care less, she walked into her crappy home after they did. The men looked at her with looks of question, she went over to her bookshelf and grabbed a book that was mixed in with the rest. Kver opened the book and took the money out of it. 

She gave the wads of money to one of the men who counted before looking up at her with a smile on her face. He pointed the bat that was stained red from blood at her, Kver turned her head away from the bat that had a horrible stench to it.

"You know Kver, you're an independent woman who keeps up. I usually beat people who were late but are always on time. I like that Kver" He said as he signaled for his men to leave.

"Mr. Ikari, I paid you on time so please leave" Kver said nervously to the man who laughed at her nervous body that shifted.

"Don't act like that Kver, tell you what, I'll let the 200,000 Yen go if you just sleep with me. or three years you've been denying me, how about it?" He offered the woman.

Kver was a virgin girl who never in her life thought about having sex with anyone, of course she had dirty thought here and there but never did she think of sex. Kver would never think of giving it up for him. He was scum, a dirty, good for nothing, piece of scum that probably more disease than he had fingers and toes.

Kver pushed the bat away from her face and sighed before looking at the man.

"Look, I don't want to. How about I keep paying you until my debt is paid off and you just leave me alone" Kver said to him.

Kver walked to the door and opened it, she wanted him to just leave her home so she could sleep. The man walked up to her, as he took a step Kver would take a step back and it went until she was against the wall. Kver was against the wall while the man pressed against her, she was breathing hard as she felt his hands touch her face.

"Just stay still" He whispered as his dirty trailed down to her chest.


Kver panted as she ran away from the men who were hot on her tail, she bit the man who forced her. His screams caused his men to come back in, Kver pushed past the men and she had been running the whole time.

She ran into the alley, as she ran down the dark alley, she was beyond scared as thoughts of her father came to her mind. What would they do to him? God forbid they try to hurt him, Kver seemed to care about her father's life rather than her own at the moment. She didn't hear the sounds of expensive shoes running behind her.

Kver kept running until she bumped into something, she went flying onto the ground, she looked up fearfully as she stared at a pair of red eyes. 

"Oh! S-sir, can you help me?" Kver asked as she got off the floor and grabbed the man's muscular arms.

"What's going on?" He asked with a confused look.

"Those men...they-" Kver couldn't get her words out, the fear that was running through her body was starting to get the best of her.

"Hey! Don't worry, you'll be okay" He said reassuringly, the man was confused by the whole situation but he still was willing to help.

The man's eyes snapped up to a group of men in suits, they were trying to catch their breath, and tried from trying one woman across the city of Tokyo. They looked at the boy before setting their gaze on a scared Kver.

"Boy, give the girl here" One of the men said as he stepped closer to the pair.

The red haired boy looked down at the scared Kver who only shook her head fearfully, once he got the answer, he put Kver behind him.

The man chuckled before he wiped some sweat off his forehead.

"Don't be brave, bravery gets little boys like you killed. Give me the girl right now" The man demanded again but the boy only refused to give up Kver. While this boy didn't know the woman, he didn't feel right giving a girl to dangerous men especially when she didn't want to go.

"Ugh! Cheeky bastard" The man said as his hand balled up in a fist, he ran toward the boy with intentions to hit him.

But his fist was stopped by the boy who grabbed it with ease, he had a slight smirk on his face. He tightly gripped the fist of the man who charged at him.

"Hey, the girl doesn't wanna go so I advise you leave" He said in a warning manner.

The man retracted his fist before pulling his gun and pointing the metal weapon at the boy who didn't even flinch. The men behind him pulled their weapons too, Kver only gasped. Kver didn't want this boy to die for her, she'd just have to face the consequences.

"I-I'll go, just don't hurt him" Kver said as she stepped from behind him and started to walk to the men before she was snatched back.

She looked up at the boy who grabbed her, why was he so determined to protect someone he didn't even know?

"I don't appreciate creeps" Was all the boy said and at lightning speed, he grabbed one of the men. Using his bare hands to snap one of the guys neck, once he did that, the rest tried to take down the boy.

One by one, men went down. Each died as soon as they touched the boy, Kver watched the scene in fear. She felt scared but relived at the same time, while she did feel scared watching this one man murder guys buffer than him, she felt relieved that he was protecting her from the men who probably would have killed her had she gone back.

There was only one man left, he looked like he had just seen a ghost. The boy only signaled for him to leave and he scurried off. The boy soon walked back over to the scared Kver who was shaking in her boots. Kver watched him massacre about ten guys and she felt scared she would be next because she was a witness to it.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he wiped blood off his cheek. Kver only nodded in response, she was still in shock by what she saw.

"Well good night" He said before he walked off, disappearing into the darkness of the night. Kver looked at the men who were dead, she quickly grabbed one of the guns off one of the men before she rushed out of the alley.

Kver was running, she tried to be fast. She needed to really get away from this area before she ran into more trouble.

Once Kver got home, the first thing she started to do was pack. She threw everything she had into two backpacks because she didn't have much of anything.

Kver moved a piece of floorboard off the floor and grabbed a silver box, she snatched the key off her neck and unlocked the box. She took what money she had out of it and placed it to the side before putting the floorboard back.

It was money in the box, the money her father had. She didn't want to use it but she had to, her father always wanted to live in a fancy home so he would save money and Kver was never allowed to touch it. Now that her father was sick, she kept the box in her little home and she never touched the box.

She quickly counted each bill carefully, once she was sure, she grabbed two stacks that were worth 200,000 Yen and placed them on the floor. She put the rest of the money in the box and closed it.

Kver just wanted to pay off this debt and then leave this place. She grabbed some paper and a note, she quickly wrote whatever it was on the note before placing it on top of the stacks of money.

Flinging the backpacks on her shoulder, she grabbed her cat and left the house. Yeah, she had herself a cat. A ragdoll she found last year, the thing was a bundle of white fur and her name was Hana.

Kver walked down the stairs, she looked for some type of transportation to get her out of here. It wouldn't take long for that man to tell his boss what happened. If she just paid off the debt then she would be just fine.

Kver's eyes landed on a red bike, it belonged to her neighbor. She didn't want to take it because he was just a college boy but she needed more than he did. Luckily, the bike had a basket where she placed Hana and the box.

The young girl rode away from her home that she lived in for two years, she hated living there but it was the cheapest place she could find. She would have to find somewhere soon or she'd be homeless.


1 Week Later

Kver poured the cat food in the bowl letting the cat eat the food, once the cat was fed, Kver walked to her little futon to lie down. 

After she ran off, she found some cheap place that seemed quiet and nice. It was great, the landlord was a nice old woman who even allowed pets thankfully. Kver couldn't have Hana back at her old place but she still kept him.

The home wasn't some glamorous place but it was perfect for her, just her and no one else. Today was a nice Sunday and she needed to see her father who had been calling, she knew it was about the debt. Kver didn't want to tell her father about how she paid the rest off but she would have sooner or later.

Kver had found a new job as well, she worked at a little shop that made some amazing food. It was a nice place that paid well, thankfully, she didn't have to walk across town to get there either. It only took about five minutes to get there.

Kver's life had improved amazingly, she had a nice bike that she stole, a home better than her last, a nice boss and landlady, and those loan sharks haven't called her. Her life was great but there was still something bothering her.

It was that guy that protected her from those guys, most people would have run as they wouldn't want to get involved in shady business like that but he was different from other people. Kver never met someone so different and scary as him, she didn't know his name but if she saw him then she'd kiss his shoes until they shined.

Kver got up from her comfortable futon and walked to her small kitchen, she opened her fridge and grabbed the container of pasta out. She dumped some of it on a plate before throwing it in the microwave. Kver did know how to cook but she just didn't feel like cooking half the time, she had been eating this pasta for three days now. 

She took the steaming food out of the microwave and grabbed a utensil, she had a bright smile on her face as she was getting ready to eat. She walked to her futon and sat down on the mattress. Kver turned on the mini TV that sat on the table and looked at the cartoons that came on, just as she was about to dig in, a knock interrupted her.

Kver sighed as she placed her food down, she got off her futon and walked to the door. Who would be bothering her on a Sunday. She looked through the little hole in the door and saw two women standing there. 

Kver opened the door and looked at the two women with a smile, it was Ms. Matsumoto the landlady. 

"Good morning" Kver greeted and Ms. Matsumoto did the same.

"Morning, Kver, this is my daughter Kozue" She said as she brought the girl in front of her. Kver shook her hand as she smiled at the woman.

"We came by to give you something to eat, I made dumplings" Ms. Matsumoto said as she showed the container of dumplings.

Kver looked back at the cat who was eating at her food, she sighed before letting the two women in the house. 

The three women walked into the house and went to the kitchen, Ms Matsumoto placed the food on the counter. She looked at Kver with a bright smile on her face.

"I hope you've been enjoying your stay" She said and Kver laughed.

"Of course, how could I hate this place? You make my stay so much better" Kver said to the woman.

"I haven't had someone come in since Kozue's boyfriend Baki moved in" The woman said to Kver with as she gave her a little laugh.

"Boyfriend? I've never seen him around here" Kver said in a confused manner.

"Because you never leave your home unless it's for work, I always try to invite you somewhere and you only reject me" Ms. Matsumoto said as she lightly slapped Kver on the arm.

"Mom? Can I go with Baki?" Kozue said as she chewed on one of the dumplings.

"If you really want to then I can't stop you, just be home before-" Ms. Matsumoto said but her daughter cut her off.

"By nine, yes I know" Kozue said.

Kver heard another knock at the door, she sighed before walking to the door. Now who was coming along? 

Kver opened the door expecting to see someone other than the person she saw in front of her. Kver gasped as she saw the girl.

"You!" Both people said as they pointed a finger at each other.





I hope you enjoyed this very long chapter that was 4000 words, I might have made some mistakes along the way so correct me if I'm wrong.

Another thing, Kozue is gonna be the bad guy in this story. Once again, this is a short story, nothing long.



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