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By JustAPersonNamedIan

27.7K 863 551

๐๐๐‡๐€ ร— ๐๐Ž๐Š๐„๐Œ๐Ž๐ ร— ๐‘๐„๐€๐ƒ๐„๐‘ [๐™ท๐šŽ๐šŠ๐šŸ๐š’๐š•๐šข, ๐š…๐™ด๐š๐šˆ ๐š‘๐šŽ๐šŠ๐šŸ๐š’๐š•๐šข ๐š’๐š—๐šœ๐š™๐š’๐š›๐šŽ๐š ๐š‹๐šข "๐™ผ๐šข... More

A/N Very important
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight (Part 1)
Chapter Eight (Part 2/1.4k special!)
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Happy Valentines to all the single ladies, gents, and other genders<33
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Nine

1.7K 61 50
By JustAPersonNamedIan

Chapter Nine:

New Inventions and Discoveries, Mean New Friends!

"Thank you guys for 1.4k!!"
Literally not even two weeks later when I took a break (plus I was sick), I instantly had 2k 😭 holy shit u guys are fast

Ever since the day on that strange encounter with Arceus, things have changed their whole lives completely. The little girl was unconscious on the ground weirdly soaked in water, a creature handing her a marble and the other one that basically hit her in the head with a heavy wristwatch. And especially after of all that went down in a little girl's head, was nothing better than meeting her best friend again. Pich- No wait Pikachu, and the rest of her family were setting off into new horizons of a bigger journey ahead of them.

She remembered the day that she finally told the truth to her family on what had happened when she disappeared and went unconscious on the ground, almost not believing that a kid herself met a god. A god who created all the living being of what we know knew as Pokemon thanks to no one other than Arceus.

Any of them almost wouldn't even believe the words that came out from her mouth, from how the world was created from those gigantic creatures, and now she was the "supposed" chosen one. Then again, it was the most explicit and the most detailed story they have ever heard from a seven year old spit out of her mouth. And all of that could be obvious when creatures started to swarm around her along with that deer Pokemon they remembered, just because of what she has done. So, they had no other choice but to have thought on what she believed from herself instead.

"I can't believe our daughter met a literal deity just because of how she met that creature.." Yua exclaimed at the dinner table, placing her hands over her head as Atsuo was right beside her patting her back, shaking his head as he was also in disbelief. "Me neither.. But I guess let's believe her for now, should we?"

They still couldn't believe that a god asked her for such a big task for only a child. It was quite a big role for someone as herself. Meanwhile with the twins instead, Rizu's eyes were lighting up in amazement from her little sister's amazing duty, Yuriko on the other hand praised her for her deeds and for having the right mind on defending those creatures.

That's not the only thing they did, for they had finally apologized for what they had done the night before when she was hurt, literally bowing at their sister's feet for the apology. (Y/N) was both confused and startled by the acts they did, it took her a while to process the situation and thought about it for a moment. A small pause was in her mind, reminiscing they only wanted her to have the best life, realizing on what they wanted for her all along because of that.

They noticed her lack of sleep, lack of enjoyment in things. The things make herself known as well... Herself. It didn't seem like the same person they knew and loved from before. So, she had no other option but to forgive her siblings anyway. They're still kids, they almost always don't make correct decisions.

And even after all those hardships and painful memories of distrust and nightmares, it took the little girl a huge explanation on how it all started. It took them a while to accept it all, but oh well. It's always a new journey ahead of them.

They won't live the same life like they used to anyway.


There was a moment of a new dawn arising from the peacefulness and quiet morning, but somehow and someway, the twins were not having that at all. Yuriko slammed the door open with Rizu by her side, to see their little sister sleeping soundly in bed. She was such in a strange and tangled position whilst hugging the sleeping Pikachu, drooling all over her pillow and snoring. As much Yuriko wanted to take a photo of her ridiculous position for another hilarious memory, Rizu was not having that at a dire situation.


Rizu whined, running towards her sister and shook her by the shoulders. "You promised us to go hiking with you today!"

But (Y/N) never seemed to budge and just groaned, Yuriko deadpanning at her behavior. "(N/N) I love you and all but didn't I just tell you to turn on your alarm clock last night?"

The little sister whined in her sleep, holding Pikachu closer. "Mm.. ten minutes.. "

Rizu lets go of her sister's shoulders and face palmed, "God, this kid."

Yuriko leaned closer to (Y/N) and flicked her forehead. "It's not our job to wake you up anymore right? Take a shower already you dumbass!"

The girl was still just as stubborn as ever, making both of them annoyed, ".. Just-Whatever. It's not our fault you're gonna miss it anyway."

Pikachu on the other hand stretched out his small paws and yawned, blinking slightly to see a clearer vision of his friend still asleep, looking back at Rizu and Yuriko who were beginning to leave the room. "Pikachu?" Raising his tail to poke (Y/N)'s cheek, in an attempt to wake her up from the slumber.

"Mmm, give me thirty more minutes.."

"Piiii!" That only made (Y/N) snore even louder. Pikachu face palmed, using his tail to slap the girl repeatedly from her face until she was awake in just a matter of moments.

"Ow ow ow!"

She held her cheeks, wincing at the burning sensation. "What was that for?!"

Pikachu hummed and crossed his arms, pointing at the door that was wide open. "Pika pi!"

(Y/N) rubbed her eye and glared at the Pokemon, "Don't even try to wake me up like that. I've told you a thousand times not to!" She doesn't know exactly how much he did that to make her wide awake with pained cheeks, but enough to know it was such a long time.

"Pika, Pika Pikachu!"


With her still being half asleep while walking to the kitchen, (Y/N) saw her mother cook breakfast at the earliest of dawn. Yua looked back at her child who looked like a mess with red stained cheeks as she was holding Pikachu in her arms, making her smile. "Good morning, you seem to be in an awful mood." She chuckled.

The girl grumbled and sat by the dining table, resting her chin by the back of her palm. "I was having a good sleep, but those three idiots woke me up." She looked back at Pikachu annoyed, and then back at her sisters who were sitting right in between her, who looked like they were holding in their laughter once they saw her.

She was so close to beat the ever living shit out of any of them, but she really can't do anything about it at all. Annoyingly enough their mother was there, "Geez, who in the world would wake up this early just for some stupid hiking? I hate exercises and I hate waking up early!"

"Well," Yua rolled her eyes playfully at her daughter's grumpy antics. "You did promise to come with them at this hour." She turned off the stove, letting the food cool down for a bit.

Pikachu sat on the table next to his trainer, next to Wigglytuff who was busy helping put the plates down on the table. It had a pink bean-shaped body with a white underbelly and stubby hands and feet, as well as baby blue eyes with bunny ears. Yua looked back at another Pokemon and smiled, "Thanks for the help Alcremie." The creature had a small body that seemed to be frosting and cream, each side of it's ears had strawberries on them.

Alcremie was placing the breakfast that was filled with Pancakes, eggs, bacon and rice on the table, which seemed too have a sweet scent wherever it went.

"Cremie!" The Pokemon smiled back at her as well.

"Here, you deserve it!" Yua grabbed a pecha berry from one of the baskets the girls were gonna use for their hiking, and gave it to the Pokemon. It gladly accepted the fruit and split it in half, giving the other to Wigglytuff. "Wigglytuff!"

(Y/N) looked at the mouth watering food that their mother prepared for them. She sighed in annoyance and finally gave in to the delicious food, taking one bite. Before she was even indulging into the taste, she saw from the corner of her eye that seemed to be a Pokemon with an eggshell body with blue and red patterns all over it's shells. It was trying to lift itself up to one of (Y/N)'s legs, it's tiny feet wiggling as it smiled at her. "Togepi!"

She chuckled softly and placed Togepi on her lap, taking one slice of her pancakes and places a chunk into the Pokemon's lap, "You love pancakes that much don't you?"

"To! Togepi!" It squeaked happily from the taste, now hugging her stomach as it radiates off positive energy just for her. "Hm, I guess that wasn't all on why you were here." (Y/N) knew that Togepi was only there to try and cheer her up, noticing the negative energy she was sending before. Togepi only chirped, nuzzling against her warmth.

"I knew it." She smiled and poked it's cheek instead.

A moment of comfortable silence was wafted soon after, Yua sitting right in front of her children by the dining table. She rested her chin on top of her palm, "They really care about you, y'know?" She took one slice of her bacon, taking it into her mouth.

"Whenever you're in such a grumpy mood, some of them just come crawling up to you and do whatever it takes to cheer you up." The thought of her daughter being adored instead of being frowned upon made her happy.

That response only made (Y/N) smile, thinking on how much she has done for all of them. "Well yeah, I've always loved them ever since I met Pikachu."

That made the mouse Pokemon's ears perk up, squeaking happily. "Pika!"

"Now go and finish your breakfast, you still have a promise to fulfill today."

"Hmph, okay mom.."


At the crack of dawn when she finally stepped out of their supposedly "new" backyard ever since how they've all met the Pokemon all those years ago. The younger ones played in the distance with other younglings, their elders watching from behind to make sure not a single one of them could even be hurt, some of them even trained in the distance using their unique abilities with one another. Some of them weren't even bothered and we're just flying into the sky, or sleeping in trees.

Everyday felt like a new adventure for the Rekishi family. It was always lively with new experiences and new challenging chapters for each new learning material ever since with the Pokemon. Sure it was hard at first with each of their unique individual personalities and abilities, but soon after it was a fun thing as all of them considered them as new members of a family, growing bigger each day. A safe family within their hands.

It felt like they were never the same after that.

Eight years.

Eight years ever since the family has been living each day with the Pokemon. It has been such a long time when the little girl now known as (Y/N) Rekishi, met the mischievous creature known as Mew, and the Deity of all Pokemon Arceus. And within those years, not a single dull moment was not remembered. A lot has been discovered within their own secrets of the Pokemon as well.

(Y/N) smiled at those memories, from being the courageous seven year old, to preteen we know today.

She remembered one of the few friends she made along the way since she was inside that crystal cave, strange on how only there were one of them who showed up for her. That specific Pokemon was the tiger-dog creature Growlithe.

She was busy picking off the strange berries in the forest for her elder sister's so called "research", not even having the chance to ask them what for. Luckily enough Pikachu was there to help her pick off the berries. Grumbling to herself, she noticed something down below and placed the basket aside. Oh, it's that nice Growlithe! The girl smiled and crouched down. "Hey, it's nice to see you again little bud!"

Growlithe barked happily, running around her in circles, nuzzling against her knees. "Growl! Growlithe!" It pointed at the berry she was holding, smelling the sweet scent wafting over it. It's stomach started to rumble, making it feel embarassed. "Grr.."

(Y/N) could only blink from the sudden noise, before it made her giggle instead. "Aww, you're hungry?"


She looked back in her basket before grabbing one berry and handing it to the small Pokemon, as it gnawed onto it with one bite. Growlithe's had sparkles in it's eyes, sniffing at the sight of berry. "Aw, that's so cute." It made her heart wrench in two from happiness. Pikachu then hopped off from (Y/N)'s shoulder instead, grabbing another berry. "E-Eh? Pikachu what're you doing?"

"Pika! Pikachu!" He introduced himself and placed a paw above his chest, as Growlithe did the same with a happy bark. "Growl!"

The little girl could only sit on the grass in awe, watching Pikachu split the berry in half and gave it to Growlithe instead. Both of them took a bite of the delicious berry, grinning at each other as they took another one. "Aw.."

A small rustle could be heard from the bushes, making it grab the girl's attention. "... Huh?" (Y/N) turned her head around, squinting to see three new Pokemon she hasn't seen before.

One of them looked familiar, but she can't put a finger on who it was. "... Hi?" She waved her hand awkwardly, as all of them flinched and tried to run away.

"H-Hey wait, don't go!"

She stood up and grabbed her basket from before, "You guys are hungry, right? That's probably why you're here!"

The first one that walked, or rather waddled their way out of the bush is a a pinniped Pokemon that is primarily blue. It has large eyes, a long, white snout with black whiskers, and a round, pink nose. There is a small, rounded earflap on each side of its head. "Popp... Lio?"

The girl finally recognized the same creature as there was a huge grin on her face instead, "Ohhh, you're one of Growlithe's playmates!"

She immediately rummaged through her basket and grabbed a berry, "Here. You don't need to be scared!"

The Pokemon hesitated and used it's flippers to move nearer, sniffing the berry before taking a bite. It's eyes sparkled with taste buds watering, looking back at it's friends. "Pop! Popplio!" It waved them over, as the other two stared at each other before running towards the Popplio.

(Y/N) chuckled, "There's more in the basket, so you're all welcome!"


It is a small, avian Pokémon resembling a young owl with a round body and short legs. Its plumage is primarily beige with a white underside and facial disc. The facial disc itself is in the shape of two overlapping circles. It has large black eyes and a stubby beak. It flapped it's wings and landed on her shoulder, making her giggle. "Here."

She handed one directly in it's beak, it's jaw opened and chomped the berry right inside it's mouth. It smiled happily and crooned, nuzzling against her cheek. "Rowlet!"

And there was one more who just sat right in front of her with bored eyes. It was a feline Pokemon covered with primarily black fur. It has a short muzzle with a tiny, black nose, red eyes with yellow sclerae, and short, pointed ears with pale gray insides. There are two red stripes around each of its legs and two horizontal stripes with a vertical stripe across them on its forehead. It squinted it's eyes at her, before looking back at the fruit she was holding. "Oh, this?"

"Here." (Y/N) placed it down on the floor, rolling the berry towards it.

"Mrow." She asked before looking back at the cat Pokemon who only stared at her with distrust, arching it's back instead. It hissed at the berry and stepped back, slowly taking a sniff. Not a minute later it took one bite and ate by itself instead.

"Hm, I guess you don't trust someone like me that much." She chuckled, "I can't really blame you."

She looked back at the sky for a moment before her eyes went wide, "Shoot, it's getting late!" She was looking around frantically in her basket, thankfully enough that there was still a lot of berries left on what she picked earlier. "Hm, I guess I should go home.."

She grabbed the basket and called out, "C'mon Pikachu!"

The Pokemon perked up it's ears and looked back at his trainer, "Pikachu!" He pointed at the owl Pokemon still perching on her shoulder, eating a berry.

That made (Y/N) look back as well, making herself giggle. "Okay bud, you should head back with your friends."

"Krrr?" Rowlet frowned slightly, his feathers drooping. Meanwhile with Popplio and Growlithe were standing in front of her feet with puppy eyes, trying to make her stay instead. The sight made her heart hurt, wanting to say no but their begging eyes made it so difficult for her to even focus on going home.

"Ohhh.." She squeaked. The two's eyes shone in sadness, begging some more.

There was no other choice as (Y/N) sighed in disbelief, shaking her head. "Oh alright, I hope mom and papa wouldn't be mad if you guys came with me."

All of them cheered along as Pikachu hopped in circles around her legs, "Pi! Pika!"

She smiled and picked Pikachu into her right shoulder, carrying Popplio into her arms with Growlithe walking by her side. "Now, let's go!-..?"

There was only one Pokemon left behind, as it only glared at her. (Y/N) blinked and smiled instead, "You don't have to follow us if you want, but there's a beautiful home with lots of delicious food if you come with us!"

It hesitated instead, looking back and fourth from the forest, and then at (Y/N). It puffed out it's nose and walked from behind her, looking away as if it was some sort of Tsundere. The little girl sweatdropped, smiling sheepishly. "I guess it's those type of Pokemon who takes a while to trust you.."


And from then on fourth their family of Pokemon grew more and more each day, introducing from new and ancient, to the young and old. All of them were unique in their own ways, luckily to provide more support with the berries and other nutrients from the forest right beside the beach. Thankful enough that they were in the far outskirts of Kanto, so there wasn't that much visitors to worry about their secrets and discoveries.

It was much more of a safer place for Pokemon to thrive in. (Y/N) thought it was some sort of miracle that people didn't find any anomalies whenever someone near the hills and beach passed by.

It took the family quite a long time in a span of five years to get some research right. They'd would go out explore into the in the woods and write some new discoveries of what variants and their actions on what makes all of the Pokemon so different from each other. Turns out it was much more than that, with different typings and abilities that differs from them all other than their features as well.

"Can you see what that thing is?" (Y/N) asked as Yuriko hushed her. The family of five was hiding behind a rock for this research.

A wild Togepi was playing with a Jigglypuff, chasing each other by the grass. Kind of strange on how not one of them rolled down the hill. "Shh, be quiet!"

It wasn't too long for all of them to stop bickering, as a strong wing went by with poor Jigglypuff squeaking in the air, flying away from Togepi which made the egg-like Pokemon confused with the other three as well. "Toge..?"

"What on earth just happened?" (Y/N) stared at the flying Pokemon blankly as it went away in the sky, with Rizu following her gaze.

"Do you think that was a flying type or a normal type?"

"Not too sure.." Atsuo clicked on his pen, writing more notes in his clipboard, "If we get to see more of it's powers, then we might need to use (N/N) on this one." He mumbled as she began to write more information,

"If she goes near the egg Pokemon then we might-..."

The said Pokemon squeaked as it found them in their hiding spot, crying in fear and ran away from the premises instead. It annoyed him greatly, ".... Nevermind."

Yua shook her head in defeat, facepalming at the sight. "Great, we lost another one. We should really make a calmer approach whenever we take new research about these guys."

Their father's eye twitched, holding the pen as it almost broke within his fingers. "If this incident ever happens again, I'll do more than anything to keep any of your mouth's shut."

The three sisters' had shivers up their spines when they saw the glare their father gave them, huddling together in fear instead. The aura of his own energy felt so surreal, as if there was dark waves of matter were growing right behind him.

"O-Okay papa."

Because of the said incident that had happened from before, eventually they learned their lesson to never interfere or even toy within their father's research.


The miracles of (Y/N)'s father being one of the biggest inventors always had one of it's perks. As their family of Pokemon grew each day, not along after it was the space barely left behind their home. It was such a hassle to look after all of them at once, especially if one of them wanted to come along with her just for her family's researches. That's why her father came up with a brilliant plan, what if any Pokemon she wanted to bring with is now possible?

For he made the first PokeBall ever made.

(Y/N) was just outside of her father's office, which used to be the old abandoned basement she and the girls used to play inside. It's the place he'd be staying in whenever he had the chance to come home from working in I-Island. She knocked on the door lightly, creasing her hand over onto the door handle to make it open. "Uhm, papa?"

Atsuo was grabbing onto a screwdriver for one of his latest experiments, "What is it squirt?" He mumbled before tying the bolt of the said invention, grabbing the coffee mug on the side as he took another sip.

"You know how our family is growing each day with the Pokemon right?" (Y/N) asked nervously, scratching the back of her head.

"There's a bunch of Eevees following me around since this morning, and I don't really know what to do with them." She looked to the side in embarassment, thinking it was too much of a task to ask her father. "Is it too much to ask for y'know, something to carry them around with me? Like an inventory or something?"

Atsuo thought about it for a moment before taking off his glasses and setting his mug aside, cleaning off the dust from his lenses. He hummed and smiled, almost having a brilliant idea, "I think I have something in store for that."


It took the man a while to make his own creation come to a reality, which was not long after when he only made it successfully after a span of six months. Atsuo called for his three children right in front of their lawn, experimenting on what he currently made. "Hey kids, I think you know why were all here for today and that is,"

He grabbed something from his pocket to something so tiny, pressing the ball as it was now the size of his fist. "A PokeBall!"

"... Sounds kinda boring." Rizu bluntly said it, pointing at the PokeBall. "What does it do exactly?"

Atsuo held onto the PokeBall and gave it to the youngest, patting her head. "Well she's the one who requested this, so why don't you give it a go and try it out? Throw it at a Pokemon while they're still conscious."

Pikachu was resting onto (Y/N)'s shoulder, looking back at her partner. "Ready to try it out Pikachu?" Pikachu nodded ecstatically, raising his tail up high as he squeaked. "Pika!" She smiled and pressed the silver button on his head, seeing him dissolve into nothing but red light as he sunk into the PokeBall.

It took a few moments beeping with the button glowing red, finally ticking with a click at the third time. ".... Did it work?" She asked, looking back at the PokeBall she now held in her hand.

"It worked!" Atsuo exclaimed with pride, placing both of his hands onto the twins in such a joyous manner. (Y/N) stared at the PokeBall for a moment in confusion, "So that means Pikachu is inside?" She asked as her father smiled out a yes, nodding.

"That's so freaking cool!" Rizu's eyes sparkled, looking directly at the ball in her sister's hand. "Papa's invention is awesome!"

Yuriko hummed, placing a finger under her chin. "I don't get it." She admitted, "How does something so big get into something so small? Aren't they gonna feel like they're trapped inside that thing?" Atsuo started to explain, "With the use of my modern technology and advancements, the Pokemon would have shrunk in size within the ball. They'd be comfortable inside anyway, think if it as a small paradise or a hotel they could rest in."

"That's so awesome!" Yuriko smiled wildly, pointing at the PokeBall. "Can you show me how you made it?" The father chuckled and patted her head instead, "Not right now sweetheart, the PokeBall's still a prototype of mine."


"Maybe when you'll be working for me in the future, I guess I'll try to give you the blueprint for it in the meantime." Their father grinned as Yuriko nodded ecstatically, holding both her hands onto her father's wrists. "Okay!"

"But uhm, Papa.."


(Y/N) looked at the PokeBall worriedly, holding it close to her. How was Pikachu not even scared of goin inside of it before? Is he okay? "How do I let Pikachu out of his PokeBall?"

"Oh, right! I almost forgot." He smiled sheepishly and pointed at the silver button that was on the middle of the PokeBall, "Just call out his name and throw the ball up into the air. Don't worry, it's completely safe."

The little girl hesitated on her grip and nodded. A pause was soon replaced afterwards, with (Y/N) calling out it's name as she yelled out into the air, throwing the ball. "Go, Pikachu!"

A bright light appeared soon after the PokeBall was released, to see a a Pikachu standing there, confused. "Pi... Ka?"

The red and white ball hit directly into his head, making him wince. "Pi!" It rolled down right in front of him, as it made his eyes go wide. He ran behind (Y/N) raising his tail up in defense, crouching down with distrust at the PokeBall. "Pika... Chu."

"What is it buddy?" (Y/N) asked, picking up the PokeBall for him. "Was it too uncomfortable in there?"

The Pokemon huffed as he looked away, not standing the sight of something so small and measly in front of him. "Pi!"

All of them sweatdropped, "I... Guess he doesn't like it in there. But now we know it works?"

"I think the little guy prefers to be outside of his PokeBall." The man chuckled and crouched down to Pikachu's height, patting his head as a form of an apology. "Sorry there bud."

He looked back at his daughter, giving them all more information on what they could do with the PokeBalls. "It's still a prototype, but these guys still have the chance to break free from the item, or resist themselves to be captured. So you must be careful because it makes your tasks a little more challenging."

Pikachu only glared at the man in front of him and ran at him with full speed, hitting the back of his head with his tail. "Pika, Pika Pikachu!"


He does not like the PokeBall at all.


Learning the lesson that there was more than a hundred species of Pokemon surrounding different types of locations, or habitats anywhere around the world, it was kind of a hassle to remember each of their names by a book all of them had information of most Pokemon. That's where Yuriko recommended him a new device to store all of the information without any difficulties. And that is of course, the PokeDex.

They were in the lab again, as Atsuo handed the youngest his latest creation that could definitely come in handy for the future. "Here." (Y/N) looked at the red device in confusion, pressing a button on the side as it only viewed off a blank blue screen. "Uh, what's this?"

"It's a PokeDex." Atsuo hummed, "It's like a small tablet that has all of the information we currently have about the Pokemon. It took me almost two to finish the whole thing, but I can't really say it's completed for sure." He shrugged, "I'm still updating some new information from the book we had, so it's kind of a work in progress if we found new discoveries."

(Y/N) smiled excitedly and held the PokeDex up high, "So that means I could just scan this thing in front of the Pokemon when it scans them, right?"


"Ohh this is exciting!" She giggled giddily and faced the PokeDex in Pikachu's direction, who was busy playing with a dark brown dog, Rockruff and a green cat Pokemon named Sprigatito.

It beeped, as something white blinked on the top right corner to signify the invention worked. It scanned the information on the moving Pokemon, with a robotic voice following.

"Pikachu: The Mouse Pokemon

An Electric type, evolved from Pichu.

This Pokemon has electricity-storing pouches on it's cheeks. These appear to become electrically charged during the night while Pikachu sleeps. It occasionally discharges electricity when it is dozy after waking up."

Her eyes sparkled in amazement from the information she just knew about her partner in crime, her jaw dropped as she looked back and forth from the PokeDex to the Pokemon. "This is so cool! I didn't know you could do this Pikachu!"

Pikachu stopped playing for a moment and waved his hand instead, smiling proudly. "Pika!"

"You never saw him use his powers before?" Atsuo asked and raised a brow, as

(Y/N) shook her head in disagreement. "No not really, I've only saw small glimpses of him using it in my nightmares back then, not even once in real life." She shrugged, "Maybe I can see him use it one day."

"Mm, I guess so. I'm sure you'll do great with that discovery." Atsuo chuckled, "That deity said about you being a trainer didn't they? Maybe it meant something deeper." He suggested.

"Yeah, but I didn't really get on what they meant from the last part." She mumbled.

Suddenly, the door was slammed open to reveal the twins panting in exhaustion. Rizu was holding a confused Togetic in her hands, Yuriko trailing behind her with Rowlet perching on her shoulder.

"We finally found you!" Rizu panted heavily as she crouched down, Togepi looking up at her with worry as it pat her head in attempt to cool her off.

Yuriko was no better either, holding onto the door handle with Rowlet clinging onto her shoulder for dear life, fanning her back with it's wing. "Jeez, it took a while to actually find you."

Both of them tried to walk closer, with (Y/N) who looked disgusted to see her sweaty siblings and backed away from them. "Uh, why are you two sweaty?"

"We were just playing with these two earlier!" Rizu exclaimed, mumbling out in embarassment from the last part. "But playing tag with flying types wasn't a good idea, soo.."

"But what's that?" Yuriko cut her sister off, ignoring the offended look on her face. She pointed at the device (Y/N) was holding, staring at it with interest.

"Another one of papa's inventions." (Y/N) looked back at the device as she continued to explain, "It scans a Pokemon and reveals information about them."

Rizu smiled excitedly, "Ohh! Let me try!" She snatched the device from her and placed the camera lense in front of Togepi instead. It tilted it's head, looking back at the PokeDex in confusion. "To..?" After scanning the egg-like Pokemon, the same robotic voice from before exclaimed.

"Togepi: The Spike Ball Pokemon

A Fairy Type

As it's energy, Togepi uses positive emotions of compassion and pleasure exuded by people and Pokemon. This Pokemon stores up feelings of happiness inside it's shell, then it shares them with others."

"Pi pi pi!" Togepi let out a happy cry and raised both of it's small nubs after the robotic voice stopped. It made Rizu's heart swell, smiling in awe of what Togepi could do. "Awww that's so cute, I didn't know she could do that!"

"Let me try!" Yuriko couldn't hold it in any longer from her own excitement, taking the PokeDex from her twin sister. She pressed the button in front of Rowlet, which only made it's head turn in a 360° angle out of confusion. "Krr?"

"Rowlet: The Grass Quill Pokemon

A Grass and Flying type

Silently it glides, drawing near it's targets. Before they even notice it, it begins to pelt them with vicious kicks."

Now it's Yuriko's turn to be amazed with a starry-eyed smile, happily looking at her father. She was squealing excitedly from her father's invention, "I didn't know Rowlet was that awesome either!"

Rowlet blinked slowly before posing in pride, putting his wings on his hips proudly. "Krr!"

"Dad you're so cool!" Yuriko exclaimed, "Your inventions are just as awesome as the ones from before!"

Atsuo felt his cheeks warm up from the compliment, smiling awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck. "Kids you give me too much credit for this. I couldn't really do much without your mother's help."

"Well she's awesome too then!" (Y/N) giggled and grabbed the PokeDex from Yuriko, pointing outside the door. "We should go outside and scan this thing on more Pokemon!"



Atsuo only smiled at his children's antics, watching them all go outside with the rest of the Pokemon in the laboratory, leaving himself behind. "Ah, those kids. I wonder how much they'd have fun these days?"


And then, something strange happened in front of (Y/N)'s very eyes. It felt so surreal and unrealistic, but of all that had happened was true otherwise. She couldn't hold back her excitement and pride, leaving herself sleepless days on end.

"Are you guys sure it's a good idea to take the little guy with us?" Yuriko asked, looking at the yellow sash bag that (Y/N) brings around everywhere. Pikachu was inside it, peeking outside in curiosity. The two of them decided to take a stroll in the park, bringing the said Pokemon with them. She couldn't really help herself but worry over the fact they might get caught bringing a creature around with them, peeking at the bag every now and then whenever Pikachu accidentally pokes one of his ears out.

"I know it's a bad idea, but he hasn't been outside for a while. So I just had to bring him with me this time."

Rizu pointed out, "Shouldn't it be a good idea for the little guy to stay in his PokeBall instead?"

"Remember what happened last time with Papa?" (Y/N) chuckled, remembering Pikachu who smacked their father in the head with his tail. "He doesn't like it in there. And besides, my bag's big enough for him to be inside!"

A few hours had passed until the sky turned into an orange hue. It was slowly turning darker each moment, now deciding that the three of them would head home and rest for the day. The whole place was eerily quiet, as the small taps of their shoes were the only ones that were heard shuffling against the grass. Pikachu felt something was off, peeking out the bag again. "Pika-"

Rizu raised her hand up high to shush the three behind her, hearing muffled squeaks and cries from one of the back alleys. "Is something wrong?" (Y/N) asked before she placed a hand on her mouth, keeping her quiet.

"Someone's in trouble, I think I should go and help." Rizu exclaimed. (Y/N) pulled off Rizu's hand from her mouth, holding onto both of the twins' wrists.

"Are you nuts? That's dangerous!" Yuriko whisper-yelled, with (Y/N) nodding,

"Let's just go home and let the pro heroes handle it."

Rizu shook her head, "That person is going to be dead even before a pro arrives. It's a good duty to help someone when they're in need."

She pulled away from her little sister's grip, sprinting quickly at the direction on where the noise was. "Go home and be safe. Don't follow me!"

That was the last thing she said, before losing the other two sisters' sights completely.


"Dude, I think we hit the jackpot with this little monster!" A man in all black clothing grabbed a small, feline Pokemon with cream-colored fur that turns brown at the tips of its hind paws and tail. Its ovoid head features four prominent whiskers, wide eyes with slit pupils, two pointed teeth in the upper jaw, and a gold koban coin embedded in its forehead. It was writhing in fear from his strength, wanting to scream for help. But with a cloth placed on its mouth from no avail.

The man's tuft of brown hair lifted up from his mask, smirking beneath it with such an eerie vibe. "I wonder how it's gonna scream in pain with the rest of em?" He laughed out, making the poor Pokemon tear up. It wanted to scratch the foe as hard as it could, but one of the man's goons has something to do with it being so helpless.

Thankfully enough, a voice behind them stopped the man from doing anything to the poor Pokemon. "Save it for the boss Kai."

It was another man in all black clothing as well, his silver eyes could be only one that were recognizable. "You don't want the thing to flee and make the boss kick your ass don't ya?"

"Heh, you're no fun Hiroshi." Another one of the goons retorted, backing away from the Pokemon.

It shook the cloth away from it's mouth, shaking it's head in such fear. "Hey bub, leave me alone! I don't want to be any part of this scheme y'all are playing!"


"The monster talks?"

Hiroshi rolled his eyes, resting by the back of their truck that was used for much more questionable and terrifying reasons. "Well duh, why don't you idiots think we're saving that thing for the boss?"

The cat Pokemon was shaking with it's tail, waving both of it's hands in a form of a surrender, "L-Look guys, I don't want to be any part of this trouble! Maybe I can do something for you all, and you all can do something for me?" He tried to protest with a wobbly smile, "Whaddya say?"

Hiroshi paused for a moment as he thought about it, squinting a glance towards the struggling Pokemon. "Hm.."

Kai on the other hand wasn't believing a word what the Pokemon's offering, never letting go of the grasp of it's neck. "Hah! Why would we believe something so stupid?"

Then all hope was lost for the cream colored cat, squinting his eyes shut as he prepared for the worst. "Goodbye cruel world.."

But all of those expectations were lost when he soon realized he wasn't been held captive by the neck anymore, making his eyes go wide as he braced for impact for the concrete below. He landed on all of his four paws confused, looking back at the angel who seemingly "rescued" him.

It was Rizu who threw a kick directly at the man's jaw with her bare strength, yelling back at the Pokemon. "Run!"

The cat didn't waste any more time at the manner as he scurried off somewhere away from the alley, disappearing into another direction. And that made Kai pissed, trying to stand up from the floor with blood seeping from his jaw. "You son of a bitch!"

He grabbed onto Rizu's ankle and slammed her body across the brick wall, making her scream in pain. She swore, "Shit!"

The man dusted off his outfit and slowly stood up, wiping the blood off his jaw with one of his sleeves. "Playing a pro's job now aren't cha kid? Look at what you did!"

He grabbed her by the collar and slammed her yet again by the wall, making her wince. He raised his hand up high as his hand slowly formed into a shape of a blade, a psychotic grin went passed his lips. "You let that scored prize run off. You'll pay for this!"

But before the man could even lay a finger on the woman, Rizu saw a gateway for her to run off. Her reflexes immediately went haywire as she lifted up her leg and kicked as hard as she could, just where the sun doesn't shine. The man fell to his knees out of instincts and grabbed his nutsacks, making him groan. "Fuck!"

With her only chance she pulled away from the grasp on her collar, using her legs one last time to hit the man by his stomach. "Nice legs ya got there you slut. Too bad I'm gonna break them into the tiniest bits." Rizu tried to ignore the sickly comment, glaring at the man in front of her.

The silver eyed man placed a hand on Kai's shoulder, looking back at Rizu with those dull eyes. "Step aside, I'll end this quicker than your pathetic self did."

"What the fuck does that mean?!"

"It seems this woman is rendered powerless with my quirk." Hiroshi activated his quirk as his eyes glowed a deathly white hue, raising his hand towards her. A white blast of a wave made her fly to the wall yet again, making her want to scream in pain.


"Not fair boss! I wanted to kick her ass!" Kai protested, making Hiroshi glared at him and the other goons instead, ordering them. "Why are you all sitting there like a bunch of nitwits? Find that damn monster!"


A girl cried out, catching each of the goons' attention. It was (Y/N), who immediately came with her older sister who was just right behind her. Yuriko was letting Rizu rest by the back of her head on her lap, "Hang in there, we're here!"

(Y/N) looked at Rizu with worry before glaring back at the bigger males, raising both of her hands up high. She was protecting both of her sisters, making the same Pokemon in her back twitch in it's spot, wanting to go outside and help.

"Ohoho?" One of the goons chuckled, crouching down to the little girl's height. "So you all are just the same as the bitch who kicked Kai in the nuts? How sad of you."

Rizu was struggling to get up within her own feet, trying to support herself with the cement floor. "What the hell are you two doing here? I told you all not to follow me!" (Y/N) shook her head, keeping glances at the people in front of her. "We're here to protect you!"

Hiroshi snorted, shaking his head in disbelief. "How adorable of you to play the role of some stupid pro? You don't even look strong enough to break even a tiny branch!"

His smile soon faded, raising his hand into the direction of the girls. "Now stand aside and let me at the supposed girl who let our target run away."

Rizu looked at her sisters frantically, "He has an energy based quirk, get out of here both of you!"

The both of them refused, with (Y/N) still standing. "No, I'm here for my sister who protects me, and I'm willing to do anything within my power to give that back!"

She retorted, "But that doesn't mean any of this is safer for all of us! What do you mean your power?!"

(Y/N) simply ignored that statement. Sure, it was true that she didn't have a power of her own, but something felt like it was calling her. Something she was surely drawn to do. She felt a heavenly presence watching over her, but somehow it felt so right. Like it was the deity Arceus calling her.

"Well?" The man squinted his eyes, readying at the targets. "Are you gonna move or what? Seems like you all have a death wish in mind."

"My body...
Moved on it's own."

Something triggered inside of her, a calling of some sort. A feeling she was trying to scream out in an instant.

"For you shall call out it's name and say.."

"Pikachu, use thunderbolt!" (Y/N)'s eyes went wide as the unfamiliar words went passed her lips, causing the men to get caught off guard. Pikachu immediately shuffled his way out of her bag, jumping from her shoulder to up high.

He leaped from her head as he slapped his own red cheeks, forming vigorous amounts of electrical matter. "Pika...


"What the hell...?" The men were both confused and in fear from the giant surge of electricity hurling towards them all, making them all writhe and scream in such agony.

It left them all baffled in the floor with their brains fried, paralyzed.

Well I hope u guys LOVED this chapter since it's barely even enough until 8k words

And I guess it's time to say goodbye to Ash and hello to the new possible mc with her partner being Sprigatito!

(Also fun fact from the last chapter? That small crystal adventure was actually inspired from the Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time games! The ending still made me sob)

(Edited on May 9, 2023)

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