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The pitter patter of rain could be heard from the outside of a family's very own home somewhere in Musutafu Japan, sitting by the couch as most of them had a drink of their lovely warm cocoa, warming up by the fireplace

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The pitter patter of rain could be heard from the outside of a family's very own home somewhere in Musutafu Japan, sitting by the couch as most of them had a drink of their lovely warm cocoa, warming up by the fireplace.

Most of their gazes was on the television, watching some kid's cartoon most children watching these days. (Y/N)'s siblings were busy arguing on which pro hero of some sort, but the poor girl was trying to ignore the noise and their antics. But something caught her eye, hearing the interruption of the show.

"We interrupt this program with some breaking news! Creatures have been found all around the world in such an alarming rate-"

"Come onnn!" One of (Y/N)'s siblings complained, whining as she kept banging her head by the side of the couch. "That's boring, why can't we watch something else other than that boring stu-" The poor girl was soon cut off with a raging thunder interrupting outside.


"That's what you get for being such a whiny baby, now shush! I'm trying to watch the news!" (Y/N) scoffed with her tiny arms crossing, keeping her stare at the television.


She blatantly ignored that comment.

"These monsters are yet to believed to be find anywhere across the world and its borders. From flying high in the sky interrupting airplanes passing by, swimming in the sea scaring tourists, or even be found anywhere around the city. Pro heroes and Police advise the public to stay away from these creatures, until the issue is resolved."

The report was followed by pictures of a shadow with it's red eyes lurking behind some trees, one of them was even in the city roaming around looking like a blue bipedal jackal, and what seemed to be a bird with two heads sitting inside a cave eating berries.

"Please remain calm whenever you see those creatures and call authorities. Escape the premises whenever you see them, they are a great danger to the public."

Huh, how strange.

Most of them don't even look like they're attacking humans at all.

"Boringggg. How on earth would we believe this stuff? It's already obvious enough most of these pictures are edited." One of (Y/N)'s siblings replied, making her annoyed. "Oh shut up Yuriko. Why would all this be fake? It's on the news isn't it?"

"Now now girls, there's no need to fight. But (Y/N)'s right, this situation is absolutely serious. We all need to stay safe, especially you three." The mom patted Yuriko's head, making the three sisters pout from the indirect insult.

"-These creatures are believed to be dangerous by the sight of a human, as they would attack them out of spite or no reason. This is Nazuna Kaoru reporting live fr-"

(Y/N)'s only thoughts instead of being afraid like the rest of her family was, is that her eyes were sparkling with amazement, maybe even daydreaming to have one of those "creatures" as a friend, maybe.

Rizu took notice of her dazed state, bonking her head by the back of her palm, which made (Y/N) snap back to reality. She raised a brow making her giggle, "Wakey wakey dazey-head. You're not thinking what I'm thinking, right?"

The little girl's eyes went wide, "W-Wha? Of course not!"

"Hehe, I know you too well (Y/N)~!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do NOT!"

"Now now you two, this isn't the time for arguing over the news. Finish your cocoas and head off to bed. Am I clear?" Their mother interrupted the argument, trying to lessen the tension.

The three girls huffed, nodding in defeat.

"Okay mom.."


The hour passed by as the three sisters went off to bed early, laying down in their separate beds in one room. You could see the walls were filled with either posters from pro heroes, scribbled coloring materials or even stickers.

The (H/C) girl was spending time in her bed, tossing and turning uncomfortably, overthinking about the fact on what happened in the news, even just worrying about herself on what might happen.

Was those so called "monsters" even harmful in the first place? Were they big? Small? Colorful to the point it would make it's victim's bli- "Get a hold of yourself, (Y/N)!"

"... Hey, you okay?"

The little girl was snapped out of her thoughts as she turned around to see Rizu with her disheveled hair, rubbing her eyes as she yawned from exhaustion. That almost made (Y/N) giggle at the sight.

"Yeah I know I look like a hot mess right now, but are you sure you're okay? You've been tossing and turning in your bed, I can't even sleep."

(Y/N)'s sweat dropped and mumbled an apology before turning to the other side, wrapping herself in her cozy blanket. "Y-Yeah... Sorry about that."

"Good, now finally to get some beauty sleep!"

She couldn't help but sigh and hum to reassure her sibling. Her thoughts although, they wouldn't stop at all.

Why would people be scared of creatures that didn't do anything at all?

Anddd that's a wrap for today's chapter! Hope you guys loved it, it's been a while since I've written fanfics of my own </3

I apologize if this seems short lol but I'm getting there

[Edited on February 15 2023]

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