Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Rebecc...

By MagnusWrites

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I really like Rebecca so I am writing this short book. Hopefully you enjoy this. You will have the abilities... More

Chapter One: Who Am I?
Chapter Two: The Test
Chapter Three: You Have Feelings
Chapter Four: A Date With Rebecca
Chapter Five: Like A Sister
Chaprer Six: David
Chapter Seven: A Change
Chapter Eight: Dreams
Chapter Nine: A Different Kind Of Monster
Chapter Ten: End Of The Road
Halloween Chapter: Wild Hunt
Halloween Chapter: Invasion
Bonus Chapter: 'Happy Recruiting!'
Bonus chapter: 'A Pre-Xmas Declaration'
Christmas Chapter: Christmas
Christmas Chapter: Arasaka
Chapter One: An Old Friend
Chapter Two: Crew Bonding
Chapter Three: Hercules
Chapter Four: Tartaros
Chapter Five: Unpredictable
Chapter Six: Bob

Chapter Seven: Reaper No More

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By MagnusWrites

Author: The final part of this book. I hope you enjoy this as I try to write the best finale I can for this book.

In the facility where the Mastermind is located. He sits opposite Mercy as she eats dinner prepared by Arasaka chefs.

Mastermind: Enjoying your meal?

Mercy stays silent.

Mastermind: Still don't want to talk to me huh?

Mercy: I have nothing to say to you... Unless you plan on stopping and atoning for your crimes.

The Mastermind sighs.

Mastermind: This is Night city... You need to stop acting like people are good and deserving of kindness.

Mercy: There are good people... Like my daughter. She'll be nothing like you or me. I plan to build a better world where she can live freely and happily.

Mastermind: So naive... But on the topic of your daughter.

The Mastermind clicks his fingers and Ward enters dragging Susie by her arm.

Susie: Let me go!

Mercy: Susie!

Susie: Momma!

Ward let's Susie go and he rushes towards her mother. Mercy embraces her and stares daggers at her father.

Mastermind: I'm a smart man... But even I don't know how to build your unique Nanobots.

The bot known as Tartaros enters the room.

Mastermind: You are just as smart if not smarter than me my dearest daughter... So please tell me what I want to know.

Mercy: You bastard... She's your own Granddaughter.

Mastermind: It's true as your father I care for you... But your child means nothing to me.

Mercy: She means everything to me!

Mastermind: Yes and that is why you will tell me what I want to know.

Mercy: You wouldn't!

Mastermind: You think I'm soft because I love you?

Tartaros opens up and U/N snatches Susie's arm before throwing her into the robotic prison.

Susie: Momma!

Tartaros closes trapping Susie inside.

Mercy: Susie!

Mercy leaps at the Mastermind but he simply side steps out of her path. She turns to strike again but Ward knocks her to the ground and holds her arms behind her back while kneeling on her legs.

Mercy: Give her back!

Tears flow down her face.

Mastermind: I love you but I am not soft. Tell me... And she and you never have to see me again.

Suddenly alarms go off.

Mastermind: What?!

Ward: We're under attack?! How?! This facility isn't on any records and is hidden in the Badlands!

The Mastermind walks over and presses a button. The many screens above him turn on to reveal you and your crew shooting down the Arasaka soldiers.

Mastermind: Him! I should have killed him when I had the chance... Ward go deal with his crew. I'll kill that rat.

Ward removes his hold on Mercy and teleports. The Mastermind sits down on his throne.

Mastermind: Come then Reaper... Let me erase you from my bloodline.

Several robotic needles stab into his back injecting him with various types of Nanobots. Mercy tries to free Susie from Tartaros to no avail.

At the entrance of the facility. Bob throws you towards several Minotaurs. You slam into one and surround yourself in a tornado of Nanobots. Shotguns appear all over the tornado and fire bullets at each and every Minotaur.

Y/N: Death Tornado!

Each shot tips the army of Minotaurs to pieces. Rebecca jumps up and down next to Bob.

Rebecca: Bob throw me! Throw me!

Bob picks Rebecca up and throws her towards you. Rebecca laughs excitedly as she slams into you from behind. You fly into an Arasaka soldiers knocking him out in the process. Rebecca stands up and cheers.

Rebecca: Wooo! Let's do it again!

You quickly stand up knocking Rebecca onto her butt. You turn staring at her unimpressed.

Y/N: Do you mind?!

Rebecca: I couldn't help myself... It looked fun!

You sigh and walk on ahead. Johnny appears walking next to you.

Johnny: Time to end Arasaka... Once and for all.

Y/N: Yeah.

Your crew follow close behind you. All of them apart from Bob instinctively dodge any bullets shot at them due to the new Nanobots flowing through their bodies. You all fire at the Arasaka soldiers and turrets shooting at you all.

Y/N: Remember... Don't overwork your Nanobots! They can only help you avoid so much at a time!

David: Understood!

You turn and your eyes widen behind your mask. Tears of pride leak out of your eyes. You smile as you see David wearing the mask you got him.

Y/N: You're... You're actually wearing it.

David: Well this is our biggest fight yet... So I thought we may as well do this in style.

Y/N: I love you man!

David laughs.

David: Just go kick U/N's butt!

You grin.

Y/N: I'm going to kick his butt until he dies!

David sweatdrops as you fly forwards in a cloud of Nanobots.

David Mind: He really needs to work on actually thinking before he speaks.

V: We should split up!

Lucy: Y/N's gone down the middle path so that leaves heading left and right!

Sally: I'm going with Y/N!

Sally leaps over the cover and rushes swinging her axe at the soldiers.

Lucy: Based on the look of the facility... I can probably shut off most of the security of I can get to the computer which should be down the left path!

David: I'm with you!

Rebecca: Me too!

V: Jackie you go with them... The rest of you with me!

V heads the right path followed by Ashe, Falco and Bob.

Ashe: Don't give me orders!... You aren't Y/N!

V: Quit complaining!

Ashe: Bob...

Falco: Calm down Ashe!

Ashe just scoffs as she follows V with her butler and friend.

Lucy heads the left path with Rebecca, Jackie and her lover David. Rebecca pushes to the front and kicks the door down before firing her large gun at the robots. David uses his Sandevistan to run past Rebecca and rip out the wiring of the Minotaur at the back. Time resumes normally.

Lucy: Good work!

Lucy runs over to the computer and plugs herself in. Jackie looks down the hallway to see drones and Arasaka soldiers heading in their direction.

Jackie: We'll that doesn't look good... Guys we have company heading this way!

Lucy: Rebecca... You and Jackie keep them back. David make sure I stay conscious.

Lucy Mind: This tech is highly advanced. There is risk of me catching a virus doing this so I need to stay conscious.

Rebecca and Jackie start shooting at the enemies in the hallway. David stands over Lucy as she starts trying to hack into the systems.

Lucy Mind: I wish Kiwi was here... That code to the Mastermind's systems would make this a whole of a lot easier.

With you and Sally. You smash through the door sending it flying into a big room. You notice Mercy hugging Tartaros as Sally pushes past you.

Sally: Mercy!

Mercy looks over at Sally.

Sally: I'm so sorry... I couldn't protect Susie!

Mercy: Help me get her out! She's trapped in this thing!

Sally rushes and tries to cut Tartaros open with her axe.

Sally: Dammit open!

You hear a laugh as the rest of the lights turn to reveal the Mastermind sitting on a throne made of metal and tech.

Mastermind: Tartaros was designed to hold even someone as strong as Adam Smasher in case he ever went rogue... You think you can break it open... You a weak and pathetic fool who believes in melee! Your Warriors Guild are no more... You're just a fool who should have died!

Mercy: No she's not!

Y/N: U/N!

Your uncle turns to you with a glare and stands up. Nanobots flow violently around you.

Y/N: Today... You die.

Mastermind: Correction... Today I purge the L/Ns of its filth!

Nanobots very similar to yours flow around the Mastermind just as violently but greater in number.

Mastermind: You bested both Ed and Hercules... But that was luck! You needed the sun to kill Ed and your crew to kill Hercules. You are all alone!

Sally roars in fury and picks Tartaros open and holds it above her head.

Sally: Follow me... I have a friend who can help get Susie out!

Sally runs away followed by Mercy. She stops to look back.

Sally: Don't die idiot!

Y/N: That was the plan.

The Mastermind laughs once again.

Mastermind: Even she left you! You will die alone!

Johnny appears next to you.

Johnny: Fucking annoying isn't he?

Y/N: Yeah.

You both shoot towards each other.

Y/N: I am not... Alone!

Your fists collide causing the billions of Nanobot around the two of you to stop for a moment. The Mastermind knees you in the chest and then uppercuts you sending you smashing into the ceiling.

Mastermind: You're Nanobots are inferior in every possible way! My Nanobots give me...

You fall down towards the Mastermind. You summon your shotguns only to be met with a fist covered in Nanobots. A crack appears in your mask.

Mastermind: Strength!

You fly across the room. Your uncle flies swiftly behind you due to his Nanobots.

Mastermind: Speed!

You turn mid air and fire again and again but his Nanobots shield him.

Mastermind: Defence!

He creates a huge fist of Nanobots above you. It slams through your Nanobots and pushes you hard into the ground. You cough blood as the crack on your mask opens revealing part of your face. (Like in picture above)

Y/N: You're just a cheap fucking knock off.

Mastermind: No... I'm the upgrade.

You stand up glaring up at your uncle flying above you. Red energy sparks across your Nanobots as your shotguns grow larger.

Y/N: Die!

You aim your two large shotguns up at your uncle. A brighter red glows from the ends of your guns before you fire. Hundreds of the Mastermind's Nanobots explode from your many shots.

Mastermind: Nice trick... But you have already lost.

You drop to your knees as several sharp tendrils made of Nanobots piece your body all over.

Mastermind: Today is the day you die! People will sing... Reaper... Reaper no more!

You cough out blood and fall on your masked face as the Nanobots stabbing you return to their owner. Your uncle laughs in mockery before landing in front of you.

Mastermind: I won't kill you just yet... I want you to suffer so I'll go fetch that lover of yours.

Y/N: No... Stay away from her!

The Mastermind slowly walks away leaving you a bleeding mess on the floor. You try to get up but just end up falling back down bleeding.

Y/N: No... I'm too weak.

With V, Ashe, Falco and Bob. They continue walking through a surprisingly empty hallway.

Falco: This seems a bit too easy.

Ashe: It probably means we're heading towards somewhere not important.

Suddenly several turrets appear all around the four. Bob shields Falco and Ashe from the shots. V jumps onto Bob and leaps off and destroys all the turrets with her katana. She lands on Bob and jumps back down.

Falco: Damn... You're pretty good with that thing.

V: I am.

The sound of clapping causes the four to turn to see Ward.

Ward: Nice swordsmanship...

Nanobots flow down Ward's arms and transform into two swords.

Ward: Shall we see who is the better swordsman?

Falco and Ashe aim their guns and fire at Ward. He teleports appearing between the two. Ward stabs them both in the chest.

V: Nooo!

V leaps at Ward and their blades clash. Bob drops to his knees over his bleeding friends.

Ashe: F-Fuck... You still alive Falco?

Falco: S-Surprisingly.

Ashe looks up at Bob.

Ashe: Bob do me a favour... Go find Mercy and bring her to us.

Ashe fights through her pain and stands up using her gun as a crutch. Bob waves his hands in panic.

Ashe: Relax... I won't let some stupid stab wound kill me. Take Falco with you too... He's weak.

Falco: Thanks... I am really feeling the love.

Ashe: Shove it!

Ashe smiles at Bob.

Ashe: Trust me.

Bob nods and picks up Falco before rushing off. Ashe smiles as they leave before returning her gaze to V and Ward clashing blades. Ward cuts V's katana in half with his blades. He then goes to stab V but she leaps back instinctively dodging the attack. 

Ward: These Nanoblades are really something. Now please do me a favour and hold still so I may end your life.

Ashe throws a dynamite at Ward. He easily dodges and the dynamite bounces off a wall.

Ward: You missed.

Ashe: Did I?

Ward turns to the dynamite at his feet as Ashe aims her gun.

Ashe: This is for stabbing me you fuck.

Ashe fires and Ward holds his arms up as the dynamite explodes. V leaps and rolls over to Ashe's side. 

V: Nice job.

The smoke clears to reveal Ward alive but slightly injured and without his swords.

Ward: The Nanobots shielded me but the explosion destroyed them... Fuck.

Ashe and V look at one another with a blank expression before turning back to Ward with devious grins.

V: You thinking what I am thinking?

Ashe: Yep.

Ward gulps nervously before turning to run but V stabs Ward in the back with what is left of her katana and Ashe fires a bullet through the back of his head. Ward drops to the floor dead. Ashe and V high five one another.

Bob carries Falco through the facility until he bumps into Sally, Mercy and Tartaros.

Mercy: Is Falco okay?

Bob picks up Sally, Mercy and Tartaros alongside Falco before running back to Ashe.

Falco: I'm alive for now... But Ashe also needs medical attention.

Mercy: I can heal you both.

With Rebecca, Lucy, David and Jackie. Rebecca and Jackie stop shooting as they see no more threats heading down the hallway.

Rebecca: How's the hack going?

Rebecca turns to see David in a mask massaging Lucy's shoulders as she struggles to hack.

Lucy: I've gotten past the first three firewalls but the forth... It is really difficult. If only we had the code.

Kiwi: You mean this one?

The four turn to see Kiwi leaning on a wall.

Rebecca, David and Lucy: Kiwi?!

Kiwi: I felt bad about not helping earlier... So here I am.

Kiwi hands the code to Lucy. Lucy smiles.

Lucy: Thank you.

Kiwi: Just make sure you succeed... I don't want my daughter to be in danger.

Lucy: We will.

Elsewhere in the facility Johnny crouches over you.

Johnny: Come on... You need to get up.

Y/N: I can't.

Johnny: Let me take over.

Y/: Huh? I am injured you moron! What are you going to do?!

Johnny: Fight... We are different people so are way of fighting differs. Mine will work better than yours.

Y/N: I don't need your help.

Johnny: Yes you do... Look at yourself! You're acting crazy and not in the good way.

You cough out more blood as you continue to fail to get your feet.

Y.N: Fine... But if you even think about fucking anyone other than Rebecca... You're dead.

Johnny: Whatever just give me your body.

You sigh and grab a pill that Viktor gave you.

Y/N: Bottoms up.

You shove it in your mouth and swallow. Your consciousness fades and Johnny takes over. Your body stands up still injured but with no pain.

Y/N (Johnny): Let's get this show on the road.

Johnny turns and shoots through the air surrounded by Nanobots.

Y/N (Johnny): Arasaka bastard!

The Mastermind turns around confused. He is met with your fist. He flies across the room slamming into the wall. 

Mastermind: Still feel like fighting huh? 

The Nanobots flowing around the Mastermind all transform into millions of fists and shoot towards Johnny taking over your body.

Y/N (Johnny): Rock on.

Johnny's Nanobots once again charge with red energy as the fly around him violently quick. He runs avoiding all of the enemy Nanobots either due to his speed or your Nanobots shielding him.

Mastermind Mind: He seems different then before... Don't tell me he...

Mastermind: Johnny!

Y/N (Johnny): Prick!

Johnny and your uncle throw punches at one another. Johnny grabs the Mastermind's with ease and sucker punches him in the face. He then starts slugging him in the face again and again. All of the Mastermind's Nanobots shoot away from the two. Johnny looks back confused. 

Mastermind: Don't let your guard down!

Johnny turns back only to be kneeled in the chest. Your body slams into the ground as all of your uncle's Nanobots pin you down.

Mastermind: Even you are no match for me.

Y/N (Johnny): Go choke on a dick.

The Mastermind steps on your chest.

Mastermind: I think it is about time... The world forgets Johnny Silverhand for good.

Nanobots cover U/N's hand as he reaches down grabbing Johnny's chip. Bit by bit your uncle pulls out the chip.

Y/N (Johnny): Shizz it! zzz!

Suddenly you find yourself in a distorted world. You look to see Johnny standing in front of you.

Y/N: Johnny?... Did you kill him?

Johnny: Afraid not... I'm about to be pulled out of you and I will most likely die for good this time. It's all up to you now. Don't fuck it up!

Y/N: I won't.

Johnny shatters like glass and you find yourself back in control of your body as your uncle holds Johnny's chip.

Mastermind: Goodbye... Silverhand.

You stare in fury as the Mastermind your uncle aka U/N breaks the chip with Johnny's engram on it.

Y/N: Die!

Your Nanobots slam into the Mastermind knocking him off you. He laughs as you stand despite the serious pain flowing through your entire body.

Mastermind: Do you really wish to die so quickly?!

You pull something from your pocket and throw it at your uncle while closing your eyes. The Mastermind catches it to inspect it.

Mastermind: What is...

The flashbang in your uncle's hand detonates flashing him. You open your eyes with a glare. You jump forwards causing all of your red powered Nanobots to wrap around your hand at insane speeds. You flinch as the Nanobots dig into your skin.

Y/N: Shotgun... Death fist!

You slam your fist into the side of your uncle's face as he opens his eyes. Your blow destroys half of his face causing him to scream in pain and anger. You cough up blood as you are once again pierced by Nanobots.

Mastermind: I will end you!

Elsewhere Mercy heals the injured Ashe and Falco as V looks at her broken katana in irritation.

V: I need to stop breaking my katanas.

Suddenly Tartaros opens up and Susie leaps into Sally's arms.

Sally: Susie?!

Mercy turns in shock.

Sally hugs Susie who cries in her arms. Mercy smiles with tears of her own and embraces both Sally and Susie.

Sally Mind: This is Lucy's doing... No doubt about it.

Bob gives a thumbs up as Ashe laughs in amusement.

Ashe: Well look at that... We're actually winning!

Falco sighs.

Falco: Nothing new there.

(Timeskip - Eight minutes later)

Everyone but you regroups and heads down your path. They stop when they see you seriously wounded as Nanobots flow around the Mastermind's arms sparking with blue energy.

Mastermind: I will end you!

Rebecca: Y/N!

Crew: Get away from him!

You turn to see your crew all fire their weapons at your uncle. His Nanobots block all of their attacks. His arms become Nanobot swords. He creates an x with his arms before swinging them towards you. You jump hoping to avoid his attack but he ends up cutting your legs off. You flinch and bite your lips to avoid screaming in pain.

Mastermind: Stay there and watch as I end your pitiful friends!

Mercy's light shines bright as she glares at her father.

Mercy: You will not!

Mastermind: I will deal with you later!

The Mastermind creates a hundred of various weapons with his Nanobots aiming them all at your friends.

Y/N: Oi.

All of your Nanobots flow down your body and form legs for you. You stand up swinging side to side unable to keep still.

Y/N: I ain't done yet.

The Mastermind turns to you.

Mastermind: There is nothing you can do! All your Nanobots are the only thing keeping you standing! What can you do but die?!

You grab your mask removing it from your face.

Y/N: What was it you said earlier?... 'Today I purge the L/Ns of its filth' right?

Your mask breaks up into Nanobots causing the Mastermind's eyes to widen in shock. It forms a knife and you stab the Mastermind in the heart.

Y/N: Looks like you were right... Partially.

The Mastermind's Nanobots all shut off and drop to the ground scattered all around the two of you. Your uncle staggers back and slides down a wall dying.

Y/N: I win.

Your Nanobots break beneath you and you drop to the floor coughing up blood. Mercy and your friends rush towards you. They surround you as Mercy heals your wound. Rebecca lays your head on her lap. 

Y/N: You know... I wouldn't mind dying on your lap.

Rebecca: If you die I will kill you.

Jackie laughs in amusement.

V: How does that work?

Ashe: Don't question it.

Mercy: You're not going to die.

Y/N: Thanks... You guys rock.

Rebecca, your crew, your friends and your cousin all smile at you.

Y/N Mind: I am one lucky bastard.

Mercy finishes healing you and both David and Bob help you stand. A gunshot is heard and you all look to your chest to see a weird syringe sticking out of you. You all look at the dying U/N.

U/N: Now no Nanobots will ever work on you ever again... They'll reject your body for the rest of your life. You'll never be able to walk again!

Your uncle laughs while coughing up blood.

Y/N: I can just get robotic legs dumbass.

U/N: Not with a broken spine.

Y/N: Tech is advanced nowadays are you dumb? Dumbmind!

You all walk away leaving a dying U/N to... Die.

(Timeskip - A few hours later)

You sit around a table with your friends at the Afterlife. Rebecca smiles as she snuggles against you.

David: So what now? Viktor gave you new legs but you're spine is still damaged and Mercy can't heal your wounds anymore.

Mercy: I'm sorry about that.

Sally pats Mercy's hand.

Sally: Don't worry about it.

Y/N: Yeah I don't mind. I think it is about time the Reaper dies.

V: Does that mean you are retiring?

Y/N: No... Just going to take a break with my beautiful Rebecca.

Rebecca gives you a hungry look. 

Ashe: Get a room.

You laugh.

Y/N: Ashe... I leave you in charge while me and Rebecca are gone.

Ashe: Me?

Y/N: Well you have the most experience as a leader right?

Ashe: I guess.

Bob pats her shoulder getting her attention. He gives her a thumbs up. She smiles.

Falco: Don't worry the rest of us will be there to help pick up the slack.

Lucy and David: Yeah.

Rogue: So the Reaper is no more? When you return what will you go by?

Y/N: Huh? Just Y/N.

David: Kinda lame don't you think.

Y/N: If I wasn't in a wheelchair I would strangle you... Bob go strangle David.

Bob turns to David causing him to jump in panic.

Ashe: Don't.

Bob turns his gaze back to Ashe. David sighs in relief.

Y/N: Lucky bastard.

Rogue laughs.

Rogue: Never change.

Sally: So umm... I have a favour to ask?

Y/N: What is it?

Sally: I want to... Leave the crew.

Rebecca: Why?

Sally: I want to follow Mercy and Susie.

Rebecca: Lovestruck are we?

Mercy blushes as Sally gives her a grin and a thumbs up.

Sally: You bet.

Mercy blushes more as Susie claps her hands excitedly.

Susie: Yay!

Y/N: Well I wish you all luck.

Friends: You too!

Rebecca gets off your lap and wheels you towards the exit. You both stop at the bar.

Y/N: See you around.

Claire smiles at you while cleaning a cup.

Claire: You too... Reaper.

Y/N: No... It is just Y/N now.

Rebecca helps you out of the Afterlife and she leads you down the street.

Rebecca: Straight home?

Y/N: Yeah.

Rebecca stops and notices a steep path. You notice and look back at a grinning Rebecca.

Y/N: Don't you dare.

Rebecca giggles and pushes you down the hill. She jumps into your lap as you scream while rushing down the steep path.

Rebecca: Woohoo!

Y/N: Dumbass!

Years pass and you've spent time with Rebecca until your spine healed. After that you returned to the Deadlock Reapers the new name of your crew. David and Lucy got married and had kids resulting in them leaving the crew and retiring. Falco and Ashe became friends... Possibly more but who knows.

Bob remained the flawless guy he was and even got a side job as a professional chef. (On a scale of Bob to Bob how much do you love Bob?) Sally and Mercy got together and worked to build a better future for Susie and other children. V and Jackie joined your crew and together you all completed multiple jobs.

Eventually the two decided to leave Night city for good to see what else is out there beyond the badlands. Your crew turned to just you and Rebecca but you stayed in touch with all of your friends.


You stand on the roof your new home dressed in your usual attire except for your mask as you haven't worn it in years. You are no longer the Reaper but Y/N. You smile as you look at the beautiful Night city at Night.

Y/N: Truly a beautiful sight.

Rebecca: You mean me right?

You turn to Rebecca skipping over to your side.

Y/N: I was talking  about the city but yeah I suppose you are beautiful too.

Rebecca punches your arm causing you to laugh.

Rebecca: Jerk... Anyway you ready?

Y/N: Yeah... Let's go kill them.

Rebecca: We're supposed to be babysitting David and Lucy's kids... Not killing them.

Y/N: We kill them with love.

Rebecca: Reaper no more? Yeah right.

Y/N: By the way Rebecca...

Rebecca looks at you curiously as you give her a sincere smile.

Y/N: Thanks for being in my life.

You pull her close while standing at the edge of the roof.

Rebecca: Your welcome my sexy bitch.

Y/N: Remember when I was in a wheel chair?... This is payback for pushing me down that hill.

Rebecca: Huh?

While holding onto Rebecca you jump backwards of the roof.

Rebecca: You biiiittttccccchhhhh!

You laugh as she screams while the two of you descend a long way down. You both land on a trampoline and bounce up and down.

Rebecca: When we stop bouncing... You are so dead.

Y/N: I love you too.

The End. (For real this time)

Author: I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I have. I feel I have worked a lot harder on this book then my other books because this was a lot of fun. I honestly could probably write more but alas it is time to end this book for I wish to move on.

I will now be working on my Arcane/LoL book and occasionally my Lemon book. I have published a brief explanation of my plan for the Arcane/LoL book at the same time as this part so feel free to check it out.

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