Poppy | Colin Bridgerton

By anxioustortoise

13.3K 316 19

They just really like being near each other. Colin x OC More



1.5K 52 7
By anxioustortoise

Be it shame or slander. Seduction or smear...

The Featherington sisters had their ears pressed to Marina's door listening to their mother's muffled yells.

Poppy looked at Penelope with concern but all the younger Featherington could do was shrug her shoulders, neither knew what was truly going on.

There is one thing that continues to humble even the most highly regarded members of our dear ton: A scandal.

"What do you think is going on in there?" Penelope whispered to her favourite sister.

"Maybe she convinced a maid to bring her soup and she spilled it in her bed."

"Do you really think mama would get that upset because of spilled soup?"

"When it comes to mama I do."

Penelope paused for a second before nodding her head in agreement.

Tonight, a privileged selection of only the most fashionable guests will descend upon the most scandal prone grounds in all of London: Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens...

Upon their arrival at Vauxhall Gardens Poppy took a deep breath, pausing before entering and smoothing down her disgustingly pink gown. Her moment was interrupted by her mama pushing her forward.

Lady Featherington leaned over Poppy's shoulder and whispered into her ear.

"I expect you to dance with two gentlemen tonight. Men that you will court and that Colin Bridgerton will not count as one."

Poppy's eyes darted over to her mother.

"But mama-"

"-No, questioning, I have been far too lenient with you."

Poppy swallowed and turned to her mother. She was taller than the older woman but Lady Featherington intimidated her to no end.

"Why does Colin not count?"

Her mother laughed.

"Do you really believe a Bridgerton would court you?" Poppy's face fell dramatically and she could feel tears begin to prick at her eyes. "You are a pretty girl but your obstinate personality will never get you a gentleman of quality. We shall settle for any man."

Lady Featherington then turned and walked away while her crushed daughter stared at her back with tears spilling over.

Its shaded garden walls, such as those of the Dark Walk, have covered for the most notorious of trysts. This author wonders which persons of quality shall be discovered tonight. Or better yet, how many?

There was a tap on Poppy's shoulder and she quickly wiped her face before slowly turning around and seeing Bartholomew Waverly.

He was smiling at her happily but it dimmed when he saw her face.

"Are you okay Poppy?"

Poppy sent him a very quick and extremely unconvincing smile, nodding her head slightly with a sniffle.

"I am here aren't I Bart?"

"Ahh, so you are not okay." Poppy huffed out a laugh and Bart smiled in triumph. "Why are you upset?"

Poppy looked down for a moment deciding whether or not she should answer.

"I, uh. My mama. She. She said that I must dance with two men tonight."

"Well, I know that is not ideal but I can't see that getting you this upset."

She shook her head.

"No, no, that's not it. I mean it is but." She took a breath. "She had said Colin would not count as a real dance because a Bridgerton would never court me due to my unruly personality and that I must settle for any man to look my way."

Bart scoffed and moved his head to glare at the back of Lady Featherington before looking at the curly haired girl in front of him.

"I knew your mother was a fool but not an idiot." Poppy's brows furrowed and Bart eased his expression. "Colin would be lucky to court you and if you need two dances away from him then let me offer you one."

She smiled at his kindness.

"Bart, you are a kind man but a man courting Marina. My mother said they had to be men serious about courting me."

"Ahh but that is the brilliance of this plan. She hates Marina and would love to have me dance with anyone else, especially her child."

Poppy began to really smile.

"You are devious."

He grinned right back.

"Yes I am. Now," He bowed and held his hand out, "shall we dance."

She curtsied and took his hand.

"We shall."

The two made their way to the dance floor as Colin approached Penelope.


She was watching her sister and Mr. Waverly as they went to the dance floor with flared nostrils but turned once she heard her name.

"Colin. I did not know you would be here."

"I told Poppy I would come. Is she here?" Penelope sighed and pointed towards the dance floor where the woman in question was laughing as Bart Waverly twirled her around. Colin's face fell slightly. "That's a, uh, a new development."

"Yes, quite."

"I would think he'd be dancing with Ms. Thompson."

"She is ill."

Colin's eyes widened.

"And she is still here dancing?"

"No, not Poppy, Marina. My mama said she would have to stay home and left Miss Varley to watch her."

"Oh. Yes, that makes more sense." He paused for a second. "Why exactly is Poppy dancing with Bart?"

Penelope shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.

"I'm not quite sure. Poppy looked rather upset when Bart began talking to her but I don't know why, she walked in after me."

"She was upset?"

Colin stared at the woman dressed in an ungodly pink with concern. Poppy was laughing in that moment and even though he felt a bubble of jealousy at her dancing with another man, he was glad she no longer seemed to be unhappy.

Colin watched Poppy as she looked up and sent him a smile. Bart looked over at him as well and stuck his tongue out at his friend. Colin narrowed his eyes and Bart began laughing.

Penelope watched the interaction dejectedly wishing she would receive some of the attention and almost as if he could hear her prayers Bart's eyes darted over to Penelope and held them for a few seconds and he absolutely beamed. Penelope's face reddened and quickly moved her eyes away. She couldn't see it but Bart's expression only brightened at her reaction.

Penelope was filled with a certain flame of happiness that she thought would never be distinguished at least until Cressida Cowper and her groupies approached.

"Mr. Bridgerton, I believe you owe me a dance this evening. And I have only one more space remaining on my card, at present."

Colin looked at the woman confused and scared.

"How convenient." Penelope muttered under her breath.

Poppy and Bart had begun to make their way over to them once their dance had ended. Poppy came to a stop next to Colin who shifted closer to the woman and Bart landed next to Penelope, briefly patting her arm in a greeting.

Cressida scowled at Poppy who sent her a sickly sweet smile.

As Cressida went to retrieve her dance card to shove at a very unwilling Colin Bridgerton she accidentally spilled her punch all over Penelope's dress.

"Penelope! I did not see you there!" Cressida made forced eye contact with Bart. "Yet again."

Poppy's eyes flared in anger as she moved towards her disheartened little sister. Bart quickly moved to Penelope as well while Colin looked on horrified.

Bart eyed Penelope and put his hand out to her.

"I like the new addition to your dress. Would you enjoy a dance?"

Penelope whose eyes began to gloss over nodded slightly and grabbed his hand. Bart quickly ushered her away from the devil that was Cressida.

The ogre herself watched Penelope's retreat sinisterly before cockily turning towards the Bridgerton with her card stuck out.

Colin had to subtly hold Poppy back from attacking Cressida but he was only doing that so the woman wouldn't get in trouble. He was seeing red and wanted nothing but to release the fury Poppy contained. Lord knows he's experienced it before and it is not fun. But all he could do was glare at Cressida and hope his words hurt her in some way.

"I cannot offer you that dance, Miss Cowper. I am to escort Miss Featherington to the floor. At present."

Colin took Poppy's hand and practically dragged her to the dance floor. Not that he needed to; she was very willing to go with him. Although in the back of her mind she knew that her mother would be angry with her for doing so because there was no way anyone would separate the two for the rest of the night.

When they reached the dance floor Colin looked at the woman.

"Penelope said you were upset earlier."

Poppy stumbled in her steps for a brief second before regaining herself.

"I was."

"Are you better now?"

She smiled at him softly.


He grinned back and they continued to dance together in content silence. He promised himself he would ask why she was upset later but in that moment he just wanted to revel in being near her.

As their dance neared the end Colin and Poppy heard the Master of Ceremonies begin an announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, a most extraordinary event is about to take place! Right this way! Come! Come!"

Poppy began to walk forwards with the crowd but was stopped by Colin's hand.

She wobbled on her feet and began to tip towards the ground but his arms went around, to keep her from completely falling over. He held her still for a few lingering seconds before letting her go but still gripping to her hand.

"Sorry." He whispered. "Follow me."

She watched him confused but let him lead her towards the gardens and away from everyone.

"And where exactly are we going?"

He turned, walking sideways and looked straight into her eyes.

"Somewhere we can talk."

"Very informative."

His face turned smug and began to walk straight letting her hand go so that no one in the ton would spread unneeded rumours.

Eventually, Colin brought them to a part of Vauxhall that was known to be ugly amongst the ton, it was rare to find a soul around.

Poppy turned to Colin sceptically.

"An odd place for a walk I believe."

"Well, we are a man and a woman walking around unchaperoned, I believe that privacy may be important."

"I suppose you can be known for a rare intellectual thought."

Once they were shrouded by the looming trees Colin took several steps closer to Poppy, their shoulders brushing with every step and she intertwined their hands together.

"I suppose you can be known for your rare kind word."

"Rare!" Poppy scoffed, "I'm the nicest person in the ton."

Colin stopped walking and moved Poppy over to some hedges so they were even more hidden, that way if someone happened to walk by they wouldn't be seen.

"That is something I can't deny."

Poppy blushed at Colin's words and actions.

"What are you doing Colin?"

He took a step closer to her and their toes were touching.

"Why were you upset earlier?"

She shook her head.

"Colin, we don't need to get into it."

"Darling, you can talk to me. Please, I want to help."

"It's nothing."

"If you were sad, then it is not nothing."

Poppy smiled gently at their feet.

"My mother just said something about me needing to dance with two gentlemen tonight."

Colin nodded his head in understanding.

"So that is why you were dancing with Bart." She looked at him with raised brows and a small smile. "I am glad you were able to get your two dances."

"Well, you didn't count."

Colin stared at her, offended.

"I didn't?"


"Why not?"

Poppy's grin grew wider and she debated on telling him the true reason why but she was afraid that if she did then everything would become very real and she wasn't quite ready for that. So, instead of doing the mature thing she decided to mock him.

"Because you," She poked his chest, "are not a gentleman." He scoffed and grabbed her hand, pulling her slightly closer and both snickered. Poppy's spirits had started really lifting for the first time since her conversation with her mother. "Now what?" She asked.

"Now we are in a garden."

He moved forward again and took her other hand bridging them in between the two of them. Both of their hearts went two times faster. Hands so clammy neither knew that the other's was sweaty.

"Now we are in a garden."

Poppy was the one to move forward this time, hands now trapped between their bodies. She brought her head down to look at their hands.

"Why are we suddenly acting different?"

Colin brought her head back up to look at him, his other hand resting on her cheek.

"Does it upset you?"

Poppy shook her head and moved to place her free hand on top of his.

"No." She whispered. "I'm just confused."

"So am I, I think."

Poppy's brows furrowed and Colin moved his head down, their foreheads hovering mere inches apart.

"You think?"

"Well," He paused, debating his next words, "I believe I have felt this way since we were children."

"And how is that?" Slowly she moved her head up, noses brushing.

"Like I want to be around you at all times, hear you tell me where I am to visit in Greece, watch your crystal blue eyes light up as history is discussed. I want to hear your thoughts, unadulterated and," he paused, bringing his nose next to her's, lips barely separated, "and I wish to kiss you every second of the day."

"Then why don't you?"

"Not yet."

"Not yet?"

Colin's thumb began to slowly move up and down Poppy's cheek.

"I will when you tell me you're ready."

Poppy smiled, leaning back to rest her head against his.

"How do you know I'm not?"

"Because you have always done what you've wanted to with me. I don't believe kissing would be any different."

Poppy chuckled softly, she gently bumped their foreheads together.

"I'll let you know."

"That I have no doubt."

Colin moved away from her slowly and brought them out of the hedges. He extended his arm to her,

"Come on, let's walk and you can tell me more about my travels to Greece."

Poppy grabbed his arm smiling widely,

"I hope you are ready for a long lecture about the Odyssey."


For those not in attendance at the Vauxhall celebration, you missed the most remarkable coup of the season.

It appears Miss Daphne Bridgerton has captured the interest of the newly returned Duke of Hastings.

And a certain second son of a Baron danced with not one but two Featheringtons, is a triangle being formed? Or will the sudden disappearance of a Featherington and Bridgerton rebuff that?

If anyone shall reveal the circumstances of this match, dear reader, it is I. Yours truly. Lady Whistledown.

Author Note:

Seven is OUT! (and super unedited)

So that was all ominous and stuff, I was debating on whether or not making it seem like they are going to get caught, but they aren't that'd be way to quick and dramatic and I don't have the mental health for that.

I had the garden stuff written for like the third episode and thought, huh, maybe that's too soon, so I saved it and I think it works here.

THE FIRST EPISODE IS DONE! Honestly, didn't think I would get this far but here we are. The next part might take a wee bit longer because I can't find the script for the episode, only the transcript but I've got a lot of time on me hands so we'll see.

Thanks for reading!

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