Not Meant to Be

By taylorsanaii

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This is Trinity Gardner's Senior year. The last three years of high school were nothing but hectic. Life was... More

Authors note
The First Day (Zyan's POV)
the meet
You blew it
8 AM sharp
Zyan's ( POV)
Platonic Friends (Trinity)
Can we Talk (Trinity)
Get in loser (Zyan)
Authors note <3
What are we ( Trinity)
Identity Crisis
Prodigal daughter (Trinity)
Authors note (please read :) )
Falling (Zyan)
Prodigal Daughter part 2 (Trinity)

The First day (Trinity's POV)

176 7 6
By taylorsanaii

📍Location : school

"You got this" I say to myself as I'm walking down the hallway finding my first class.

At the moment I don't see anyone That I know and I'm so relieved. Based on the last three years, my high-school career should be non existent.

This year, I'm making a come back.

Let me catch you up.

9th grade year me and my mom lived in a homeless shelter and everyone at school found out.

Did I forget to mention that I go to a predominantly white school with a bunch of spoiled rich kids?

Yea, I was talked about for the rest of the year. In 10th grade I made friends with the handful of black people that attended Belmont high.

They were considered the popular group of the school because the group consisted of the football players and The black and Hispanic  rich/ghetto girls.

I never had black friends, and I just wanted to be around people who understood being black.

Boy was I wrong.

Everyone else was so nice except for three girls. Aka my ex "best-friends".

I always got the feeling that they were jealous of me and I never understood why, but they chose to make that year a living hell.

Their true colors really started to show.

I got rumors spread about me, cyber bullied and so many other things that I don't care to remember.

Fast forward to 11th grade year My baby brother died at three years old, It was hard for my family and that year and I gave up on school in general.

I wore pajamas to school, didn't care about school work, my grades and I even quit the dance team.

I really just slipped out of the social scene. None of my "friends" were there to support me.

They didn't even care about what I went through.

Oh let me make a quick insta post:

Caption: Senior year! Thank you Jesus ❤️

NaynaS and others like your post
NaynaS: So beautiful😍😍
NaynaS: THATS MY GIRL😍😍😍😍😍
TrinnyG: @NaynaS love u😘😘

"And posted."

I look up from my phone Once I realize that I've found my class.

As soon as I walk in eyes are on me and it makes me nervous.

In the back I see Nayna wave to me so that I can come sit next to her.

Nayna is my bestfriend since 6th grade.

We practically grew up together.

She's Arab but not like any other Arab I've seen.

She wears basic clothes to school and I like that about her.

Even though this is a rich school....wearing uniforms are optional, she just chooses not to wear them.

She says its unnecessary money and hey I don't blame her.

She has long blackish brown curly hair and the Most amazing eyebrows.

She's very down to earth but her family is RICH, like everyone in their family has their own mansion kind of rich.

I think that's what I've always admired about her though, how humble she is.

I also like the fact that I can be black around her.

If she didn't understand something she would simply just ask.

She is never offensive and she just enjoys black culture but doesn't try to act black you know?

When I told her about me living in a homeless shelter with my mom in 9th grade she didn't treat me any different.

When that happened I realized how true of a friend she was.

"OMG Trinny you look SO good" Nayna says as she hugs me, almost crushing me. 

"Its been so long and you've gotten even prettier over summer!" she looks at my butt and says "Woah and your butt has gotten bigger too! have you been doing squats? I need to start!".

I start to blush a little because now I'm wondering if they have really been paying off.

Nayna has always been my hype man and I appreciate that because she makes my day better.

I sit down in my seat and take out my planner.

Since it is senior year I pretty much have a free class in the morning. More time to plan how my year will go.

*Do all senior activities
*meet with guidance counselor
*Join new clubs
*Join dance team again?
*Go to prom
Reminder: In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path -proverbs 3:6

I'm such a planner. I'm always writing down goals and making vision boards, but sometimes I have to remind myself that life is Life and God is in control.

You cant plan every single area in your life and not expect some inconveniences.

God has it all under control and knows what's best for you.

"What are you writing?" Nayna asks.

"Oh just some school year goals" I say.

I don't want to go into detail because I don't think Nayna is super religious.

She is Arab but I think she believes in a different God.

I feel like having the religion talk might be hard. She has accepted me in other areas so wouldn't she accept my religion? She would. Right?

After I finish writing in my planner, Me and Nayna chat the whole class about what our summer was like.

Nayna went to Egypt over summer and I wasn't surprised because her family travels all the time.

I enjoy hearing her traveling stories.

I would tell her about my summer but all I did was recover from my brothers death.

I don't feel like reliving the moment so I don't bring it up. besides, her rambling somehow puts my mind at ease.

Did I mention Nayna talks a lot?

📍Location: Lunch Court Yard

Two class periods have gone by and its now lunch.

Me and Nayna walk to the court yard to eat. As were walking we pass by the popular table.

I glance at my old group and shortly reminisce about the fun times. Before I Look away I make eye contact with the three girls who backstabbed me in 10th grade.

All of a sudden all of the bad memories start flooding back into my mind.

The betrayal and the hurt. A tear starts to Form in my eye and I quickly blink it away before anyone can notice.

Seems like they saw me before I saw them because they are giving me the dirtiest looks.

Their names are ones I do not care to mention, but just know we don't like them. Yes WE.

My pov:

I quickly look back straight ahead and find a table with Nayna and sit.

" What was that about?" Nayna asks.

"Nothing" I say, I wouldn't dare drag Nayna into that drama she's just so sweet and unproblematic.

"Your lying but okay" she says. She knows me so well.

Nayna always brings her cultural food to school for lunch. I brought a Salad because Lunch is so early in the day and I rather not eat burger with a side of chocolate milk at 11am. ew.

"Oooh Trinny don't look yet but theres a guy looking at you" I wait a few minutes and casually look around and I see some guy sitting with two girls on a bench and they are facing him, talking to him but hes looking at me.

"Who is this guy?" i say to myself "and why is he staring so hard?" I smile politely and look away. I go back to eating my salad.

"Are you not gonna make your move?" Nayna says.

"No trust me I'm not interested in anyone, it's the first day Nayna!" I say.

"Come onnnnn. You just smiled at him" she says
"Smiling is a universal sign of kindness Nayna, and besides Why would I? judging by the fact that he has Both sisters in his face, He seems occupied enough. I'm not the fan girl type.

"It doesn't take long for the girls here to get a hold of them" Nayna giggles then takes a another bite of her food.

"No time at all" i say.

I stick my fork in my salad and lose my appetite.

A guy hasn't been my interest lately since Life has been so complicated. Meeting a guy honestly is not on my goal list for the school year, and My focus is getting my life back together.

I Have bigger things to worry about.

Hey guys let me know what you guys think about this chapter :)

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