๐ŸŽ„ Holiday Prompt Challenge...

By cute-lil-spook

177 6 9

A wee little challenge for December! I'm not a Christian, but I do love Christmas, so these will be Christmas... More

๐Ÿ“ Prompt List ๐Ÿ“
First Snow - Valdemarร—Reader
Day 3 - Naughty & Nice (Beelร—Y/nร—Belphie)
Day 5 - Hard Winter - Volta
Day 7 - Ice Jousting - Vulgora

Day 9 - This Solstice Will Be Better - Julian ร— Y/n & Asral

18 0 0
By cute-lil-spook

    Julian stood outside the magic shop, a sack of gifts in one hand a mixed bouquet in the other. He shifted uneasy in his spot upon the doorstep.

    'What if I screw everything up again?'

    'What if they don't want me here, after what I did last year?'

    'I don't deserve a happy solstice,'

    He drooped a bit more and steeled by his somber thoughts, he spun around to take flight before he could hurt or be hurt. As he took his first step towards a lonely Solstice, the floodgates of his dread opened up behind him and...

    "Hello, Ilya, where are you headed off to?"

    "Oh, Asra, I- well- I, uhm, these are for you,"

    He shoved the bouquet into the magician's hands and sort of froze, anxiety coursing through him, screaming at him to run away, but not giving him the strength to move his legs.

    "Oh, well, thank you, Ilya, do you want to come in?"

    "Uhhhhhh, yes?"

    "Oh good, y/n and I were just getting ready to have supper, you can join us,"

    Before he could refuse, the doctor was slung inside and sat down at the table. You were bringing in the plates for Faust and Asra when you saw him. You were gleefully surprised to Julian would be joining the two of you again.

    "Oh, hell-hello, y/n,"

    "Hi, Julian, I'm glad you came by. We were getting worried you might not show,"

    "Well, I'm sorry I worried you,"

    Another pang of guilt, oh, woe is this poor sinner's soul, how selfish could he be?

    "I believe Julian got these for both of us, seeing as though half are made up of your favorite,"

    "Aww, Julian, how sweet, thank you,"

    He blushed but said nothing. You quickly fixed him a plate and joined them at the table. Faust lapped up the saucer of soup placed before her, to the amusement of those gathered. Julian even dared to smile, but swiftly retreated back into the safety of his gloom.

    "So, Ilya, what's in the sack?"

    Panic grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him with all the ferocity of a savage boar. He forgot the gifts! Oh, yet another blunder from the catastrophe that is-

    "Ahm, they're gifts for you, and y/n, oh, and Faust, yes,"

    Julian rifled through the bag, pulling out each respective parcel and offering it to his beloved hosts.

    "Thank you, Julian, you're always so thoughtful. Let's open these after dinner,"

    Another fool deceived by his machinations, oh dear. He has them convinced that he is 'thoughtful' and 'sweet', when he knows he is neither. How much more evil could he possibly be?

    The three of them ate together, sharing stories and laughter and mirth. Once they finished, Julian took on the responsibility of cleaning up, refusing to allow either of his hosts to aid in his burden. After finishing the dishes, he looked about. You and Asra had gathered around the hearth, conversing. Now was his chance to flee.

    The creak of the wood in front of the door alerted the pair however, oh damnable hell!

    "Julian? Are you really leaving so soon?"

    "Not to mention you haven't even said goodbye,"

    Cold sweat crept along his temple. Every fiber of his being begged him to barrel out the door and down the street, into the all-encompassing darkness of the winter night... but he didn't. Instead, Julian sighed, and he turned around.

    "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I was going to leave without saying goodbye. I'm sorry that I burdened the two of you with my presence tonight. I'm sorry that I ruined another solstice. I'm- I'm..."

    It was then that the deluge began. Tears of grief and guilt splattered upon the floor like a mad artist's paint. You and Asra were quick to console him, stroking his head and back and whispering sweet words of love to him. He hadn't ruined anything, this year or last. He wasn't some weight bore upon the spine of his loved ones. He wasn't anything he had convinced himself he was.

    He was loved. And that's all there was to it.

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