Dear Diary

By rockinrollinbitch

489K 5.3K 963

She writes a journal stating word for word her deepest darkest desires. He finds it. Was previously posted as... More

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12.5K 169 48
By rockinrollinbitch

Things have actually been good. He's been helping me find this guy, but it's hard when we have nothing to go off of. We've set a camera outside my window, but haven't caught anything so far.

"It has to be someone you know."


"Because he's at all the party's you go to. He always mentions your outfits after a party."

We sit at a cafe beside one another, and he's staring at the texts as usual. I hate sitting across from one another which he didn't fail to notice when I pulled the chair to the corner. He smiled, staying how cute I am. Asshole.

"Why not we set a trap? Say I want to meet him, and you wait in a corner somewhere."

"No. I'm not risking you like that. We can do it, but I'll go and you stay away. I'll beat him senseless and run him out of town."

"That is not the solution here! We have to publicly shame him, ruin his reputation, and make sure everyone knows how creepy he is. And also, if he doesn't see me he might not come."

"Wow, and here I thought I was the sadist," He smirks up at me, taking a sip from his tea.

"I still can't believe your a tea person."

"Coffee is bitter and disgusting."

I look down into my black coffee. "I think it suites you."

He scrunches his eyes at me. "We'll see who it'll suit best when you die of hard attack at the age of 30."

"Shut up."

"You have an addiction. It's okay. I'll help you through this. I can tie you down for a week, ensuring no coffee gets into your system. Then you'll be cured." He says condescendingly.

"Your infuriating."

"And your sick. But I'm here for you," he smiles grabbing my hand mockingly.

I huff.

"I'm done here. You need to get a life."

I get up and my phone dings.

Unknown: Little bird. Don't you think I see you looking for me. Don't worry, I'll see you soon.

I toss the phone onto the desk so it faces Axton and look around. No one's looking. No one we know is in here.

"Fuck. Your staying at my place for the time being."

I nod my head. I know I won't win this argument. Even if I think I can handle myself well enough.

"One more thing." I glance up at him as we stand. He grabs my chin. "When you get there, I have a present for you. But, you have to be in it by the time I get home tonight." Letting go of my chin, he grabs my hand and drops his keys into it. Then with a kiss on my cheek we go off our separate ways.

Katie and Bella and I have a yoga class today. I'm not sure how I feel about yoga, maybe a little boring. Axton says I could use a relaxing time to calm my never resting brain. Maybe I'm a little stressed about this whole thing, but I know it'll all blow over soon.

I walk down, and the busy streets are comforting noises around me. The yoga place is right around the corner.

I walk in, and see Owen sitting in the studio. I go up to Bella, who's warming up since Katie is busy talking to him.

"Why's he here?"

"Said he'll sit in on the lesson," she says and shrugs.

"Hm." Weird. I feel like that would be boring. He could at least join in.

The lesson starts, and in the mirrors I see him looking intently at Katie. I swear to god, this guy. He's completely stolen my best friend. He's weird, and doesn't even talk to us. Their whole relationship seems fake.

Like honestly what does she even see in him. He must have some sort of magic package. And not to mention that all they do is make out! And they're with each other 24/7.

He eventually goes on his phone. As bad as it sounds, I pray he'll get sick of her soon.

When the lesson is over, I go back to my dorm to get changed and shower. Yoga wasn't as bad as I thought. I think the gym is still more my style however.

A text pops up on my phone.

Axton: Are you ready yet? I'll be home in 5.

Shit. I was supposed to- oh my god. I put down my hairdryer and run to get dressed, throwing on the first thing I see.

Black skirt and a pink tshirt that hasn't seen the light of day in 6 years.

I run out the door, and check my phone to see when the next bus comes, but when I look up Axton is leaning against his car. He turns and opens the passenger door for me. Great.

The car starts moving and finally he says, "What happened to straight to my house after yoga?"

"How did you know?"

"I texted Bella. I had a feeling you might forget. She made sure to assure me that you went straight home."

"Fucking bitch." I say jokingly, but also goddamn it.

"Don't worry. My surprise I have for you was meant to work in two ways in case you managed to piss me off within two hours."

"Shut up."

"Come on, be nice now. No need for an attitude. I'm always nice to you aren't I?"

I glare at him. "The nicest thing you've ever done for me is reward me with blackmail."

He grins. "Is that on my list of green flags?"

"Those aren't my type."

"I know. I read all about it."

"Shut it. And by the way. There will be no surprise because I'm not playing your game. I want to go and take a nap."

"Cute how you think you have a say."

"Your pissing me off."

"I feel like being nice to you today. How about we get some ice cream on the way home."

"I'm not just some child you can bribe."

"Your height says otherwise."

I reach over to slap his face, but he grabs my arm. "Slap me when we're not driving."

"But then you'll have two hands," I say, smiling. He's so playful right now. In a good mood. Even though I messed up. Something must be up.

"Why are you so rainbowy today?"



"I just adore you."

"That's a lie."

"I've been obsessed with you since day one."

"Then why haven't you acted like this since day one?"

He pauses. "I'm just excited to punish you later."

"Mhm. Tell me or I'll slap you." I raise my other hand.

"Do that and I'll pull over to tie it to the handle."

I glance up at the handle above the door. What are those even for anyways?

"Fine. Just tell me."

"It's nothing."

"If you don't tell me"-

He pulls over abruptly. "I really was trying to be nice today."

He reaches behind, and goes into the compartment under the seat, and pulls something out. Rope. Crap.

"I'm sorry. I'll shut up."

He places it in his lap as a warning.

My eyes stare at it. Now tempting me. I glance up at him, who is already staring at me.

"Would you like to get tied down?"

I shake my head, and grumble, "no."

"Then stop looking like a doe caught in headlights. It turns me on."

"That's a red flag."

He continues driving and shoves the rope under his seat when we pull into the ice cream store.

It's probably my favourite food. Even if it's not technically a food.

"You good man?" I ask as he chows down the ice cream in three bites.

"Do not, ever call me that again."

"What should I call you then?" I ask suggestively.

His glare darkens. We finish our ice cream in the very back of the parking lot. He says it makes him uncomfortable to sit beside people while they're also sitting in their cars. I told him he's a big baby.

"Hands together," he says after the third time I try to touch his dick.

"No! I was just playing around I'll stop." I mean it's been hard ever since he pulled out the rope. How could I not make fun of him for it.

"Again, funny you think you have a say. Hands. Together."

I look at him dead in the eyes...

And open the door and run. It's about a 5 minute walk to his apartment. And he gave me his keys. I laugh to myself as I think about his face when he realizes.

I take alley ways so he can't follow me with his car. And there's short cuts I can take, so he won't make it there in traffic before me. This is golden.

I hear him swear behind me, since I didn't shut the door.

Then I hear a slam. Him shutting my door.

I sprint past the ice cream store, and then behind it. I never look back.

I'm about a minute away from his building, my heart pounding, when I get close lined, and an arm grapples me to the side. I scream, but a hand covers my mouth.

"You should know better then to taunt me." Axton whispers into my ear, and spins us so I'm pinned against the wall, my arms hitting it as he holds them there.

"I- you followed me?"

"Darling I live here. I know these allies, and I know them better then you do."

Before I can say anything else, his lips fall on mine and he kisses me aggressively.

"I should make you walk back the rest of the way on edge. Maybe I'll finger you right here, so you can walk back dripping?"

I shake my head, "please don't."

"Or I can drag you back to the car, like a dog on a leash. Maybe even carry you. Imagine all the people that would see how helpless you are with me."

"Shut up."

He kisses the base of my neck, and licks up to the bottom of my jaw. Then he sucks hard, leaving a dark bruise even as I struggle away from it.

"Fuck you!"

"Don't worry, soon."

My face is red at the thought of someone walking by. "Please let me go now."

"Maybe if you beg a little harder." His knee jams between my legs, pushing against me and I moan.

"Hm. Reminds me of that time in school. You were so scared and helpless. I miss that. You've gotten too comfortable," he says.

My breathing quickens. "Please. I'll let you tie my hands together in the car. I don't care."

"All of this for a 10 minute car ride. What a shame. If only you weren't such a brat," he says into my neck as he leaves another hickie. I groan, and attempt to move again. But it only makes me grind against his leg, which turns me on more. Fuck him.


He sighs. "Fine."

I stare shocked, and a little scared. We walk back to the car with no troubles, but he grips my hand tightly. When we get to it, he tells me to get in the back and I realize he child locked the door.

He gets in on the other side, and pulls me close. "Over my lap." I see a little device in his hand.

"What? No! I'm not doing that here!!"

My skirt is short enough that doing so would likely reveal my thong. And again, someone can walk by and look into the car.

"Don't make me force you Alice. Your punishment at home will only get worse."

I swallow. "Please?"

He stares me down.

I sigh. Reluctantly I lay myself over his lap, my face burning and heart racing. "Please be fast."

His fingers reach under my skirt, and slides my underwear to the side. I whimper as his fingers circle my hole.

"Someone's enjoyed this too much. Does the idea of being caught arouse you Alice?"

I quickly shake my head no. If he gets too entertained enough by this, he won't stop.

"Weird. I seem to remember reading this one time. You wrote about this book you read where the girl gets fingered at a restaurant under the table? Do you remember that one Alice?"

His fingers slam into me and I gasp.

"Answer me."


"Are you lying to me?" His fingers roughly push in, and he holds them there so deep inside I squirm.


"Answer the fucking question." I grip onto his leg, his finger pushing in harder.

"Yes!! Yes- I remember."

"Hm. First running, now lying? Was I too nice today?"


"No what?"

"No, sir." I answer straight away.

I can practically feel his smirk. "So what do you think you need to start listening? If being nice doesn't work?"

I don't answer. I screw my eyes shut. His hand pulls out and he slaps my ass!!

"Punishment!! Punishment sir. I'm sorry."

"Don't move." I sit still as he grabs the rope from under the seat and ties my hand securely together behind my back. He had to tear my nails out of his leg.

Then he grips my hair and pulls me up to sit.

He gets out after buckling my seat belt. It's locked. Meaning it holds me to the back of the seat. Apparently it's 'broken.' And he pulls it in tighter. My arms hurt and squish behind me as we drive.

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