The Tenth Ringwraith: a Sauro...

By MidnightNinja27

5.8K 232 74

AU: Bilbo is corrupted and joins the Nine Not yet corpses. Still, we rot. The Ring decides that Bilbo Baggins... More

The Beautiful One
Twisted Affections
A Long Road
Into the Dark
Another Taste
The Price of a Life
To Save a Soul
The Point of No Return
Truths and Lies
Ever Watchful
The Battle
Dark Lord Victorious
Many Happinesses


278 14 0
By MidnightNinja27

To avoid crossing the White Mountains, they had decided at the last minute to go around the mountain range and go through Minas Tirith to get to Pelargir.

It took an extra few weeks and Bilbo was ready to sob in relief when the white walled cliff city came into view.

Ash was silent as they were let into the Gondorian capital, the green glow of Minas Morgul visible in the distance, the orange hue of Mordor's sky on the horizon.

It was so close to its creator, so close he imagined that the Eye could have seen them if only had he known.

Sauron was so temptingly close, it would be just two day's walk to Minas Morgul, half a day's ride if Bilbo took one of Cedric's ponies.
If he could get Bilbo that far, they could use the Ring's power to turn invisible and travel to Barad-dûr within a day or two -four days at most if they walked.
The trip would be terrible for Bilbo, Mordor's landscape was a nightmare at the best of times, and with no water or food it would be made even worse.

If the Ring took Bilbo to the city without hiding him, it doubted it could stop the wraiths or any of the orcs from killing Bilbo.

Bilbo's transformation into a Ringwraith had barely progressed -the murder of Gollum had significantly helped, however- but it still was not enough for the Nine to recognize him as one of them yet.


Minas Tirith, despite being the Jewel of Gondor, was dreadfully boring to Bilbo.

Everything seemed so simple, his thirst for adventure was not quenched.

While he had always known that his solo adventure -now duo with Cedric- would not be as exciting as traveling with the Company, he had not expected to be this disappointed.

Perhaps sneaking through the Elvenking's Halls, riddling Gollum and then Smaug, stealing the Arkenstone and riding down a river clinging to a barrel had set his expectations too high.

Even the inn they were staying in was reminiscent of the Prancing Pony with it also functioning as a tavern for those in the lower city.

Slipping from the room, he sat instead at the bar, people watching and sipping at the mead he had ordered.

Several of the Men around him noticed him, making remarks about his height, one even saying he looked like a half-dwarf half-elf.
That comment did not surprise him, Tooks were often accused of having faerie blood and were regarded as the most beautiful of hobbits -to everyone besides hobbits themselves, whose beauty standards were short and well fed which made the litheness and height of Tooks highly undesirable.

When he grew tired of hearing the remarks about his appearance, he left the tavern as well, walking through the city and looking at what lay beyond.

The mountains guarding Mordor were close, the green glowing city in sight, Bilbo could not help but wonder what the land on the other side looked like.

He had read about it in a dusty tome his cousin, Fortinbras Took II -the Thain of the Shire-  had in his smial.

Mordor was described briefly in the account of War of the Last Alliance as a desert with no Sun, instead the tale focused more upon the armies fighting against evil.


Back in the present, in a tent nestled in the many miles of fields between Minas Morgul and Minas Titith, Bilbo paused his story when he described using the One Ring to sneak around the Battle of Five Armies before being rendered unconscious, beginning to shake and falling to his knees.

"It's happening. I had hoped to have more time." Bilbo gasped, his form going semi-translucent as white robes began to materialize on his body, "I must go!"

Frodo took his hand, helping him back to his feet, "Uncle, do not go, I came here to save you."

"It is too late for me." The older hobbit refused, tears forming at the brim of his greyed eyes, "I am banished from death and bound to the Flaming Eye. Please let me leave with my dignity."

With that, Bilbo left, remounting his black mare and riding back to Minas Morgul.


Upon arriving back in the wraith city, Bilbo made his way into the castle where the Witch King ruled.
"How did it go, brother?" The Witch King asked, sitting upon her marble throne -the white stone contrasting heavily with her black robes, black curly hair, and olive skin

Khamûl the Easterling was sitting on the armrest of the Lord of the Nazgûl's throne, his skin of his form so dark it was hidden in his hooded black robes, that he would seen formless if not for his grey eyes that were so pale they nearly blended in with the whites of his eyes.

Bilbo lowered the hood of his white robes, his body becoming more solid now that he was back within Mordor, "It was exactly as the Lord foresaw and I acted upon his plan."

He relayed a summary of all he had done since leaving the city, keeping it brief as he knew he had intruded in on the lovers' private moment.

Done with his report, the hobbit made his way up the main tower to a room that was empty, save for a small pillar tolled with a black cushion and a palantír.

Picking up the orb and holding it with both hands, Bilbo watched as flame seemed to ignite from within before a pupil formed in the center.

"Gandalf bought the act." Bilbo informed, speaking mentally with the Dark Lord through the palantír

Sauron's silky voice replied in the hobbit's mind, "Perfect, the Witch King shall handle the rest. Return to Barad-dûr, I long to have you back by my side, precious."

"I will begin the journey immediately." The hobbit smiled, running his fingers against the palantír longingly, hoping the one he spoke to could sense it, "I have missed you terribly these past few days, my Lord Husband."

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