ARELLA (A Mafia Story)

By UghSt00pid

836K 25.3K 2.2K

People call him the devil incarnate. To his family, he's just husband and father. Following up on a man who o... More



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By UghSt00pid


The boys scatter off after breakfast. Some of them help with the dishes, Alessandro heading back up to his room without helping. He knows better than to skip out on a chore.

He'll just have to help out after dinner this evening. Based on what Damon has told me, we're going to be having dinner with our host's parents this evening. It's going to be nice seeing Ares mom and dad again.

I haven't seen them in what feels like ages.

Leaning back in my chair, I watch Arella kicking her little nub in excitement as she watches McKenna. Both girls are still sitting on Natalia's lap, though, Natalia moved to sit in Damon's vacated chair after he got up to tend to business with Ares.

Arella seems content to stay there for now, so I don't stress about taking her back.

"Do you want to spend some time by the pool today?" Natalia suddenly asks after looking up from the girls.

The thought is nice. We just didn't bring bathing suits. It was the last thing I was thinking about when I was packing up our clothes with dead bodies surrounding us.

"We didn't bring suits." I reply, leaning over to push Arella's messy hair out of her eyes.

She looks back at me, a smile stretching her cheeks.

"You can borrow one of mine and I bet one of McKenna's would fit Arella."

I size up Natalia. She's much smaller than me in height, but our build is about the same. The only difference is our bust size. She seems about a cup size smaller than I am.

Whatever, there will just be a little bit of spillage. It will be fine.

"Perfect." I smile, holding my hands out for Arella.

She immediately comes into my awaiting arms, snuggling into my body when I hold her close to my chest. Her tiny hand pulls on the neckline of my shirt, looking up at me with those questioning eyes of hers.

"You can have some when we go up to change." I whisper lowly.

"Follow me." Natalia stands, guiding the way towards McKenna's room.

It's adorable in here, a room fit for a princess. While carrying McKenna, she enters the closet and returns carrying two bathing suits. She holds out a one piece pink suit with little bows on the over-the-shoulder straps.


"Sorry if it's a little big. Oh! And I also grabbed this for you." She holds out a swim diaper.

"I would've forgotten if you didn't remember. I haven't had to remember things like swim diapers in nearly fourteen years." Chuckling, I grab the diaper from her.

Following Natalia into her room, she goes to a huge walk-in closet, opening a drawer full of bikinis. She holds up several, shaking her head until she finally comes across one that has a lot of straps and is a neon yellow color.

"This one would be amazing with your skin. You have such beautiful olive skin. Quite similar to Ares. You are his cousin after all."

Thanking her, I take the offered items and head to our temporary room. Arella squeals when I gently set her down on the bed, bouncing on her bum while I get changed.

I was right, it is a little tight around my boobs and butt area. Taking a look at the full body mirror that's hanging behind the door, I almost faint.

This is the type of bathing suit Damon would never let me wear out in public. Straps criss cross along my stomach and back, making the suit look more like shibari rather than something to swim in.

The top has sheer panels, my cleavage pressed up to the point where it almost looks like they're about to spill over. Don't even get me started on the bottoms. There's more of my ass showing than not.

Good lord. I know my breasts are swollen from not nursing Arella today, but this is a little much.

"Oh well. As long as Daddy doesn't see it." I shrug as I talk to Arella.

She wiggles along the bed, heading towards the nightstand where my phone is still plugged in. I grab her before she can fall off and toss her back on the mattress, tickling her belly.

A high pitched joyful squeal escapes her tiny body as I use my long nails to tickle her sides. Leaning down, I blow a raspberry into her neck. Anything to get her to continue her laughing fit. It's my new favorite sound.

That, and the boys whenever they call me Mama. My good little Italian boys.

"Let's get your bum bum changed. We're going swimming."

I don't know how well Arella is going to do with the water. She doesn't tend to like baths that much unless I'm with her. Showers are a whole different story. She loves them. I've even caught her sneaking into the shower when Damon's in there.

My husband pretended to be displeased, but he couldn't hide his smile when she crawled in there while wearing her pajamas. I ended up having to change her into a onesie after taking off the soaked outfit.

The bathing suit is a tad bit big on Arella. It's still adorable, so I don't care.

"Let's go find McKenna and Natalia." I announce, picking up my baby girl.

She perks up upon hearing McKenna's name, pointing her little finger towards the door.

"Alright. Alright." I laugh.

We find Natalia standing next to the door that leads to their backyard. She's carrying McKenna while holding Nicholas' hand. He's an adorable little boy with a little bit of a shy streak.

He almost reminds me of Gianni when he was that little. Whenever Ares is around, Nicholas hangs onto his every word and action. Just like Gianni. It makes me miss when my boys were little.

"I have some sunscreen out there for the kids. Tanning lotion for us." She winks, sliding open the glass door.

Nicholas takes off the second the door is open, making Natalia yell, "Don't run by the pool, baby!"

He looks back towards his mom, only slowing down slightly. It's then I see what the small boy was running towards. A big dog is laying down on the grass, sunbathing in this perfect weather.

The dog doesn't look friendly, either. This must be the guard dog I was warned about. I hold Arella tighter to my body as McKenna pushes against Natalia's chest to be put down.

I'm only slightly reassured about the dog when McKenna is sat down on the ground. She toddles after the dog, plopping down on his body as she gives him a big hug.

"Be gentle, Kenna." Nat warns when she gets a little rough.

Arella watches the whole interaction with wide eyes. Her nub wiggles against me in excitement as she pushes against my chest in a signal to be put down.

I don't place her on the grass. No way am I letting her around an unknown dog. Especially one that looks like that.

"We don't pet doggies that we don't know, baby." I whisper to Arella.

She whines, the sound catching Natalia's attention.

"Do you want to pet him? He's super nice." She offers.

Arella's wiggles get worse and I finally concede with a sigh, squatting to set her on the ground. "Okay, sweetheart."

The dog side eyes me, only stopping when I set my baby girl down next to him. Nat gives the dog a pat while McKenna giggles. Nicholas is running circles around us with the energy only a little boy possesses.

"His name is Bruno." The other woman explains.

"Woof woof!" McKenna exclaims.

Nat shrugs and gives a little chuckle, "Or you can call him Woof Woof. He always comes when she calls him that."

Arella tentatively stretches her arm out towards Bruno while I hold my breath. She leans forward out of my arms, inching slowly closer to the dog. I almost snatch her back when he sniffs at her face, then gives her cheek a long lick.

The sigh that escapes me is one of relief. Arella looks momentarily shocked. I'm waiting on the tears. Only there is none. She squeals and wraps her arms around Bruno's neck, resting her cheek against his snout.

Bruno just got her approval and all it took is one lick. If only she took to the boys that easily.



"Looks like our wives are out there swimming with the kids." Ares states evenly.

He's standing beside the window, leaning against it with his hands in his pockets. We've been in this damn office all morning, trying to make a plan to find Dimitri.

His contacts are working tirelessly to hunt him down. I have to give credit where credit is due. That man can sure hide himself well. He knew there would be retribution after the attack on my home.

We've found severa of hisl safe houses. Each of them were empty. Three of them were booby trapped. In retribution, I returned one of his men back to him in tiny pieces.

Left him in a box on the doorstep of one of the many restaurants he owns. Good luck getting people to eat there again.

After all, the man's life didn't go to waste. I made sure to have my men get whatever information they could out of him before we set him to his maker.

Dimitri wants a war and he got one.

"Come take a look." Ares invites me over.

Standing, I set my glass or bourbon on the table beside me, straightening the lapels on my suit.

What I see when I look out that glass shocks me. Freya is sitting on the steps of the pool with Arella in her lap. My baby girl is splashing about with a grin.

That's not what stops me, though. No, it's what my sexy as hell wife is wearing. No man should see her in something like that. Not even Ares. I don't care if he's her cousin. I'm way too possessive for that.

I'm out of that stuffy office in a flash. Heat perminates my suit as I step into the backyard. I'm a man on a mission.

Two of the boys are also sitting on pool loungers. Gianni and Davide look up at me, rolling their eyes. This isn't anything they haven't seen before. They know how I feel about their mother.

Bending down, I pluck Arella out of Freya's arms. One quick smile, and I'm passing her over to Gianni.

"Watch her for like five minutes for me." It's a demand. Not a question.

Now that that's taken care of, I scoop Freya up, throwing her wet body over my shoulder, not caring about ruining my suit.

She shrieks, clearly outraged with my caveman behavior. "Put me down right now, Damon!"

Her tiny fists are beating my back as I step through the glass door. Smirking, I place a firm smack on her exposed butt cheek.

"No, I don't think I will."

"Ow! You bastard!" Freya calls out, smacking my ass in retribution.

Freya grows more frustrated when I don't react to her smack. I begin to climb the stairs. She bounces on my shoulder as I run up each step until I reach our bedroom.

Tossing her onto the bed, I climb up over her body. My wife's face is flushed and clearly not happy. Too bad for her. Nobody gets to see what's mine.

Ever so gently, I wrap my fingers around her throat, watching as her pupils dilate in reaction to my touch.

As I straddle her waist, I use my other hand to press against where her breasts are barely confined in this lingerie disguised as a bathing suit.

"These. Are mine. Nobody else gets a hint of them," Moving my hand down, I cup her pussy through the fabric of her bottoms, "This is mine too. Nobody should get a hint of what's underneath this flimsy fabric."

With each of my words, Freya's breathing picks up. Her throat bobs against my fingers as she swallows. She likes this and we both know it too.

Sliding my finger under the edge of the bathing suit, I stroke her slick heat. Her hips jerk as she tries to push her pussy closer to my searching finger. I tap her clit one. Two. Three times, then back off.

"Are you going to change and be a good girl?" I question, my voice thick with arousal.

She nods, sliding her arms over her head against the sheets as a show of submission.

"Good girl." Winking, I pull my finger out of her bottoms, popping it in my mouth.

Sweet and slightly salty. My favorite flavor.

I hop off her body and adjust my erection in my pants with a grimace.

"You're just going to leave me here like this?" Freya asks with a huff, pushing her messy hair off of her face.

"Yup. I have to get back to business."

"You're a bastard. You know that, right?"

"You don't make it this far in life if you aren't. Love you," I call out to her as I open the door. Turning my head over my shoulder I add, "And don't forget to change!"

I close the door before the pillow she's throwing at me can connect with my head.

Good talk.

Make sure to read my book besties bvmchloe second part to our crossover!!

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