Legacy of Nosgoth

נכתב על ידי DragonJ8210

16 0 0

The coin finally landed on its side. עוד

Ariel's Ascension

Dracula's Death

11 0 0
נכתב על ידי DragonJ8210

We find Kain-Raziel within Ziegsturhl. Sitting within the very same tavern from Blood Omens One. Kain-Raziel took a sip of his drink within the now ruined tavern.
" Time has not been kind to this establishment. "
" Let us move on. " said Raziel from within.
Kain and Raziel had become one, like a Skeksis and a urRu becoming a urSkeks.
" Someone draws near! "
Footsteps could be heard, along with the clanging of armor. The stranger sat down next to Kain-Raziel.
" Care to share a drink? "
Kain-Raziel turned to look.
" Ariel? "
" In the flesh. " said Ariel with a smile, for she did indeed inhabit a body of flesh and blood. Ariel had taken a page out of Raziel's book. Just like how Raziel took over Moebius' body; Ariel had taken over William the Just's body. When Ariel took over, the body changed gender: from male to female. Ariel went on to don Malik's Armor, whereupon she became: Ariel Areia - Ariel the Warlike.
Kain-Raziel noticed the sword at her side.
" Sacnoth? I thought it lost. "
" And it was: for many millennia... till I rediscovered it. "
Ariel took off Malik's Helmet. Purred herself a drink. And then partook of a joy she had longed for.
" Ah. "
Ariel purred another cup of beer.
" Careful. "
" Afraid I would drink you under the table? "
Kain-Raziel giggled... which is something he had not done for eons. A few more drinks were shared between these old friends.
" So. " said Ariel Areia, whose appearance very much resembled that of Robin Wright; " where are we off to? "
Kain-Raziel put down his cup.
" Willendorf. "
" Whatever for? "
" Information. "
" Am I to receive such short answers always? "
" Indeed. "
Ariel sighed... then let out a faint giggle.
" No need to be rude, Kain. " said Raziel, his conscience. Kain-Raziel sighed, which is something he would do a lot off throughout the story.
" Willendorf holds information. "
" What kind of information? "
Kain-Raziel paused for dramatic effect.
" Information concerning the Hylden. "
" I see. " said Ariel, finishing her last drink.
(Not that she couldn't drink more. It was just that there was no more beer left.)
Ariel Areia picked up Malik's Helmet. Her sword: Sacnoth opened its eye, located at the bottom of the hilt. For Sacnoth was forged with an Eye of Abzû. The eye once belonged to the One, whom Moebius once served.
" Let us hope that the Queen of Willendorf is forthcoming with information. "
Kain-Raziel turned to face her. One crucial question upon his lips.
" Queen? "
(Not really a question though.)

The kingdom was splendid, as usual.
Kain-Raziel and Ariel Areia walked the splendid streets. They passed the various venues. The people were in awe of Ariel, but they were wary of Kain. Which was not surprising, considering the last time Kain was in town. They stood before the great and grand gates. The guards, wisely, let Kain pass.
" They are scared. " said Ariel.
" As they should be. "
" By the Pillars... " said Raziel, as they stood before the Lion Throne, which was more commonly known as: The Throne Lioness. For it was no longer King Ottmar who sat upon the throne. But it was his daughter: Queen Olivia.
" She is fair. " said Ariel, as she admired Olivia's chestnut hair.
" She is enchanting. " said Raziel, admiring her caramel eyes.
" She is all grown up. " said Kain, solemnly.
Olivia was indeed an adult. After her father's passing; she took an active role in running her kingdom. Which is why: she is tanned and not pale. Queen Olivia gazed about, till her gaze fell upon Kain.
She smiled.
Olivia got up, and elegantly strode towards Kain.
She stood before him. She held out her hand, and to everyone's surprise... he kissed it.
" Kain. " said Olivia, warmly.
" Your Majesty. "
There was complete silence, as Olivia and Kain gazed into each others' eyes.
Ariel cleared her throat.
" Right. " said Olivia; " to the feast! "
A grand and extraordinary feast was held. Food in abundance was enjoyed: The Queen had invited the whole kingdom - from peasant to nobleman.
Kain and Olivia were having a conversation, as Ariel was drinking every man under the table.
" I never got to say: thank you. "
" What for? "
" For saving me from the Dollmaker's grasp. "
Raziel started.
" Kain had saved someone... "
" It was nothing. "
Kain devoured his drink.
" It meant everything for me... "
Kain did not notice it, but Raziel did.
" She has feelings for him. "
Even Ariel had deduced as much.
It was late at night, as Ariel was snoring away.
(Not very lady-like. But no one had the balls to tell her that. For if they did... they would no longer have them balls.)
Kain was awake, Raziel with him. Kain-Raziel was standing at the balcony, gazing upon the pale moonlight.
There was a knock.
Kain opened the door, and there stood Olivia in a see-through silken dress. Kain was unmoved, even though Olivia had filled out in all the right places.
(Sorry for saying it that way, but it was true.)
The Queen was exquisite in every way.
She was in the prime of her youth. About twenty-seven years of age.
" May I come in? It is rather cold; out here in the hall. "
" No surprise. " said Kain, nonchalantly; " you are barely wearing anything. "
Olivia laughed, realizing that she still had no effect.
" Was this a lost cause? "
Kain stood aside, and Olivia entered. They were both sitting on the bed, and Raziel couldn't stand the awkward silence.
" I always wanted to thank you. "
" With your body? " said Kain, rather bluntly.
Olivia was speechless, not expecting such bluntness.
" I should go... "
Kain stood in her way.
" Stay. "
" Kain? " - Raziel.
Kain lay on top of Olivia on the bed.
" Kain! "
Kain couldn't hear him, the kissing was too loud. Raziel spoke no more, he was too busy trying to rip his ears off; while also trying to gouge out his eyes.
Sadly for Raziel... it didn't work.
Kain had done the unthinkable: he had allowed himself to feel love. Something he thought lost after Umah. That day. Under the pale moonlight... Kain sired an heir.

Kain-Raziel and Ariel Areia were walking the lovely road, heading towards Coorhagen - Kain's hometown.
" When were you there last? " Ariel asked.
" Years ago. "
(Silence for awhile)
" As a child - Ariel was looking forward to this; Kain rarely spoke of himself - I used to roam the streets of Coorhagen endlessly. From the baker, to the farmer, and even to the kind courtesans. Everyday was an adventure. "
Raziel couldn't help but smile, as he partook of Kain's memories.
" I remember one day, when my mother- "
Kain hesitated.
" Is that smoke? " said Ariel, as a pillar of darkness rose from-
" Coorhagen! "
Kain charged ahead, while Ariel did her damndest to keep up.
" It's like racing against thought itself. "
Ariel arrived just in time... to see Kain fall to his knees.
Coorhagen was in ruins and everything was burnt to the ground. Raziel could feel Kain's sorrow and grief.
" Kain... "
Ariel placed a hand on his shoulder.
" Green fire? "
Ariel thought about it, but before she could say her conclusion; Kain finished for her:
" Humbaba. "
From out the green flames walked out the Hylden: Humbaba.
" Kain. " said Humbaba, who was an imposing figure with an herculean physique; " it is so good to see you. Do you like what I have done with the place? " Humbaba spread out his arms, proud of his devilish feat.
Kain got back up. Ariel drew forth Sacnoth, ready for battle.
" No. "
" Why not? "
" I will take him on. "
" You can't be serious?! "
Ariel beheld the monster that was Humbaba.
" He will kill you! "
" Ariel - it was Raziel speaking - don't worry: he won't be alone. "
Ariel beheld their reassuring smile. She then sheathed Sacnoth. She Smiled. Crossed her arms, and then said:
" Men. "
Kain-Raziel drew forth the Soul-Reaver, as he walked past a burned down tavern... the tavern that once belonged to his mother.
" He still has a heart. " said Raziel from within; " who knew. " said Raziel, as a single tear escaped Kain's eye.
The pebble that was Kain, now stood before the mountain; that was Humbaba.
" You have caused great pain to my people. "
" So have you. "
" This place? " said Humbaba, surprised; " are we getting sentimentale in our old years? "
Kain simply responded with:
" One's birthplace always goes with one; no matter the time or world. "
Kain beheld the destruction around him.
" You have destroyed Coorhagen, and with this city goes my heart. " Kain took up a battle stance; " don't expect any mercy from us, Hylden. "
Humbaba beheld Kain-Raziel. He then laughed. The laughter died down, as Ariel said:
" Vae Victis. "
The weapons met, as the clash had begun. Weapons and magic were both utilized to their fullest; causing further destruction upon Coorhagen.
It tore at Kain's heart, but he was absolutely going to make Humbaba pay. Back and forth they went, neither giving any ground. That was when the unbelievable happened.
" No... " uttered Ariel, as Humbaba had run Kain through with his weapon.
" How the mighty have fallen. " scoffed Humbaba; " Pathetic. "
Kain was dead... but Raziel still remained. Humbaba cried out in pain, for just like the time Raziel had ripped out the Heart of Darkness; so too did he rip out Humbaba's Black Heart.
" Woe to the conquered. " whispered Raziel into Humbaba's ear. The Hylden was gone, and Raziel did not have long.
Ariel took his shaking hand.
" I never thought to die within Kain's body... - he coughed up some blood - The Wheel of Fate has run its course... woe to the vanquished... "
The Soul-Reaver lost its gleam, as Kain-Raziel was no more.
Requiescat In Pace.

המשך קריאה

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