secrets of ghost hill


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mileena, a reporter sent from grant corporation took on the case of the ghost hill murderer. upon accepting... Еще



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it was much later that day and i was getting ready to go to the club with zara. i couldn't decide between my black heels or black shoes.

heels were a struggle when you are drunk. the amount of times i've fallen is too many to count.

at the end of every night my heels would be off and my feet would be covered in dirt and dust. let's not forget to mention the time i stepped in vomit.

and the moment i realized, i began to vomit. the situation itself was vile.

finally coming to a conclusion, i chose the heels. it matched perfectly with my outfit and i'd be damned if i'd mess up my perfection with tenna shoes.

i'd still bring them, but they were staying in the car.

i topped my outfit off with jewelry and grabbed my purse. i locked the door to my apartment and drove to the adress she had given me

it was farther then i intentionally thought which i loathed. the gas prices were no joke. seven? for gas? are you joking?

let a bitch breathe.

not to mention the food discreetly increasing in cost.

driving to the asylum for information from billie used up most of it. but i couldn't say i was too angry. not when i got paid above the average worker.

i got out the car and opened the doors to the club. beautiful. the aroma of alcohol and weed filled the room. the bright neon lights illuminated the club vividly.

i watched in awe as the sweaty crowd of dancer's began shouting the lyrics to the
song blasting through the speakers.

zara was no where to be found. i walked to the bar immediately asking for shots before calling her to see if she had made it

but i heard a phone ringing nearly by and automatically knew it was her. just by the sound of her ringtone.

i stood up smiling as she walked over to me, opening my arms for a welcoming hug. her arms wrapped around me, her laugh vibrating my ear lobe.

"i missed you." i said as i pulled back outta the hug.

"i missed you too" she reassured before sitting down beside me. the waiter placed the shots in front of us while smiling.

zara smiling back as she took a sip. i rolled my eyes a smile plastered on my face.

it had been a while since i had seen zara. with her fashion career booming and my writing career taking off, we rarely had time for each other

our schedules were always full

ever since we were kids, about 9 to be exact, we knew what we wanted to be. we had our whole life planned out.. on glittered paper written with blueberry markers.

it had taken a bit of focus and studying but we pulled through. even managing to attend party's as we grew together.

"so, what's been happening with you lately?" she asked.

"i've just been busy collecting information on my new client." i took a shot.

"what's their name?"


"oh? is he cute. does my little mileena have a crush?" she gasped teasingly. i shook my head in embarrassment, but with a smile creasing.

the last thing i wanted to do was talk about her because i knew my mind would betray me and linger on the kiss we shared.

it's hard enough as it is to keep my mind from the thought of her lips against mine. the way her breath hit my ear as she whispered. her cold stone hands wrapped around my throat as she..

"mileena." zara waved her hand in front of my face. "are you even listening?" she laughed, taking her shot and gagging.

i shook my head quickly. i was out to have fun, i couldn't let her cloud my mind.

"i was listening.. how about we go dance?" i asked, a smile casting over my face. two more shots were laid in front of us

"it's from those two men over there." the bartender pointed. the men waved, smiles on their face as they tried to look.. attractive?

i looked at zara and shrugged my shoulders before laughing. they were not at all pleasing to look at.

"what is it?" i lifted the drink

"pink whitney." and i smiled at his response. my favorite.

we threw our heads back and took the shots they bought us. a burning sensation creeping around the back of my throat.

god, alcohol was nasty.

"can i have this dance?" i stood out of my seat and held my hand out for her to grab. she gladly took it, and in doing so i led her to the floor.

i let go of her hand and turned around to face her. just as i did bodak yellow began blaring through the speakers of the club.

my eyes caught a hold of the men that bought us the drinks and they were watching us intently. it was creepy.

i moved closer to zara whispering, "they're watching us.. the men that bought us the drinks."

she glanced over at them and smirked before looking at me. "well then let's give them a show."

zara turned around and starting shaking her ass on me forcing me to cover my mouth so i wouldn't buss into laughter.

"act like you're into it. i know your gay ass like the show." i held back my laugh as she continued.

finally able to contain my laughter, i decided to comply with her demands. i placed my hands on her hips, looking the men directly in their eyes as she continued.

fuck, men were so desperate.

i grabbed zara's hand and led us away from the sweaty body of drunk dancers. i no longer wanted to be watched by creepy men

"where are we going?" i stopped at the stripper part of the club and stood astill as i admired the women dancing.

money was being thrown at them from every angle.

zara threw her head back, a look of amusement in her eyes. "you're so gay." she laughed. i rolled my eyes.

"mhm.. you should try it sometime. women are much better. im sure they could actually assist you in an orgasm, unlike a incompetent man."

"aren't you bi?" she laughed.

"yes. for jesus." i walked to a chair as zara's laugh grew distant.

she was awfully straight and it hurt my little rainbow plastered heart. i sat and zara sat beside me.

not even in sexual manner, i admired the talent the strippers had. how much pain they had to endure from heels every night, the stamina they had dancing restlessly.. sexily not to mention.

one of the strippers walked up to me and sat on my lap and it surprised the fuck outta me.

"close your mouth." she smiled, before closing it herself with her index finger. my heart slowed down as she looked down at me.

i looked over at zara and she was staring at us with her eyes narrowed. a smile slowly forming. she began clapping as she stood.

confusion was not the word that could explain the state i was in as the stripper and i stared at her.

"i'm so glad you two are getting along. so glad. mileena you get no bitches. you work too much. so, you guys have fun. i'm gonna find that bartender. bye bye."

i glanced at the stripper, "did she pay you to do this?"

"yes." she admitted. "but i also did it because i wanted to. you're just so.." she twirled my hair around her finger, "pretty."

i was more then pretty, "i know." i glanced away from her, to watch the other dancers.

the stripper hummed and moved down to my ear, "keep your eyes on me, mileena." and my eyes opened in alarm.

it was the same thing billie said to me. and soon the barrier i had up, to keep her from infiltrating my mind fell into a thousand pieces.

it was only when i pushed her away had i seen a purely perfect hallucination of billie. my eyes widened more then a fraction, disbelief casting my face.

it wasn't her, i had to tell my self. i squeezed my eyes shut, trying to tell my self that i wasn't going insane.

"are you okay?" i shook my head trying to escape my thoughts.

"what's wrong?" she grabbed my hand. i pulled away and went to look for zara. and she was easily found, flirting with the bartender as expected.

"zara." she ignored me, "zara. i'm ready to go."

she groaned. "why? what's wrong?"

"i'm just ready to go." i stated simply staring at the floor.

"was it the stripper? what she'd do? cause i'll go over there and beat her caucasian ass."

"i'm fine, it's okay." i chuckled weakly. "can we just go?" she nodded and took my arm.

"hold on." she slipped her arm out of mines and gave the bartender her number on a piece of paper. "call me." she whispered before coming back to me.

"dont worry, mil. im gonna take care of you." she smiled reassuringly.

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