The Seed Of Vengeance (Gundam...

By zer0420

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Vengeances is a form of reciprocity in which each deed begets another. Each act of Vengeances is a response t... More

Chapter 1 Planted Seed
Chapter 3 Stardust Battlefield
Chapter 4 Unhealable Wounds
Chapter 5 End Of The World
Chapter 6 Land Of Confussion
Chapter 7 Memorial
Chapter 8 Blood In The Water
Chapter 9 Return To Battle
Chapter 10 Life Of A Soldier
Chapter 11 The Hidden Truth
Chapter 12 Bitter Hostilely
Chapter 13 Shadows Of War
Chapter 14 The Place of Sin
Chapter 15 Life Remaining and Life Scattered
Chapter 16 Fleeting Dream
Chapter 17 Stella
Chapter 18 World Revealed
Chapter 19 Fallen Angel
Chapter 20 Eve of Chaos
Chapter 21 Thunder In The Dark
Chapter 22 Visible Scars
Chapter 23 Hellfire of Destiny
Chapter 24 Winds Of Change
Chapter 25 Forbearance
Chapter 26 Fractured Mind
Chapter 27 Departure
Chapter 28 The Song of Truth
Chapter 29 To a New World
(Finale) Chapter 30 The Final Power
(Epilogue) To a New Tomorrow

Chapter 2 Those Who Call For War

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By zer0420

(A/N) Within this story, Beam Sabers can clash with one another

No one's POV

As both the Sword Impulse and Sabre Gundams, had entered the battle against the stolen Gundams, Gaia, Chaos and Abyss. Their pilots both Nhazul Hatake and Shinn Asuka, narrowed their eyes irritated.

Nhazul: What is this...? How the hell did they manage to steel 3 Gundams right from under us?!

Shinn: Why is this happening? Do you guys wanna start another war?!

The Impulse immediately rushed forward and began to engage the Gaia, slashing at it, forcing it to dodge.

Gaia: What's this?!

Using the Vulcans, Gaia attempted to fire at Impulse, only for it block the shots and fire it's Beam rifle at it. With Sabre, Chaos was firing at it,

however Sabre was effortlessly deflecting it's fire with his beam saber before attempting to slash it, forcing it to dodge. From behind within the ZAKU Warrior, Cagalli and Athrun, looked on astonished.

Chaos: More new models?! Gundams?! What's going on?! We don't have any data on these things... Auel!

With Impulse, it was still taking on Gaia, when it jumped up into the air to avoid it's strike. Without warning, Sabre blitzed Gaia from behind, shocking it's pilot.

Gaia: What?!

Sabre quickly kicked Gaia back to the ground.

Gaia: Damn you both...!

As Sabre and Impulse continued taking them on, they were contacted from the Minerva.

Arthur: Nhazul! Shinn! Your orders are to capture them! You both understand that, right?! Those are our property!

Nhazul: Yeah, no shit.

Shinn: I know that!

Nhazul: How did this even happen to begin with?! Was someone off taking a shit or something?

Suddenly, the captain of the Minerva Talia Gladys spoke up.

Talia: Now's not the time for chitchat! This isn't practice! Concentrate on the battle!

As Sabre and Impulse continued their clash with The Chaos, Abyss, and Gaia Gundams. Around the same time outside Armory One, a surprise attack was occurring sinking ZAFT's escort fleet, while two Dagger L's destroyed the spaceport.

Shinn: Huh? What the hell was that?

Nhazul just narrowed his eyes annoyed.

Nhazul: They're attacking from the outside of the base as well?

As Sabre and Impulse continued their fight, suddenly, multiple Mobile suits were shot down by the Abyss.

Auel: Sting! That's our cue!

Sting: I know! Our ride's here, right?

Auel: We're late! The bus'll leave without us!

Suddenly, Sabre fired off it's beam rifle at Chaos, forcing it to dodge and defend. While in the air, Sabre proceeded to fire at Abyss as well, forcing it to dodge as well.

Auel: What the hell are these things?! We were only told there only three new models!

Sting: How should I know?!

Auel: So, what do we do?! The plan didn't account for this. Neo messed up!

Sting: Stella!

Suddenly, both Abyss and Chaos began to work together, Chaos using it's own Weapon Pods, firing at Sabre. Sabre proceeded to block their gunfire, however Abyss rushed from the side, hitting Sabre with it's spear, forcing it to the ground.

Nhazul: You're getting on my nerves.

Sabre proceeded to kick back Abyss, knocking it back, as it quickly turned it's attention to Chaos, locking blades with it.

Auel: Got you!

Nhazul looked back and saw Abyss getting ready to bring it's spear down on Sabre,

only for Athrun to tackle it back within the ZAKU Warrior, surprising him.

Nhazul: What?

Anal: Damn you!

Firing off it's Multi-phase Beam, Abyss hit the ZAKU Warrior, slamming it into the wall. Firing it off again, Sabre quickly slashed it back, firing at it, looking back at the ZAKU Warrior.

Nhazul: Go, now!

Athrun did as Nhazul said and began to retreat. Looking over, Nhazul saw Abyss had flown back into the air, taking on Mobile suits, destroying them.

Nhazul: And where do you think you're going?

Flying up into the air, Sabre continued engaging with Abyss, firing at it.

Nhazul: You're not getting away!

Auel: Damn it!

Abyss proceeded to fire off it's barrel Beam Cannon at Sabre, as it flew back to dodge them.
Suddenly, Abyss was blasted from behind

by Lunamaria

and Rey within their ZAKU Warrior and ZAKU Phantom.

Nhazul: Oh how nice of you to join us.

As the strike team of Sting, Auel and Stella begin their retreat as if in response to ZAFT's counterattack, Impulse and ZAKU Phantom gave chase.

Shinn: You're not getting away!

Sabre quickly followed after them, however, Nhazul noticed Lunamaria's ZAKU Warrior slowly descending.

Nhazul: Luna, are you alright?

Lunamaria: I'm fine! Keep going!

Nhazul: Right!

Quickly catching up, Sabre fired off it's beam rifle at the Gaia, who was attempting to blast a hole into the colony's wall, however, they're stopped by the Abyss's Multi-phase Beam, making Nhazul narrow his eyes.

Nhazul: Just who the hell are these guys? They can operate these machines so well...

Rey: Nhazul! Shinn! If they escape that it! We've gotta stop them from getting away!

Nhazul: Well no shit.

Sabre proceeded to take on Chaos once again. Chaos proceeded to fire off it's Weapon Pods, but quickly transforming, Sabre destroyed them with it's beam sabers.

Sting: Damn it!

Rushing forward, Chaos attempted to attack Impulse who was going after Gaia, however, it was quickly kicked back.

Nhazul: Shinn, go!

Covering Impulse, it proceeded to change its equipment,

turning into Force Impulse, continuing it's assault on the Gaia. However the three were finally successful in blowing open a hole, being sucked into space.

Shinn: Damn it!

Impulse quickly flew out and began to give chase, as Sabre quickly followed behind.

Rey Shinn! Nhazul!

ZAKU Phantom quickly followed behind after them, as Nhazul radioed Shinn.

Nhazul: That's enough. Your power has to be almost depleted.

Rey: He's right. We must retreat now!

Suddenly, multiple shots were fired off from multiple directions, nearly hitting Impulse.

Nhazul: What the?

Looking back, Nhazul saw the Mobile Armor Exus flying around them, firing off beams from the Wired Gunbarrels.

Nhazul: Great, now we have to deal with a Mobile Armor?

Firing it's beam rifle, Sabre destroyed one of the Wired Gunbarrel, along with the ZAKU Phantom.

Nhazul: The hell are you doing? Don't stop moving!

Rey: That's right! This isn't your normal engagement! 

As the three continued taking on the Exus, they're backed up by the by the Minerva, signaling them to retreat.

Shinn: Minerva? The retreat signal?! Why?!

Rey: It's an order.

Nhazul looked back at the mothership, before flying back to the Minerva with Impulse and ZAKU Phantom. As they proceeded to return, the Minerva proceeded to interpose between them and start to attack the enemy mothership, however, it managed to escape by detaching the ship's propellant tanks and detonating them.


After regrouping, the Minerva had begun it's pursuit of the mothership that was apart of the attack on Armory One. Onboard the Minerva, Athrun and Cagalli who engaged the three Gundams. Durandal apologizes for his discourtesy in that he wouldn't be able to return the two to Orb due to the urgent situation. He then offers a tour of the ship with him as a gesture of good faith between PLANT and Orb. Elsewhere within the hanger, Nhazul and Lunamaria were standard atop her ZAKU Warrior, as she informed him of what was going on, surprising him.

Nhazul: Athha of Orb?

Lunamaria: Yeah. I was surprised too. What are the odds of meeting the Hero of a major war here?

Nhazul just gained an irritated look on his face, as Lunamaria continued speaking.

Lunamaria: But why? Is there a problem with the ZAKU?

Nhazul glanced back at the green ZAKU behind Lunamaria.

Nhazul: No. I was curious since it hadn't been assigned to the Minerva.

Nhazul continued looking at the green ZAKU, narrowing his eyes.

Nhazul's thoughts: So she was in there, huh...?

Lunamaria: Actually, it seems it was her escort piloting it. He said his name is Alex.

Nhazul: Alex?

Suddenly, Lunamaria got in Nhazul's face.

Lunamaria: But he could be Athrun.

Nhazul just looked at Lunamaria annoyed, pushing her face back, still speaking.

Nhazul: Athrun?

Lunamaria: That's what the Representative called him. In the heat of the moment. She called him Athrun. Athrun Zala. It's rumored that he lives in Orb now, right?

Nhazul just began narrowing his eyes more irritated. Back with Durandal, Rey, Athrun and Cagalli, they had reached the hanger were all the Mobile suits were stored in. However, after
witnessing that the Minerva's Impulse and Sabre's Gundam's capabilities are far more destructive than expected, Cagalli became enraged.

Cagalli: We made a pledge! Not to repeat the tragedies of the past, and to choose a path we could proceed along hand in hand!

Having overhearing Cagalli's words, Nhazul became extremely irritated, speaking up.

Nhazul: More of that idealistic bullshit you Athhas are so well known for...

Everyone looked over to Nhazul, who was looking straight at Cagalli.

Rey: Nhazul!

Nhazul continued to stare down Cagalli, his

glare piercing right through, making her flinch nervously.

Cagalli: ...

Suddenly, alerts blare throughout the ship, as the mothership was picked up on sensors, and the captain ordered battle stations. As Nhazul continued to glare at Cagalli, Rey floated over and attempted to grab him, however Nhazul just smacked his hand away, going to get changed.

Rey: I'm very sorry, Mr Chairman. He will be punished for his actions later!

As Nhazul left, Cagalli continued to look at Nhazul, as Durandal spoke up.

Durandal: I'm terribly sorry, Princess.

Cagalli: Huh?

Durandal: He's an immigrant from Orb, so that was the last thing I expected to come out of him.

Cagalli looked at Durandal surprised, as she once again turned her attention to Nhazul.As everyone went to their assigned positions, a battle staged in the Debris Belt is about to begin.

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