The Seed Of Vengeance (Gundam...

By zer0420

40.4K 1.3K 526

Vengeances is a form of reciprocity in which each deed begets another. Each act of Vengeances is a response t... More

Chapter 2 Those Who Call For War
Chapter 3 Stardust Battlefield
Chapter 4 Unhealable Wounds
Chapter 5 End Of The World
Chapter 6 Land Of Confussion
Chapter 7 Memorial
Chapter 8 Blood In The Water
Chapter 9 Return To Battle
Chapter 10 Life Of A Soldier
Chapter 11 The Hidden Truth
Chapter 12 Bitter Hostilely
Chapter 13 Shadows Of War
Chapter 14 The Place of Sin
Chapter 15 Life Remaining and Life Scattered
Chapter 16 Fleeting Dream
Chapter 17 Stella
Chapter 18 World Revealed
Chapter 19 Fallen Angel
Chapter 20 Eve of Chaos
Chapter 21 Thunder In The Dark
Chapter 22 Visible Scars
Chapter 23 Hellfire of Destiny
Chapter 24 Winds Of Change
Chapter 25 Forbearance
Chapter 26 Fractured Mind
Chapter 27 Departure
Chapter 28 The Song of Truth
Chapter 29 To a New World
(Finale) Chapter 30 The Final Power
(Epilogue) To a New Tomorrow

Chapter 1 Planted Seed

5.3K 77 42
By zer0420

(A/N) I'm going to get this out the way. Like in Iron Blooded Orphans, in this story, My OC/The male reader will be more focused on as the main character. Shinn will be more of a secondary character within this story. If that's not your cup of tea, now's your chance to stop now. You've been warned.

No one's POV

4 years ago...

Nhazul Hatake had never paid much attention to the War between the PLANTs and the Earth Alliance. Of course, as a Coordinator, he knew that Naturals and Coordinators had been at odds for a very long time, and he understood that the Bloody Valentine - the nuclear attack by the Alliance that had destroyed the PLANTs' colony Junius Seven - was a horrible tragedy. But he was twelve years old when it happened. He wouldn't really understand what the repercussions could be until much later.

Additionally, the Orb Union was a neutral nation, neither allied with the PLANTs nor with the Alliance. And its mixed population of Naturals and Coordinators got along well enough, unlike everywhere else.

Nhazul had relocated to Orb, with his older brother and younger sister. Due to their parents having died in a accident, Nhazul's older brother Zane had been taking care of him, and their younger sister Lillie. Before their death, Nhazul's parents always said that the reason they wanted to move to Orb was its open policy towards Coordinators - the Athhas, who ruled Orb, would allow anyone into the country, regardless of whether they were Naturals or Coordinators, as long as they believed in Orb's ideals.

We will not attack another Nation...

We will not allow another Nation to attack us...

We will not intervene in the conflicts of other Nations...

His parents believed in Lord Uzumi Nara Athha's ideals, and had raised their children to believe in them as well.

Those ideals were what allowed Orb to remain peaceful, for Naturals and Coordinators to live together, work together, even start families together. Zane believed that, saying that it was the best - or rather, the only way to live in peace. And that the PLANTs and Alliance ought to find a way to reconcile their differences and live the same way. As long as Orb continued to follow the ideals of Lord Uzumi, then neither the Alliance nor the PLANTs would ever have a reason to attack Orb, and they would be safe. Until one day things started to change...

June 15, CE 71...

Zane: (25 years old) What the hell is this...? Is the Alliance seriously attacking us?!

Nhazul: (15 years old) But why..? We haven't attacked them, or done anything, have we?

Zane: No, we haven't... But with the war turning against them, the Alliance has been trying to force Orb to join them. And now, they decided to invade and take whatever they want by force. Those fuckers...!

Lillie: Language, big brother Zane.

Nhazul and Zane looked towards Lillie who was looking at the TV, seemingly unconcerned.

Lillie: (8 years old) It'll be okay. The Freedom will protect us.

Nhazul looked at Lillie confused.

Nhazul: Freedom?

Lillie: Yeah! The robot that will help protect us!

Zane: And how do you know about that?

Lillie: My friend at school told me. The Freedom will protect us. I believe in it like I do with Orb!

Nhazul and Zane both looked at their little sister surprised, before looking at each other.

Nhazul and Zane...

Zane: Lord Uzumi and the government have ordered an evacuation - just to be safe. We'll be fine. Pack your book bags, we'll only take essentials.

The three quickly packed bags and left, heading for the docks on the south shore of the Island, where Orb Naval Defense Force vessels would evacuate them to the Equatorial Union. As they ran, the battle raged above them, Mobile suits firing on each other. Nhazul slipped as he ran, but immediately regained his footing and followed.

Lillie: Big bro!

Nhazul just smiled at Lillie.

Nhazul: I'm okay. Keep going.

As they continued to run, Lillie who had been constantly looking up at the battle in the sky, her previous optimism slowly crumbling more and more.

Lillie: W-We'll be okay... The Freedom will protect us... It will...

Zane: We'll be all right.

His brother replied, his tone reassuring.

Zane: They're only targeting military facilities. Keep moving, Nhazul!

Nhazul: Right...!

Whatever his brother said, Nhazul continued worry.

Nhazul's thoughts: How much could Lord Uzumi do against an invading army from the Alliance? Orb was a wealthy nation, but it was very small...

As they continued to run, they looked downhill, and saw that the docks were in sight.

Zane: We're almost there! Come on!

The started running, faster now. As they ran, Nhazul glanced over his shoulder and saw a flying mobile suit unlike any he'd ever seen before, moving so fast, it was like a blur.

Nhazul: What is that...?

Zane: Nhazul! What are you doing?! Keep going!

Nhazul had quickly snapped back to reality, seeing Zane and Lillie were far ahead of him.

Lillie: Come on, big brother!

Nhazul: Right...!

As Nhazul quickly began to run and catch up, Nhazul had looked up in the sky, seeing two Mobile suits fighting, with one firing at a blue Mobile suit, who had avoided the shot. However, the now stray shot was heading towards Zane and Lillie. Seeing this, Nhazul's eyes widened.

Nhazul: LOOK OUT!!!!!

Not even having enough time to look back, the blast had hit the ground near Zane and Lillie, creating a large explosion. The force of the explosion threw Nhazul off his feet,soon landing on hard concrete, dazed, and struggled to his feet.

Major Todaka, of Orb's defense forces, stood at the bottom of the gangplank. He was stationed onboard the Aegis-class cruiser Tonbogiri, which was docked behind a cargo ship being used in the evacuation. The Tonbogiri was also taking on refugees, although its smaller size compared to the massive vessel meant it could take on far fewer people.

Todaka: Attend to the injured! Make sure to let them know these are refugee ships!

Todaka then looked up and quickly saw Nhazul struggling to get up, and ran towards him.

Todaka: Hey! Are you all right?

Todaka tried to help him, but Nhazul managed to get up on his own.

Todaka: This way, come on. Hurry!

Nhazul started, and looked up.

Nhazul: Big bro... Lillie...Where...?

He turned around, facing towards the slope. The top of the hill was a blasted hole. Rock and debris had covered the slope...

Nhazul: Big bro! Lillie!

Nhazul quickly ran up to the hole in the ground, however upon reaching it, he stopped dead, his blood ran cold, and an expression of horror crept onto his face. Nhazul had saw Zane's corpse on an outcropping of rock, pinned underneath a tree. The rock was stained red all around it. And below him was Lillie's Mutilated corpse, both of her legs had been blown completely off, along with her face being severely burned.

Todaka saw what had happened, and realized what he was looking at, before turning to Nhazul. He was shaking like a violently and he collapsed to his knees in front of his sister's corpse. Tears were flowing down his face now, as he held Lillie's lifeless body, covering himself in her blood. Seeing this, Todaka stepped forward.

Todaka: Hey...

Without warning, a blur flew straight past them at low altitude, before flying into the sky. Seeing this, Todaka quickly recognized what it was.

Todaka: Freedom?

Hearing that word, Nhazul's eyes widened, looking up into the sky. His expression twisted from horror, grief, and then rage...

Nhazul: ...

Nhazul had saw it... The same mobile suit, the one he knew had took away his family...


Lillie: My friend at school told me. The Freedom will protect us. I believe in it like I do with Orb!


Nhazul continued to stare at it, the killer of his family.

A Black and white, Mobile suit with huge, blue wings... It's image, down to every detail he could make out in the distance, was burned into his mind, as the anguish and and unwavering rage that welled up in him overwhelmed him, and he screamed it's name, cursing it.

Nhazul: FREEDOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


4 Years Later...

After the Second Battle of Jachin Due, with its terrible toll of lives on both sides, the Earth Alliance and ZAFT signed a cease-fire treaty at the ruins of Junius Seven. The treaty, however, did not necessarily resolve the root of the conflict between the Naturals and Coordinators. Currently within ZAFT Arsenal colony Armory One, the trans-atmospheric assault carrier

LHM-BB01 Minerva, the first new battleship to be launched since the end of the war.

Conceptually a descendant of the Alliance battleship Archangel as well as the previous war's famous Eternal, it combined the best aspects of both into a fast, heavily-armed and armored battleship capable of carrying a large number of mobile suits, and was the finest such craft ZAFT had ever created. Some said the finest military vessel anyone had ever created.

Throughout Armory One, preparations continued for the upcoming launch of the ship. On the base, a military jeep was moving rather quickly through the base. In the passenger's seat, a girl with magenta hair and blue eyes named Lunamaria Hawke was looking around as suddenly, a GINN stepped out in front of them. Vino Dupré, her crewmate, was driving, and he swerved out of the mobile suit's way.

Lunamaria: (18 Years old) What the hell? This is a mess!

Vino: It can't be helped. It's been a while since we've done anything like this. Almost everybody here's a rookie, just like us. But all it means is the Minerva's just about ready to launch.

Lunamaria: I guess... I wonder if it's true about us getting assigned to lunar orbit...and where's Nhazul anyway?

Vino went to reply, only to be met by the roar of a jet engine. The two looked up to see a red, blue and white blur soaring past above them.

Vino: There he is. He was scheduled for some final flight and combat tests on the Sabre before it was loaded on the Minerva. Shinn just finished his with the Impulse earlier.

Lunamaria: Ah. I was wondering where he was.

Vino and Lunamaria turned away and headed back towards the ship. Elsewhere,Cagalli Yula Athha, who has become Orb's Chief Representative, was visiting the Armory Oneof ZAFT Athrun Zala, using the pseudonym "Alex Dino" in public. She had came to have a secret meeting with Supreme Council Chairman Gilbert Durandal, having concerns about some disturbing movements on both sides that has begun to re-surface.

Just then, the alarm blares. Apparently, a mysterious group caused a destructive activity aimed at the launch ceremony of the Minerva. The group then, taking advantage of the confusion, stole the new MS "Gundams"

Gaia, Abyss and Chaos just before their roll-out. Cagalli is at loss with the fight happening again before her eyes. To protect Cagalli, Athrun grabs her and jumps into the cockpit of a "ZAKU Warrior", and attempted to fight off the 3 hijacked Gundams. However, Athrun is cornered by them, being outnumbered and excelled in spec. Just as he was overwhelmed, without warning the Chaos Gundam was hit multiple times from behind, surprising them.

Chaos: What?!

Looking back, everyone saw the silver jet fly past them at break neck speeds, along with another blue-and-white jet. Behind it were two peculiar-looking craft, dull-grey in color, which almost looked like the upper and lower bodies of a mobile suit. The three crafts began to line up, with the fighter in the middle and the other two in front and behind. the fighter - the YFX-M56S Core Splendor - folded in on itself. Meanwhile, the other two modules that comprised the Impulse, the Chest Flyer and Leg Flyer, enclosed it and deployed, forming a single mobile suit, which then landed not far from them as its Variable Phase-Shift Armor activated, changing its colors from dull grey to gleaming red and white.

Along way it, another Mobile suit, firing at Gaia and Chaos, forcing them back. As it and then red and white mobile suits proceeded to land, revealing themselves to be Gundam's as well. The Sword Impulse and Sabre Gundams, piloted by both Nhazul Hatake and Shinn Asuka.

Nhazul: (19 Years old) What is this...? How the hell did they manage to steel 3 Gundams right from under us?!

Shinn: (18 Years old) Why is this happening? Do you guys wanna start another war?!

(A/N) This is the Storm Silhouette. The blue is red and the white is black. The railguns are apart of the Silhouette. The beam sabers are stored on the back like the Force Silhouette.

The suit's beam rifle.

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