๐“๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐š๐ง๐ ๐˜๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ฌ

Av sarah_sopko

92.4K 2.2K 361

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Av sarah_sopko

"It's a lovely day, the Hollow is dead and my brother is back. Much to the joy of custom suit tailors everywhere, not to mention me. I have to admit, I've missed the Quarter. I'm gonna make you take me out to hear some jazz."

Rebekah came in as they were all eating breakfast, smiling at Audrey as she passed her a chocolate turnover.

"Thanks Auntie Beks!"

She dug right in, Aeliana giving the blonde a pointed look who just shrugged.

"Might I suggest you enjoy the charms of the city while you still can? Marcel will want us gone posthaste, as per our agreement."

Rebekah turned her attention to Nik. "Or perhaps he's changed his mind and he will grant us a reprieve."

"He will grant us no such thing. We're going to meet with him to discuss the terms of our departure."

"I suspect he simply needs to be asked nicely. You boys really should leave these matters to me." Rebekah left, leaving them there.

Elijah turned to Aeliana and Audrey with a smile. "Well, I still want to take my favorite girls to France."

Audrey looked at him, chocolate and powdered sugar all over her face. "Do they have these things there? I think I like this better than pizza."

Aeliana laughed and wiped off her face. "Go upstairs and brush your teeth."

She nodded and bolted upstairs. Elijah looked over at Aeliana and smiled.

"We're off to go see Marcel," him and Nik went to leave, but was stopped by Hayley.


"I know that look, you need something. Whatever it is, it can wait. I'm off to talk to Marcel."

"We need to talk about Hope's future."

"She's seven. We're her parents, Hope will go where we go."

"Klaus, we need to have a very real conversation about what's best for her."

"Yes, there are a couple of conversations that need to happen, but we're late."

They walked out, leaving Aeliana and Hayley there. The gave each other looks and rolled their eyes.

"Let's go check on the girls."

Aeliana nodded. "Yeah, I sent Audrey up there to brush her teeth. But who knows if that happened."

Hayley went into the girl's room, Aeliana into the bathroom to see Audrey in the bathroom looking scared.

"Audrey? What's wrong?"

"Mommy, Hope is drawing weird stuff. And I saw her eyes flash blue. Did The Hollow come back again?"

Aeliana rushed to see Hayley, who was now her own room.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

She sat down next Hayley on the bed. "Audrey told me Hope's eyes flashed blue."

Before she could respond, Freya came in looking troubled.

"So, I know we're not always the most open around here, but I have to tell someone," she trailed off, seeing the looks on their faces. "What's wrong?"

Hayley sighed and turned to the blonde. "I've been thinking all morning about what happened last night. The Hollow had me. She could've killed me, but she didn't. She just took my blood and left. Why?"

"Well, blood can be used for a number of reasons. Locator spells, healing spells, linking-"

Aeliana snapped her fingers. "Linking spell. She didn't link herself to Hayley."

Hayley handed Freya Hope's hair brush. "I took this from Hope's room. Do a reading on this. Tell me what kind of energy you feel."

"It's the Hollow's magic."

Aeliana looked confused. "Labonair blood was supposed to kill her."

"Unless she tapped into you deliberately, found a way to overcome the power and turned it into a strength."

"She knows that I wouldn't hurt my own daughter."

"What do we do?"

Aeliana groaned and put her head in her hands. "When will we ever catch a damn break?"

Freya spelled Audrey in a room with Keelin, leaving Aeliana and Hayley to go and see Hope.

"Hey sweetie. Why don't you take that chess set downstairs and we can play together. You want to find a spot and I'll fix us a snack?"

Hope gave Hayley a blank look, making her loose her front.

"I want my daughter back. I don't care how long it takes or what I have to do, I will get my daughter back."

"You won't. Hope is still fighting, but she'll give in soon. Once this is complete, I'll be in her body permanently," she showed them a tattoo, then flung them both back into the door. "You won't hurt me. I'm your daughter and niece. You can't."


Freya put Hope to sleep, so Aeliana and Hayley rushed up, the former speaking.

"How long do we have?"

"She's not going to be happy when she breaks through that sleep spell. Which means we need to work fast."

Freya began preparing for the spell to put Hope in the pendant, Hayley rushing in after checking on her.

"Hope's still out. You think this'll work?"

"The pendant was built to hold a person of Mikaelson blood. So it will hold Hope. I did my best to repair it."

"Valiant effort, but Hope belongs to me."

They turned to see The Hollow standing there, Hayley ready to attack.

"Over my dead body."

"So be it."

She flung them backwards, making Hayley and Aeliana run out of breath.

"Hope will fight you."

"I can feel her love for you. It's a shame it's not enough."

She picked up metal rods and threw them at Aeliana and Hayley, killing then temporarily.

Aeliana woke up, yanking the rod out of her heart and groaned as she fell down. Unfortunately, she woke up just in time to watch as The Hollow in Hope's body, destroying the book she was supposed to be trapped in and then walk out.

Hayley, along with everyone else, woke up shortly after. "Where is she?"

Vincent got off the floor. "I couldn't save her. Hope's gone."

"What?" Hayley looked at everyone confused, Aeliana wrapped an arm around her.

"She's the Hollow now. I saw her destroy the book."

Elijah looked at them in alarm. "We have to find her. Vincent, surely you can pull the Hollow out of-"

"Elijah, if it were easy enough for me to just pull her out, then I would not be standing here talking to you right now. I don't have a place to put her. The book is destroyed, all right? The book is the only thing that's powerful enough to house her eternal spirit."

Haykey shrugged out of Aeliana's grip and sped out of the compound. Before they could react, Nik came in, looking at everyone.

"A thousand years ago, we made an eternal vow. To protect each other, always and forever. Freya, that vow now includes you. As it includes my daughter. She is my heart and soul. Right now she's out there, alone in the darkness, fighting. We can't give up. So I'm begging you. All of you. If there's any chance-"

"I think I know a way to save her."

Nik looked at Vincent with tears in his eyes. "Anything."

"If we go this route, this is gonna be the end of your family. This is gonna be the end of always and forever," everyone looked at him with wide eyes, but let him continue. "The Hollow has been haunting New Orleans for centuries. It's an unending evil. Its appetite for power is insatiable. And that's what attracted it to your little girl."

"You said there was a way to save her."

"There is. But I'm gonna tell you right now, you are not gonna like my plan. Step one, we pull the Hollow out of Hope. Step two, we find someplace else to put it. But with the book gone, I need a place that's both powerful and eternal. And in order to make the transition work, I'm gonna need something that's connected to Hope through blood."

Freya raised her brow. "You need a vampire. You want to put the Hollow into one of my siblings?"

"One ain't gonna cut it. I'm gonna need four of them."

Elijah wrapped his arm around Aeliana to prevent her from pacing.

"Why four of us?"

"Well, 1,500 years ago, when the Hollow was first killed, they divided her remains. Four bones, four volunteers, four different locations. That's how we're going to beat the Hollow now."

Freya nodded. "Transfer the Hollow's power into four immortal vampires-"

Rebekah cut her off. "Then just send us on our way."

Aeliana looked between the siblings as Nik spoke.

"So the evil is drawn, quartered and separated for all time."

"And you have to go your separate ways, and you have to stay separate. For all time. You can never see each other again, can never go near each other again. That is the only way that we're gonna beat the Hollow."

They gave each other uneasy looks, full of disappointment and sorrow, but all silently agreed.

"Well, if it'll save my little girl, then we will make it so."

Aeliana paced as she watched Elijah pour his blood into a cup. When he was done, he turned to Rebekah.

"Vincent needs our blood."

"All four of us, and Kol isn't answering his bloody phone. He's finally got a chance at happiness, and we're asking him to come home and play host to a quarter of a demon."

Freya shook her head. "There has to be another way."

Aeliana sat down with her head in her hands. "And what if there isn't another way?"

"I can't believe this is happening. I'm usually the first one who wants to run off on my own, and now I don't have a say in the matter. I'm feeling quite perturbed!"

Freya got up, speaking as she stormed out.

"This is not happening. I will not let this family be split apart. I'm going to the bell tower and I'm going to go through more of mother's grimoires."

Rebekah turned to Elijah with tears in her eyes. "Elijah, you know how it feels to be apart. At first, the freedom is exhilarating, and then, one day, inevitably, you wake up with that pit in your stomach, that dull, aching feeling of missing the only people who know you."

"Until that very ache threatens to consume you entirely."

"For a thousand years, we have been honoring a vow to stand together. Being forced to separate feels like torture."

Aeliana finally spoke up. "Did Kol ever answer you?"

Rebekah checked her phone and shook her head. "Still no word from Kol. And if he doesn't bother to show, that just leaves Hayley. She is Hope's only other immortal relative."

"Kol will come. Nik will be with Hope. The three of them must remain together." Elijah nodded in agreement, making Rebekah look at him.

"Oh, and you would just walk away from Nik? On his own, no family. You know very well that without you around, he will go mad!"

Aeliana stood up and held her hands out. "Hey, hey. I'm not being infested by a demon. I will be able to see you all, and you bet your asses I will be keeping you all in line."

Nik joined them, also trying to get ahold of the others. "No word for Kol and Hayley."

Aeliana groaned. "Try again."

"What is the bloody point."

She shot up and crossed her arms. "I said, try again!"

Just then, Hayley walked into the room, making Nik turn to her. "Where have you been?"

"Doesn't matter. Vincent told me everything. Is this really happening?"

"Assuming our other immortal brother answers the damn phone."

"We still need to go get Hope. Vincent said the Hollow is gathering a congregation at the church."

"Then let's go get her," he started walking out, but was stopped by Hayley.

"She's possessed, Klaus, surrounded by followers. We can't just go running in there."

Rebekah put her self between the two, facing Hayley. "Hayley, we have a plan. It's actually a rather good one."

"Yeah, about that," she looked over at Aeliana. "I need to talk to you."

She raised an eyebrow but rushed to an alley, Hayley following behind.

"What's up?"

Hayley sighed and looked down. "Putting The Hollow in them, means they can't be near Hope."

Aeliana put her hands over her mouth in shock, almost speechless.

"Hayley, oh my god. You- you have to tell Nik."

She nodded. "I am, I just don't know how to. What if Kol doesn't answer and they have to use me?"

"Hayley, Kol will come."

"But what if he doesnt?"

Aeliana grabbed her hands and looked her in the eyes. "Then I will take her. Even if it means I need to leave Elijah. I will take her."

Hayley pulled her in for a hug. "Thank you, but Freya is available too. No need for you to leave your husband," she sighed as she pulled away. "I guess I'll go tell Klaus."

"And I'll tell the others."

When they rushed back, Hayley motioned for Nik to follow her, leaving Aeliana alone with Freya, Elijah and Rebekah.

"My sweet, what is it?"

Aeliana sighed. "The ritual, dividing The Hollow amongst the four of you. Not only can you not see each other, but it also means you'll never be able to go near Hope again."

Rebekah clenched her fists and stormed out, everyone quickly following as she made her way to Vincent.

"Did you honestly think you could trick us into performing the ritual without telling the entire truth?"

"You and your family aren't my problem. The only thing that I'm concerned about right now is that little girl and the monster that's inside of her."

Rebekah raised her arms. "Is it hard to see me from up there on your high horse? She is my niece. Of course we will do whatever we have to do to protect her, but you can damn well be honest about it!"

"See, your reaction, right there has just proven my point. You Mikaelsons are selfish, egocentric fanatics. It is not my job, nor is it my inclination to try to convince you to do the right thing. If you really want to save your niece, then you need to get out of my ear and let me do what it is that I do."

"You know what? You-"

Freya cut her off. "He's right. I may not agree with his tactics but he's our only chance at saving Hope."

"Lucky you, I guess I'll just have to postpone the disembowelment."

Aeliana looked at the blonde. "Rebekah? Have you heard from Kol?"

"Not a word."

"I'll try reaching him with magic," Freya turned to leave, but was stopped by Vincent.

"Okay, look, we need four volunteers that are connected to Hope through blood. We have Rebekah, we have Klaus and Elijah, that makes three. If you can't get to Kol, then we're gonna have to use Hayley."

Freya shook her head. "No. No, that is not happening. Not when there's another way."

"Mommy, where are we going?"

Aeliana was quickly packing their bags, knowing that they would have to leave once the ritual was done. However, she paused and sat Audrey down on the bed with her.

"We have to leave, sweet girl. Your daddy, aunts and uncles have to do something to keep Hope safe, but it means they have to seperate. But I don't want you to worry. You and I will still be able to be with daddy, we will still be a family. You and I can still see all of your aunts and uncles, and Hope."

Audrey nodded. "I'm sad for daddy. He has to leave his siblings. But at least he has us, right?"

"Yes, of course he has us. Now, we have to wait down there with them as the ritual gets done. You do not have to watch, but daddy will be rushing us out as soon as it's done. So pack your suitcase, okay?"

She gave her mom a hug and walked to her room, quickly coming back with a suitcase.

"Audrey, did you use your magic?"

"You said we were in a rush, right?" Audrey snapped her fingers, suddenly packing her and Elijah's things as well and they vanished. "And now they're in the car."

"I mean, alright. I guess that works." Aeliana shrugged and took them downstairs to see a square, along with Hayley sitting on the floor in the middle of it with Hope. Kol and Rebekah came in, so Vincent began placing them in their spots on the square.

"Uh, Kol, if you would, right there. Uh, Rebekah, perfect. Right there."

Rebekah saw Marcel came in, making her annoyed. "What the hell are you doing here? You come to gloat?"

"No, I came to make sure that this works."

Elijah and Nik approached Vincent.

"Elijah, I need you right there at the top. Klaus, right there for me, please. And we are ready."

Once they were in their places, the four of them looked at each other sadly as Vincent spoke again.

"I just want to say that what you guys are doing here today is gonna go a long way towards setting things right in this city. The Hollow took everything away from me. It inspired nothing but suffering and torment. It's ruined families, it's gone after little kids. And yet, here and now, despite all of our differences, and there are many, thank you," he stopped and motioned to Freya, who moved next to him.

"The savage Mikaelsons heroically defeating a terrible evil. Maybe this will finally earn us our redemption," Rebekah smiled sadly.

"Do any of us really believe that?"

Elijah looked over at Nik. "Not for a second. It's a wonderful sentiment."

Aeliana stood up and cleared her throat. "This definitely earned all your redemptions."

Vincent nodded at her, then kneeled while holding Freya's hands. "Let's go. Hayley, when I tell you to, I want you to take the manacles off. Hold onto Hope. Do not let her go. Everybody else, when this spell is over, you got to get away from each other, and you have to stay away from Hope."

Rebekah took another deep breath. "Always and forever. We had a good run."

As he began to chant, Aeliana looked down at Audrey. "You don't have to watch."

"Yes I do, mommy. I need to make sure Hope will be okay. She's my best friend."

"Hayley, do it now. Do it now, Hayley."

Hayley took the manacles off, making The Hollow's spirit leave Hope and divide itself into the four siblings.

"I can hear it whispering."

Vincent looked up at them in panic. "Okay, you guys need to go. Now!"

Elijah rushed over to Aeliana and Audrey and rushed them to his car, driving off in a haste.

"Are we going to France now, daddy?"

He grabbed Aeliana's hand and smiled. "Yes, we're going to France now."

It was silent for a moment, before she spoke again. "Can I go to school with Hope?"

The couple looked at each other, silently agreeing with their eyes.

"Yes, sweet girl. You can go to school with Hope."

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