Backwoods Tragedy

By AlexBarth

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Vampires have been known about for years. Some weren't fazed while others hunter them for their blood and the... More

Strange Love
The First Taste
Escape from Dragon House
Sparks Fly Out
Cold Ground
Burning House of Love
The Fourth Man in the Fire
I Dont Wanna Know
To Love Is To Bury
You'll Be The Death Of Me
Nothing But The Blood
Keep This Party Going
Shake and FingerPop
Never Let Me Go
Hard-Headed Hannah
Release Me
I Will Rise Up
New World In My View
Beyond Here Lies Nothin'
Bad Blood
Beautifully Broken
It Hurts Me Too
9 Crimes
I Got A Right To Sing The Blues
Hitting The Ground
Night On The Sun
Everything's Broken
I Smell A Rat
Fresh Blood
Evil Is Going On
She's Not There
You Smell Like Dinner
If You Love Me, Why Am I Dying
I'm Alive And I'm On Fire
Me And The Devil
I Wish I Was The Moon
Cold Grey Light Of Dawn
Let's Get Out Of Here
Burning Down The House

Plaisir d'Amour

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By AlexBarth

Pam bought in the last woman, she was blonde and she looked too old to be in a vampire bar.

"This is the last of our humans."


The blonde sits down and Eric begins his little speech.

"This woman has some questions for you. Be a good girl and answer them, will you?"

"Aye, aye, master."

I roll my eyes, I go to grab her hand but she pulls away.

"Don't you touch me."

"Hold her still."

Pam grabs ahold of her shoulders, I gently touch her wrist.

"Ginger, someone's been stealing money from the bar."


"Don't look at me. I didn't do nothing. I'll beat the shit out of you if you say I did. It wasn't me that took it."

I couldn't help but smirk, even if the vampires weren't here I knew I could handle her. I look up at Eric, he was waiting not so patiently.

"She didn't do it... but she knows who did."

"What? Fuck you."

"Shit. How'd she know? I didn't tell anyone, I swear. Fuck, he's gonna kill me."

"Who? Who's gonna kill you? Ginger, honey, what's his name?"

I try to get a read on her, the name and everything else is gone. I let go of her hand and sit back.

"It's blank, like her memory's been erased."

"I don't know anything, I swear."

"She's been glamoured."

"It's a vampire."

We all jump up and Long Shadow goes to attack my sister. He holds her down by the throat. I move towards him, I push him off.

I look at him as I move her behind me, Bill grabs a stake and kills him. He throws up blood on my sister and I before he finally explodes.

Ginger was screaming and I could see my sister was freaked out. The only thing I was worried about was why my eyes were so yellow in the mirror.

I move my hand up to my eyes, I move past Pam and Eric to look at them. I close my eyes for a few moments, once I open them the light yellow is back.

"You may not like humans Eric but we just saved your ass. Now how about you show my sister and I where we can get cleaned up."

I grab my sisters hand as Pam begins to walk off. She lead us to two different rooms, they were both bathrooms just slightly different.

"Sookie you take the shower, I'm going to need a bath and some time to relax."


She barely made it into the room, I glance back towards the bar before going in. I shut the door and got the water started.

I took most of the blood down the front of my shirt but some of it got into my hair. I stripped off the old clothing and thrown them in the bin.

I step into the water, I let myself sink into the hot liquid. It didn't hurt or burn, it felt like a hot tub. The water consumed my every thought until I was numb.

I was crying at this point, crying because I didn't feel anything and crying because my sister had to witness another vampire fuck up.

I didn't care if they could hear me, I just needed a few minutes. I closed my eyes and stopped crying. I slowly sink into the water, I needed to be completely numb.

The water covered every inch of me. The flames were burnt out as I laid there.

"Come on love..."

"This is for your own good."

Every moment spent with that thing destroyed a part of me. I'm still not whole, I know I never will be.

"You deserve what you get."

"Boys take her."

My claws digging into their bodies as I try to pry them off of me. My screams and yelling not being heard by anyone other than those monsters.

Them using me and then just leaving me to die. That boy, Jeffery coming to help me. I don't remember much of him but he got me out of that place.

"Jeffery, you shouldn't be here."

"It's alright, you're okay."

He sits behind me, his arms gently pull me up to lean on him. He bites into his wrist and I shake my head.

"I can't..."

"You can, go ahead."

I glance up at him before slowly taking his wrist. I keep my eyes on him as I bite into his wrist.

I am pulled out of the water, I try to get out of their arms as I struggle to move. My breathing staggers until I finally realize where I am.

"What the hell is going on."

I turn around to see Pam standing there, she throws me a towel.

"She's covered."

Bill comes in and I step back, I glance at Eric who was watching from the doorway. I look back at Pam as I catch my breathe.

"Why are you guys in here."


I look at the man in question.

"Bill what...."

"I felt you were in danger, you were drowning."

I look back at the tub before laughing, I look back at the two concerned vampires and Eric.

"I was numb, I was finally able to think and when I did it lead me down a path I thought I left behind. I wasn't in danger, I was living the most scariest moments of my life with you bloodsuckers."

I walk past them and knock on my sisters door, she slowly opens it.

"Deal with your boyfriend."

She looks at him, I turn around and slam the door as they leave. Pam came in not ten minutes later and handed me some clothing.

"Put these on."

"Thank you."

I take the leather clothing from her, it was nice but maybe too vampiric for me.

"I'm just gonna dry out my hair and be on my way."

"You're not going anywhere. Eric and your sisters boyfriend aren't nearly done talking just yet."

"You mean Bill's trail."

"That's for the boys to figure out."

I look at myself in the mirror, my eyes the pale yellow instead of the bright sun yellow it was earlier.

"How do you know about the trails."

"I knew more vampires than you think. I was tortured by vampires like Long Shadow. Vampires that are in power, they don't listen as well as they should."

She nods before stepping closer to me.

"I'm beginning to understand the fuss everyone's making over you."

"I'm glad someone is, I'm not that special."

"I wouldn't say that."

Ginger comes in a minute later, she was glamoured to think nothing else.

"Hey there, Pam. Who's your new friend?"

"Dixie, Pam. Pam, Dixie."

She didn't even look at Ginger, she was focused on me.

"Nice to meet you, Sookie."

"Right. Nice to meet you too."

"You don't have to be so scared. They're really very nice here."

"I'm not scared, I'm tired."


Bill and Sookie had left just a few minutes ago. I was grabbing my jacket when Eric spoke up.

"You're welcome to stay."

I turn to him and slightly laugh, I mean he really must be in trouble.

"How many bones did you break trying to be sincere. I mean you hate humans remember, or is this a selfish matter. You want me to stay so you can control me."

I move to stand in front of him, I couldn't see anything behind his eyes or in his thoughts.

"I won't be letting another one of you vampires control me. You want something from me you ask."


"You ask, and if you treat me with respect then I'll do the same to you. I don't want my sister involved and you agreed, so if anything happens then you call me."

I turn around and grab my jacket, I don't wait on him to say anything else. I couldn't deal with his king persona he has going on right now.


Being at work felt weird but bills needed to be paid and I needed something to do. I walk over to take the Detectives order.

"What can I get for you today?"

"Your boss around?"

I shake my head as I grab my pen.

"Tell him you're looking for him. What can I get you?"

"Don't know, I haven't decided yet."

"And while you make up your mind, how about I tell you what you can get for me? I'd love to have whoever's killing off my family's head on a platter. Think you could arrange that for me?"

"I don't appreciate your tone, Miss Stackhouse."

I lean onto the table and I glare down at him.

"And I don't appreciate the officers of the law enjoying casual lunches while there's a killer out there trying to hunt my sister and I down. Did you know he got into my house again last night?"

"He did?"

"Yes, and he killed my cat. He cut her head off and took it with him."

"Jesus. How come you didn't call the station?"

"Because they would've send you. And if I had called, you'd still be here right now acting like you don't know what you're gonna order even though you always have the cheeseburger."

Amy comes over and leans against the table.

"Hey there, Detective, I'll take your order."

"No, it's my table."

"I got it. Just take a break. It'll do you some good."

I look between them before I let myself breathe. I decide I could use a break, I step outside and go side down on the bench.

It only took about five minutes before Amy came out and sat next to me.

"Listen, you all right?"

"Sometimes I wish I smoked, you know? So you could sneak outside without
anybody knowing there's something wrong."

She acts as if she's going to walk away.

"I'm really sorry about your cat."

"It wasn't my cat, it was more attached to my sister than me. Maybe I shouldn't have come in today."

"Yeah, I was gonna say, why did you?"

"I don't know. Maybe because lately it seems like if I called in sick every time somebody I loved got murdered I'd never make it in for a single day of work."

"Don't you think Sam would understand?"

"I guess. But if I went home, what would you do?"

"Me? What's it got to do with me?"

She comes and sits down next to me.

"Well, with Arlene doing nothing but showing off her ring to anybody who will look at it, you'd be the only one waiting tables. My sister has been through a lot and she called out today."

"Yeah, she is gonna be a handful, that one."

"Can you imagine what she was like the first time she got married?"

She laughs before I speak up, I shouldn't be in her business but I'm curious what makes her different than any other bimbo my brother had slept with.

"What about you? You ever been married?"

"Is this the part where the sister ask what the girl's intentions are with her brother?"

"Yep. Because right now, I am all about protecting Jason."

I had more sarcasm than I expected.

"He misses you, Dixie. Both of you really."


"He does."

It was my turn to laugh, I mean he was the one who did this to us.

"I mean, between your grandma passing and then what happened afterwards with you.."

I shake my head as she talked, of course he told her.

"He told you about that?"

"Yeah, he couldn't not. I mean, he's a mess about it."

"Well, you wouldn't know it."

"I know what you must think of him. And I get why you're mad at him, I do. But he loves you. You two are his sisters and he would do anything for you. You still got people around you who love you. And all I can hope is that maybe one day, I can be counted in among those people."

"You are way too good for him. You know that, right?"

"Of course, I know that. I'm not stupid."

We both chuckle before I stand up, I hold out my hand to her.

"Thank you for this, I needed it."

"I know."

"I'll stay to work, I just needed a little break from them."

"Well I can always use the help."


Sookie had decide to come in a few hours ago. It was getting near closing time, a lot of the people had gone home.

I hadn't been facing the door but I knew who had walked in. Eric and Pam were here, why. I turn around and walk towards Bill. Sookie was already next to him asking questions.

"What's going on?"

"His place is even more depressing than I thought it'd be."

I roll my eyes as I look back at them, I was happy with how this place ran.

"What are they doing here?"

"Give me a minute and then we'll talk. Where's Sam?"

They were taking him for his trail, I look at the blonde vampires. I walk past Bill and my sister and walk towards them.

"Why now."

"Excuse you."

I grab Eric's arm and go to walk off. He keeps still until I look at him. I pull on his arm again and he staggers just a little.


I could hear people's thoughts about it, how they thought I was banging a vampire too. How I was a blood Whore, the same thing as always.

"I know my sister will want to speak to Bill so I'm going to talk to you."

He doesn't look away from me as he speaks to Pam.

"Watch him, make sure he doesn't go too far."

I roll my eyes and lead him outside. I get back to where I was earlier today. The large vines keeping us hidden even from the moon.

"How long will this trail take."

"How are you so keen on our customers."

"I was with monsters for a year, they got what they deserved."

"Monsters as in vampires."

"No. Monsters as in rapist and murders, they just happened to be vampires. I was then helped by a vampire, he rescued me from them and they faced a trail."

"This trail will last as long as the magister allows it."

"You may be sheriff but Bill is your friend, is there some way to help him."

"He is not my friend, he is an subordinate."

I push him back but he doesn't move, he was only trying to save himself.

"Whatever, I want him back here in one piece or so help me god."

He flashes his fangs and grabs me by the throat. He wasn't putting pressure but we both know he could if he wanted too.

"I don't respond kindly to threats."

"I don't respond to people hurting my family."

After a few moments he lets me go. Bill and Pam comes out with Chow. He was the replacement for Long Shadow, he wasn't very bright either.

"Let's go."

Bill glances at me before the four of them leave. I head back into the bar, I don't stop walking as I speak to the group.

"I'm clocking out."

I move towards the back and hear moaning. I get to the door and see Tara and Sam making out. I immediately turn around and get into the floor.

Amy had been washing a few of the tables off. I told Sookie to go ahead and go home while I solve this.

"Where's Arlene?"

"She just left."

"Of course she did. Listen, I have to get out of here. Would you mind covering the rest of my side work for me?"

"Sure, but is that really the best idea, you going home by yourself?"

"I'm not going home. Sookie and I going to stay at Bill's. No one'll come looking for us there."

"Okay, then."

"Thanks, I owe you one."

I immediately go to taking off my uniform, Sookie has texted me to let me know that she was already there. I park the car and grab my things. Some of the lights were still on.

I heard a bark and seen Sammy sitting there. I smile as some of my nerves disappear, I bend down and kiss his head.

"My God. Didn't anyone ever tell you not to sneak up on people like that? What are you doing so far away from home?"

I heard his small whines, I laugh as I let his head.

"You know Sam is going to be mad I'm taking his dog from him. Tell you what, why don't you come spend the night with me and Sook and I'll take you back to tomorrow, okay?"

He barks and follows me inside the house. Sook stands up as I shut the door.

"What is that dog doing here."

"I don't know, I pulled up and he was here. I figured I'd be too cold out there and i happen to like this dog very much."

"Come on then."

I laugh as we make our way upstairs, i didn't want to sleep in the bed that they shared together so I kept in my room. Sammy had sat in the hallway of our doors.

"Look at you being protective over us."

I smile at him, he was such a good dog for being wild like. I pull off my shirt and begin to get changed into my pajamas.

"Look at you, looking away. What a gentleman. Here, would it make you more comfortable if I got under the covers?"

I crawl under the red sheets and wait for him to decide what he wants to do. I pat the bed as I wait for him.

"Come on. Hop up in bed with me. Sookie is in the other room, she's safe. You can't sleep on the floor all night."

I pat the bed again and he jumps up, I massage his ears before laying down.

"Good boy."

He cuddles up at my feet, I smile as I move him closer to me. He's now laying next to me, his body facing away from mine.

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