Boboiboy x Bnha (When our wil...

By VeryStrangePoodle

29.1K 1.2K 259

"Honestly, kid. Don't follow me... or you'll regret it". Hey, have you ever not listened to what an adult sa... More

Chap 1 - New mission, new enemy.
Chap 2 - New world, new problem. (Part 1)
Chap 2 - New world, new problem. (Part 2)
Chap 3 - A bad way to restart. (Part 1)
Chap 3 - A bad way to restart. (Part 2)
A/N #2
A/N #3
Chap 4 - Our new reality. (Part 1)
AN #4
Extra 1: Uirusu Aoi.
Extra 2: Kanaye Masayoshi.
Extra 3: Bakugou what?
Chap 5 - The Recommendation Exam. (Part 1)
The Exam Field Opinion

Chap 4 - Our new reality. (Part 2)

2K 95 33
By VeryStrangePoodle






• Outside the police station_

Two men are sitting on a bench quietly, Kanaye, still have the bandage on his head, has his arms on his knees while staring into nothing. His co-worker, Tsukauchi, still gauzes on his face and left hand, is leaning back on the bench instead. He's waiting for the red head to speak his mind, but soon he finds himself, too, deep in thought.

> Tsukauchi: "/Now Boboiboy is talking to the Commissioners himself. Whatever the kid chooses, it won't matter much to them. Not when they got a glance of his wild performance that day.../"

He's staring at the tree above his head. The light is trying to shine through the small spaces shaped by the barely-dancing leaves, it makes him feel peaceful. It seems, worrying is not helping the situation better.

> Tsukauchi: "/There's no use in thinking now./"

But for the moment he has another matter at hand, having a Kanaye being contemplative isn't a thing you would see every day. After a moment, the guy raises his head a bit, but doesn't give Tsukauchi a look, he finally starts.

> Kanaye: "So,... You're not invited?"

The detective can see his concern for the boy through his eyes. Obviously, the guy is worried, or so maybe he thought. It could perhaps the red head just doesn't like the fact that the Commission is looking for quirk-gifted kids, again, and guiding them to become their 'special' heroes. Nether less, Tsukauchi casually replies.

> Tsukauchi: "I wouldn't be here if they let me. What's on your mind?"

Kanaye gives it a thought before answering. He speaks low.

> Kanaye: "..."

                     "(The kid... when I catch him...)"

                    "(He reminded me of something.)"

It was a memory that the boy brought back to him. The way that the kid held the bot for his dear life is like how he used to hold a police cap when he was younger. He held it tight to his body as larger shadows loomed over him, laughter of children can be heard in the background as Kanaye took a step back on the grass. His clothing is all dirty, and bruises are all over him, yet he gave out a dagger look to the others, protecting the cap with all his courage and might.

This was something that he played in his head plenty of times now. But he keeps finding it comes back as a reminder. Relieved from the memory, he just glares.

> Kanaye: "(...Something that I always know.)"

Tsukauchi looks at him, thinking of what could have flashed through his mind.

> Tsukauchi: "Look. If you want BBB to become a police officer then-"

Kanaye turns to Tsukauchi and cuts him off but ends up stuttering.

> Kanaye: "No- I don't mean that. Uh-, I mean, yes! Normally I would, but...*inhale*, not this one."

Now the detective gets confused. Every time he sees him with children he always says, 'Polices are a lot cooler than heroes.' or 'They are the ones truly valiant!', said that it's best to join the police force. But it seems that he got another reason.

Kanaye on the other hand turns his head away, seemingly trying to calm himself. He then turns back and looks at him, sitting up more properly while doing so.

> Kanaye: "Tsukauchi-kun, I ask you for a favor. I know you gonna have procedure paper with the kid after the 'private talk' with the Commission."

                     "I'd like you to persuade Boboiboy to not join the HPSC's training course."

He looks at Tsukauchi.

> Kanaye: "I agree the boy can be a hero. Being someone like All Might would be even better. But the Commission's hero? You don't need to be a detective to know how it turns out."

The shorter police look at him reluctantly. Indeed, working close to the Commission will have him receives tight orders from them, and not all of them are ...favorable. However, the said heroes will be more professional, with quality jobs and pay. They won't have to worry if the kid is homeless or has no guardian to watch over him.

> Tsukauchi: "The kid could be trained to be a good hero. And we can keep a close eye on-"

Kanaye states straight, his voice raising slowly.

> Kanaye: "He's a kid, Tsukauchi! A kid that stuck in a felony, outside his homeland. He should be with his parents, he should go to school, and have some friends. Not with a bunch of inconsiderate higher-ups with private training sessions and crimes!"

Tsukauchi cuts him off with a firm voice.

> Tsukauchi: "Kanaye-san!"


                          "Be careful what you say."

Seeing him turn his gaze away, the detective just sighs slightly. He says before Kanaye mistook his intention.

> Tsukauchi: "...Even if you have requested that, it is up to Boboiboy-kun to determine it. Also, they are the Commission tops, the HPSC is pretty much pressing him right the moment."

Kanaye glances at him, having calmed down a little.

> Kanaye: "We are the adults, Tsukauchi-kun. We give children advice."

Tsukauchi is still. Then he looks at the clock as it points to 3:35 pm. He turns his gaze to the other before standing up.

> Tsukauchi: "I have to go to work now."

With that, he goes to the station's door. He can hear Kanaye's shouts from his back.

> Kanaye: "Don't forget, Tsukauchi."

Tsukauchi then enters the building. As he headed to the office, his mind once again drifted off elsewhere. He doesn't like what the Commission's doing. Ultimately, it would be dumb if he gonna go against the HPSC, so he has to consider it carefully. The HPSC isn't bad, it's just not good. It would be easier if the child already admires All Might like other kids...

> Tsukauchi: "/...Speaking of All Might, there's something I should tell Boboiboy./"

Finally, he's at the head office's door. After some knocks, a voice reaches out.

> ???: "Come inside."

Tsukauchi goes in. In the room, he meets the chef drinking coffee with an unexpected guest, to his surprise.


| Time

| Skip...

• At the Procedure Room_

BBB is sitting there waiting for Tsukauchi to bring some paper. While at that, the boy decided to help himself with some orange juice, watch over his little friend who finds interest in the 'pencil sharpener'. BBB asks himself how comes he never heard of a hero school back in Malaysia before, perhaps heroes weren't that popular at his home. It's cool that hero school is a thing in Japan! But, he's a space agent, you know! How come Tapops never mentions the hero license things? Maybe because he's a cadet and Kokoci found it unnecessary. Commander must have gotten his hand on their paper-proves of agent licences for ages.

> BBB: "(Perhaps they would accept the cadet badge instead if Kokoci didn't take it back.)"

|Idk, selling a couple of cadet badges and you can surely rebuild an entire space station?! >:v|

Next, he heard the door creak, along with the Power Sphera who have just stopped sharpening his newfound pencil. They turn to see Tsukauchi step in with some papers in his hand.

> Tsukauchi: "Sorry, did you wait too long?"

BBB politely answers.

> BBB: "No, not at all, sir!"

BBB then places the can on a round table near the sofa to be ready. Tsukauchi smiles, he sits at the table when he notices the pencil sharpener turning sideways on the table. Storagebot quickly puts the pencil in his cavity. His attempt to hide was bad yet Tsukauchi pays no mind to it. He then surfs the papers in the correct order and takes a pen to write down the known information. He then begins to ask questions.

> Tsukauchi: "Ok. Now we start the quirk sign-up. Boboiboy-kun? What is your full name?"

It seems like the starting question is already a difficult one for him. He takes it into account and responds.

> BBB: "Uh-... Just Boboiboy, sir."

Tsukauchi looks at him questioning but his 'idk' reaction seems to be honest so he just notes it down. After all, he doesn't need to use his quirk to know if the kid is telling the truth. Storagebot just stands there watching them per usual.

| I mean even the devs don't know his family name. Despite having Amato BBB's dad.|

Then, Tsukauchi writes down the paper while murmuring 'age', 'address' and 'gender' etc... Coming to the main part, the quirk's name, he asks.

> Tsukauchi: "From those previous actions, it seems you can control Ice and Wind. So you must have double quirks with element type, with a mix of transformation quirk, considering of clothes change."

BBB then does the adjustment.

> BBB: "Sir? Actually, my quirk is Elemental Manipulation."

Tsukauchi gives him his attention.

> Tsuakauchi: "Hm?"

BBB, being innocent, tells him about his power unconcerned. Above all, the procedure has to be correct.

> BBB: "I can control not just Ice and Wind but also other elements as well!"

Tsukauchi was just still for a second before looking up from the paper and looking at the kid confused, the kid for a moment thought that he hasn't made it clear enough.

> Tsukauchi: "..."

> BBB: "I can control any elements in nature, sir."

Not that this has shocked Tsukauchi, it just made him fall dead silent, he uses his detective skill to confirm if it were true again. BBB is confused by his response. Quirk is normal around here, right? Besides him, Storagebot thinks that maybe BBB doesn't explain it fully. And this bot has waited for so long for a chance to boast. He does it gladly while dancing.

> Storagebot: "Don't you know?? Boboiboy is the most powerful hero in the galaxy! He is the master of elements! He can control Ice, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Plants, Fire, and Light!"

Ok, now Tsukauchi is officially shocked. Likely he froze on the spot. BBB looks at Storagebot.

> BBB: "You know what element I can use?"

Storagebot stutters a bit but regains confidence.

> Storagebot: "I-um, of course! Everyone in the galaxy knows about you. You're really popular, you know?"

BBB holds a smirk. Doing his signature.

> BBB: "Really? Hehe, that's awesome!"

Fang would be totally jealous about this.

|Same reason why TAPOPS attacks become more common:v|

Neglecting the strange hubristic manners of the two, Tsukauchi stays quiet. No, it's not shocking anymore. The boy is so naive. And he's afraid, afraid of what might have come to him. He stands up and kneels before BBB, asking with the most seriousness and hidden anxiety.

> Tsukauchi: "Boboiboy! Can I check your body?!"

They stop their chit-chat to the detective's sudden booming. The kid was confused but agreed nonetheless.

> BBB: "Uh..., sure, sir?"

Fast but gentle, the adult started to grab his right arm, pulling up his sleeves. The man inspects it but finds nothing abnormal. A glimpse of the watch is caught in his eye but he passes it. There is a sense of nervousness in BBB now. Storagebot hastily gets close to Tsukauchi to pull him out if it gets suspicious. The detective then checks over him swiftly, doing so while trying not to make him uncomfortable. He tucks the boy's vest and shirt up to check his belly and chest. He bends BBB's head a little and widens the collar to see his neck. He goes on with the child's head as he puts the hat out to examine it.

The other's agitate is odd to BBB now. He grasps the adult's arm and thus grasps his attention, asking him with concerns.

> BBB: "Sir? W-Why are you so worried? What's wrong?"

That's where it's weird. Nothing is wrong with the child. Truth be told, with those worrisome amounts of quirks, it would go down to history if the kid has not exploded yet.

Tsukauchi lets go of him but stays put. He asks worriedly.

> Tsukauchi: "Boboiboy, does Japaro or anyone do anything to your body?"

Storagebot raises his hands, covering his screen, bewilderment. BBB, on the other way, rechecks his memory. Sure, he got beaten a lot by those hard-core villains before but he knows that's not what Tsukauchi means.

> BBB: "Hm...No, sir."

Tsukauchi looks at him puzzled.

> Tsukauchi: "/The kid has multiple quirks. And the kid hasn't... gone. Is he born like that?/"

                          "/It just likes.../"

Then a shiver runs down his spine at the black stroke image of a man with a half-scar-filled face standing behind the child, smiling, going through his head.

> Tsukauchi: "Him."

The man grabs him again with a little bit more force, he looks desperate.

> Tsukauchi: "Are you born with these quirks??"

BBB is unsure.

> BBB: "I-..."

But then he glances at Storagebot who is frightening for him, and soon his watch, the watch of elementals. He answers Tsukauchi.

> BBB: "-Yes, I am."

The detective stares at him with a glimpse of irritation. He looks down at where the boy has looked. BBB feared he notices it. The time feels tenser the longer it last. Tsukauchi looks back at him with disappointment before letting him go. He stands up, turns his head away, faces palms. The child, on the contrary, feels at ease that he's freed. Storagebot flies back to him, worrying once more. Tsukauchi looks back at the boy asks.

> Tsukauchi: "Boboiboy-kun. You can tell me if you need help. I would be there. The police, would be there."

BBB just nods. He doesn't know what else to say. Tsukauchi looks at him for a sec before he comes back to the table. He sits down and scans the paper, wondering how he's gonna deal with this. He said to BBB with a bit of tiredness.

> Tsukauchi: "You are truly... dull. Please tell me you haven't told the Commission about this."

BBB wears his cap again.

> BBB: "No, I didn't, sir."

He sighs. At least it wasn't more screw up than it already is. Next, he takes the pen and looks at BBB with a serious manner, but gentler now.

> Tsukauchi: "I... suggest you should hide your full power from now on. Since people have seen your Ice and Wind quirks, you should only use those elements."

But BBB has the other idea.

> BBB: "But-?"

Then he gets it, just like what he has gone through. Now, he recalls it. Very bad things did happen because of this power. Because he didn't listen to the Commander. Maybe now listening to Tsukauchi would be the best. He should measure his power use in situations.

Tsukauchi looks at him, assumes that the kid understands. Yet, he wants to be assured.

> Tsukauchi: "Your great power could become a target for not only the bad guys out there but also the authorities who aim for theirs to command."

BBB nods. Talking of the target, the detective was struggling between BBB's quirk's details and his integrity, then he gets some ideas.

> Tsukauchi: "/All asides, Kanaye wants to be responsible for the kid, then so be it! He wouldn't mind helping me write down the 'updated' information.../"

Although, it doesn't make him feel better as he's still conflicted. It's not the right thing to do. Yet again, he considers the display BBB pulled back then and decides that it is still too much.

> Tsukauchi: "...Maybe, it would be better if you restrain your power, too. A normal kid couldn't use one element to outrun three heroes and pierce through several 900 feet-tall walls."

BBB sweats and titters. That actually drew lots of attention, no wonder Fang says he's bad at undercover.

> BBB: "Eh...he he..he."

That was one of his best attacks, but he guesses he can use the first form of Cyclone and Ice.

A moment of silence comes by as BBB let Tsukauchi write some notes.

He then asks him.

> Tsukauchi: "Boboiboy-kun? Could you wait outside so I can interrogate your friend?"

BBB quickly follows.

> BBB: "Ah, yes, sir!"

BBB stands up from the sofa and goes to his starting-to-get-nervous friend. He pats him.

> BBB: "Storagebot, you can do this! Just be honest!"

Storagebot closes his eyes halfway, enjoying his gentle pats. Though he stutters, he's giving his best confidence.

> Storagebot: "I-I will!"


| Time

| Skip...

BBB is sitting outside waiting with his empty can. He's playing with the can in his hand. Then he hears Tsukauchi calling him.

> Tsukauchi: "Boboiboy-kun, come inside."

BBB stands up at the clue, he puts the orange can in the trashcan nearby. Finally, he enters the room. He sees a lot of papers on the desk, and Tsukauchi is arranging them. Storagebot floats to the right beside him showing relief.

> Storagebot: "BOBOIBOY! Y-you're here! Whew..."

He seems a little on edge there. BBB hushes him.

> BBB: "It's ok, you did great!"

Although, he wants to ask Tsukauchi about what Storagebot has said, he decides to respect the bot's privacy. After all, Japaruh is a thief, not an evil galaxy conqueror. Although he has to take Japaruhc's abilities into account.

They get back to their seat, and the first thing Tsukauchi has to ask is.

> Tsukauchi: "(Putting all these asides...)"

                           "Boboiboy-kun, have you considered joining the HPSC's training course?"

The question tucks him right away, BBB's troubled.

> BBB: "Um...Not yet, sir. I don't know if I should join them."

Tsukauchi takes another moment. He squeezes his head trying to deal with the last thing of the day. He prefers heading over the case's files now that his newly gathered information is itching. But a job is a job.

> Tsukauchi: "..."

                          "Do you,-"

Calling this into question, he doesn't know if it is going to be better if he- they were not directly under the HPSC's eyes. But he's an adult, he has to be decisive. Even if it hurt the boy's feelings.

> Tsukauchi: "The Commissioners are waiting outside the Station. It's almost time for you to give them your answer."

BBB wasn't ready. He has confidence in choice matters most of the time. Yet, this is not one of that. No matter what choice he makes, he will lose something. It's either breaking laws or letting Japaruh rampage.

> BBB: "But I don't have the answer yet. I can't decide whether I should or not."

Tsukauchi only replies.

> Tsukauchi: "I'll give you something. The protective order can be expired. And with your case, only the HPSC can authorize it for you."

That's it. Aoi's right. The answer is obvious. BBB becomes reluctant. Storagebot, too, can't hide his worries.

> Storagebot: "Boboibooy... I don't want to be hunted again."

He shared a sympathetic look with him. He understands. All the Power Spheras have to suffer the fate of being pursued. Unfortunately, the situation he's in doesn't give him a choice. He doesn't want to fight with both police and Japaruh.

Still. He turns to the adult with determination.

> BBB: "I... I won't join them! I can't let Japaruh do what he wants, even if he's just stealing. You don't know how threatening he is!"

Tsukauchi irritates at him.

> Tsukauchi: "So you rather recklessly chase him and be a criminal?"

BBB defies him.

> BBB: "What else can I do?! Not like I have any other choice-!"

Tsukauchi cuts him, stern yet calming.

> Tsukauchi: "BoBoiBoy! Listen!"

                          "There are heroes out there. The police, too. We'll find him and bring him to jail. This is not something a kid like you should engage in, not anymore. I'll make sure of it."

BBB thinks, he's right, there are other heroes here, too. He's not the only one who chasing Japaruh.

> BBB: "/Maybe now that Japaruh doesn't have Storagebot anymore, he is less dangerous/."

Yet the fight he has with Japaruh, it was a little... simple.

> BBB: "/But... wouldn't that be too easy for a wanted galactic criminal?/"

Then a knock can be heard from outside, stealing their attention. The detective then makes sigh.

> Tsukauchi: "*Haiz* Boboiboy-kun, actually, you do have another choice. Though I don't fully through with it, you can give an ear if you like."

He turns his head to the door and speaks.

> Tsukauchi: "Please come in."

BBB and Storagebot turn to the door with curiosity. A little voice in the boy hopes that it's not the Commissioner. The door opens. But no one was there.

> BBB and Storagebot: "??"

That was until they heard a friendly voice.

> ???: "Down here, kids!"

They look down to see a mouse-bear-dog alien waving at them.

> ???: "My! The air seems dense here. Hello! Does my lovable presence ease your heart?"

The kids comically sweat.

The small creature comes in and greets them.

> Nezu [Nezu - Principal of U.A Highschool]: "You must be Boboiboy-kun and Storagebot-kun, right? Greetings, my name is Nezu! I am the principal of U.A Highschool."

They all stand up to greet him back (except Storagebot). BBB mumbles while Tsukauchi opens his hand to invite him.

> BBB: "(Highschool?)"

> Tsukauchi: "Mr. Principal. Would you like to take a seat?"

Nezu nods and takes a seat bebesideBB. The little bot flies to the boy's other side for caution.

> Nezu: "Thank you, Mr. Tsukauchi."

BBB mannerly replies.

> BBB: "Hi, Mr. Principal Nezu! Excuses me but-"

              "Are you from HPSC?"

Nezu gleefully answers.

> Nezu: "No, I'm certainly not. But I indeed have the same intention when I come here to meet you two."

Tsukauchi explains.

> Tsukauchi: "As I've said before, Mr. Principal Nezu here wants to offer you another option."

The boys start to be curious. Nezu speaks.

> Nezu: "Before I'm going to my point, take a look at this!"

The principal pulls out his tablet and shows them as they all look in. It's the news about the previous incident. They also write about a vigilante who saves them and the search for the culprit of the incident. Though it seems like he got the center of attention.

> Civilians: "...-There was a man flies in high-speed drill through the walls!?-..."

                       "...-He looks like a kid, or a teenager!-..."

                      "...-I was frightened for my goddamn life?! If anything, he created this accident, he was better off going saving us!-..."

                      "...-I was tripping over something and the rocks were right above my head! Then suddenly a strong wind-..."

                      "...-he might have saved us but he also drilled that thing down, so-...'

                      "...-No, a kid can't do that. He must be a man! A hero!-..."

There are so many comments about it. Yet again he doesn't know Japanese. So he asks.

> BBB: "Huh? What are they saying?"

Storagebot expresses.

> Storagebot: "Wow! They talked a lot about you!"

BBB surprised.

> BBB: "What? About me? What did they say?"

Sure the boy doesn't want to leave a bad expression. Nezu puts his tablet away and shares his thought.

> Nezu: "You did a good cover back there! Be that as it may, Boboiboy just seems to have the talent of getting the spotlight."

Tsukauchi just looked disappointed. The white animal then comes back to the main subject.

> Nezu: "Now, mind me may I have overheard a bit last of your conversation with Mr. Detective, but I have to suggest that your answer is not positively a good one."

BBB and Tsukauchi are nervous. They hope he hadn't heard the power part yet. The taller adult wants to say something but Principal Nezu continues, so he just stands back and listens.

> Tsukauchi: "Um-..."

> Nezu: "I appreciate you have chosen to protect Storagebot, you have the heroism and benevolence to become a hero. However, the choice to defend him by breaking laws and facing the other heroes once again shows a great lacking consideration of you, BoBoiBoy."

The young hero looks troubled at the other long wordings; he turns his head away before turning back at Nezu. The Principal still calmly said.

> Nezu: "Such an unthoughtful decision is the reason why I am here to offer you a proper education in U.A!"

BBB was surprised a bit. The animal spreads one of his hands out as the other hand is put on his small knee.

> Nezu: "I can humbly say that our school - The U.A High, is the very top hero academy in Japan and we have no ordinary school teaching methods! You will be mentored by the heroes themselves, with their unique educating ways. Furthermore, our school has trained and produced several of the best heroes in Japan, including Endeavor, Best Jeanist, and the legendary hero - All Might!"

BBB seems to not be as amazed as Tsukauchi predicted. That's until when he remembers that BBB is foreign to everything.

> Tsukauchi: "Boboiboy-kun, all of them are made in the top 10 heroes of the nation and All Might is the number one! He is also the top hero in the world, too! You've met him before."

BBB surprised. What? He had met someone THAT awesome?! When?! The boy puts his fingers under his chin, slowly figures it out. In his head appears a flexing All Might with Midoriya and Bakugo lying dormant on his shoulders.


Tsukauchi sweats at his friend's new nickname. Nezu holds his professional.

> Nezu: "Pf-*hm*"

> Tsukauchi: "Yes..."

Storagebot's feeling pity.

> Storagebot: "Really? I - I guess I missed it when I was tired."

BBB was still stunned, and honored, as well. Then, Nezu continues with his last point.

> Nezu: "With all our achievements and famous, without a doubt, our education can be paralleled with HPSC."

It sparks in BBB a light of hope, surely a school would be better than an organization as he can apply to many schools, but not many mighty operations. He has blown TAPOPS' cover more than he should. Besides, Storagebot doesn't like them. So, this is a great chance to get a hero license and stay away from the spying eyes.

> BBB: "Oh! I can meet other kids who have a superpower like me! And I can learn how to control my power and protect the galaxy better!"

The small principal smiles, he knows this would turn the boy around. Tsukauchi notes something in his mind before he speaks.

> Tsukauchi: "..."

                          "Then what about your protective order? You cannot keep the bot with you for long."

Principal Nezu tells him with confidence.

> Nezu: "...Rest assured because I did have an arrangement with them!"

Then he turns to BBB.

> Nezu: "If you are willing to be a part of U.A, we will make sure that every student is shielded from harm, and certainly, in all of my power, I and the teachers will keep you and your friend safe."

               "However, the HPSC will occasionally send inspectors to come to check on your activities and Storagebot-kun, as well as there will be tests, to assess your ability and development."

BBB guesses the rest.

> BBB: "That means...they will take Storagebot if I fail?"

Nezu answers.

> Nezu: "They will take care of you both."

Tsukauchi remind BBB.

> Tsukauchi: "Technically, it's similar to when you're in HPSC, the only difference is that you're at school."

BBB lowers his head to take sometime to think. But it was quick because he is confident.

> BBB: "...I-"

Nezu cuts him.

> Nezu: "Not yet! Why don't you answer all parties? Let's come out. They must have waited for us long."

BBB is determined. 'Um', he nods, before he heads out of the room with Storagebot and Nezu, following Tsukauchi. They soon open the door out of the Station where Aoi and the Commissioners are waiting. It is already dawn as the sunlight dims on Aoi's coat and their bodies. She and the Commissions stand with their back to the sun, making their forebodies shaded. A Commissioner says.

> Commissioner: "You've taken much time."

Aoi raises her hand in elegance as she turns to BBB and speaks.

> Aoi: "It's fine."

            "What is your answer, Boboiboy-kun?"

BBB looks up at her, he firmly replies.

> BBB: "I'll apply to U.A Highschool and becomes an official hero there!"

Storagebot looks nervous, waiting for her reaction. Aoi looks unimpressed, but then she closes her eyes and smiles at him.

> Aoi: "Hm. Very well, then."

            "I was hoping you gives a better answer."

She turns back to him and walks to a black car with the driver opening the door for the Commissioners.

> Aoi: "I am excited to see our next meeting."

The Commission also leave a word before following her to the car.

> Commissioner: "You should prepare your at-most for the next 3 months."

The car closed and they go. BBB looks at them in slight wondering. But Storagebot is just happy, he jumps in hugging the kid.

> Storagebot: "Wow! Thank you, Boboiboy! Thank you for standing up for me!"

BBB pats Storagebot like he used to with Ochobot. It makes him feel missing a bit. Nonetheless, there's a burning question he got to ask. BBB turns back to the adults.

> BBB: "I'm glad that I made the choice. But what does he mean by 'next 3 months'?"

Nezu walks up to him. Storagebot lets go of him as the principal says.

> Nezu: "That's what I'm about to tell you! Since you just appeared out of nowhere with no school tracking records whatsoever, you can't register to take the entrance exam like other students at your age!"

BBB just realizes that. He holds his head in anxiety.

> BBB: "Oh no!"

Nezu keeping his smile, calmly says.

> Nezu: "A special case like you will have to enroll especially."

Then he takes out a letter from his small pooch and gives it BBB. The boy and the bot look at the letter with the U.A symbol on the seal. It's an invitation letter. Principal Nezu stands formally, makes his voice to speak.

> Nezu: "*Ehem* Boboiboy-kun, you are selected as one of the candidates for U.A's Recommendation Entrance Exam, which will take place at U.A Highschool in the next 3 months! For exam sections and institutions details, you can read them in the letter."

BBB gasps, he holds it in awe as he was never recommended. It was so wholesome that he almost shook.

> BBB: "Whoa! This is so cool!"

Despite his hero's aw-ness, Storagebot doesn't understand, so he asks.

> Storagebot: "Where did you get that letter? You've just met him."

Nezu bluntly answers.

> Nezu: "Of course, I just write it!"

Storagebot and Tsukauchi do the 'dull face'. The Principal adds it to BBB.

> Nezu: "One more thing, Boboiboy. Your exam will be more difficult than other students. "

BBB snaps out of joy when he heard the 'difficult exam' part.

> BBB: "Huh? More difficult?"

> Nezu: "Yes. You will be evaluated by the HPSC themselves."

BBB surprises.

> BBB: "What?! They will mark my exam?!"

Nezu states the kid's new mission.

> Nezu: "That's right! And your goal is not only to stand among the U.A's Recommended Students, but also get your hand on HPSC's Recommendation Letter."

Both Tsukauchi and BBB were shocked. The Principal of U.A finishes his words.

> Nezu: "That's the only way for you to apply without getting in trouble with the school's procedure! If you succeeded, the Commission would take care of that for you."

BBB nods. Storagebot looks at him for his decision.

> Storagebot: "Then...What will you do, Boboiboy?"

BBB holds the letter to himself, he tells him with a beam bright on his face.

> BBB: "Well, isn't that obvious? I'm going get those Recommendation Letters!"

"As a hero, I will protect you, Storagebot! And bring Japaruh to justice."

Storagebot happily replied.

> Storagebot: "Then I'll try my best to help you, too!"

Watching the kids from behind, the Principal and Tsukauchi smile. They are proud of the kid's strength and the will heading for the future.

The wind rustles through the tree and the last light of the sun shines down, marking the end of the day yet the beginning of another promising adventure.

In their New Reality.


| Oh, it's been aged to do the 'evil laugh' when writing a story. Believe me, when you write at different times, your storyline is like cookie crumbs. And when the Wattpad writers say that university is so freaking busy, they're totally right.

It's Tet, so I use my resting time writing the story :v

Anyway, the next chap is gonna be small comics! I hope it doesn't screw up. And Chap 5 is gonna be after 3 months! Let's see how things go :)

Please comment if you find a better way to describe or correct grammar.

And if you have some ideas, please comment here.

I would love to hear them out, and if it's cool, I can tell my friends to draw it in the comic and credit your name! |













| Well?








| Extra scene!




• At somewhere unknown_

In a dark place, where the only attention is the dim light covering a dark figure standing at a steel table. The sound echoes the air.

> ???: "*...Rattle, rattle*...*Clank*..."

Then the echo stops. The man raises his head for a mere glance. He greets his 'company' with a grooming voice.

> Dark Figure: "Hah,... there you are. And I thought you were caged."

"Like a pitiful bird."

Behind the figure, a looming shadow's walking closer to the dimming light where the man stands. The familiar big shape with the beak and beard comes into the image. It was Japaruh. He doesn't like the sneer, but he keeps his calm posture, brushing a leaf off him.

> Japaruh: "Freak, what is the meaning of this? You didn't tell me he was a kid."

The man answers, going back to do what he was.

> Dark Figure: "And you gave him the Power Sphera."

"Feeling soft?"

Japaruh simply denies it.

> Japaruh: "I don't need it anymore."

The figure holds up some kind of jet injector and walks away from the table. He tells him.

> Dark Figure: "On the contrary, you will."

"The boy is in our plan as well."

Japaruh slightly tilts his head to a hanged man - chained by some machine blurred in the dark. The hanged man doesn't move, his head bends down freely like he was unconscious. The coated man mocks.

> Japaruh: "I don't know if 'trust' is included in 'our plan'. But it has the fake Power Sphera."

The Dark Figure stops in front of the fainted man, doing some adjustments to the jet injector.

> Dark Figure: "It was necessary for an alluring bait."

"Don't worry, you can have faith in our plan. For you, have the same goal as me."

Japaruh glares a dagger at him.

> Japaruh: "Why do you need the kid?"

The figure grins with malicious as he holds the jet injector, pumps it into the tragic man.

> Dark Figure: "Oh, nothing in particular..."

The hanged man jolted waked up, he looks up to the ceiling and he started to scream in pain. His body's shaking against the chains as the blood vessels become visible.

> Dark Figure: "...I just want to have a small talk with him."

The fated man's scream started to harden as his neck, hands, chest - his whole body begins to swell, bigger and bigger until it loses the shape of a human, covers all the dim light.


Then it was dark, and silent.


Posted day: 1/23/2023.

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