The System: RWBY

By ContentCrow

2.8K 42 20

Y/n was an ordinary human being, that was before he came across a man who offered Y/n the chance to travel wo... More

The Dungeon
Getting started
The First Quest
How to run your business
Fixing what's broken
The Attack

The Orphanage

148 3 1
By ContentCrow



10:00 AM December 24th

Newman's house


*Knock knock knock*

Y/n: "Newman?"

*Knock knock knock*

Y/n: "Newman?"

*Knock knock knock*

Y/n: "Newman?"

The door opens before I'm able to knock again, revealing a surprisingly well-dressed Newman holding the door open.

Newman: "Yes?" He questioned, confusion apparent on his face.

Y/n: "Sorry to bother you but I have a few things I think are worth your time," I state, pulling a plastic bag filled with items from my Inventory.

Newman: "What is this?" Newman asks, rifling around the bag and pulling out an assortment of different items.

Y/n: "A few days ago, I was attacked by some members of the Midnight Organization, these are some items my attackers had." I explain, gesturing to the bag with my hand.


Achievement unlocked: Making oneself known
Desc: Make your first big step in assisting the H.M.S with their goals.

+50 Reputation
+25 Rp (Newman)
+ H.M.S Shop


Newman: "I see," He paused, seemingly deep in thought. "Here, grab my hand. I wish to take you to the H.M.S." He states, holding out his free hand.

Taking his hand I quickly find myself back in the familiar halls of the H.M.S.


Checkpoint unlocked:

H.M.S Main hall


Newman: "Come." Newman insisted, quickly walking down a hallway. "I wish to give you something." He says, turning around the corner.

Although curious about what Newman means I decide to keep quiet and simply wait for him to show me.

Y/n: "Whilst we walk, can I ask you something?" I ask, turning my head to Newman.

Newman: "Of course," Newman assured.

Y/n: "Well, I was curious if there were any reports about Alexander meeting other versions of himself?" I questioned.

Newman: "Other versions of himself? I'm afraid I haven't seen anything about that, however, there are easily thousands of reports about his journeys, there's bound to be something there I'll let you know if I find anything of that nature." Newman told, turning away and opening a door, leading to a room filled with an assortment of items.

Newman: "I know it's not much but," Newman began, gesturing to the room around him. "This is the H.M.S shop." He finished, turning to face me.

Y/n: "The H.M.S. has a shop?" I mussed, taking in my surroundings, potions, accessories and other things line the walls and shelves around the room.

Newman: "Yes, after all, we can't leave our members underequipped. Especially since we don't have the powers you do. If anything here interests you, you can buy it from here." He explained, walking over to a drawer and pulling out a small plug attached to a device.

Newman: "Alternatively you can use this plug here to have access to this store anywhere, it can take some time to deliver to you though." He explains placing the plug on a bench near me.

Y/n: "Do you take Lien?"


-250 Lien
+5 Mp potions
+15 Pistol ammo


Minor Mp potion

Effect: +20 Mp

Rank: Basic

Desc: A basic concoction that restores the mental powers of the consumer.



Pistol ammo

Ammunition: Pistols

Rank: Basic

Desc: Ammunition that can be used with any pistol.


+20 EXP (Observe)

Y/n: "This should do fine for now, thank god for my business" I murmured, sorting all the items and putting them into my Inventory. I sigh to myself as I open the drawer to the desk and pull out the one thing that started this whole trip.



DMG: 18
Capacity: 7 Rounds

Rank: Basic

Desc: The gun of a fallen member of the M.O., though soaked with blood you hope to save more lives with this gun than you take.


+10 EXP (Observe)

Y/n: 'That's new, since when did the System do this, Maybe it's only doing this now because this thing, in particular, is important to me?' "Questions for later." I think to myself, putting the pistol in my Inventory alongside a single Starfruit and heading out the door.

Walking through the halls of the palace I quickly found myself in front of Sienna's office, knocking on the door I hear a very quiet "Come in" from the other side. Opening the door I see bookshelves reaching the roof of the office, seats set about, potentially for special meetings, and Sienna sat at her desk, a small stack of papers on the desk.

Sienna: "Y/n, are you feeling okay?" She questioned, turning my head to face Sienna, her hands crossed over each other, a soft yet concerned look on her face.

Y/n: "I'm... Doing better." I told her, walking over to her desk and taking the seat just opposite her.

As I sit down I rest my hands on the desk to which Sienna slowly rested her hands on mine and grips my hands softly, giving a smile back I grip her hands back and take a deep breath.

Y/n: "So, you still haven't told me what I need to prepare for." I pushed.

Sienna: "Right, that... Listen, I know you're going through a lot right now so I was planning on calling it off so you don't have to-"

Y/n: "Stop." I interrupted, holding a hand out in front of me. "Sienna, don't. Cause if you want to wait for me to be ready, I never will be." I explained, lowering my hand back down.

Sienna sighed to herself before getting up and gesturing for me to follow her. Getting up I follow Sienna as she walks to a bookshelf just to the left wall of the door, I watch as she pulls a single book from the shelf just before it's about to be taken out it magically stops and the bookshelf slides away from the wall and slides to the side, revealing a small corridor leading to another door.

Y/n: "Woah."

Sienna: "Come on, I want to show you something." She urged walking down the hallway.

Y/n: "The Hidden Library, right?" I said, quickly realizing what he'd said.

Sienna: "How do you know?" She questioned, turning her head to face me as she continues down the hall.

Y/n: "Oh uhh, my powers told me." I explained, somewhat nervous about being put on the spot.

Sienna simply hummed to herself before facing away and opening the door to the library. Walking through the door, I look around the room, the bookshelves reaching to the ceiling the dark yet calming atmosphere the library gives, only lit up by the torches scattered across the room.

Sienna: "I remember Kira telling me about these 'Skill books' you and her were looking for on the 2nd, so I thought I'd show you this, if there is any chance a Skill book is around, it'll be here." She summarized, gesturing to the room around her.

Y/n: "Well I'll take a look."

Activating my Observe I narrow my search down to nearby Skill books and see a few lights around the library.

+50 EXP (Observe)

Quickly running around I gathered all the books then came back near the entrance and began to look at their benefits.


The Way of Observation: +150 EXP (Observe)
Commanding a Team: Learn skill (Authority)
Firearms and their uses: Learn skill (Firearm Mastery)
Magic of the Past: Unable to learn the skill
The place in between: Unable to learn the skill


Now that was interesting, some of these skills just straight up can't be learned? No level or item requirement of any kind, just can't be learned...


System: Perhaps the Starfruit can assist you, the fruit often gives new powers based on the consumer's wishes.

Y/n: You think that'll work?

System: It's better than not eating the thing at all anyhow.


Taking the Starfruit out of my Inventory I take a bite of it and wait.






Y/n: "Is something supposed to happen or..."

You have to eat the whole thing...

Y/n: "Oh, gotcha." Eating the rest of the fruit I gulp it down and witness a white essence encircle me before flying into my chest as a new screen appears in my face.

-50 Reputation (Starfruit)


Unlock new potential


Upgrade current potential (Gamer's Body, Gamer's Mind)


Y/n: 'So I guess unlocking new potential is what I want to do here?' I think, clicking the unlock option as a new screen appears.


Unlocked potential: Magic

Tap into magic either around or in you and use them to your advantage!


Y/n: "Hohohohoh, sweet." I chuckled to myself before using each of the skill books in front of me.

+150 EXP (Observe)

Rank up! (Observe)


Observe: Rank III (Beginner) 0/400

Desc: The ability to look for items of interest and analyze a target of your choice.



New Skills unlocked!

Authority: When commanding groups of fighters your rank of Authority will increase your chances of having others listen to you as well as having battle strategies you create work better. (Passive)

Firearm Mastery: Mastery over any firearm in the hands of the user. (Passive)

Flames: The ability to summon flames at the tip of your fingers (damage based on how much Mp is used).

Fade Step: Lift your foot and enter into a world that doesn't move, allowing you to travel distances in split seconds, then put your foot down to enter back into the normal world. (30 Mp)


Y/n: "Ho boy, that's a lot to take in." 

Sienna: "Are you okay?" Sienna quickly approached my side, her hands hovering near me.

Y/n: "Yeah I'm fine, just a lot of information at once, side note look what I can do!" I say, turning to the nearest open space and activating Fade Step.

Suddenly the world around me feels like it's shifted, suddenly being launched forward as the world around me seemingly stops, the torches on the wall having magically stopped moving and-


Y/n: "AH, god damn" I exclaim as I stumble back after my head hit a nearby shelf.

Sienna: "Y/n!" Sienna had run to my side and crouched down at my side.

Y/n: "I'm alright, just got a bit distracted when I used it." I chuckled, getting back up on my feet and turning to another open area for another attempt.

Activating Fade Step again I enter the same strange world again but focus in front of me as I feel the same magic from earlier push me forward as I slowly get closer to my target, pushing my foot back down the world around me suddenly turns back to normal as I feel gravity take hold of me again, causing me to stumble slightly before gaining my footing and looking back to Sienna.

+40 EXP (Fade Step)

Y/n: "Isn't this cool?!" I giddily exclaimed, running back over to her.

Sienna: "That it is. What else can you do?" She questioned, having calmed slightly from earlier.

Y/n: "OH, I almost forgot!" Quickly holding a hand out in front of me I activate Flames (15 Mp)

+15 EXP (Flames)

The flames suddenly spark to life slightly above my extended hand, I giggle excitedly to myself as I look at Sienna's stunned face. Sienna's hand starts to reach towards the fire, almost touching it before pulling her hand back swiftly.

Y/n: "I have magic!" I quietly squealed, bouncing on my feet as I start to command the flame to move around using my hand.

Sienna: "How can you do this?" She questioned looking at me incredulously.

Y/n: "It's the power I gained, from the H.M.S, you remember that right?" I explained, still juggling the small ball of flame in my hand.

Sienna: "Absolutely fascinating," She mumbled to herself, just loud enough to hear it. "I have no doubt you'll be ready for them." She finished cryptically.

Y/n: "I'd ask who, but I already know you won't answer that so I'll just say that I have to go." I explained, pointing my thumb to the door.

Sienna:  "You do?"

Y/n: "Yeah, remember? I'm going to head over to the Orphanage today." I explained, already making my way over to the door.

Sienna: "Right, well make sure to enjoy yourself, alright? It's okay to take a break, especially with everything that's happened."  Sienna stressed.

Y/n: "Right," I dismissed, "Um, just for the record... I'm not sure how comfortable I feel calling you mom or anything like that, sorry..." I admitted, scratching the back of my head bashfully.

Sienna: "Don't worry I completely understand that, I certainly don't see myself calling you 'son' anytime soon either." She chuckled.




12:00 PM December 24th



Walking up the staircase I find myself at the front of the Orphanage.


Ongoing Quest:

Meet with the Orphanage kids on Christmas Eve

Rewards: Kid's blessing.

Failure: -Rp with those at the Orphanage.


Y/n: "Alright then, time to see what my history with this place is." In truth my memories at Remnant were coming back slowly but surely, however there were still large gaps in my memory. The ones at the Orphanage I unfortunately can't yet remember, yet I hope that meeting them in person will finally jog my memory.

Walking through the doors I'm greeted by a simple interior, some seats are just off to the side with a large service desk straight ahead, manned by one lady.

Lady: "Ah, Y/n! It's been so long since you've come to visit, if you're looking for the kids they should just be out in the park." The lady informed me, gesturing to her left.

Following her finger, I notice a door just at the end of a hallway which I immediately recognized as the park area for the Orphanage.

Y/n: "Thank you," I said, walking down the hallway I started to remember certain parts of the Orphanage better as I walk through but pay it no mind.

Opening the door the bright light of the sun flashes in my eyes, causing me to look away and immediately spot a large rack of hats just to the side of the door. Remembering the hats are for those at the Orphanage I start to walk down the large rack eventually seeing a hook holding a cap with the tag 'Y/n' on it.

Supposedly I had come to visit the kids here so often the kids here looked to me as an older brother, with the adults often thanking me for looking after them. Supposedly I'd forget my hat so often they eventually gave me my own hat to wear here.

???: "Y/N!" A large collection of child-like voices called out.

Quickly hearing a stampede of footsteps and laughter barrel my way I sigh to myself as I turn and open out my arms as I see the large group of kids tackle me.

Kids: "You're back!" "We missed you!" "Y/n came back!" Were just a few of the things I could hear through the giant crowd of children.

Y/n: "Easy everybody, one at a time!" I laughed, putting my hands up in mock surrender.

Kid: "Hey Y/n, we were just playing tag, do you wanna join us?" One of them questioned as they bounded around.  


Quest Minigame: Tag, you're it!
Desc: Play a game of tag with the Orphanage kids.

Rewards: +Rp (Orphanage kids).


Y/n: "Oho, you think you can tag me now do you?" I boasted dramatically.

Kid: "Well if you're so confident, TAG!" They shouted as all the others scattered away.


Kids tagged (0/10)


Y/n: "Ooh, here I come!" I warned charging the closest kid.



Kids tagged (10/10)


+70 EXP (Parkour)

The small park was filled with the kid's laughter as they all gathered around me in the center.

???: "Kids it's time for lunch!" I heard someone shout.

All the kids swiftly scramble towards the voice they give a quick wave goodbye as they run through the door. I decided to turn my attention elsewhere as I remembered something during the game. 

Entering the building on the other side of the Orphanage I end up at a wooden shack and start to walk around the side I come around the back and witness a teenager pulling the string back on a bow ready to fire a shot.

???: "Perfect now whenever you're ready, you can take the shot."

This was Juno, a chameleon Faunus who had long ago taken the form of the one man who had inspired him to be who he is today, a teacher in archery.

The teenager let go of the string, launching the arrow forward into the target ahead of them, not a bullseye but a fairly decent shot. Pulling my attention away from the scene I look to my side to see C.D. floating to my side as they seemingly print out a picture, quickly catching it I realize it's the picture I just asked C.D. to capture with 2 stars symbols on the bottom of the picture.

Juno: "Well look who it is." Turning my attention back to Juno I see he's noticed me and start to walk over. "It's been a while hasn't it?"

Y/n: "It's... been a busy week," I told, climbing over the fence, noticing that the teenager earlier had left. "I managed to capture a nice photo of you and whoever that was earlier," I said, handing over the polaroid photo.


Quest minigame: To please the master
Desc: Appease Juno your Bow Mastery 

Rewards: Cookbook, Juno's Gift


Juno: "Hmm, nice photo." Juno continued to stare at the photo for a bit before turning his attention back to me. "Come, I want to see if your Bow mastery has lessened since you last came to train." Grabbing a bow with a green rag wrapped around the top and handing it to me.

Walking up to the shooting area I pick up an arrow just to the side and pull the string back but stop short, feeling my current grip is wrong I lower the arrow just as a memory came to me.


A not-too-younger Y/n is seen being coached by Juno whilst holding a bow in his hand.



New Skill unlocked!

Bow Mastery: Rank IV (Mediocre)


Opening my eyes I saw I had already shot the arrow at the target.

Juno: "Okay, not bad. But try keeping your hands like this." He said adjusting my hands slightly before backing up for me to take another shot.

Taking a slow breath in I release it as I let go of the string, causing the arrow to fly right into the red bullseye of the target.

Juno: "Perfect keep at it for a while, just to instil the stance in your head." He insisted, gesturing for me to take another arrow.

I simply nod and take another arrow, knowing I'll likely be here for a good while.


+25 EXP (Bow Mastery)

That was somewhat frustrating, despite training for a full hour I only earned 25 EXP through the whole thing. I noticed earlier how the better the Mastery the less experience I would earn in the hour trained, I guess it's just something to encourage me to train against a real person or creature rather than a target.

Juno: "Your aim hasn't gone bad, especially since it's been so long." Juno said, walking down the hallway to the staff lounge. "So you're planning to leave for Vale." He said, sounding more like a statement than a question.

Y/n: "Yeah, that's the plan. Beyond that Sienna seems to have something planned for me tomorrow, something I have to be ready for but she won't say what." I told walking through the door to the lounge I see a few friendly faces about that give a small wave as I walk through.

Juno: "You should probably tell the kids, you know." He insisted, grabbing a plate and picking some food off a table.

Y/n: "I definitely will," Grabbing some food for myself I take a seat at the free table nearby.

Juno: "Do you have an idea of what you may be up against?" He questioned, taking a bite out of his food as he sat down.

Y/n: "Whatever it is, I'm fighting it." I stated confidently. "But that's all I know for sure," I told, taking another bite of my food.

Juno seemed to sit in silence for a while, the peacefulness around the office was nice. After I came to Remnant everything seemed to move at a million miles an hour so the peace and quiet were a welcome addition to my days.

Juno suddenly began to eat his food at a rapid pace and then slam down his empty plate.

Juno: "Follow." Demanded as he stood up and walked right out the door.

I quickly shoveled the food down and stood up to follow Juno. If there was one thing I learned during my time with Juno it was when he told you to do something, you do it. Jogging after Juno I witness him move through the park towards his shack. Finally catching up to him as he walks through the door and towards the wall filled with bows of all shapes and sizes.

Juno: "Here," He said, shoving a bow right into my hands.

Acting on instinct I Observe the bow in my hands.


Juno's Gift
DMG: 27
Rank: Common
Desc: A bow gifted to The Gamer to accomplish their goals, you can feel the hope Juno has for you whilst holding this bow.


+10 EXP (Observe)

Y/n: "Wow, are you sure you want to give me this? I can feel how expensive it is..." I said, feeling the weight of the bow.

Juno: "I'm sure," He insisted, quickly grabbing a quiver nearby and shoving that into my hands also.


+10% quicker drawback time on Bows

Desc: A simple quiver that increases drawback time when equipped.


Juno: "Now, you have some kids to say goodbye to." He said, turning away and walking out the door.

I turned to follow him and noticed how he somehow disappeared, sighing to myself I walk out of the cabin I make my way back to the Orphanage, knowing that the kids and Juno are likely back in the park area. Having arrived I see the kids gathered at the fountain in the park all looking at Juno who had seemingly already arrived.

Y/n: "I assume you already told them the deal?" I questioned walking towards Juno.

Kids: "You're leaving!?" The kids cried out, all rushing towards me.

Y/n: "Unfortunately yes,"

Kid: "Why?" One of them whined.

Y/n: "Because I have to," I answered, crouching down and putting a hand on the kid's shoulder. "I know you don't want me to go, but the truth is people need me, and I can't help them if I stay here. A lot of people are relying on me, and I need to be there for them."

Kid: "But when will you be back?" Another kid questioned.

Y/n: "I promise I'll be back when I get the chance, this isn't the last time we'll meet again I promise." I told, putting a hand on my chest.

Kid: "Pinky promise?" The kid bargained, sticking his pinky out. They always liked to do pinky promises.

Y/n: "Pinky promise." I say, sticking out my pinky and wrapping it around the kid's pinky.

Kid: "Okay!" The kid beamed. "Now you have to come back!" The kid demanded, smiling widely before giggling to himself like a madman.

Y/n: "Well, I should probably get going." I say regretfully, not wanting to end this moment but knowing I have to if I want to prepare myself.

Kid: "Just one last thing before you go?" one of the kids bargained walking towards me clasping something in their hands.

They opened their hands revealing a necklace with an interesting lock on it.


Kid's Blessing


Rank: Rare

Desc: A necklace with a strangely luminescent lock, you feel a strange magic coming off it. You feel whilst wearing this that you may unlock your potential.


Y/n: 'Woah, what is this?' "Well thank you, unfortunately I should get going before it gets dark, thank you very much!" I dismissed, walking to the door back inside.

All the other kids gave me farewells as I continued through the door and out the Orphanage.

Y/n: 'So what about that Quiver?'


Quiver equipped- Gained +10% quicker drawback time on Bows.

Backpack unequipped- Lost 50 Inventory slots.

Kid's Blessing equipped- Gained ??? effect.


Y/n: 'So I can't have the Quiver and Backpack equipped at the same time, nor does the blessing seem to show it's benefit.'

Deciding to dismiss the issue for now I keep the Quiver equipped and continue down the street.

Y/n: "Alright then, Whatever you're going to throw at me Sienna, I'm ready!" I told myself as I walked towards the sun, seeing it slowly sunk into the horizon.

Y/n: "Oh shit I don't have any arrows."


Hey everybody! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, in truth I wanted to get this chapter out by Christmas of last year and connect it to the next chapter but I ran out of motivation and had to take a break, I'm back now though and plan to get the next chapter soon so don't miss it.

P.S: Sorry if the M1911 Isn't actually a M1911, I had found the picture and thought it would be good to use but couldn't find out the gun's name.


Fixes: (Just had to fix for when this chapter released as I put in the uncompleted version on accident, happy reading!)

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