Fury Unleashed

By ShawnMartinez88

4.3K 76 38

A Dragonball fan wakes up in the body of a baby broly. Confused to the events happening he now has to face th... More

Training and Rage
Red Ribbon Army
The Crane School
Challenges All Around

Hellish Training

337 11 8
By ShawnMartinez88

As we all made it back to the courtyard we saw all the other students already lined up. As the headmaster seemed to be explaining the trials to come. "Welcome my new prospects as you know the Crane School is one of the top Martial Arts schools in the world. We do not train you to defend yourselves or fight for what's right. You are here to become WARRIORS. As warriors you should be strong emotionless and show no mercy towards your enemies. I will tell you all now that many of you will die or better wish you where dead. These will be your most Hellish and Grueling days, and you will have no one to blame but yourself for your weakness. In the end only the strong survive." As he finished saying that speech it seemed he looked at me.

I shrugged it off however deciding to focus on my task at hand. I looked around at the competition. There wasn't much to look at most of the students here where weak except three with potential. That being Tien, Yurin, and Chiaotzu however there was one more I kept my eye on a smaller boy in the back with slicked back white hair and piercing blue eyes. He seemed calm and confident. I cant sense power to well yet, but I can tell he is hiding something. (Ill deal with him when the time comes. I cant affect the timeline to bad after all) "Now then we will get to the main event! You will be fighting each other in grueling conditions all over the Crane Mountains behind you. You will have missions to complete within a month. Where you will go out into the world with martial artist that will challenge you pushing you to your LIMITS!"

This was something definitely new to me. Training in the mountains doesn't sound to bad but actually going out into the world is new to me. Its uncharted territory especially with dealing with martial artist. I wonder what challenges I will face. My body is hot my saiyan blood boiling for a new challenge. "Remember my students after this grueling training I expect a small number of you to come back alive don't disappoint me and remember show no mercy." With that Master Shen ushered open the gates to the mountains sending hoards of us in. I ran in jumping up the mountain as I saw a few students ahead. However soon a mist started to settle on the mountains forest. As screams started to sound in the distance. I walked forward as I noticed traps all around.

Many where already dead from the traps (brutal) I thought looking at some of the dead. I then easily evaded most of the traps getting ahead faster than most. I noticed a few more rushing up the mountain range. As a young boy soon tripped up someone else just as a giant log came down crushing them. The boy snickered as he then quickly rushed up the mountain. He saw me and started running faster. (He isn't planning on doing what I think he is right?) just as I thought this he jumped at me, fist raised, but I looked at him disgusted.

I quickly raised my hand as a green orb formed in it. "FINE, DIE FOR YOUR INSOLENCE THEN WORM." I shot him into the sky as he blew up nothing being left but dust. I felt disgusted not by killing him but by this entire exercise. Ambushing and Traps was not the way of a Saiyan, battle was the way. I'd rather fight and kill my opponent head on. However up ahead seemed to be a light as I got closer I noticed a pole with a post on it and a torch. As I approached it I read a small sign explaining that there was only five wooden tablets on the mountains. Once we obtain the mountain we must climb higher while avoiding or killing others.

It's seems that the only real rule is get up with a wooden tablet. No matter if you find it or steal it off of someone else. I then heard noises as I turned around seeing five boys. I noticed a tall lanky boy next to a short pudgy one on my left, to my right was a boy with golden blond hair and with him another boy with dead black eyes. The last one being infront as he held a large sword in his hands. "Well well what do we have here?" The one in-front sneered. "For the past couple of minutes we have been just killing whoever comes here getting rid of the competition isn't a bad idea. However to find the chosen beast himself Broly is just a great catch." All of them started laughing under their breath.

"So what do you want with me I don't have a tablet and going through all the energy just to kill me doesn't seem smart." See you would be right seeing as we already have a table ourselves however only five can make it to the top and seeing as your one of the strongest competitors. I think it's best we kill you. Here and NOW! He quickly swung his sword straight down as the blond boy threw a volley of metal needles at me. I quickly jumped back avoiding the slash and needles only to land in front of the pudgy kid as he slammed his hand down on my back. I quickly recovered as I flipped up kicking him and the lanky one back.

The dead eyed kid quickly tried cutting me with a short knife as I noticed a purple substance on the edge. Poison? I guessed as I quickly charged a Ki-Blast. All five of their eyes opened up before the one with the sword yelled. "Damn he knows Ki-Attacks back away NOW!" Everyone jumped back as I threw it hitting the floor in-front of two of them the explosion was huge as it blew us all back. When the smoke cleared I heard screams as the pudgy boy was missing his legs he was quickly shut-up however as I shot a blast incinerating him.

Just at that moment the blond threw more needles through the smoke however I easily dodged charging him too quickly for him to counter. I kicked his knee in, he screamed from the pain. However I grabbed his mouth throwing him towards the dead eyed one as they collided. I charged another Ki-Blast killing both of them instantly. The lanky one looked horrified at his comrades deaths. He tried to run however his head fell, as the one with the sword cut it off immediately. He laughed as he called him a coward in a somber yet sarcastic tone.

He pointed his sword at me. "Look how you massacred us all for this?" He held up the tablet as he seemed to be losing it. "Your the ones who attacked me. It's survival of the strongest the only difference here is you where weaker." He laughed at that before charging at me with his sword however I quickly grabbed him by the neck as I choked him enough to break his neck instantly. He fell dead infront of me as I looked around at the destroyed battlefield. More might come after all that so I quickly grabbed the tablet and left the area. I climbed up the mountain not looking back before I saw a peak and the sun grace my eyes.

I quickly jumped up and ran faster as I came to a top of the mountain waiting there was 6 people 2 being master Shen and the second being his brother Tao. The other four seemed to be a bruised Tien and Chiaotzu. Also a slightly bleeding Yurin however she didn't seem that in pain from her emotionless expression. The last person being that silver haired boy. "Good I expected nothing less from you Broly." Master Shen said as he folded his arms behind his back. He then promptly lost his smile before speaking plainly. "It seems you lot are the only five to make it to the top however don't get overconfident this was only the beginning you will all now be sent out to train and become stronger. I want all of you to become bounty hunters Tao will monitor you. By the end of this month I want you all to kill at least 30 bounty's. Is that understood?"

"Yes Master Shen" everyone said in unison. As he turned around jumping back down the mountain. Tao looked at me, "I felt great power from your direction Broly I hope you do not disappoint on your mission." Without waiting for a answer he quickly jumped down the mountain as well leaving us five left. I looked towards Tien and Chiaotzu however they left quickly seeming a little scard from the experience. Yurin left as well, but at least looked at me before leaving. It was then only me and the White haired boy. He looked at me however, "So your the top dog here? Pa always told me to take care of what's needed. Your not gonna beat me Broly. I'm gonna be your biggest problem in the future because I'm gonna be number one." With that he also smirked jumping down. That guy is weird but he oddly remind me of someone? I didn't think to hard however as I left it at that. I should just get ready to leave. Tomorrow will be my first real step towards my goals!

*Hey guys sorry for the disappearance of me. I've been on a writers bench as of recently. I only really write when I get back in the mood. That's how my best work is made. However I do plan to make more soon and the story is getting spicy 👀. Also who is this new character any guesses to what their relation can be?* 

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