Exiles: Home Invasion

By DMHennessy

57 12 0

An unwelcome guest causes chaos among Haven City & The Exiles. But just as this stranger turns into an ally... More

-Hero Credits-
The Herald of Death Himself
The Untrusted
Project Dragon Breath
Detective Watchdog
Too Much For Any Man

Space Girl

9 2 0
By DMHennessy

The news was playing.

"And so, even though the catastrophic events that have taken place today have damaged our city, it has strengthened our people. We have no one to thank, except our glorious heroes, The Exiles & friends," The News anchor said as a picture of the broken city played behind her. "This is Trish Oswald, signing off for the night."

As she signed off, something in the background caught the viewers eyes. Something fast jolting into the atmosphere, it easily could have been a shooting star. Not many folks thought too much about it. But they should have.

That bright light in the sky that night wasn't a shoot star or a meteor. In fact, it was a girl. Her skin was dark, covered in day-sky blue markings & there was a bright aura coming off of her skin. She was not from Haven City, not even from this world. She was an alien that crashed into Hemsway Park. Her crash alerted the Exiles.

She raised to her feet as if falling hundreds of thousands of feet with nothing to break her fall was nothing. She nearly brushed off the pain in seconds. The girl looked around, amazed. The city she landed in was just like her home, but yet, so different.

She continued to scan her surroundings & her eyes landed upon a middle-aged woman with a young child. The older woman screamed at the top of her lungs as the alien flew up to her.

The woman began to try running away, but the alien flew up to her too fast to give her a chance to run. The alien did not harm the woman & her child, rather, she placed her hands near the woman's face, avoiding physical contact. Her hands began to glow a yellowish color as a purplish blue light surrounded the woman's upper body. The alien closed her eyes as she focused on the woman.

The alien suddenly pulled her hands away from the woman as if she was ashamed of her actions.

"Sorry, am I speaking the correct tongue of this land?" The alien asked as she held her hands up, showing her peace. Her hands had blue fingertips that slowly faded into her actual darker skin colors.

The woman slowly nodded her head. She was still freaked out by the sight of this woman.

"Don't worry, I was just reading your aura to learn of your language & culture," The alien said as she tried calming the women down. She continued to speak, "I apologize, upon acquiring other knowledge, I learned that personal space is important on this planet."

"This planet?" The girl responded, she was shielding her son behind her. "As in, you're from another?"

"Correct," The alien said. "My name is Seren Starr, or Daystar, from the Evite Species, former princess to Europa in the Andromeda Sub-Galaxy."

The woman just stared at Seren with a confused look.

"Please don't feel bad if you cannot process the information I am giving you, I know alien migration patterns have been prohibited on this planet since... well since wiccan & magic was still on this planet," Seren said as she continued to look around. Seren noticed the little boy hiding behind the woman, he was scared & tears streamed from his face. Seren desired to make him feel comfortable too, "Young one, watch this."

Seren grabbed the boy's hand ever-so-gently & encased it with her other hand. She closed her hand for a second as she focused on passing her energy into the boy. The boy's aura started glowing purple, the color of fear. But as he noticed the glowing shining off of him, his aura began to shine a bright yellow, happiness.

Seren rose to her feet again & turned the matter more serious.

"Ma'am, I need to find the strongest authority on this planet, I fear that there may be danger on the horizon," Seren said as she took the woman's hand to expose her own purple aura to the woman. "I didn't mean to bring an unlawful battle to your planet, but as I was flying past your planet, I was blasted, & knocked into your atmosphere. I fear, those who wish for my demise may come here with malicious intent."

"I can't help you then," The woman said as her scared demeanor came back. She started to hustle away from the alien, in fear that her's & her son's life were in jeopardy.

"Please, I need any help I can receive until I can get off this planet," Seren pleaded. She held her broken Spatial Adaptor in her hand.

"Find the titans, they can help. But please, leave me alone, I don't want any trouble," The woman said as she tried to skurry off again.

"Titans?" Seren asked? "The titans & gods of this planet have ceased to exist millenia before the extinction of wiccan on this planet, & it's been thousands of years since even that occurrence. So how can the titans help me now?"

"What?" The woman looked at her stupidly. But before they had the chance to explain. Four shuttle pods crashed in circles around them. Concaving in the ground.

Seren looked back at the woman & child, "Run."

Completely blue aliens emerge from the space crafts with long weapons with glowing barrels on the sides & tip of the weapons. All of the weapons were aimed at the three as they began to be circled by sixteen aliens that emerged from the four crafts.

The woman & child crouched to the ground in fear as the alien communicated in an inaudible language that the humans couldn't understand.

Words were exchanged between the alien species. Which quickly led to a battle.

"You will not harm anyone on this planet," Seren said as a powerfully bright glow emerged from her hands.

The spear-like guns started to glow the same faded rainbow-white color that shined from Seren.

"This planet is illegal to trespass on, you will face the consequences of the Star Knights if you tread yet another foot onto this land. And let one spark of aura spill against this planet or its people & your punishment will be far worse than death," Seren threatened as she began to levitate into the air.

The other aliens respond in the foreign language. This news shocks Seren to her core.

"What haven't I heard?" Seren responds. The aliens respond to her again. "The Star Knights are the highest, most elite force in the universe, I call your bluff, they are not dead."

Without another word being said between the two, an alien shot Seren down from behind. The blast knocked her onto the ground, leaving the mother & son without any protection.

The alien close in on Seren & the small family. The laser spears pointed directly at their heads.

"Leave them alone," Seren said as she burst into the sky & blasted the two aliens surrounding the two human's. But now, all gun fire is targeted at her. She was able to dodge the first few shots, but eventually one struck her down from the sky & caused her to crash into the ground.

"Seren!" The little boy yelled out. He stood up to rush over to his new friend, but one of the aliens pushed him back onto the ground & aimed the spear at him.

The glow on the spear started to radiate brighter & brighter until it was ready to blast him.

Just as the energy blasted out from the spear, directly at the kid. A force field formed around the kid & his mother. The boy turned back & saw the amazing superhero: Devon. He was encasing them in a force field & protecting them from the aliens.

"Are you two okay?" Devon asked. He looked between the mother & the boy, waiting for an answer & looking for any obvious wounds. Neither of them verbally responded, they both just nodded. Devon responded, "Good to know."

He blasted the force field off of them & knocked back the first alien. He immediately captured the next alien that came charging at him in a force field & launched him into the air.

The other aliens screamed at Devon in whatever language they were speaking.

"What kind of stupid language is that?" Lara asked as her & Eli walked up to the battle. They both grabbed a few aliens with their telekinetic abilities & smacked them together.

Ten aliens remained.

Asher flew up to the battle suit, "Guys, a language isn't stupid because you don't understand it. You're stupid for not understanding the language. Let me take a listen, I did take four different language classes in high school."

He flew down to one of the aliens that tried using his weapon on Asher. As the alien pointed the spear gun at Asher, he mumbled some language that didn't even sound human. As the alien was about to fire the gun, Asher grabbed the barrel & redirected it's shot away from anyone.

"What in the hell did you say?" Asher said as he ripped the gun away from the alien & punched him in the face. But the alien did not go down. As the alien swung back at Asher, he was swiftly electrocuted.

"Good job, Language Master Asher," Nevan said over the coms.

A small portal opened next to one of the aliens' heads. He was punched in the face. The arm retracted back into the portal & vanished before the alien could even see what hit him. He was attacked again by the portal arm, getting beat all over with no way to counter the attacks.

Nevan's arm came through the portal one last time & the alien caught it. It ripped at the arm until the portal automatically opened to fit Nevan as he was pulled through it. Nevan crashed into the ground in front of the alien.

It raised its spear above its head with the intent to impale Nevan & kabob him like food. But as the alien raised the weapon above its head, it left him vulnerable to Nevan's portal discharge. Blasting the alien off of its feet & losing his grip on the weapon. Nevan picked it up & started to investigate it.

"Nevan, put it down, you don't know what it does!" Asher said as he walked over to his brother.

"You're not the boss of me," Nevan replied as he ran his hand against the metal staff of the weapon. There was not a trigger or button to make it shoot. "It's not like I'm going to fire it."

But just as Nevan said the word "fire" it released a beam from the tip that shot into the air. The beam opened a portal for a fraction of a second.

Chase & Wyatt teleported to the scene shortly after Nevan knocked the alien out.

Wyatt instantly grabbed two of the aliens as they charged at him. He lifted them into the air & slammed them into the ground. Their heads bounced off of the ground, knocking them out, instantly.

Four more aliens approached the duo, weapons blazing.

"They don't learn, do they?" Wyatt asked as he looked over at Chase.

Chase just shook his head, "Do you mind if I . . . ".

"Oh please, go ahead," Wyatt stated as he stepped back & held his hand out for Chase, indicating for him to take them out.

Chase closed his eyes for a brief second, then they shot open, completely blacked out. Viney tethering tentacles whipped out from his back. They launched out & wrapped the aliens in a suffocating squeeze. It engulfed their bodies like wrapping paper. Now, they may not have been able to understand them, but everyone could tell that those four aliens were terrified for their lives.

Chase waved his hand at them & looked up. They instinctively looked up too, but as they looked up, they were teleported into the air, free falling & crashing into the ground.

The titans surrounded the last two aliens.

"I've never encountered a mass group of titans with similar abilities & morphs," Devon said as he looked around.

"Why are they blue?" Lara asked Eli, but he just shrugged his shoulders.

The two alien soldiers who were standing back-to-back ready to defend themselves suddenly turned to look the same way, weapons aiming somewhere between Asher & Chase. But not pointing at them, pointing behind them.

"That's because they are not human," a voice said that was not familiar to the Exiles. Two energy balls flew past Chase & Asher's heads & struck the aliens, knocking them to the ground. Seren flew past Chase & Asher & flew up to the aliens. She grabbed the first one & beat on him until he fell unconscious. She then grabbed the second & started speaking to him in that strange language no one could understand.

They communicated back & forth angrily, Seren raised her fist even higher as a threat, then the alien said something that made Seren even more mad. She punched him across the face, one good time, & knocked him out.

She stood up & turned to the Exiles who had their powers blazing.

Seren raised her hands & said, "I come in peace... unfortunately, my people... my planet won't."

"You're going to have to elaborate on that," Wyatt states. He looks around confused, "Are you an alien?"

Seren stands proudly & starts to introduce herself, but as she starts to speak. She notices the aliens starting to get up. She rips the spear out of Nevan's hands.

"Hey, I got that fair & square, lady. It's mine," Nevan says as he reaches for it.

"This is an Energy Reverb Canon, in the right hands, one of the deadliest weapons in the galaxy. You would poke your eye out," Seren says as she javelin throws it at two of the aliens. The spear pierces their torsos & they both drop to the ground dead.

The Exiles look in shock as she just murdered these two aliens. But they had no time to condemn her for her actions. She rose into the air & watched as the remaining aliens tried to retreat to their pods. But as they all entered into the four space crafts, Seren charged bright balls of energy in her hands & launched them at the space crafts. As soon as they made contact with the crafts, they exploded, killing the aliens inside.

"What in the hell are you doing?" Lara asks as she rips Seren out of the sky & back onto the ground.

"You're right, my apologies, I got distracted while introducing myself, how rude of me," Seren said as she began to introduce herself again, "My name is Seren Starr, or Daystar, from the Evite Species, former princess to Europa in the Andromeda Sub-Galaxy."

"That's not what we're talking about!" Asher states. Screaming at Seren. Nevan quickly portals them all to Zone Labs as the police start to show up, he takes the spaceships & bodies of the aliens with them. Seren was trapped inside of a T-Cell. But she doesn't know that yet.

"You just murdered them!" Nevan screams out.

"Don't worry about it, a war against this planet won't happen unless someone of your species spills the blood of my people," Seren states, as casually as she stated her name.

"WHAT?" Wyatt asks?

"You murdered them," Devon screams.

"And? I didn't actually murder them, I destroyed their physical forms. All soldiers connected to the aura force on my planet get reincarnated. Have you never heard of a hive-mind?" Seren asks. She shakes her head at the simpletons that are humans & their lack of interweaving between technology, nature, & power.

"And I fear if you humans are afraid of a little blood shed, you may not be prepared for the battle at hand," Seren stated. She continued with her story, "As soon as the troops navigate through the asteroid belt, they'll be coming for me & until I can get my Spatial Adapter fixed, I'm stranded here."

"Of all places, all planets, why here?" Devon asked? "Why my planet?"

"This planet is forbidden to trespass on, enforced by the Star Knights, if any planet were to be safe, it would be here," Seren responded. She turned away with a sad demeanor. "But unfortunately, I have reason to believe they have all been massacred."

"Who are the Star Knights?" Wyatt asked?

"Do you know nothing?" Seren asks? She's starting to get fed up with their questions. "The most elite galactic warriors since wiccan were still around, they are the people who said your planet & its people were too weak & dull to have alien intervention, hence why aliens don't visit."

Seren tried walking forward to acknowledge the heroes, but she ran into the invisible force field.

"What is the means of this?" Seren asks? She begins to bang on the force field. She tries using her powers against the force field but they weren't strong enough to penetrate the barrier.

"I'm sorry, but I just don't trust murderers," Nevan said. He shakes his head at her.

"Why don't you start from the beginning?" Eli asks. He approaches the alien in her cage. "Why are your people out for your blood in the first place?"

"Why would I tell you anything after you have wrongfully imprisoned me?" Seren asks with anger in her voice. "After I have been nothing but kind to you!"

"I don't know if you have ever heard the phrase, trust is earned, not given," Lara says as she approaches the cage too. "Nothing I saw out there made me trust you, as much as I would like too."

"I will not tell you anything," Seren says. "As you said, trust is earned, not given," Seren says as she taps on the energy barrier, "Obviously, I cannot trust you either."

"We just wanted to ask for your side of the story," Devon said as he looked at Eli, sharing a knowing glance. "We have other measures to make the truth come out."

"Is that a threat?" Seren asks as her hands start to glow. She watches as Devon shakes his head, then turns to Eli. Eli raised his hand up to the barrier & started to use his telepathy.

"Stay out of my head," Seren says just before her head flies back & she is thrown into a vision. The vision is of the day her planet was attacked, the start of the journey of how she became enemy number one to her planet.

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