Endlessly [Chicago PD] (1)

By darknight1920

17.8K 248 23

Caroline Blake returns to Chicago after four years when a case she was working on got too personal. [Book one... More

Before you read ✔
Cast ✔
Endlessly ✔️
Long time ago ✔
Chin check ✔
Now Is Always Temporary ✔️
Thirty Balloons ✔️
Conventions ✔️
The Price We Pay ✔️
Different Mistakes ✔️
A Material Witness ✔️
At Least It's Justice ✔️
Turn The Light Off ✔️
My Way ✔️
The Docks ✔️
A Beautiful Friendship✔️
Book Two!!

8:30 PM ✔️

731 11 5
By darknight1920

(Chapter 11)

Crossover with Chicago Fire

Chaos took over Chicago when a car bomb went off and it injured hundreds of people. It was a race charity event.

Gabby Dawson was trapped under the ruins but they were able to get her out.

We were all at the scene.

"First bomb detonated 8:00AM. On the dot. Second bomb located in a rental car. Car is still there." Chief Boden filled us in.

"Who dismantled the bomb?" Jay questioned.

"We did." He replied.

"If they got anything, I want to be notified first." Voight said to Jin, who nodded and walked away.

"How many confirmed dead?" Lindsay asked.

"18 dead. 15 in critical condition, 3 employees unaccounted for. The sign-ups for the charity race had just started before the bomb detonated. We may have more civilians buried beneath he rubble, but there's no real way of knowing right now." Boden said.

Ruzek ran up to us. "FBI special agent in charge wants all the bosses in the command center." He said to Voight.

"All right, everybody inside." Voight ordered and we went on our ways.


I noticed Kelly leaning on their firetruck. I walked up to him.

"Hey." I said as I pulled him into a hug.


"Anything?" I asked.

"Not much left to recover, but we're still digging." He replied.


"You know who did it?" He asked after taking a sip of water.

"No, we're just getting started." I replied.

"Find 'em." He said.

"We will." I said as I tapped him on the shoulder and walked away.


We were in the hospital, asking questions to everyone who can maybe help us.

Once we were done, the team gathered in a conference room to share the info.

"Both males enter a white four-door sedan and head out the southeast exit of the lot. And we have a security video?" Alvin asked.

"The security office was in the impact zone. Database is gone, as in gone gone." Antonio said.

"Second car with the bomb was rented out of some dirt-lot company in Milwaukee. The name and the credit card on the rental agreement came back bogus. And there's no security video at the company or so they're saying. So Milwaukee PD is heading over there to investigate." Jay exclaimed.

"Sumner, you dealt with all those antigovernment nutcases when you were working undercover. Am I right?" Voight asked.

"That's right."

"All right, beat the bushes." Voight said and Sumner walked out when Lindsay walked in.

"Hey,guys, I just heard. Burgess was here when it happened, and her niece is in the I.C.U." Erin said. Oh my god.

"How bad?" I asked.

"Not good." Lindsay replied.


We went to find Burgess in the hospital and when she noticed us she pulled Adam into a hug immediately.

"We just heard. What did they say?"

"A raptured liver. She's- there's a list or something, a donor list. They're trying to match." Burgess said.

"Do we know who did it? Anybody taking credit?" Atwater asked.

"Okay, the lab got a print off the duct tape of bomb number two." Jin said when he walked in. "Came back to a Paul Watts. V.L.D has him registered at 5225 South Laramie. I secured a no-knock search warrant."

"Give us five minutes before you notify the feds about that print." Voight said to Jin then looked at Kevin. "They need you out on the perimeter"

"One more thing. The second bomb was set to go off at 8:30PM. The bomber screwed up somewhere." Jin added.

"We're gonna ask for forgiveness instead of permission today, you understand? We're not slowing down for anything. I mean anything. No one's gonna give a damn once these bastards are caught. All right, let's go." Voight said.


"Okay, that's who we are looking for. Apartment 1-a." Lindsay said showing us a photo.

"Careful of wires or traps. Anything's possible." Hank said.

"It's clean. I can't make any guarantees, though." Alvin said as he checked the front door for wires.

Halstead then kicked the door down and we walked in with our weapons drawn.

"Paul Watts CPD!"




"The guy was shot in the head."

"Call it in."

"This wasn't suicide. Gun's on the right. Cell phone clip and wallet are on the left side of the belt. He has no burn from muzzle flash, no gunshot residue on his face. Somebody had to shoot him from five feet away. They set this up." I exclaimed as I looked closer at the body.

"All right, call Jin and Sumner. I wanna know everything about this guy. The first movie he rented right down to the last breath mint he bought. Everything." Voight stated.


"It turns out Watts was trolling the websites of some pretty heavy-duty antigovernment groups. We pulled the names of some people that he had repeated contact with." Sumner explained.

"Haven't been able to actually access the contents of the emails. I was just able to get addresses." Jin said and started showing us multiple pictures.

"Whoa. Wait a second. Go back." Alvin said.Jin did as told. "Yeah, that's him. That's the guy."

"What guy?"

"The guy who told me two dark-skinned guys in sunglasses were leaving the scene. That's the guy. He's here." Alvin exclaimed.

And we went looking for the guy and found him by reception desk.

"Pat Vaughn?" I asked as I approached him with Olinsky.


"Would you mind coming with us for a minute?" I asked.

"I just checked out." He replied

"We just have a few follow-up questions." I tried playing nice.

"Of course." He said. And then under a second he reached for his knife and came towards me, I tried pushing him away, but he locked my hands behind my back and hold the knife to my throat. The team quickly reacted as they raised their guns and pointed at him.

"I am walking out of here." He said. "Back up!"

"Don't go any further." Hank tried.

"I got nothing to lose." Vaughn said.

"Okay. What do you hoping to get?" Voight asked. "Do you think we're gonna let you drive out of here?"

"I got no problem slitting a throat, especially a cop's."


"Back up!" Pat yelled, as he looked to the side, and I saw that he was yelling at Cruz.

He put his hands up. "Okay man. What's going on here? We're just trying to save some people."

"Shut up!"

"Listen, let's just talk this out, alright? You wanna walk out of here, you can walk out of here." Voight said.

"Don't say another word!" Vaughn exclaimed.

Then, I heard Cruz yell and Pat turned to the right but someone hit him, and he released his grip on me so I elbowed him strongly in the face. And he fell to the ground.

Voight grabbed me by my shoulders. "You all right?" He asked as I nodded my head.

"You okay?" Peter Mills asked, I turned to look at him.

"Yeah, thank you. Thank you." I said to him.

Cruz put his hand on my shoulder and asked "You good?"

"Yeah,thanks." I replied to him too.

"This guy involved?" He asked.

"Looks like it." I said.

Meanwhile the others cuffed Vaughn.

"You can bring him into any firehouse in the city. We'll take five minutes, alright?" Mills said.

"We'll get some answers from him, I promise. Thank you guys." I said again and I followed after the team.


"Vaughn said him and Watts were both hooked up with a guy named Ted Powell." Voigh said as he was cleaning the blood off his hands.

"I know that name. He was big in the antigovernment fringe. So was his dad." Sumner said.

"Why did Watts get killed?" Ruzek asked.

"Vaughn and Watts were both in charge of setting off two separate car bombs. Both bombs were supposed to go off tonight. Watts at 8:00, Vaughn at 8:30. Watts must've rigged his wrong, 'cause it went off this morning." Voight explained.

"8:00PM was gonna be the gala for the CPD and the CFD brass,right?" Jay questioned. "First bomb was set to get them. Second bomb was set to get the first responders."

"What else you get out of him?" Antonio asked.

"Vaughn said that Powell had some master plan that he didn't share with him. So this wasn't the end of it." Hank replied.

"Here's Powell." Jin said, showing a photo of him.

"I saw him outside the hospital with the crowd. He was here too." Voight said after a few seconds. "Alright, let's check out his dad."


"Ted Powell just posted this on a fringe antigovernment website." Jin said and clicked start on a video.

"In 2004, my family's home in Kankakee, Illinois, we came under attack, without justification, by the Chicago Police department. We were fired upon, and our hone was engulfed in flames. The Chicago Fire department stood by and did nothing. My mother died that day, and my father sits in prison. I have waited ten years for the CFD and the CPD to admit wrongdoinc and to drop all charges against my father. I will wait no longer. I'm declaring war on the Chicago Police department and Chicago Fire department. If you are a member of either department, you are not safe. If you are a family member of someone in either department, you are not safe. This is just the beginning. You've been warned."

Such a lovely message.


"A Ryan Wilcox visited Powell's dad in prison three times in the last six months. Lindsay did a workup on him. He's loosely affiliated with various antigovernment groups, explosives background from a stint in the army. Jin, she was gonna send you something." Halstead told us after he hung up his phone.

"Yeah, I got it. Wilcox owns a garage in an industrial area where 96th meets the Calumet river."

"Alright, have Antonio and Lindsay meet us at the garage. You stay here. Feed us what we need. And keep Graff in the loop." Hank said, and I started dialing Lindsay's number to let her know.


We went to the scene but since we couldn't get through the doors, Adam and Jay went down from the roof.

"Ryan Wilcox is here, multiple gunshot wounds." Adam said into his walkie.

"How long's he been dead?" Lindsay radioded back.

"I'd say a day."

"It's Powell tying up more loose ends." Antonio said.

"They left a lot of stuff behind." Jay added.

"They never thought it'd be found. They figured this whole block would be a crater." Voight said.

"Wilcox purchased a white cargo van about two months ago." Adam said.

"There were three timing devices purchased. I'm not a pessimist, but.." Jay trailed off. "There's a damn good shot that there's a third car bomb out there in a white cargo van."

"If the second bomb was supposed to go off at 8:30PM, maybe the third bomb was set to go off at that time as well." I suggested.

"What time is it now?" Voight asked.



"28 minutes and counting. I'm listening but I don't hear dick." Voight said.

"Blowing up a district would be too risky. A bomb would be sniffed out in seconds." Antonio said.

"A firehouse?" Sumner asked.

"Not enough victims." I replied.

"Powell wanted high-ranking police and firefighters dead. Most of them planned on attending the 10k gala." Lindsay said.

"Yeah, and where would the rest be tonight?" Voight asked.

"Headquarters." Dawson said.

"Bull's eye."


We were sitting in our cars driving to the scene.

"Halstead, Blake, those back roads pay off?" Voight asked through the radio.

"Yeah, but traffic patterns are all screwed up because of the bombing." Jay replied.

"15 minutes out." I announced.

"Vehicle located south side entrance. It's blue, not white. No tags." Alvin reported.

"What do we got?" I asked as I stopped the car next to Alvin,Antonio and Ruzek.

"On the roof!" Antonio replied as I drove closer to that house.

Jay and I walked in and noticed Powell.

"Freeze!" Jay yelled as, Powell grabbed a woman and shot at us.

"Get out! Get out of the building now!"

"Go! Go! Go!" We told the other people in there as Powell and the woman went to the elevator.

"Stairs!" I said as Jay and I started running up.

"Suspect entered roof!" I radioded to the others.

Jay opened the door and Powell shot at us right away.

"Cover me." Jay asked and I nodded.

I opened the door and started shooting back and him.

"You can't win! Drop yor weapon!" Ruzek yelled, when he caught up to us.

"I want him alive!" Voight announced as he walked in and shot Powell in the shoulder.

"How many of your boys did I put in the dirt today? Any of 'em good friends?" Powell asked when Hank yanked him up from the floor.

"You wanna watch?" Hank questioned as he held Powell over the ledge of the roof.  "Watch it! Time check!"

"60 seconds." Ruzek answered.

Then our radios beeped as Sumner told us, "bomb dismantled. Repeat. Bomb dismantled."

"Plan failed." Voight said.

"Actually, I think it was a pretty good day." Powell said and Voight punched him in the face.

Jay then handcuffed him, and we made our way down from the roof.


We were in the waiting room with Burgess. Her niece got a liver from Holly's little sister.

We saw Severide walk in with an injured woman, he handed her off to a doctor and walked over to me and Lindsay. He pulled both of us into a side hug.

Then the surgeon walked in, we all stood up.

"The operation went as well as could be expected. There's good blood flow to the liver, and the other bleeding has stopped. She's got a long road ahead of her, but it's looking good."

Burgess started crying, and Holly hugged her. I can't even imagine how it feels to lose your sibling. She must be broken.


After Kim went in to see her niece, I walked down the halls of the hospital. I stopped in front of a door and slightly knocked.

"Come in."

I opened the door and walked in. "Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked.

"No, it's okay." Shay replied. Leslie Shay is a paramedic over at 81, she's Gabby's partner. And one of my very good friends. She got injured today.

"First of all, I'm glad you're okay." I said, as I walked over to her and gently pulled her into a hug as best as I could. "But second of all, you're crazy. You should've told someone you're injured."

"I know, Severide already gave me a speech about it so you don't have to do that. But, so many people were hurt, you know, and I just wanted to help them."

"I know. You have a very good heart. But, you have to take care of yourself first, so then you can help others." I exclaimed.

After spending a little bit more time with Shay, I headed home.


I just pulled a beer out of my fridge when there was a knock on my door. I opened it and Jay was standing there.



"I should have called. I know." He said.

"You don't have to call. Uh, come on in." I said and I stood to the side. Once he was inside, I closed the door. We walked further in and I sat down on the couch.

"Where's Severide?" Jay asked as he sat down next to me.

I chuckled. "I have no idea, probably with his girlfriend or something. Why'd you ask?" I said

"Wait, what? His girlfriend?" Jay looked at me in disbelief and I gave him a questioning  look.

"I thought you are his girlfriend." Jay said still confused.

"What?" I giggled.

"It's not funny, Stop laughing." Jay said sternly and that just made me laugh even more.

Once I finally calmed down I looked over at Jay.

"Kelly is my best friend. I've know him since we were babies. And we never ever date." I explained.

"Now, I feel stupid." Jay said.

"Don't. This isn't the first time someone thought we are a couple." I said. Then I frowned, "Thanks for coming over by the way. Today was ....rough." I said and looked him in the eyes.

"That's for sure. I'm glad it's over." He replied.

A/n: god it's a very long chapter but I was very excited to write it. It's one of my favorite crossovers. Which one is your favorite? Anyways, I have winter break in like one and a half weeks so hopefully I'll be able to post more. If you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment. 

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