Different Mistakes ✔️

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(Chapter 7)

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(Chapter 7)

I was on my way to the district when Hank called and said I need to head to Chinatown. The team met up in front of  a building and we walked in.

"Triad casino." Hank exclaimed.

"A lot of money rolls through here." Jay said.

"You feeling lucky?" Erin asked and Jay gave her a look.

"Luckier than them." Jay commented when we went to the back room. There were four guys shot in the head.

"Over here." Antonio said.

We turned around and noticed a young boy lying on the ground also dead.

"They killed a damn errand boy too."


"Surgical. They were startled by the kid." Dawson said, as we watched the security tape back.

"Weapons,uniforms." Voight listed.

"Military, for sure." Halstead said. "These guys are pros."

"I want a copy of this in the Intelligence office before we get back." Voight said and walked out.


Back at the bullpen Lindsay was putting pictures up on the whiteboard.

"All right, this is an illegal triad gambling den. It's one of two dozen that vice thinks they operate in the area. Problem is they tend to shut down and pop up somewhere else quickly." Lindsay said.

"Who's their competition?" Voight asked.

"Cermak crew." I answered. "They got a lockdown on the illegal lotto in the neighborhood. They take dimes and the triads take the bigger cash."

"This Cermak crew looking for a bigger piece?" Dawson asked.

"Yeah, they could be."

"All right, it's a start." Voight said. "Where's Olinsky and Ruzek?"

"Coming in from the cold." Antonio said.


My feet were popped up on my table as I was drinking a cup of coffee, when Jin came in.

"Okay, party people, listen up. I went back seven days and downloaded all in-progress and service calls in close proximity to the Chinatown quad. We got three calls on suspicious vehicles. I ran the plates. Legit,legit but the thrid came back a ghost. I put that plate into our lookout database and just got a text back with its location. 236 west 21st, right back in Chinatown." Jin explained.

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