By roastdAmia

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By roastdAmia

C221 - 221: Long Hui's Informant

Yu Qi calmed herself after an intense kiss from Long Hui. Yeah, they were kissing. Their first kiss. Actually, it was her first time too in two lifetimes. In her past life, even though Yu Qi was engaged with Bai Shu Jin, they did not even kiss once. So, her kiss with Long Hui today was definitely her first kiss. And it was such a long kiss.

More embarrassing, she was losing her legs strength. Right now, she was leaning toward Long Hui. Long Hui supported her by hugging her back. Because of feeling embarrassing, Yu Qi looked down.

"Are you okay?" Long Hui asked.

"Yes." Yu Qi answered but still did not look at Long Hui.

"It was a good kiss." Long Hui teased Yu Qi.

Yu Qi looked up angrily. The moment she looked up, Long Hui took the opportunity to attack her lips again. So, they were kissing again. This time, it was more intense than before.

"Hmmm...." Yu Qi made some noise. She could not breathe.

After that, Long Hui released Yu Qi. Long Hui looked at Yu Qi that took a breath after getting a kiss from him. Her face right now was very sexy.

"How can you just kiss me right now?" Yu Qi pouted.

"So, I need to inform you before kissing?" Long Hui asked in tease tone.

"Of course." Yu Qi answered in fast. Then she stunned. 'What the heck I'm talking about?'

"Oh, I see. I will make sure to inform you, after this." Long Hui teased her again.

"Humph." Yu Qi turned to another side. Yu Qi felt like an idiot. Why she always behave like this in front of Long Hui?

"Qi Qi, please look at me." Long Hui said in his sweet voice.

'Qi Qi? Is that my name?' Yu Qi turned to Long Hui.

"Qi Qi?" Yu Qi gave a questioning look to Long Hui.

"Yes, Qi Qi. It is your nickname. That name only I have the privilege to use the name." Long Hui made it sounded like the name was the Nobel prize.

"Well, I don't mind." Yu Qi did like the name a little.

Yu Qi already got her strength back. Yu Qi got away from Long Hui's hug. Long Hui frowned when his beloved Qi Qi was out from his hug. However, the frown on his face vanished when Yu Qi took the initiative to hold his hand.

Yu Qi went to the chairs that placed outside the greenhouse. Because Yu Qi was holding Long Hui's hand, he was dragged over. They sat beside each other.

Yu Qi took the initiative holding Long Hui's hand. For her, it was a big step since Yu Qi admitted her feeling to Long Hui. She could feel the warm emitted from Long Hui's hand. She knew that the man's hand was very bigger. She did not notice this hand could give a secure feeling when she was holding it.

"You like it?" Long Hui asked.

"Hmmm. Your hand gave a secure feeling." Yu Qi answered honestly.

"I will gladly lean it to you." Long Hui also liked the feeling where his beloved Qi Qi held his hand.

They enjoyed the silent. Even though they were not talking at all, their hands played a big role in this. Long Hui keep caressed Yu Qi's hand. Yu Qi did not mind it.

"It is getting late. Let me send you back." Long Hui said after enjoying their silent moment.

Yu Qi nodded. They walked past Long Hui's car.

"The car?" Yu Qi asked.

"Let's walk. I want to spend more time with you." Long Hui pulled her hand.

"Oh, okay." Yu Qi also agreed with that.

"Are you getting a day off?" Yu Qi asked.

"Yeah. It was hard though."

"I see. But how do you know I'm in Shiwa Town?"

"You did tell me before." Long Hui chuckled.

Yu Qi was thinking so hard. 'When did I told him?' Oh, she finally remembered. She did tell him during her last meeting with him. But she did not tell him the exact date.

"But I don't tell you the actual date, right?"

Long Hui did not answer that question. Of course, she did not tell the actual date. Every time he got the days off, he always went to Godly Herbs to check whether she was there or not. Sometimes, he directly asked Grandpa Tang or the maid called Hang Chu Xiao. Grandpa Tang always lied to him, but today Grandpa Tang's reaction was a little bit strange so he assumed it was true that his beloved Qi Qi was in the town. To double confirm it, he asked the maid, Hang Chu Xiao.

"Naturally, I have my method to know it." Long Hui gave an unclear answer.

Yu Qi did not think that Grandpa Tang would tell Long Hui. She did not consider that Sister Chu Xiao already became Long Hui's informants.

Meanwhile, in the security office, the two guards relax after being forced to eat the dog's food. They watched every single thing that the couple was doing. Especially the kissing. Their boss's boyfriend was quite daring to kiss in the public. Well, the guard did not know that the two love birds forgot about them.

C222 - 222: Fighting Again

The two of them arrived at Godly Herbs. It was just time for dinner. So, Yu Qi invited Long Hui to join for the dinner. Long Hui greeted Grandpa Tang, Uncle Song Nan, and Tang Han Lee.

Uncle Song Nan and Tang Han Lee nodded acknowledging his greeting while Grandpa Tang glared at him. Long Hui just put his poker face.

"Brat, what are you doing here?" Grandpa Tang wanted to bicker with Long Hui.

"My girlfriend invited me to dinner. Why should I say no?" Long Hui defended himself.

"What? Girlfriend? My beloved granddaughter accepts you?" Grandpa Tang was shocked.


"Why did she accept you?"

"Why can't she accept me? My package is complete." Long Hui said with his blank expression.

"Pfft..." Tang Han Lee could not help to laugh. It was funny to see someone said something shameless with an expressionless face and the other one was in an angry mood.

"Fighting again?" Yu Qi asked them after she reappeared from the kitchen bringing dishes and put them in the table.

"Yu Qi, you accept him?" Grandpa Tang asked.

"Yeah, I did." Yu Qi nodded.

"What do you can see from him? He did not have anything except for that cold expression." Grandpa Tang rolled his eyes.

"That cold expression was one thing that I like." Yu Qi said without thinking. She forgot that Long Hui could hear her answer. When she realized that, Yu Qi turned to Long Hui slowly.

Long Hui was smiling when he heard that sentence. Yu Qi automatically went blushing.

"Let's eat while it's still hot." Yu Qi cut off the topic.

The dinner started. Yu Qi put some meat into his grandfather bowl. Grandpa Tang looked at the bowl and smiled gently to his granddaughter and turned to Long Hui while smiling provoking Lon Hui.

"Qi Qi, I want some meat too." Long Hui whispered to Yu Qi.

Yu Qi turned to Long Hui and put some meat into his bowl.

"Okay, eat now. Don't fight anymore. Let us eat dinner in peace, okay." Yu Qi ended the meaningless battle between Long Hui and Grandpa Tang.

She did not want the dinner turned like another day where she ended putting the dishes into their bowl. Only then, they were eating in peace.

"Big Brother Han Lee, when you will be going to FIN City?" Yu Qi asked.

"Tomorrow morning. Starting from the next after tomorrow, my schedule is full until next month. So, basically, this is my free time." Tang Han Lee answered.

"Oh, I see." Yu Qi nodded.

"Do you already decide your major?" Long Hui asked.

Yeah, Yu Qi was currently in the second year of her studies. At the beginning of the third year, she had to select her major.

Yu Qi smiled. "Yes, I already decided. I will tell you later about that." Yu Qi said the last sentence when she looked at her grandfather.

Grandpa Tang wanted to know but when Yu Qi said like that, he gave up asking her. Grandpa Tang knew this child already grew up. She could think about what was right and what was wrong. So, he did not worry much about that.

The thing made him worried about his granddaughter was the man beside her granddaughter. Many questions appeared in his mind. What made him love her granddaughter? Was he truly sincere with her granddaughter? Can he protect her?

Grandpa Tang met Long Hui since Long Fei Yi brought him at the military camp for the first time. When the time first he meets Long Hui,  Grandpa Tang could see that Long Hui was a carbon copy of Long Fei Yi. At a young age, Long Hui could emit the aura that made people thought this kid killed a person before.

Maybe due to Long Fei Yi teaching, the cute boy turned like that. The cute boy turned to a handsome teenager. The handsome teenager climbed many stages to get into his place now.

Actually, Grandpa Tang respected Long Hui very much. However, when turned to his beloved granddaughter, he was really more be careful about selecting the man for his granddaughter.

"Grandfather, Grandfather." Yu Qi called Grandpa Tang multiple times before her grandfather reacted to her calling.

"What?" Grandpa Tang came out from his thought.

"I want to go out. Brother Hui left his car in front of my greenhouse. So I want to accompany him to get the car. He will send me later by the car." Yu Qi explained.

"He can go alone. Why does he ask you to go too?" Grandpa Tang glanced at Long Hui.

"Basically we want to go for a night date." Long Hui said to Grandpa Tang.

"Brother Hui." Yu Qi called his name in embarrassing.

Grandpa Tang looked at the two of them. Long Hui showed gentle expression when looking at Yu Qi while his beloved granddaughter looked at Long Hui angrily but her face was blushing in red.

Grandpa Tang sighed. "Just go but don't return home too late."

C223 - 223: The Moment Long Hui Fall In Love With Yu Qi

Long Hui held Yu Qi's hand firmly. They walked along to the road heading to the greenhouse to take Long Hui's car. However, the step that they took was very slow. They wanted to enjoy as much as possible being together.

The night was very beautiful because it was accompanied by moonlight. It was a full moon. With the breeze wind, the night was calm.

It was a perfect time to take a stroll. They were enjoying the night time.

"Thank you." Long Hui said out of sudden.

"What?" Yu Qi could not understand why he thanking her like this.

"Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you to accept me. Thank you for living until I meet you. Thank you..." Long Hui wanted to say more but Yu Qi stopped him.

"Stop." Yu Qi knew if she did not stop him now, she could think that it will take a long time to finish it. "Me too. Thank for coming into my life."

They were smiling at each other.

"Why do you choose me?" Yu Qi asked the question that bothering her for a long time. Long Hui was a handsome man. He could choose another woman. She bet a lot of women tried to get Long Hui's attention.

Long Hui chuckled when he heard that question. He did not expect she would ask him that question.

"At first, I'm interested in you when you are skillful aiming at the robber." Long Hui said.

"You meant when we first met?"

"Yeah, but at that time, I just interested in your skill."

"That time, it was my luck when I shot that man." Yu Qi protested.

Long Hui smiled. He knew that she was skillful at that time. Well, he would let things like this.

"Then, when I heard you were going to kidnappers by yourself. I did feel scared. I did not want anything happens to you. Then when I saw you were killing those men, I understand that I already falling in love with you."

Yu Qi's lips were twitched. Did he say he was falling in love with her when she killed men? Meh, never mind. He did fall in love with her.

They finally arrived at the greenhouse. The car was still here. Yu Qi went to the security office and greeted the security guards and thank them for the night patrol. The security guards touched by her thank.

Yu Qi entered the car. Long Hui already inside. They left. After fifteen minutes, the car arrived at Godly Herbs. Long Hui was cursing in his mind because they were arriving at Yu Qi's house too fast.

"Well then, see you next time." Yu Qi wanted to exit the car.

However, Long Hui prevented it to happen by grabbing Yu Qi's hand.

"Leaving so soon? I still don't get enough of you." Long Hui flashed his smile.

Yu Qi swallowed her saliva. 'His smile was seducing me. What should I do, then?' Yu Qi was looking at Long Hui. With difficulty, she said to him.

"So, what you want me to do?"

"Oh, if I tell you what to do, will you do it?" Long Hui asked with an expectation.

"If it is not difficult, I will do it."

"Then, I want you to kiss me." Long Hui paused. His hand reached his own face. "I don't want it here." He pointed his cheek. "But here." He placed his finger on his lips.

Yu Qi blushed. She took a deep breath. 'Just kiss him and ran.'

Long Hui was waiting. Yu Qi closed their distance. Then she kissed him on lips. Her lips were slightly touching Long Hui's lips. Yu Qi thought it was done and wanted to leave.

However, Long Hui's hand grabbed her head and kissed her lips hard. At first, Yu Qi was shocked but eventually, she accepted his french kiss and enjoyed it. Long Hui was quite happy that Yu Qi did not protest and enjoyed the kiss.

After a while, Long Hui released her. Yu Qi was breathing hard. Her face was very red.

"My beloved Qi Qi, we will meet again." Long Hui said.

Yu Qi was embarrassing so she ran out of the car. But before she got out, she managed to say something to Long Hui.

"See you soon."

Long Hui smiled when he heard that sentence.


Wang Ha Na grinded her teeth when she was watching the couple interaction between two of them. The handsome man was smiling sweetly to Yu Qi.

Madam Wang asked Wang Ha Na to go to the shop to buy some salt. When she was walking to the nearby shop, she saw the couple. They were holding each other hand.

'Why is the handsome man holding that orphan's hand? He should holding mine.' Wang Ha Na really hates Yu Qi. After Yu Qi left their house, a lot of bad things happened to their family. Because of Yu Qi too, her father arrested and had to go to prison making their family income affected.

Right now she only got a little bit of money from her mother per month. She was a high school student. There were a lot of things that she needed to buy and that money was not enough for her. She could see after Yu Qi left their house, Yu Qi became rich. She was very envied with Yu Qi good luck.

Wang Ha Na thought about something. Something that could make her pocket full of money. She had to make that thing happened before Yu Qi left Shiwa Town again.

C224 - 224: Exchange The Information?

Yu Qi was doing some works inside the office in the greenhouse. She currently reviewed the file that Su Yu Hi left for her.

Then, someone knocked on her door. The door was left open. Yu Qi looked up and saw Yi Wen Ding. Yi Wen Ding looked troubled.

"Miss Yu Qi, we got some problem at the main entrance." Yi Wen Ding told her.

Yu Qi frowned. "Problem? What is it?"

"Someone is making a fuss at our main entrance." Yi When Ding said. "She demanded to meet you."

"To meet me?" Yu Qi flashed a cold smile.

Yi Wen Ding was shocked to see that smile. Not because it was beautiful but it was a terrifying scare. He never saw that kind of smile from his boss.

"Let's go to see that person." Yu Qi stood up from her chair and walked away to the main entrance.

Yu Qi and Yi Wen Ding arrived at the main entrance. There were some workers were watching the situation.

"Please work." Yu Qi ordered her workers.

The workers heard the order quickly moved to their original position.

"Oh, Sister Yu Qi is here."

Yu Qi turned to the voice's owner. It was Wang Ha Na.

"Are you surprised to see me here?" Wang Ha Na was smiling sweetly like an innocent girl.

Someone that did not know Wang Ha Na might think she was a sweet girl. However, she was facing Yu Qi. The mask of Wang Ha Na could not hide her true face in front of Yu Qi.

"What do you want fro coming here?" Yu Qi wore a blank expression. Nothing was showing on her face.

"Sister, why don't you invite me to sit first?"

"Are you come here to just want to sit? Then, sit here." Yu Qi pointed to the ground.

This time, Wang Ha Na's expression was changing. She now glared at Yu Qi with hatred in her expression.

"What are you want coming here?" Yu Qi asked once more to Wang Ha Na.

"Since asked me about that. I will be frank. I want some money." Wang Ha Na said with her arrogant look on her face.

Yu Qi watched Wang Ha Na got arrogant in front of her asking for her money. Yu Qi wondered on what basis she went to act like this. She did not answer to Wang Ha Na's request.

Wang Ha Na smirked. She believed that Yu Qi would consider her request.

"I'm not asking you for free. I will provide something that might priceless to you." Wang Han Na said.

"Oh, it is priceless to me. Then, you should give me for free." Yu Qi replied to Wang Ha Na.

Wang Ha Na thought Yu Qi would automatically agree with her request but it was beyond her expectation. She did not know Yu Qi could be this shameless.

"You..." Wang Ha Na totally speechless with this.

"Miss Wang, you do have free time unlike me. I have works to do and I don't have time to hear some rubbish." Yu Qi turned to enter back into the greenhouse.

"Don't you want to know about your real family?" Wang Ha Na raised her voice.

"Yu Qi stopped walking. She turned back facing Wang Ha Na. Wang Ha Na smiled in victory. She knew Yu Qi would exchange some money for her real family's information.

"If you want to know about your real family, give me some money." Wang Ha Na said in an arrogant tone again.

Yu Qi was laughing after she finished that sentence.

Wang Ha Na gave a questioning look to Yu Qi. "What's funny about it?" Wang Ha Na became irritating when seeing Yu Qi laughed.

"You really don't know why I'm laughing?" Yu Qi asked.

Wang Ha Na did not answer. She just waited for the answer.

"I'm laughing at you." Yu Qi smiled at Wang Ha Na. "You come here to ask for some money. Saying for exchanging the information about my real family. Why do you think I want to find my real family?" Yu Qi paused looked at Wang Ha Na's reaction.

"I have a family now that loves me without any questions. As for my real family,  they threw me 19 years old. Why should I'm looking for them? They are nothing to me."

Yeah, that was her real feeling. I did not feel anything about her real family. The reason she looked for them was her real grandfather. Her real grandfather was the one reason she looked for her real family. To save him from them before they killed him.

C225 - 225: Who Doesn't Like The Money?

Yu Qi did not only stop there. She added some more. "And I think my real family throws me away because they did not have money to raise me. Tell me, why should I find them? Leaving my rich family to the poor family?"

Wang Ha Na looked at Yu Qi with a horrible expression. "You... You..." This was the second time she was speechless while talking to Yu Qi.

"What?" This time, she was smirking to Wang Ha Na.

Wang Ha Na regained her ability to talk. "You mean you don't want to find your real family because you are afraid that your real family is poor?"

"Yes." Yu Qi answered steadily.

"That is your real family." Wang Ha Na said.

"So, what? They do not raise me. I don't have any feelings for them." You Qi said in hatred. Then she continued, "Well, who doesn't like the money? Even you come here because you want some money, right?" 

Wang Ha Na could not retort back that sentence because it was the reason she came here.

"Even so, you should give money to me since my family raised you since the baby." Wang Ha Na could not give up her getting the money from Yu Qi.

"You did not tell your family about coming here, right?" Yu Qi asked.

Wang Ha Na was startled. Yeah, it was true. She did not tell them. She wanted the money for her alone. She did not want to share with them. She did not want her sister and mother knew the reason she came here to exchange the information about Yu Qi's real family.

"They know about this." Wang Ha Na lied. Wang Ha Na had a habit when she was trying to lied to people. That habit was she tended to cross her hand and did not look at the person's eyes that she spoke with.

Yu Qi smiled hearing Wang Ha Na's answer. However, even without the habit, he knew Wang Ha Na was lying. But it was a different story if they forgot about that thing.

"They would not come here asking for money." Yu Qi told Wang Ha Na.

"It's my family. I know them." Wang Ha Na told her with a proud face.

"Really? So, you and your family are not afraid of going to prison?" Yu Qi asked.

"What? Prison? Why are we going to prison?" Wang Ha Na was confused. What was about prison? Why would they go to prison? She did not remember that anything that they did, made them go to prison.

"You say nonsense." Wang Ha Na shouted.

"You should ask your beloved mother and sister about that. They will remember. Because they were the ones who signed the contract because of the money." Yu Qi said.

Wang Ha Na frowned. 'Contract? What's the contract? Her mother and sister did not mention anything about the contract. It was her mother and sister who deals with Yu Qi back then. They did not tell her anything about the contract.

"Please leave. If you don't want to leave, don't blame me later if you end up going to the police station." Yu Qi chased her away.

Wang Ha Na was afraid of going to the police station. She did not want to go to the police station again. So, she left the place in a hurry. Like someone chased her over.

Yu Qi entered her office back continued her work again.

C226 - 226: The Contract

Wang House

"Mum, Mum." Wang Ha Na was practically screamed calling her mother. She went back to her house after running from Yu Qi. She wanted to make a conformation about the contract from her mother and sister.

She did not see her mother's figure. However, she saw Wang Fu Ya, her sister walked out of her room while she was yawning. Wang Fu Ya looked very sleepy.

Wang Fu Ya was sleeping awake because of Wang Ha Na's scream. She was tired due to her work. And now her sister disturbed her rest. How sleepy.

"Why are you screaming?" Wang Fu Ya annoyed with Wang Ha Na.

"I want to talk to you and mum. Where is she?" Wang Ha Na asked about her mother since she did not see her.

"I don't know. Can you find her silently? I tried to rest." Wang Fu Ya attempted to sleep again. Tonight she needed to work again.

"Ha Na, why are you screaming over?" Madam Wang appeared from the kitchen.

"Mum, did you sign a contract with Yu Qi, that bitch?" Wang Ha Na asked straight to the point. She really wanted to know about the contract. If her mother and sister did know about the contract,  so they deliberately hide it from her.

"Contract?" Madam Wang confused. 'What's the contract?' She did not know anything about the contract.

"You don't? That bitch, she was lying to me then." Wang Ha Na felt angry when she found out about this. Turned out, her mother did not sign anything with that bitch.

Wang Fu Ya was in deep thought. 'Contract with Yu Qi? Contract with Yu Qi? Oh, is that...' Wang Fu Ya finally remembered about the contract. The contract that she asked her mother to sign when she and her mother went to extort the money from Yu Qi after she found out that Yu Qi had a lot of money at that time. But, what was this all about?

"Mum, remember when that bitch gave us 10,000 RMB, she made us signed the contract. I think that contract." Wang Fu Ya told her mother. She was sure Wang Fu Ya was talking about that contract.

Madam Wang tried to remember. "Oh, that. Yeah, I signed once." She remembered signing something about that.

"What? You signed it?" Wang Ha Na screamed again. 'Turned out that the bitch was true. Now, how can I ask the money from that bitch? So frustrated. How can I get some money?'

"Can you speak normally?" Wang Fu Ya said while he glared at her sister. "So, what's about that?'

"You mean you signed the contract with Yu Qi, that bitch?" Wang Ha Na asked without forgot adding 'that bitch' next to Yu Qi's name while saying Yu Qi's name. Like 'that bitch' was Yu Qi's surname.

"Yeah. Why are you asking about it right now?" Madam Wang wanted to know what was this about. What made her daughter screamed over and over?

"You went to Yu Qi to ask for some money, she rejected you by mentioning the contract, right?" Wang Fu Ya made a guess. Wang Fu Ya knew about her sister's desire to buy something branded after jealous seeing her branded beg that she brought the last few months. She was bought many branded things. She bet that made Wang Ha Na jealous.

C227 - 227: The Plan To Take Yu Qi's Money Again

Wang Ha Na looked right and left when she got caught went to see Yu Qi in secret by Wang Fu Ya. Wang Fu Ya smiled when she knew her guess was correct. Her sister went to Yu Qi and asked for some money. Yu Qi did not want to give the money and threaten Wang Ha Na with that contract.

"Is that true, Ha Na?" Madam Wang asked Wang Ha Na.

"Yes, sister, did you remember what did the contract say?" Wang Ha Na wanted to know the content of the contract.

"It stated that bitch gave us that 10,000 RMB this time and if we want to ask for more, she can reject and if we insisted, she can arrest us. Well, something like that." Wang Fu Ya did remember the overall content of the contract.

"You went asking for money?" Madam Wang asked Wang Ha Na once again.

"Yes, I went to see that bitch. I want to lie to her about the information that we have about her real family. But you know what's she telling me? She did not care about her real family. She did not want to find her real family because she was afraid that her real family might be poor. She did not want to leave her family now because they are rich." Wang Ha Na told what they were talking about.

"What? She did not want to find her real family?" Wang Fu Ya could not believe what she just heard.

"Sister, she really doesn't care about her real family." Wang Ha Na said again.

"Mum, that greenhouse was very great. I don't enter the greenhouse but guess from outside, it has a lot of plants inside it. It also has a security guard too. That why I can't enter." Wang Ha Na told her family about what she had seen around the greenhouse.

"Really, so the sale from the greenhouse must be many, right?" Madam Wang dreamed about the money. The money that was not her.

"Maybe." Wang Ha Na nodded.

"Stop dreaming. You know that bitch will not give us money." Wang Fu Ya destroyed their daydream.

Wang Ha Na and Madam Wang sighed. Yeah, that bitch will not give them the money. They still eyeing for Yu Qi's money. This family was greedy for something that was not their belonging.

"Mum, don't worry. I will make her give us the money. Maybe she will support us for a lifetime." Wang Fu Ya smiled.

C228 - 228: Talking To Wang Fu Ya.

After Wang Ha Na left, Yu Qi entered to the greenhouse again. She continued her works in the office. Settling her work in the office, she went out. She inspected her employees' work again.

If she saw something was wrong in the process of taking care of the plants, she immediately approached them and taught them the right way.

The employees already became her fanboy. If Long Hui saw this scene, he probably became jealous of Yu Qi's popularity. That was not something she wanted Long Hui to look to.

The day passed very quick. The morning became afternoon and the afternoon became evening. The employees started to left the greenhouse. Yu Qi also left. Not to forget, Aoi had followed her from behind.

Aoi wanted to go home quickly so he could eat something. His master was so cruel. He did not care if his master wanted to die but he wanted to eat. However, his master completely forgot about her lunch. And worse, she forgot about his lunch.

Yu Qi's employees greeted her by saying 'see you tomorrow'. She did not want her employees thought she was arrogant, she said the same things as them.

The employees that received the sentence were totally happy when their beautiful boss replied to them. Yu Qi actually did not know why her employees behave this like.

Lang Bing and Jung Lian who existed at the same time laughed when saw their coworkers acted like they were meeting a popular idol. To be funnier, the supposed idol that they admired was completely unaware of this.

Yu Qi stopped her step when seeing someone that she did not like and did not want to see at this moment. Yu Qi watched the person that slowly approached her.

That person was Wang Fu Ya. Wang Fu Ya was smiling sweetly to Yu Qi like she was a nice friend to Yu Qi. Yu Qi put up her guard. This woman obviously planned for something.

"Yu Qi, are you free right now?" Wang Fu Ya asked.

"Oh, what an honor, Miss Wang came to see me." Yu Qi was mocking Wang Fu Ya.

Wang Fu Ya sensed the mocking tone on Yu Qi's sentence felt her angry increased. However, she quickly calmed down herself.

"Yu Qi, do you have time right now?" Wang Fu Ya directly informal informed her purpose of meeting Yu Qi today.

"What?" Yu Qi asked in the spot.

"Can we talk somewhere else?" Wang Fu Yea glared at Yu Qi's employees that also looked at them.

Yu Qi sighed. Why this today, she had too much bad luck? In the morning, she met the younger daughter of Wang Family. And now in the evening, she met the oldest daughter of Wang Family. What's a day.

"Okay." Yu Qi nodded.

"Then how about the greenhouse?" Won't Fu Ya pointed to the restaurant.

Yu Qi looked at the restaurant. It was a new restaurant in Shiwa Town since the Sheng Restaurant closed. This restaurant also the client of her greenhouse. The greenhouse supplied fresh fruit and vegetable directly to their kitchen.

Yu Qi nodded. They went to that restaurant. Currently, the restaurant was completely packed with customers that come for dinner.

However, right the moment they entered the restaurant, a friendly looking waiter came and greeted them.

"Welcome. Are you together?" The waiter asked.

"Yeah." Wang Fu Ya nodded.

The friendly looking waiter led them to the water of two. The waiter came again and gave them the menu booklet and ready to take their order.

Yu Qi without looking at the menu booklet. She placed her order. "Give me green tea and a plate of meatball with black pepper sauce."

C229 - 229: The Plan Exposed

Aoi looked at the Yu Qi with a pitiful look.

'Master, I want to eat too.' Aoi said to Yu Qi with a sad look.

'That meatball is for you. I'm not hungry.' Yu Qi said to Aoi with a smile.

'Thank you, master. I love you so much.' Aoi turned his tone from a sad one to a happy one.

Wang Fu Ya rolled her eyes when watching Yu Qi did not look at her but at her dog. The waiter still waited for Wang Fu Ya to say her order.

"Give me a green tea like her." Wang Fu Ya smiled meaningfully to the waiter.

"Alright, misses. Please wait." The waiter went to the kitchen.

"So, what are you want to talk about?" Yu Qi asked Wang Fu Ya directly.

"Yu Qi, I'm calling you here because I want to apologize to you." Wang Fu Ya looked straight to Yu Qi.

"Oh, apologize. And why do you think I will accept it?" Yu Qi sneered.

"You. I'm here lowering my head to you." Wang Fu Ya became angry. She became humble like this but Yu Qi still did not appreciate it.

The waiter came and delivered their order. Yu Qi put the plate that contained meatball to the floor for Aoi to enjoy it.

Wang Fu Ya calmed down herself. Being angry would make Yu Qi happy. She took a sip for her green tea.

"You are calling me just because you want to apologize to me, right?" Yu Qi asked.

"Yes. And I hope you forgive my family as my parents take care of you since baby." Wang Fu Ya sounded very sincerely.

"Oh, sincere is it? Then let me ask you something. Why are you put something into my drink?" Yu Qi asked while smiling directly to Wang Fu Ya.

Wang Fu Ya stunned. She did not expect this thing would expose just like that. She did not know how to answer Yu Qi's question.

"You must be wonder how do I know about this right?" Yu Qi put her finger on the cup in front of her.

Wang Fu Ya did not respond to Yu Qi.

"You know, my nose is very sensitive to smell. I can smell something is not supposed to be inside the green tea." Yu Qi taps her nose while explaining to Wang Fu Ya.

"May you explain what is inside my green tea?" Yu Qi asked with a smile.

Seeing Wang Fu Ya still not answering her question, Yu Qi talked again. "Oh, you don't want to tell me? It is okay. I can guess. It is aphrodisiac, right?"

Wang Fu Ya was being choked with invisible power around her neck. Her plan. It should be perfect. How could Yu Qi detect something like that? What now? Her plan was destroyed by Yu Qi again.

"You want to destroy me? Consider your job now, you want me to experience the same thing as you had experienced." Yu Qi smirked.

Wang Fu Ya frowned when Yu Qi mentioned about her job. She had a kind of complex about her job. Her current job as an escort. She accompanied a lot of men. She already lost her virginity to an old man.

So, she indeed wanted Yu Qi to experience the same thing as her. She wanted to drug Yu Qi with aphrodisiac. Then she would ask some guys to rape her and recorded that act.

After that, she would threaten Yu Qi with that video and ask for some money from her.

"Am I correct?" Yu Qi crossed her legs in relax.

So, do you think I will forgive you?" Yu Qi narrowed her eyes sharply.

Wang Fu Ya was paled. She was silent. Yu Qi knows the conversation was ended. She called the waiter. The same waiter came.

Yu Qi placed some money on the waiter's hand. "Keep the change and you can drink that green tea." She said to the waiter.

Like Wang Fu Ya, the waiter started to pale. He was scared to look at Yu Qi. As she confirmed his collaboration with Wang Fu Ya, Yu Qi left.

"Let's go, Aoi." Aoi followed her. He finished his meal a long time ago. He just waited for Yu Qi to finish her talk with Wang Fu Ya.

'Master, you don't want to do something to Wang Fu Ya?' Aoi asked Yu Qi after they left the restaurant.

'Their attempt to do something to me failed. As long they don't succeed, I would not do anything to them.' Yeah, Yu Qi was not a cruel person. If someone did not cross over her limit, she would not be so cruel to them.

That time she sent Mr. Wang to the prison, it was because they included Madam Sheng, her boss. She would not tolerate it if they harmed the people that she cared about.

C230 - 230: Knife Skill

Somewhere at the alley

"Boss, are you sure that the new merchandise will be here?" A man asked a man that appeared to be his leader.

"According to that woman, the new merchandise will use that road to go home." The leader pointed to the road in front of them. "We just need to wait."

"Boss, is that the girl? That woman said it is the girl with a puppy? I guess it is her." The man said to his leader.

"You go bring her here. She might weak after all, she had given some aphrodisiac, but be careful. She is good at self-defense." The leader gave his order.

The men approached the girl. The men were watching the girl. The girl looked beautiful. She looked like a young girl from a rich family. Unfortunately, the girl would be defiled by the men. Well, maybe hundreds, maybe thousands. Who will know?

However, they remembered that their boss said she had given some aphrodisiac. But why her eyes looked very clear? Unlike someone that drinks the aphrodisiac.

"What is this?" The girl asked with a calm tone and a smile.

This girl supposed to be scare when a group of unknown men surrounded her. Why was her reaction indifferent? She was even smiled.

"Little girl, you should listen to the elder. Come with us." A man told the girl.

"To where?" The girl was still smiling asked the question.

"To paradise. You will enjoy it." The man said.

"Oh, if I don't want to follow you guys, what will happen to me?" The girl narrowed her eyes.

The men looked at that eyes felt shivered out of nowhere. They did not even know about they felt like this.

However, a man braved himself replied to the girl. "We will make you obey us."


Yu Qi sighed. The idiots always appeared in her life. 'Why can't  I live without disturbance? Why they always messing with me?' Those thoughts kept appearing in her mind.

'Master, they are going to attack you.' Aoi gave her a reminder.

Yu Qi became alert. A man wanted to grab her hand. She dodged and kicked his ass. The man fell on his face on the ground.

"Girl, you better follow us." The man said to Yu Qi.

"Idiot. Who are you to me? Why should I follow you? Are you my parents?" Yu Qi smirked.

"Then, you better don't regret this." The man said in angry. "Hon Fong, you can play with her."

The man named Hon Fong stepped in with a knife in his hand. He looked like a professional.

"Hon Fong, you can cut her hands and legs. But not at the face. She is merchandise after all." The man gave a reminder to Hon Fong.

"Okay, bro." Hon Fong licked his knife.

Yu Qi's expression turned to a cold one. 'Cut my hands and legs?' Hearing that sentence reminded her about her last moment in the past life. She knew the pain that she suffered when her hand and leg were missing from her body. Will she suffer the same pain again?

The man thought the girl was angry when he said she was merchandise. It was the truth. After tonight, the girl would be the collection of his big boss.

"Little girl, this is your last chance. Come with us. You will not suffer." The man said again.

Yu Qi did not respond to the man. The man thought the girl became scared of them.

"Hon Fong, you can play." The man ordered Hon Fong.

Hon Fong was the best knife user ever he meeting in his life. He knew Hon Fong likes. Hon Fong likes to play around with his knife. He was pretty sure this girl would obey if Hon Fong could submit her.

Hon Fong quickly runs to Yu Qi and wanted to stab Yu Qi's hand. The moment he thought he would succeed but the reality betrayed his expectation. The girl easily blocked his knife with another knife.

Hon Fong retreated back. The girl was holding a knife. From his obsession with the knife, he could tell that the knife was very beautiful and it was custom made. He wanted to take a look closer to the knife.

Yu Qi indeed held a knife. She had secretly placed the knife to a part of the body such as her thigh or her ankle. If the day she wore the skirt, she would put the knife attached to her thigh and if she wore a pant, the knife would be attached to her ankle. It was for her safety. She wanted to attach a gun but this might invite a problem later on if people saw it.

Hon Fong came closer to her again. Yu Qi made a move. Hon Fong knew this girl was not a normal girl. She displayed a high skill of knife use. Even he did not have that skill. He did not avoid Yu Qi's attack, so Yu Qi stabbed his left shoulder.

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