What If Sonic was in My Hero...

Por SuperScourge161

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The continuation of my Sonic X MHA crossover story. If you haven't read any of the previous volumes, I highly... Más

Episode 45: Sonic vs The Big 3
Episode 46: Sir Nighteye's Challenge
Episode 47: The Hardest Choice
Episode 48: Red Riot's Rage
Episode 49: Plan of Attack
Episode 50: The Shie Hassaikai Raid
Episode 52: Perfect Overhaul
Episode 53: One Way Dream

Episode 51: Dark Revelations

1.4K 39 50
Por SuperScourge161


"I'm Sonic, the world's fastest hedgehog and a Class 1-A student at UA High School. Last time, our mission to rescue Eri and stop Overhaul officially began. Right now, I'm chasing down Metal, while Deku, ZG, and Lemillion take the other path... hope they'll be alright 'til I can get there. Hang tight guys. I'm on my way!"

While Sonic is dealing with Metal, Lemillion goes all out on Overhaul, using every move in his arsenal.

He strikes Overhaul with a backhanded smack, which Overhaul avoids, but he still managed to leave a mark on Overhaul's face while kicking Chronostasis, striking him down. Chronostasis falls back as Lemillion grabs hold of Eri.

Eri: You need to run away! He'll kill you!

Lemillion: No, we won't you leave behind again! I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you ever again!

Overhaul: You're a fool. The girl was born for the purpose of destruction. Give her back now!

Lemillion: Don't listen to him!

Overhaul reconstructs the crumbled ground into massive spikes that attack Lemillion, but he phases his body while holding up Eri with his arms, protecting both of them. Lemillion: For someone who wants her so bad, you don't seem to care much for her safety.

Overhaul: I can repair her easily if she's broken. She's nothing more than a cog in a greater machine.

Lemillion: You sick bastard!!!

Overhaul launches more spikes at Lemillion, who continues avoiding the attacks while trying to protect Eri.

Overhaul: Your skills are impressive. Your quirk allows you to pass through matter. Perfect for fighting someone like me... but can you really do that and protect Eri at the same time?!

Lemillion grows more and more enraged at Overhaul and continues trying to evade, while Overhaul's goons take aim at the boy, armed with the quirk destroying drugs. Lemillion sees it coming and phases through the attack before entering close combat with Overhaul.

While this is happening, one of Overhaul's goons gets an opening and takes Aim at the boy. Deku sees this out of the corner of his eye and tries to warn his comrade.


Deku tries to stop the thug, but he's too late as the drug is fired. Lemillion is so focused on protecting Eri that he doesn't have time to phase when he's hit with the drug as it immediately enters his bloodstream, causing his powers to shut down. Lemillion holds his shoulder in pain, fully aware that he's now powerless. Despite this, Lemillion doesn't back down.

Overhaul: Hmph. Even without your powers, you resist. Fine then. I have other means of breaking you.

Overhaul then takes aim at Eri and uses his powers to create a trail of spikes toward her with the full intent of killing the girl. Before he can do so, however, Lemillion jumps in the way, taking the hit for her, and without his permeation, is severely injured.

Lemillion: RGH!!!

Deku: NO!!!

Uraraka: Togata!!!

Eri: No... please don't fight anymore... this is all my fault.

Lemillion: Ngh... this isn't your fault.

Quickly, the boy detaches his cape and lets it drop toward Eri.

Lemillion: Hold onto this... it's my cape. It'll keep you safe.

Eri: But-!

Lemillion: I swear on my life, we will save you Eri

Overhaul grows more and more enraged as he prepares another attack, but he's interrupted as Deku and Ochako both charge at the villain, now furious. The two of them give it their all to restrain the villain but he's able to shake both of them off.

Overhaul: Pitiful. Not even a challenge, and still no sign of the Hedgehog. I must say, I am violently disappointed.

He glares at the couple and prepares one final attack to end it, when he hears a loud crashing sound, as Aizawa, Gran Torino, and Nighteye comes charging in to join the fray.

Overhaul: Annoying pests all of you! I'll end you ALL!!!

Music Insert:

While the others are handling Overhaul, Sonic and Metal are racing through the halls, crashing into one another. Sonic lands several homing attacks on the android, but he deflects everything with his black shield before going on the offensive, slashing at Sonic with his claws.

Sonic: I don't have time to mess around with you, tell me where Overhaul is Scrap for Brains!

Metal Sonic doesn't respond and charges at Sonic with a hyperdrive attack that the hedgehog quickly evades. Sonic follows up with rapid-fire Sonic Wind attacks, but Metal blocks everything with his black shield technique, before retaliating with a shield burst.

Sonic: Ngh! This is getting me nowhere! I know you can talk now, Metal Head! TELL ME WHERE HE IS!!!

Metal Sonic: Overhaul insignificant. Sonic the Hedgehog must be terminated. I am superior. You cannot defeat me.


Sonic's fur grows darker once more, as he leaps up and dunks on Metal, sending the automaton crashing into the ground.

Sonic: Look, I didn't come looking for a fight or a race. There's a little girl down here that needs my help! You have my biodata. You know everything about me. You know everything I'm going to do before I even do it. You of all people know why I need to save her.

Metal Sonic: Eliminating you takes priority. I must prove superior. I am the true Sonic.

Sonic: The real Sonic wouldn't let some petty rivalry get in the way of what's important! If you think taking me out now will prove that you're better than me, then you don't know the first thing about being the real Sonic!

Sonic revs up a spin attack and rams into Metal, crashing through several walls. Metal slides across the ground, leaving a huge scratch on his face. He gets back up and addresses his organic counterpart. Before he responds, he quickly accesses all of his data files on Sonic; his wants, his desires, and his will.

Metal Sonic: Calculating... You are organic... flawed. I am superior. I will eliminate you, and take your place as the one true Sonic.

Sonic is growing more and more enraged at the android.

Sonic: I'm gettin' tired of you wasting my time, Metal!!!

Sonic grabs a ring as dark lighting begins to shroud his body and his eyes flash white. He quickly takes off, causing a Sonic Boom, as he grabs Metal and drags him across the ground. Sonic speeds up, tearing through walls and not giving Metal a chance to get back up. He keeps speeding up as he drags Metal all across the hideout, before breaking through one last wall. Metal goes flying into an open area, sliding and scraping across the pavement, as Sonic arrives and hits the brakes to see him defeated.

Sonic: And that's two for two! Better luck next time, Metal!

Uraraka: SONIC!


Eri: It's him... he came!

Overhaul: It's about time you showed up, rat.

Sonic: Well well well, if it isn't beak-for-brains. Been looking for you. By the way, I like the new look, it really brings out that ugly mug of yours.

Overhaul: Still quipping away, I see. And at a time like this.

Sonic: It's how I roll. Now- *cracks knuckles* -where's Eri?

Overhaul: Look no further, my friend.

Overhaul points at the girl. Sonic looks up in shock at what he sees; Lemillion has lost his powers and Deku is out cold. Uraraka and Eri are next to Deku, clinging to him and trying to wake him up, but they're both terrified. All the while, Overhaul's goons begin to surround them, activating their quirks or taking up arms.


Sonic drops to the ground, enraged. All of the negative feelings he'd been having all come rushing back to him. If he'd been able to stop Overhaul right then and there, none of this would be happening. His infection can be seen growing once again, all over his body.

Sonic: Ngh... leave them alone...

Overhaul: The fate of your friends rests entirely in your hands. If you choose to oppose me, then I assure you they will pay a painful price. It should be quite entertaining.

Sonic: Rgh...

Overhaul: Well Sonic? What is your decision? Are you ready to proceed with the experiment?

Sonic: Rgh... I've never seen Eri look so scared...

Overhaul: She should be.

At that moment, lightning begins to spark around him as a dark aura falls over him.

Sonic: Deku was passed out... and Lemillion... What'd you do to him?!

Overhaul: He attempted to stop us, and was taught a painful lesson.

At that moment, Overhaul's goons begin to surround Sonic with guns loaded with quirk-destroying drugs. Sonic's infection continues to spread.

Overhaul: It is time for the experiment. These bullets were designed by me, especially for this occasion. Once the drug makes contact and enters a person's bloodstream, that's it. Their quirk will be eliminated. I based the idea on Eri's quirk, rewinding a human being back to normal, and I'm eager to find out if they'll work on someone as strong as the great "Sonic the Hedgehog".

Music Insert:

Sonic's dark aura grows stronger and a faint, sinister chuckle can be heard from him.

Sonic: Hehehe... Hehe... Alright then... LET'S TEST 'EM OUT!!!

At that moment, Sonic's aura explodes as his infection fully consumes him. He looks up at Overhaul as his quills flare up and turn jet black. Sonic's pupils flash before his eyes go all white. He takes off at light speed, sending Overhaul flying. His lackeys attempt to stop him as well, but Sonic knocks them all out with immensely powerful attacks.

Uraraka: W-What's happening? Is that... Super Sonic?

Aizawa: No, something's not right. His infection's fully taken over.

One of the goons tries shooting him with the anti-quirk bullets but it shatters upon impacting Sonic, who takes off, disarming all of the goons and destroying the anti-quirk bullets. He now stands before Overhaul in a new form as his aura grows even stronger. Dark Sonic has been born.


Overhaul stares at the Hedgehog's new form in total shock before Dark Sonic rushes in to attack him with rapid-fire punches that send him flying into a wall. Overhaul uses his quirk to manipulate the wall and attacks the Hedgehog with several concrete pillars, but Dark Sonic powers through everything and lands a super-powered homing attack on the villain before grabbing him and throwing him into the air.

Overhaul tries to retaliate, but Dark Sonic easily outspeeds him, assaulting the villain with a hurricane of rapid-fire homing attacks, followed by a new technique called the Spin Slash. He's sent flying again and tries to grab Dark Sonic with his four arms, but the hedgehog's aura explodes, blasting them all away and sending Overhaul crashing into the pavement once more, creating a humongous crater. The other heroes and goons look at the scene in a mix of awe and terror.

Aizawa: Dammit! He's going too far! HEDGEHOG, YOU NEED TO STOP IT!!! SONIC!!!

Dark Sonic doesn't hear him and slams into the ground, slowly approaching Overhaul, who is now backed into a corner.


Dark Sonic: SHUT. UP.

Overhaul tries to attack the super-powered hedgehog, but Sonic backhands the villain and sends him flying once more. He rushes over to Overhaul with a dark boost and grabs him by the shirt, hovering over the ground. Dark Sonic looks at the villain mercilessly, ready to deal the final blow. There is no joy or positivity in Sonic's eyes. He knows all of this is because of him. If only he'd been faster, all of this could have been avoided. And now Sonic is going to make sure Overhaul can never hurt anybody ever again.

Dark Sonic: Your tale is finished, Overhaul! Next time, TRY WRITING A BETTER STORY!!!

As he winds his fist back, surging with negative Chaos Energy, Deku begins to regain consciousness and sees Sonic consumed by rage.

Deku: Huh? Is that... Sonic? SONIC!!!

Sonic hears Deku's voice and for a moment he snaps out of his rage. His pupils return as he comes to his senses. Sonic looks over at his friends, and then at the villain before him, now realizing what he was about to do. He drops Overhaul and powers down, before running over to Deku and Eri to make sure they're both okay.

Eri: Mr. Sonic!

Sonic: Heh... told ya I'd come back for ya.

Sonic drops to a knee, and Deku helps him up. He also looks over and notices that his infection is fading fast.

Deku: Sonic, your arm-!

Sonic: Huh?

Uraraka: The infection, it's going away! That burst of energy must've neutralized it!

Sonic: Hey, you're right! I'm feeling like my old self again!

The scene then shifts to Sir Nighteye who is barely conscious.

Lemillion: Sir! Sir, are you alright?

Nighteye:...Togata? *cough* I'm sorry... I should have... foreseen this outcome.

Eri looks at the pro and tears begin to form in her eyes.

Eri: It's my fault... it's all my fault you're hurt. I'm so sorry!

Deku: Hey, hey, it's alright. It's okay. He'll be alright.

Sonic: Yeah, lighten up, guys! We won! Eri's with us and Overhaul's finished.

As this is happening, a badly damaged Overhaul is slinking away when he sees several of his stronger goons all either deceased or unconscious. The villain uses this as a last-ditch effort and activates his full power, fusing with both them and the matter around him.

Deku: Don't worry Sir, we'll get you out of here and-!

Nighteye: *cough* It's not over yet. Be on your guard!

Just then, the room explodes as all the walls and debris are being manipulated by Overhaul, causing the building to collapse. At this moment, Sonic and Deku go on guard as they hear a sound and see a humongous trail of spikes headed right for them. Sonic, Deku, and Eri are able to move out of the way fast enough, but Lemillion's injuries make it hard for him to move. In one final act of heroism, Nighteye is able to push his intern out of the way, taking the hit for him. Despite this, Nighteye smiles.

Lemillion: SIR!!!

This battle isn't over just yet. Dark Sonic might've been able to take down Overhaul, but now the villain is ready for the final round! Can our heroes make it out alive or is this their final frontier?

In the meantime, please be sure to check out my other stories as well as my Instagram, @hypershadic_23, where you can find updates on this story and new Sonic content every day!

Thank you, and I'll see you next time!

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