Falling Through The Hourglass...

By TinyRaptorz

30K 1.4K 229

"Just his luck." You'd like to say you were just a simple young man, trying to make an honest living. But... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
On Hiatus
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Nine

1.2K 86 13
By TinyRaptorz

You had long since finished reading the book, the object resting on your nightstand while you slept. Your rest was cut short by your vibrating phone, followed up by your ringtone. You shot up, still half asleep as you fumbled for your phone. You hadn't even thought to bother looking over the contact as you answered.

"Hello," the word came out of your mouth as a yawn. "[Name], I need you to open the front door." You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, sluggishly moving to get out of bed. "You can't do it?" "Just open the door." You hung up, making your way to the front door. You turned on the living room light as you did.

Unlocking and opening the door revealed to you a very injured Red Hood, one of his arms pulled close to his chest. "You'll never guess who I had a run in with." "Was it Ba-" "Of course it was Batman!" "Hmh, and I assume you lost your keys in the scuffle?" "I've already dealt with one detective tonight, I don't need to make it two."

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood," you stepped to the side so he could come in. "I'm surprised your helmet stayed intact this time." "Well, I do try to avoid getting my head hit." Maybe his mood would improve. That, or he was just really tired. Either way, it wasn't long before he shed his gear and fell into the couch.

"I'll go grab the first aid kit." All you got was a muffled grumble in response. Still trying to get your brain to catch up with your body, you walked into the kitchen and went straight to the cabinet beneath the sink. Humming to yourself, you pull out the first aid kit and head back to the living room.

"If I'm gonna be patching you up again, you have to sit up, Jay." As he got himself situated, he raised an eyebrow at you, "'Jay'? Where the hell did 'Jay' come from?" "Felt right, now can I take a look at that arm, or not?" Jason rolled his eyes, wincing as he held his arm out. Keeping your touch light, you looked over the wound.

It was long and deep, but it was a clean cut. You thanked whatever higher power was out there for the wound not being jagged. That, and Batman maintaining his materials. It appeared to have already clotted on his way home, and more or less stopped bleeding.

"Okay," you say as you begin to clean the wound, the sting causing Jason to hiss ever so slightly. "So why, exactly, did Batman attack you?" "I was taking out a drug smuggling operation by the docks. I may have killed some people when Batman got there, he saw, and subsequently kicked my ass."

You took out the suture needle and thread, beginning to stitch the wound closed. "And, what? He didn't say anything to you? You managed to get away, so he couldn't have been too focused on you." Jason gave you a shrug, "As I'm sure you know, he's not a fan of killing. I can't imagine that he's happy with me for that, but there were still other guards. They were attacking both me and Batman, so yeah, he was a little distracted."

"Doesn't make all the sense in the world, but I suppose that explanation will do." You tie off the stitching, taking out the gauze and wrapping it around his arm. "He got you pretty bad, though. Any other wounds I should worry about?" "Small ones, they'll be healed by morning. Some bruising, but when is that not a thing?"

"If you're sure." You put the items away, and close the first aid kit. "Hey, [Name]," Jason asks as you walk back to the living room. "Yeah?" "You should come onto the field with me soon." "...You're serious?" "Yeah I-" "You haven't trained me, though? Jay-" "Hold on. Hold on. I know you're not trained in combat and you don't have a suit yet, but watching could help.

And, if Batman were to show up you could.." You raised an eyebrow, already seeing where this was going. "I could..?" "Well, you have that whole curse thing and-" "I'm not gonna curse Batman, Jason." "Come on, [Name]." "No. Look, as much as I can see you don't like Batman, you have to admit he does good for the city,

If I curse him, odds are he could get really hurt, or worse. Take it from somebody who's been a goon for a very long time. I've considered cursing Batman, but his death would lead to unimaginable destruction. Cursing Batman is a big no, and I'm not giving wiggle room on this."

"Fine. Fine," Jason raises his hands in feigned defence. You take a breath, "that's not saying I'm completely opposed to using my curse on the field. I'm okay with it, obviously, but no heroes. Deal?" "Deal." "Well, now that we've figured that out, I'm going back to bed. Given that you'll be okay, of course." "Yeah, yeah, I'll be alright. Goodnight, [Name]."

You waved as you went down the hall and opened the door to your room. Only to jump at the brooding figure of Batman. "God damn it, are you serious? You decide to come over now, of all times," you whisper yell, keeping in mind that Jason was in the other room.

"Did you know that Jason's been killing people?" "I guessed. I mean, when the Two-Face found out I was a fraud, Jason stepped in and nearly shot the guy." "Has he said anything about the Joker?" "No, why would he-"



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