By yoursecretsneakylink

11.7K 246 77

Olivia Bailey had devoted her life to dance. She had fell in love with everything that had to do with dance... More

1| get this party started
2| everybody dance now
3| Dance, Dance
4| rock & a hard place
5| steal my sunshine
6| good girls go bad
7| love story

8| just the two of us

879 31 4
By yoursecretsneakylink



The next day, Chris and Kate have all the dances together, as they talk about the duets. 

"Hey guys, just a reminder you're performing your duets for Chris and I tomorrow. So, make sure you are ready" Kate stated, "Do you guys need some inspiration?" 

"Whoo!" Chris jumped up from the bench. 

The two coaches began to dance their duet. All the dancers cheered on the two as their dance continued. It brought everyone's energy up.  

"Chris and I are doing the duet just to kind of spice it up a bit and give the kids some inspiration" Kate explained. 

"Kate and Chris doing a duet? I didn't see that coming" Riley shrugged. 

"Their technique is crazy and their hip-hop moves are just awesome" Michelle continued. 

"I think Kate and Chris's dance is great" Emily began, "For two old people

The duet came to an end, breathing hard Kate said, "How was that for inspiration?" 



"I loved Kate and Chris's duet. That was...unreal" West admitted. 

"Make sure you grab your partners, work hard, and kill it like we just did" 

"Cause we getting to old for this" Chris added on. 


Olivia, West, and James were talking by the storage boxes, when Eldon speed walks to the trio, "Yo, guys" He says getting their attention. 


"What's up" 

"I don't know what to do" Eldon says, "I have two duet partners" 

James and West looked completely shocked at what Eldon just said. While, Olivia looked unfazed like she can't even be surprised by Eldon anymore.  



"My two duet partners are Michelle and Emily" he mumbled a little embarrassed. 

"Man since when?" West asked. 

"How did that happen?" James added on. 

"I'm not even surprised at this point" Olivia just shakes her head. 

"How in the world did Eldon get two duet partners? He's probably the most awkward guy on the planet" James admitted. 

"Eldon has not clue. He never has, never will" West chimed in. 

"There is about to be a major cat fight" Olivia said, "I need to make sure I have my phone out to video. Facebook mom's will eat this shit up" 

"You know what man?" West said crossing his arms, "You've got to do what is right"

"Well, what is right?" 

James cuts in, "I say you go for it with Emily, man. Trust me, I've got three sisters. I know the ladies" Olivia just rolls her eyes. 

"No, no, no, that's not what I said at all. What is right is who asked you first" West said disagreeing with James. 

"I say pick the person you actually want to dance with, and then tell the other person. Don't lie or make up an excuse just be honest" Olivia chimed in her opinion. 

"Of course" Olivia started, "Only Eldon can get into a situation like this" 

"It's not going to turn out good" West shakes his head. 


After Olivia and West did their finishing touches on their dance, they took a breather from how hard they were breathing.

"Would you rather have a head the size of a tennis ball or the size of a watermelon?" Olivia asked as they were getting a drink of water. 

West put his finger to his chin deep in thought like his life depended on it. Olivia just rolled her eyes at how serious he was taking it. 

"Is there a correct answer?" He asked not answering the question. 


"Size of a tennis ball" West finally answered. "Because like imagine if your head was the size of a watermelon, you wouldn't find a hat that would fit the size of that dang mega head" 

"Wrong!" Olivia corrected. "The bigger the head the bigger the brain" 

"False, because I have big head but I'm stupid" 

"I can't argue with you on that" Olivia shrugged with a playful smirk. 

West lets out a dramatic gasp at her words. "Wow, low blow" 

Olivia just giggled at how dramatic he was being, so she went over and gave him a side hug. "It's okay, West. I will just be smart for the both of us" 

"Perfect" he replied with a smile, as the two broke away from their hug. The truth was he only did that so he could get a hug from her. Which the plan worked perfect. 

"Would you rather have spaghetti for hair or sweat mayonnaise?" West asked. 

"Spaghetti for hair" Olivia answered. "Because if you had sweat mayo then every time you dance you would sweat mayonnaise" 

"Wrong" West said repeating what Olivia said early. "You could just eat the mayo of yourself" 

"What" Olivia said disguised. "Why would you want to eat mayo by itself and coming out of your skin?" 

"It makes sense and plus mayo is good" 

Olivia deep sighs into the camera, "Is he okay? Like truly his he okay up there in the head?"

"Not that good when you eat of yourself" 

"Fine you have fun with your spaghetti hair" West grinned. "Would you like some mariana sauce with that spaghetti?" 

"Yes, I would actually" Olivia smirked. "It could be like my shampoo" 

"Then alfredo sauce could be your conditioner" West said. "Wow, your hair is going to be looking like a whole meal" 

Olivia could help but laugh at how stupid this conversation was but she loved it. She loved how the two of them could just bounce of one another. 

 West has an ear to ear smile as he says, "Olivia is my favorite person"


Eldon runs into Studio B to find an annoyed Emily waiting. 

"Hi. Are you ready? You don't need to be somewhere?" 

"I don't like working with Eldon" Emily expressed. "He's disoriented, he's not present. literally and mentally. And I just...I don't think I'm going to let him be my partner again"

"Uh one sec" Eldon says, while trying to naturally get out of the room.

As Eldon rushes into Studio A. James and Olivia were talking about their duets when both of their attention is moved, "Round two, buddy. Here we go" 

Olivia hits James on the back of the head and rolls her eyes. 

Eldon walks over to other blond duet partner, "Okay, finally, What is going on?" Michelle expressed. 

"Oh, nothing, nothing. It's fine. Don't worry about it" 

"No this is getting ridiculous. You've got to tell me what's going on" 

"Nothing is going on" Eldon continued to lie to her face. "Let's juts practice. 

"Honesty is the best policy" Olivia winked to the camera.

"No. I will not practice until you tell me what is happening. You left, like, five times"

Eldon finally coming out with the truth says, "Okay. You know what? I have something to tell you. I accidentally double-booked myself. I have two duet partners" 

From the side of Eldon and Michelle, James and Liv were letting out little gasps acting like they were totally surprised by him having two duet partners. 

"Oh my days" Olivia dramatically gasp. "I can't believe he has two duet partners" 

"I can't believe it" James played along. "What an animal" 

Eldon just rolled his eyes at the duo, focusing on Michelle. "I have one with you and.. one with Emily" 

He added on, "You know, I'm really glad that you can help me out with this and help me keep my duet with Emily, you know I really appreciate it" 

"No" Michelle shakes her head


"Do you need a tissue for your issue? I asked you first, so we're duet partners" 

"She is an icon and she is the moment" Olivia says. 


"You heard me, I said no" Michelle crosses her arms. "I asked you first" 

"When Michelle speaks up to Eldon it just pushed me more into thinking that she should be Dance Captain of the Studio" James explained. 

Riley continues, "The fact that she can stand up and say, 'This is what's right, I asked you first' you know, that shows real leadership" 

"I'll be right back" Michelle calls out and walks out. 


An hour has past since Michelle stormed out, in Studio A, Liv walks in find Eldon, Riley and James on a bench. 

Olivia walks over to the bench and see's how down Eldon is. She is about to comfort him before Emily makes her entrance. 

"Eldon!" Emily calls out, rushing into the Studio. "So, do you like being my duet partner?" 


"Good because I like being yours and I just think there's so much potential for us to grow, you know, closer together" 

As the two continued to talk it out, Michelle stormed in towards the two. 

"Stop talking to him. He's my duet partner" Michelle argued. 

"Look, Michelle, he doesn't want to be your partner. Get over it!"

"If he didn't want to be my partner, then why would he say yes?" Michelle shot back. 

"He just felt bad for you" 

"Why would he feel bad for me?" 


"What's wrong with me?" Michelle asked. 

"I mean, the skirt" 

"I'm dance captain" Emily started, "and he is the best male dancer"

"So, Eldon" Emily turned her attention to Eldon. "You better pick me" 

"There's no way she's going to be Eldon's duet partner" Michelle said.

"You better pick me" Michelle defended.


"Alright, ladies and gentlemen" Chris calls out, "Quiet down, listen. Miss Kate has something to say" 

"Okay, we're going to start and do duets, alright? Is everybody warmed up?We're feeling good? Do we have any volunteers?" Miss Kate asked looking at all the dancers. 

"Any volunteers?" 

"I will" Eldon speaks up. 

"Oh, Eldon, perfect! Thank you" Miss Kate smiled, "And who is your partner?" 

Emily looks cocky, "Honestly, I'm not worried. Eldon's obviously going to pick me" 

"I really hoping that he'll choose me" Michelle exclaimed. 

Eldon just weirdly wandered around in a circle. Kate impatient says, "You don't know who your partner is?" 

"No, I do" 

"Grab your partner" 

As Eldon is standing in front of the two helpless blondes, with a smile on his face he grabs in between the blondes and pulls Chloe forward. Emotions were everywhere on everyone's faces. 

"I hate to admit it but James advice is really good" Riley expressed. 

"Plot twist" Olivia sang. 

"Unfortunately, there's no E-girl rule against that but I'll look into it" Emily exclaimed.


After Eldon and Chloe finished. James and Riley were up. 

"I think our dance is going great actually. I'm having a blast . I don't know, I'm starting to find a new likeness to James" Riley expressed. 

"I feel like I'm starting to finally get her to like me. I mean, she is sending me these little signs, but it's Riley. It's mixed signals everywhere" James grinned. 

Following them was Daniel, Steph, and Tiffany. 

"Surprising, the trio is really good" Tiffany stated. 

Once the trio had finished up, it was West and Olivia's turn. 

"I love dancing with Liv" West grinned. "We have so much chemistry when we dance and it shows. She trusts me and I trust her. " 

"Dancing with him was a blast" Olivia stated. "I feel like I am on cloud nine when I dance with him. He is the best dance partner a person could ask for. 

The group clapped for the duo and Kate pointed to Michelle and Emily, "Now, the two that I have on my list that didn't get a chance to perform. Last but not least, Emily and Michelle" Miss Kate says. 

"Oh, no" Emily speaks up. 

"No" Michelle said. 

Miss Kate looks confused, "You guys don't have a duet together?" 

Chris eyes the two blondes before saying, "You know what? Let's see if they can make something up on the spot" 

"I think that is a great idea" 

"I love how Emily and Michelle have to freestyle a duet. Teach them both a lesson" James stated. 

"It makes me mad that Emily and Michelle are at fault for this" Olivia stated. "It is Eldon fault and he is coming out clean from this whole situation" 

"Get in the center, both of you" Kate ordered the two. 

The music starts and both the girls are just standing there. 

Emily was the first to start dancing while Michelle is still unmoved. 

Michelle begins to dance but completely different from how Emily is dancing. 

"She is pulling out all her best moves, I'm pulling out all my best moves" Michelle says. 

"Stop the music! I'm disappointed in both of you" Miss Kate yelled. 

"I tired of the way that Emily's treating me. I'm just not going to take it any more" Michelle explained. 

"If this doesn't change, we're not going to win Regionals, okay?" Miss Kate added on. 

"It's simple" Emily states, "If we want to win Regionals...Michelle has to go" 

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