Manipulation Of The Fates

Por RandomWrites1234

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When the past and present meets their fate in the form of the cinematic universe Enjoy! Más



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Por RandomWrites1234

It was now the following morning and Vernon Dursley was upon a ladder at the back of his house. Petunia and Dudley were stood a little way from the bottom of the ladder looking up at him as he was next to a window in some navy blue dungarees with a drill in his hand. He looked rather like an oompa loompa.

"He needs to be careful, climbing a ladder might be too much exercise for him." Nova sneered at the sight.

"Don't be horrible Nova." Andromeda scolded her.

Upon closer inspection, he was seen to be drilling bars on a window with a scrunched up, angry face beneath his grandpa cap. Once he finished drilling, he switched the drill to his left hand and used to his right to tug on the metal bars to make sure they were stable.

From inside the room, Harry was stood by the window looking harshly at him, not blinking. "You are never going back to that school. You're never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. Never!" Vernon said spitefully.

"We are not freaky!" Daisy huffed.

"Dumbledore How could you leave our child with a man such as this!" Lily shouted at him angrily.

"They are the only family he has left." Dumbledore told her.

"No they aren't! We specifically elected Sirius and Marlene as Harry's godparents which meant that if something were to happen to us then Harry would live with either of them! It was not put in place for you to blatantly ignore!" James said angrily.

"At the time, Mr Black was believed to be a traitor." Dumbledore explained.

"He wouldn't of been if you had fought for him and fought for a trial!" Young Remus said.

"You left my child in an abusive home where he slept in a cupboard for eleven years, was deprived of food, had bars out on his window, bullied, and down right tormented. How can you sit there and look so calm knowing that was because of you." Lily said angrily, pointing at him.

"Miss Evans I had no way of knowing Mr Potter's family would not care for him." Dumbledore told her.

"They're not my family." Harry muttered to himself and Nova rubbed his arm comfortingly.

"You wouldn't need to worry about knowing that if you had simply followed our wishes and left Harry with Sirius or Marlene." James told him again.

"Mr Potter the McKinnon family was murdered before your tragic death so therefore your son was not able to of been left with Miss McKinnon." Dumbledore explained.

"What about Sirius. He is Harry's godfather as well." James said.

"Mr Potter there are many things you do not understand my boy. You have merely seen a very small portion of the truth." The headmaster said.

"I have seen all I need to. I have seen my son being abused and endangered in a place you claim to be one of the safest places to exist alongside a place that is supposed to provide him comfort and safety." James spat.

"When you and Miss Evans dies that night, Miss Evans placed her love, that was so incredibly strong, upon her son in order to save his life and protect him from harm. If Mr Potter was not placed with blood relatives of his then Miss Evans' spell would not of worked and Harry would be exposed to Voldemort and killed within the night." Dumbledore said.

"While it may not be a close relation, the Black's are related to the Potter's so therefore leaving Harry with Sirius would of been just fine." James told him.

"Mr Black was believed to be a traitor." Dumbledore said once again.

"Yes but he wasn't!" Marlene shouted in frustration.

"We had no way of knowing such things Miss McKinnon."

"If you had simply given him a trial, like he is rightfully entitled to you would have known if Sirius's innocence and all of this would have been avoided." Andromeda butted in.

"The life of Mr Potter is a tragic one however that is precisely what we are here to amend." Dumbledore said.

"It is only tragic because of you." Nova said spitefully.

"Nova leave it it's alright." Harry whispered to her, placing an arm around her shoulders.

The Black huffed out but leant into Harry's arm. James picked up the bottle of firewhiskey from beside the sofa and chugged down half the bottle in anger before placing it roughly on the ground and leaning back into the sofa angrily to which Lily grabbed his hand and rubbed soothing circles on the back of his hand.

When night had fallen, the house was silent along with the neighbourhood outside, aside from the slight rumbling of a car engine. Harry was laid in his bed in the same striped pyjamas from his first year. His glasses laid on a table beside the bed on top of a book called 'Which Owl?'. There was also a glass of water, a lamp and a stack of uno cards.

Upon the sound of the rumbling, He pushed himself up on his elbow to grab his glasses and place them on his face before climbing out of bed to stand before his window and watch as two beams of light neared him in the sky.

"I hope this is my motorbike." Young Sirius huffed.

"I doubt it, you're in Azkaban Sirius and I think that until we know why in the films you'll stay there." Marlene told him sadly, placing a gently hand on his bicep in comfort.

Harry furrowed his brow as the closer the lights got, the more they began to resemble a car. Once it was above the Dursley's garden it took the unmistakable shape of a little blue Ford Anglia flying towards Harry's bedroom window.

Harry backed away from the window as the car was right next to it until his back was against his wardrobe. He kept his eyes firmly on the car as it turned so that the windows on the left hand side could see straight into the room. Once the car came to a stop, the identified drivers of the Ford were Ron, Fred and George Weasley.

"Oh my Merlin." Molly said, sighing.

"You lot are brilliant." Older Sirius laughed.

"This is what Molly meant when she said you lot stole my car then." Arthur said.

"Yeah well we couldn't let him stay there I mean there were bars on his window." Ron shrugged.

"And how did you discover this anyway?" Dorcas asked, amused.

"Well he wouldn't respond to our letters so I assumed something was wrong." Ron told them.

"Do you think you would've taken him anyway even if there was nothing wrong?" Alex wondered.

"Probably, he's more fun than this boring tart." Said Fred, sharing a shrug with George before pointing at Ron.

"What about me!" Ginny asked.

"You were too quiet then. Too boring." George told her.

"I am not boring." Ginny argued.

"You were back then Gin." Ron agreed.

"Shut it Ronald you are far more boring than me. At least people can have an intellectual conversation with me without me needing to ask them what every other word means." Ginny hissed at him.

"Jesus, someone's salty today." Charlie chuckled at his youngest siblings.

"Just today?" Ron asked, raising his eyebrows.

Before Ginny could argue back, she was stopped by the strict voice of their mother, "Enough the both of you. I'm sick of hearing it at home I will not here it now." Molly reprimanded.

The two fell silent while people silently tried to contain their laughter.

"Hiya Harry." Ron greeted, smiling and placing his hand on the frame of the open window so he could lean out of the car slightly.

"Ron, Fred, George." Harry said as he walked closer to his window again, a smile widening on his face. The brothers all gave a small nod when they were acknowledged. "What are you all doing here?" He asked.

"Rescuing you of course." Ron told him, "now come on get your trunk." Ron said.

"Thank god he's away from the Dursley's." Lily sighed.

"We are always delighted to have him Lily trust me. He's a lovely boy." Molly told her, smiling.

"Thank you Molly." Lily said, sincerely.

Now dressed in proper clothes, Harry closed the lid of his trunk that was now full of his things and books for school. He clicked the locks shut on it and walked back to the window slightly. Ron leaned out and placed a hook on one of the bars on the window, "You better stand back." He warned.

"Oh god this is gonna be loud." Mary said.

Harry listened and walked backwards. "Let's go!" Ron said. Fred twisted the steering wheel so the car turned around and drove the car far away enough that the bars were ripped off the way and fell down into the bushes in the Durlsey's garden below.

The loud bang had awoken Petunia and Vernon as they sat up in their bed mumbling and grumbling words that resembled "what was that'.

"Why do they have to wake up at that!" Ginny groaned.

"Why do they have to wake up at all." Rebekah said.

"I am sure nobody would be remotely sad or affected if the Dursley's all just one day didn't wake up." Marilyn agreed.

"That is a very horrible thing to say." Daisy frowned.

"Yes but it's true." Rudolphus told her.

The Weasley's quickly backed the car towards the window and opened the boot, allowing Harry to grab his trunk from his bed and carry it towards the window.

"POTTAAAAA." Mr Dursley whined from down the corridor.

"Dad what's going on." Dudley asked fearfully as Petunia took his into her side and they all watched as Vernon fumbled around with loads of keys to unlock all the locks on Harry's bedroom door.

"How the hell does he get food if his door has four locks on it." Lily shouted in outrage.

"They let me out for food." Harry said sheepishly.

"You are not a dog you should not be let out by anyone. You be given free roam around the house because it is where you live." James said, frowning.

Harry placed his trunk in the small boot of the car and closed the boot. "Go, Go, Go. George said, staring out the back window of the car as Fred quickly spun the wheel so that the door was accessible to Harry.

"Dad hurry!" Dudley said from outside.

"No don't hurry." Nova said.

Harry gently grabbed Hedwig's cage from the draws and handed it to Ron.

"Come on!" Fred said.

"Come on Harry hurry up." Ron said, taking the cage.

"For someone trying to escape while someone is about to get in your room Harry, you have very little sense of urgency." Young Remus said in amusement.

"I always seem to be calm in situations where it should probably have some more urgency." Harry shrugged.

Just as the door was busted open, Vernon shouted as soon as he got in the room with his arms extended outwards, "Petunia, he's escaping!" He shouted.

"For someone who truly hates Harry and is adamant on how much they hate him and don't want him there, they don't exactly want him to leave either. I don't know what they want to be honest." Blaine joked.

"That's True you'd of thought that they'd be happy you were going." Theo said.

"They're not exactly normal so I don't really know what goes through their heads." Harry shrugged.

"Fair enough." Blaine nodded.

Vernon reached the window and made a lunge for Harry as he clambered out the window and into the car. He managed to grab onto Harry's foot as he reached the car but Ron held on to him to stop him being either dragged back into the room or falling from the air to the ground.

"He could of gotten him seriously hurt! What if he had fallen when he grabbed him!" Lily said, crossing her arms.

"I know Lily-Flower but we have to remember that he is there and safe." James reminded her, kissing the side of her head and rubbing her hand with his thumb.

"I've got you Harry." Ron assured him as he let out a yell at the sudden weight and tugging on his ankle.

"Come here!" Vernon shouted.

"Let go of me!" Harry told him, kicking his foot.

"Oh no boy!" Vernon said, now leaning halfway out the window to keel a hold of the Potter boy. "You and that bloody pigeon aren't going anywhere."

"I cannot express my pure hatred for this man in any words in the English language. There isn't a word strong enough for it." Nova said angrily.

"Calm down before someone gets hexed." Hermione told her, rubbing her shoulder soothingly.

Nova huffed and leaned back on the sofa.

"Get off!" Harry shouted angrily.

"Drive!" Ron said, a fearful look on his face. Fred pressed his foot on the pedal causing the car to move. Because of the grip he still had on his ankle, Mr Dursley was dragged along and was dropped out of the window as the car drove away.

"Yes! Take that you fat old-" Young Sirius began to shout at the screen.

"Ok Pads I think we get the gist." James said, a wide grin on his face as the site of the man falling out the window.

All the Dursley's screamed as he fell and Harry leant forwards slightly to see the man on the floor, face first in the bushes.

Petunia and Dudley leaned their heads out the window, "dad!" Dudley cried.

"Ha. You Weasleys are brilliant. I said it once and I will say it again and again until you prove me wrong." Young Sirius laughed.

Vernon squirmed around on the bushes in the garden like a turtle stuck on its back before he was finally able to push himself onto his feet.

The four boys looked back out the windows in pure amusement. Ron now found himself in the back next to George and Harry in the front next to Fred. The door was now closed and they all laughed hysterically at the man as they drove off into the night in the little blue Ford Anglia.

"Damn." Vernon said, watching the car fly away.

"By the way Harry, Happy birthday," Ron said.

Harry had a smile stuck on his face in joy, from being away from the Dursley's and now with his friends.

"Aww thank you boys!" Lily said smiling softly at them.

"S'alright. I can only take so much family time in the holidays." Ron shrugged.

"You love us really Ron." Fred grinned, ruffling the hair on his brother's head.

The little blue car drove off into the night over all the houses and the small lights of street lights were seen from above.

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