Sashay Endgame | Short Stories

By unrequitedlyali

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Just some cute stories Completed 2/28/23 ✅ Every part is a new story #SASHAY More

Prior Engagement
The Girl is Mine
Prior Engagement: Flash Forward
I'll Protect You

I'll Protect You pt. 2

112 5 2
By unrequitedlyali

The continuation and conclusion of I'll Protect You

*Disclaimer* I started writing this story a few years ago. Please keep in my mind that I have minimal knowledge of what serving in the Armed Forces is like. This story is completely fictional and is written unrealistically, furthermore this interpretation is not written to harm, offend, or disrespect anyone serving in the armed forces. This story is not written to harm the people involved, as it's a fictional adaptation of real actors. Thank you.

TW: mentions of torture, scars, blood, gunshots, gunshot wounds, and other weaponry.
Not super graphic*

Shay's POV
"Get us exfil now!" Price commanded.

The FBI would he closing in on our location at any second. I didn't know how they managed to track our location, but regardless they had it. I guided Sasha to the garage, where an armored vehicle was being prepped. I watched as a crew member shut her into the vehicle. Price was going to follow but I stopped him.

"Go with her," I stated.

He gave me puzzled look, "And leave you behind? Are you crazy?" Price asked.

I had to. The FBI would just keep tracking me. Price had the means to keep her safe, and I didn't.

"The FBI knows she's with me. They can track me. She's safer if she's with you," I stated. I wasn't going to argue with him. Sasha's safety is the priority.

"GO!" I urged him. They were running out of time.

Price wrestled with his thoughts but inevitably came to agree with me.

"Keep in touch. We'll regroup shortly," he promised.

I nodded and look over at the truck, one last time. I couldn't see inside, but I did my best to hide my grievances. As the truck roared to life, I turned away and rejoined the ground crew as they awaited the FBI's arrival.
The truck drove off, the garage closed, and for the first time I was scared I'd never see Sasha again.
Moments later three FBI labeled trucks approached the safe house. Before anyone could react, the whole house exploded around them. Equipment and debris went flying. I hit the deck as fast as I could, but the blows were enough to keep her down. My body felt like it had been pummeled with several rocks; I was burning up and so was the rest of the safe house.

The FBI entered the perimeter a few moments later, to check for survivors. More importantly, me. "Just who I was looking to see," Jon greeted once he spotted me. I groaned out and coughed up more ash. I wanted to reach for my gun, but my limbs wouldn't allow me to.

Sasha's POV
Again? How could they have found us again? I wanted to ask that question but now didn't seem like the best time. Everything around me had erupted into chaos. Shay guided me through the sea of people and into the garage, where a vehicle was awaiting my departure.
I was back in a vehicle again, the running would never stop. I didn't even know what was going on.
I sat nervously by myself for a moment, feeling the rumble of the truck underneath me. A few moments later, Price opened the door and sealed it behind him. He carried a few duffel bags, full of equipment no doubt, I immediately noticed Shay's absence, I could see her outside the windows, vaguely. She stood and stared longingly at the vehicle.

"Where's Shay?" I asked Price.

He ignored me for a moment and continued to rumble with his gear.

"What's she doing?" I asked as I watched her turn and walk out of the garage. Was she staying? Why would she stay? She couldn't, there's no telling what the FBI would do with her.

"Stop the car!" I cried out.

"Price, tell them to stop!" Sasha demanded. Price continued to ignore her. A somber expression grew in his face. Tears welled in my eyes. They ran rivers down my cheeks.

"Shay!" I shouted as I pounded my fist against the steel structure, "Shay!" I called out helplessly.

The safe house exploded behind them as they drove away. Price and I watched in horror as the vehicle continued to drive away. My heart pounded sporadically against my chest as I realized I may never see her again. I had no control over if I did or didn't. Sobs escaped my mouth as I fell hopelessly to the floor.

"How could you?" I shouted in anger at Price.

Price cleared his throat and shifted uncontrollably. "It's safer this way," he replied, but it sounded like he didn't believe his own words.

"For who?" Sasha spat at him, "She could be dead!"

"Until we can take down the Jon, you aren't safe with Shay. The FBI has been tracking her,"

"I need you to trust me," Price stated.

"Trust you?" I scoffed. "How can I when you just stranded Shay like that?"

"It was her idea," Price said.

"They can't hurt her without hurting themselves," he reassured, which didn't comfort me. I huffed a frustrated sigh and fought the urge to sob in the back of the truck. The thought of never seeing Shay again was a greater pain than she had ever faced before. She never thought she could hurt this way.

That's when her heart really began to hurt. How could Shay do this? How could she risk her life so carelessly, in exchange for my own. My thoughts drifted back to the night we shared together, her lips crashing against mine so smoothly. I needed her in a way I couldn't explain. A way that was farther than her militant duties.
There was nothing I could do about the situation I was in. I only hoped Shay had made the right decision and that she would remain safe.

The vehicle seemed to be just driving, after several long hours. I contemplated where we could possibly be going this time. Or maybe Price had impulsively decided that staying moving was the best option to stay ahead of the FBI. I wasn't sure I trusted his judgment anymore.

Once we arrived at another mystery location, that night I sobbed in the bed I was to inhabit for god knows how long. I wanted her near me, I wanted to feel her body next to mine. To feel her warmth and comfort. She had become so much more to me than I realized.

I was at the end of my rope. I was ready to surrender myself to the FBI and whatever they might want with me. It would be better than the constant running and the constant state of anxiety I rested in. It only worsened now that Shay was gone.

Shay's POV
I awoke suddenly, my breath caught as I came back to my surroundings. The safe house was gone, along with Price's men. I was reminded of the explosion, the pain recalled my memory. I sat in a dark room with only dim lighting. I recognized the room immediately, it was an FBI interrogation room. I would've felt relieved, but my limbs had been restrained to the metal chair I sat on. A thick rope had been fastened around my mouth, preventing my speech. My head hung weakly until I gathered the strength to lift it.

"Good, you're awake," Jon greeted as he stood broodingly propped against the wall.

I huffed in frustration as I realized I had been captured. All of my equipment was laying on the table across from me, unreachable. Anxiety began to creep up my spine as I realized what he was holding in his hand. A shiny, pointed dagger. My heart spiked immediately.

"I can understand why you feel the need to protect Sasha. I'm sure it's disappointing to hear, but you've been formally discharged from this case," Jon stated.

It seemed like he was expecting my response, but even if a rope wasn't cinched in my mouth, I wouldn't say anything. He was the last person I would take any orders from. He was trying to manipulate me, but it wasn't working. Even if I had been discharged I would still fight to protect Sasha, no matter the cost.

The rope tasted like wood with a mix of rust along with it. I couldn't tell if that was because of my own blood or not.

Jon pulled a metal stool from the wall close to where I was bound. He sat down and gazed at me, studying my reaction. After a few long moments of silence, he unfastened the rope around my mouth, allowing me to talk and breath easier.

"I know that she's with Price. I need to know where," he said, as if expecting my response. Even if I did know where they were, I certainly wouldn't tell him. I had no way of knowing where they could even be.

"Price went AWOL. He took her with him. I have no idea where," I said.

Jon cleared his throat, "I know you probably don't know her exact location, but you can give us an idea," he persuaded. "After all. You know Price better than I."

"What do you want with her?" I asked. "She's done nothing!"

Jon looked as if he was about to correct me, but decided against it. He twisted the tip of the knife into the palm of his hand, fidgeting with it.

"What she's done doesn't concern you anymore," Jon stated.

I stayed quiet, still unsure of what he wanted with me. My mind wandered and feared what he would do if he didn't get what he wanted.

"Found this, when we stripped you," Jon stated referring to the burner phone that lay in his hand. "This is how you and Price have been communicating?" He asked but it sounded more like a statement. Like he was putting together a puzzle. My gut fell as I realized I had no way to contact him anymore.

"If you don't tell me, I guess we can give Price a call," he stated. He walked over to me and fastened the rope back in my mouth, to ensure I wouldn't interrupt, I shifted nervously as he pulled the phone up to his ear. I took comfort in knowing the burner phone couldn't be traced, but I worried for Price.

"This is Jon, Price," he greeted once Prince picked up the phone.

"It appears we have something of each others. I'd like them back where they belong," he negotiated. Price would never give Sasha up, but he also wouldn't bargain with my life.

"I thought you'd say that," he chuckled into the phone. Jon removed the phone from his ear and placed it on speaker.

Before I could react, Jon plunged the dagger into my leg. I screamed out against the rope in my mouth, Jon made sure that Price could hear it. Blood began to pool at the entry wound. My chest heaved out breaths as I tried to cope with the pain. My body was burning up. I could feel the sweat beading on my forehead.

"I don't want to keep hurting her Price, but I will if I don't get what I want," Jon said before abruptly hangin up the burner phone. He tossed the phone on the metallic table and turned his attention back to me. He then reached over and pulled the knife from my leg. I cried out again at the pain of the retrieval.

Sasha's POV
The pain in my heart only worsened as we continued driving. So much so, it became my permanent resting state for the next few days. I stayed hidden most of the days. Price and his team were working tirelessly to reclaim any information they could on Shay's whereabouts, information on Jon Seamoore and his motives, or anything else in order to take him down. At first there were days with radio silence. Until the burner phone Price had, identical to Shay's, rang in Price's possession.

"Shay?" he asked in the phone.

I watched as his face fell, in anger, and even a little fear.

"Never going to happen. Whatever diabolical plan you have, you can't have her," he said into the phone.

He paused and then his face turned a scowl as he glared into the phone.

"If you hurt her, I swear to god!" he growled.

I gasped in shock and but kept listening. My gut twisted with fear and worry for Shay, and what she might be going through in order to protect me.

Price opened his mouth to speak, but he call ended suddenly.

"FUCK!" he yelled before throwing the phone into the wall. The parts of the phone smashed into the wall and scattered across the living room.

"Turn me in," I told him.

Price turned to me, suddenly aware of my presence.

"What did you hear?" he asked.

"He's torturing her?" I assumed correctly. "What's stopping him from killing her?"

"Killing her would be an act of treason against the country," he said, like that was supposed to make me feel better about the situation. I was so frustrated at him. I was helpless to stop or solve anything. Shay was being tortured and I and Price were sitting here doing nothing.

"I'm not turning anyone in, except for him," Price stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"At this point, we have no reason to believe that The Stalker and Jon are two separate people. You came to the FBI because the stalker was targeting you, your money, your fame. He's using Shay to get to you. Which is his motive. We just need to prove that," Price explained.

My head began to twist with theories and unanswered questions. I wasn't even sure I fully understood what he was insinuating or why am FBI agent and commander, like Jon, would target me. None of it made sense, but I was willing to do anything to take him down.

Shay's POV
I wasn't sure how long it had been. Jon left me, I'd like to say a few hours ago, but I couldn't tell the time. When he came back it was all too soon. My leg was still bleeding, along with the other cuts he had given me. They were deep, but not enough to threaten my life. I wondered where he learned to do it. To torture good enough that it still hurts but doesn't kill. I felt dizzy and lightheaded. My breathing was heavy, as I tried to deal with the pain he had left me with. I didn't look but at him when he entered, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of my attention.

"I've thought about it, and it's come to my attention that maybe you don't know as much as you think you do about Sasha Pieterse," he started.

I found it ironic that he was claiming he did. He didn't know her, not in the slightest.

"Her family comes from South Africa. Her parents were exotic dancers, and money smugglers. They had a lot of cash to their name," Jon started. "I'm sure she failed to mention that to you."

He was right, Sasha had neglected to tell me this. And I questioned if she herself knew. Or maybe she had lied to me about it. I continued to glare at the ground, failing to see how this was relevant to her. He kicked my leg suddenly, to grasp my attention. To ease his longing I looked up at him.

"I'm failing to see how that pertains to Sasha," I replied.

"Why would you protect a smuggler?" he said. "She goes against the grain. Everything you've ever fought to save in this country."

"Even if she is. What do you care? Is it her money you want?" I asked in disbelief. All of this, the stalking, the harassment, and invasion of privacy, for money.

"My job is to see that the money goes to the right people. That money would go to gangs, drug addicts, and other criminals: Sasha's parents set her up to follow in their footsteps," he said.

"How do you know?" I asked. This didn't sound like Sasha at all.

"I'm the stalker Shay. I know everything there is to know about her," Jon answered.

A part of me was still shocked. Price had suspected Jon for a long time to be the stalker, but it was still shocking to hear him say it out loud. From the beginning it was him, I wasn't sure what I should or could believe from him anymore.

"I want to give you a chance. To stop her operation from ever starting. And I'll make sure you're properly rewarded," he offered.

I furrowed my brow at him. He didn't hear how idiotic he sounded. I never wanted money. Even if Sasha was smuggling money, no sum of money could make me turn against her.

"I'm not like you. I don't care about money," I replied.

"I'm sure I could change your mind," he said, retrieving the knife from his pocket. It was still covered in my blood, but it was dry now. He hadn't bothered to clean it.
I felt the tip of the knife hit my side, the exact spot in where it had been torn open months ago. I sucked in a wary breath. I wasn't sure how much more of this I could take. I screamed out again once I felt the knife enter my skin.

Reluctantly and eventually I agreed to his plan. But I had a plan of my own. I knew Price. I knew how he operated. I could find them and help them take Jon down. I was either really ambitious, or really stupid.

2 weeks later

I had to faux call Price. Telling him how I escaped and was making my way back to them. But I needed a location, which Price gave to me. They had moved father north of California. I rode beside Jon in an armored vehicle, waiting to arrive on sight. I was fully armored and armed. We expected contact, as Price wouldn't give in without a fight. Despite this, Jon had felt confident and only brought 6 men, including me, with him. Surely 7 of us could handle a safe house, or so he thought.

The car parked 10 meters from the AO. The place seemed deserted, Price would want it that way. We were cleared to engage and smoke was thrown in and around the building. This is where I abandoned ship. I was supposed to move with two other men inside. Swiftly and easily, I disarmed them and rammed the butt of my gun into their temples. 2 down, 4 to go.

I flanked the side other side of the building. Price would want to make an exit if possible. There had to be another exterior exit.
I found one within the next few minutes. Stairs led down to it, and it appeared to be a bunker of sorts. I decided this was where they had to be. Shots could be heard at the front of the house, I hoped Price knew what he was doing.

I placed a breaching charge on the door. Once it blew I gripped my gun firmly. I wasn't quick enough to react when a lead pipe smacked the side of my head. I flinched back and almost fell the floor, but regained my balance. When my vision became clear I saw that it was Sasha. Alone, and unguarded. She lifted her leg and almost kicked me but I dodged it. She didn't recognize me with my mask on, I had to disarm her and prove it was me.

"Sasha!" I called but she couldn't recognize my voice.

She kept throwing attacks at me. I dodged and veered as much as I could. I didn't want to hurt her. As a result, she hit a few lucky shots. I had no idea she knew how to fight like this. However, she wasn't as well versed as I was. She threw a punch at me, and I caught it with my hand. I threw her arm up and heaved my shoulder into her body. I felt remorseful for the grunt of pain that left her body, as a e landed against the wall. I pinned her arms down as best as I could. She fought against me. Luckily, I was able to free myself from my mask and reveal myself. We both paused and let out a huff.

"Shay?" Sasha sighed out in disbelief.

Her dazzling blue eyes locked with mine. She searched mine and was unsure if she needed to fear me or not. I had no idea where to begin or how to explain myself. I was dressed like the enemy and had arrived with them.

"Where's Price?" I asked her.

"I don't-," she started to say, before I was knocked away from her. I heard her scream out as I collapsed the the floor. I turned to see Jon standing above me, he leered in the dark.

"I knew I couldn't trust you," he said bitterly.

Sasha swung at him with the pipe she had dropped, but Jon was too quick and threw her to the floor too. I managed to get to my feet and disarm him, but his stature overpowered me. He gripped my throat and encased his arms around me.

"JON!" Price yelled from the stairs. His gun was drawn and pointed at both him and I. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to wriggle free. He wouldn't budge. Sasha watched in horror and stood behind Price.

"Let her go," Price demanded.

"Or what?" Jon retorted. "I could snap her neck right now."

"I'm giving you a chance to walk out of here alive, if you let her go," he bargained.

"I'll make you a deal," Jon started. "A girl for a girl."

"Don't!" I choked out.

I watched as Price and Sasha exchanged looks. Sasha tentatively nodded. I couldn't let this happen. They both took a few steps forward. Price held his gun drawn, but reached out his hand.
I felt Jon's grip slowly release. Now was my chance. I threw my head back into his jaw. It connected, hard. He groaned out and I pulled away as hard as I could, but his grasp was still strong to pull me back. The next thing I heard was two gunshots, one from each party. One from Price, that landed in Jon's neck. The other from Jon's gun. It ricocheted off the ground and into the back of my leg. I cried out and fell to the floor.

Price kept his gun aimed on Jon. He fell to the floor as blood began to pour out of his neck.

"Good riddance," he mumbled. He fired another shot to ensure his death, then turned his attention to me.

I felt Sasha's hands on me, but my vision was quickly fading.



Sasha's POV
All I could do was watch as Shay's eyes rolled back. Blood pooled at her entry wound as she laid motionless.

"Price!" I called to him.

"I called EMS they're on their way," he reassured me. I watched him cinch her leg, cutting off the blood flow. All we could do now was wait, as much as I hated it. I clutched her head in my hands, in hopes it would ease her pain, even if she was unconscious.

I looked over at Jon's deceased body, and felt a wave of relief wash over me. It was over. It was finally over. I almost cried out, but the arrival of the paramedics stopped me. They made their way into the bunker and carefully raised Shay onto a stretcher, loading her into the ambulance. Price and I followed along as they drove to the nearest hospital.

I would've followed the doctors into that surgery room if Price hadn't of stopped me.

"Hold on," he said calmly. "She'll be alright. There's someone who wants to see you."

I gave him a quizzical look but turned my head to see Hudson. The FBI must've released him once they got the news that the stalker had been killed. Hudson pulled me into a big hug. That's when it all hit me. Every emotion I had ever felt hit me like a train and all I could do was sob in his arms.

3 days later

It has been 3 days since Shay had been released from the hospital, and from the FBI.
I was officially free from Jon Seamoore, and the stalker he had posed as. I had been reunited with Hudson, and all of my belongings had been restored to me. I was grateful for this, but I still remained in disbelief. I had been in hiding so long, I thought I'd always be in hiding. I thought I'd never see the day where I could walk out into public and feel safe. I didn't feel entirely safe yet, but I was getting there.

Price kept me updated with Shay's condition every day. She had been moved from the hospital to a recovery treatment center. From what he had told me, she seemed to be improving. I wanted to see her, and Price promised I would as soon as she had been cleared. Hudson didn't understand my need to see her. I still haven't told him about what happened between Shay and I. I almost have two or three times now. It isn't right to keep him in the dark and I know that. It wasn't right what I did to him and our relationship either. It hurt to even think about mentioning it to him.

I was finally allowed to see Shay. Price had her re-located in a recovery facility that he owned and ran through the Navy. It would ensure Shay's safety throughout her recovery.

Price greeted me at the gate and led me through the complex. Shay's room was down a white and brown colored hallway, the walls were decorated with pictures of infamous hospitals and war history. It seemed like the kind of decoration Price would promote.

"How is she?" I asked him as we walked.

"She's been sleeping a lot, which is a good thing," he informed. "They still have her on some  antibiotics to clean and ease her wounds. She'll be back to normal in a matter of days."

I was comforted by his words but I needed to see this for myself. We finally turned and entered the first door on the left. Shay's name was written on a clipboard as: Sgt. Mitchell, Shannon, A.
I had almost forgotten her full name. Price swung the door open to reveal the woman I loved in a hospital like bed. She still had an IV implanted in her wrist where the antibiotics were being distributed. Her eyes were closed and her body was still as she rested under the white, cotton blankets. My heart ached in my chest. I was relieved to see her, but I worried if she was still suffering. I wasn't given the full details on what Jon did to her, but I could see a few visible scars from his torture to her. One in particular rested on her cheek, it had been stitched up with butterfly tape.
I watched as she breathed long and slow.

"Do you want me to wake her?" Price asked.

I shook my head, I didn't want to disturb her. It was late morning and I was certain she'd wake up soon.

"Can I have the room please?" I asked.

He nodded solemnly, "I'll be right around the corner," he said before leaving, and shutting the door behind him.

I grabbed a chair that was sitting on the wall and quietly brought it over to her bedside. I watched her in silence. I couldn't help but notice all the machinery she was hooked to. An IV for antiseptics, a heart monitor on her finger, even and EKG. Stickers of sorts were scattered on her chest, and on either side of her temples. I was sure this was just standard routine to ensure there was no internalized damage. Price assured me there wasn't. Even with all the machinery, she still managed to attract my eye.
I was so grateful she hadn't been seriously injured on my account, but I still carried a deep remorse within me. I had no idea half of the horrors she'd experienced. I couldn't help but feel like I was to blame for all of it.

Within a few minutes, Shay began to stir. First slow movements of her body, her face twitching, and her legs moving. Next her eyes blinked to life as she examined the room. Only to find me watching her like one of her doctors.

"Hello Shay," I greeted.

"Sasha," she smiled at me with her warm smile and dark brown eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Price brought me here. I needed to see you," I replied. She weakly smiled at me. It almost made me forget why I was angry with her. Why I was visiting her in this facility at all.

"I'm finding it very hard to be mad at you right now," I started. She furrowed her brow at my bold and intense tone. She stifled a weak chuckle.

"What were you thinking?" I asked her. She was safe from Jon and recovering fine, but I still couldn't get past her abandonment. She was so quick to sacrifice herself. For me or another reason.

"I was thinking I needed to protect you. In the only way I knew how," she said solemnly.

I wanted to be bitter, and scold her for being so neglectful of her own life. But who was I to question a navy seal?

"You didn't tell me your parents smuggled money into the country," she brought up.

My track of anger halted. I questioned how she knew that, but I answered my own question when I figured Jon, my stalker, had told her. That's why he wanted me in the first place.

"I didn't think I had to," I replied.

"That's what he wanted all of this time. You didn't think to tell me?" She questioned.

"You already thought so low of me. I didn't want you to think I was smuggling too. That was my parent's operation, not mine. I've worked so hard to distance myself from them and what they've done. I couldn't tell you because you wouldn't have protected me if you knew. You even said it yourself. I was just another rich snob celebrity," I said.

"You could've told me," she sighed in defeat. She knew I was right. She couldn't argue with me. I had to use her own words against her because they were my biggest fears. That one day she'd wake up and not see me in the same light she used to. I wanted to say the ends justified the means, but I knew they didn't and I regretted not being more honest with her, like she had with me.

"I didn't think you'd understand. But I am sorry," I apologized. I could've given her the benefit of the doubt. Her hard face softened on me. I could feel the pain that came off of her tone. I could see the horrors she's endured in her eyes.

"Oh Shay, I'm so sorry," I cried.

A look of confusion washed over her face.

"You're in here because of me, because of what happened," I continued. I watched her cringe at the slight mention of it. My life had ruined hers. "Maybe it I'd told you sooner none of this would've happened."

"I promised I'd see you free," Shay said. "No matter the cost."

"My life isn't worth yours," I corrected her. I didn't need her to be the martyr for me.

"I took an oath to protect you Sasha," Shay replied. There was no convincing her otherwise, so I dropped it.

"What are you doing here? You should be out in the world, reclaiming your presence," she added.

"I haven't yet. It's only been a few days," I mentioned. I myself was still recovering from the trauma of it all.

"You should," she encouraged. "I'm sure they miss you."

"They?" I asked her.

"Your friends, family and fans. I'm sure your fiancé does too," she stated.

I chuckled at her alliteration, but that was partly why I came here. I didn't feel the way I used to. Shay had changed my life so dramatically, I wasn't sure I could live my life without her. Her face studied mine, trying to figure out what was bothering me. She had always been good at reading me.

"That's the thing. I'm not sure I want to return to my old life," I started.

"Why wouldn't you?" She asked.

"Being in hiding so long, I kind of got used to being unknown," I replied.

"Don't tell me you'd rather be stuck in a safe house with me," she chuckled.

I chuckled back and shook my head. I'd had my fair share of those and was grateful not to be returning to one anytime soon. Still, I felt there was something missing in my life.

"What I'm trying to say is something changed. I'm not the same person I used to be," I continued. Her gaze narrowed on me, as she decoded what I was saying to her. I wasn't sure how to say it, coming right out with it didn't feel right either.

"You're engaged, that's something anyone would kill for," she mentioned.

"Would you?" I posed to her.

She sucked in a breath, unsure of what her answer should be.

"I told myself I would never fall in love. It's easier that way," she explained.

"But would you?" I pressed.

"I'd do anything, if I was in love," she answered.

It all came rushing back to me. The small talks, the deep conversations, the way she made me feel, the way she felt. All of it. She was there, I was safe with her. And she understood me. I couldn't say the same thing for Hudson.

"If you want what happened between us, to stay between us. It can," she started. I watched as her face fell with what she was saying.

"That's not what I want," I said.

"I meant what I told you," I added. I recalled the night when we first argued about it:

"And where does your fiancé fall into this?"

"I can't think about him right now, and I haven't been."

"I care about you more than I should."

I wasn't sure then, but I was now.

"These last few days have been nothing but agony," I said. I needed her to understand how I felt. She had such a clutch on my heart, like she could tear it out if I was away from her. I felt my eyes tear up when I thought back to the pain I had felt in her absence. I reached over and grabbed her hand with mine.

"I'm in love with you, Shay," I admitted. "I haven't felt for anyone, the way I feel for you."

"You're wasting your time with me," she stated.

"I can't live my life without you in it," I argued, finishing my monologue.

She stayed silent for a moment. Every second killed me. My anxiety screamed that she was going to reject me, and deny ever feeling the same way towards me. The longer I stared at her, the louder the voices got. Until finally, she squeezed my hand, reassuringly. A smile crept onto her face, which I rarely saw from her. She was beautiful and I was completely devoted to her.

1 month later
Shay's POV
It had been a long month of recovery for me. Only this time I wasn't so sour about it. I was attending therapy weekly, and had been formally discharged/retired from the Navy SEALS. It was about time too, after almost 13 years of service. I never thought I'd leave the army, but everything changed so much in the last few months.

One of those changes has happened in the last week. Sasha publicly and on social media, made an appearance to inform the world of her unknown whereabouts the past year. The internet exploded with press and concern. Sasha has been working on writing a book that's tells the experiences and trials she endured while under the investigation and protection of the FBI. New York was the perfect place to write and potentially publish upon completion.
Next, Sasha had broken off her engagement to Hudson, and began formally dating me. Which is why I found myself waking up next to her, in our townhome located in New York.

I slowly opened my eyes to view the morning glow as it shone through the our balcony window, that overlooked the busy street of New York. Therapy has been helping tremendously. I haven't had a dream in a few weeks now, I would only occasionally have a scare. The same was true with Sasha. A part of me wondered if our relationship had something to do with that.

I looked over at the blonde and watched as she slept. It seemed like forever ago was the first time I had laid down with her and watched her sleep.

I sat up gently and let my legs hand off the edge of the bed. I stretched my limbs and allowed my body to pop and crack. Then I did some meditative breathing exercises that my therapist advised me of. It helped clear my head and be more aware and focused throughout the day. It also allowed me to pause and be in my own world for a moment.

It was early, nearly 7 on the dot. I was going to get up and shower, but I felt Sasha's warm hands on my bare back.

"Come back to bed," she pleaded in a sleepy tone. I couldn't resist her, and I could spare a few minutes anyway. I rolled back over and pulled myself into her embrace.

"Good morning," I greeted.

She mumbled something inaudible. She wasn't much of an early riser like I was. My body was still adjusting to not waking up at 4,5, or 6 everyday. Sasha had a way of keeping me in bed these latest mornings.
She snaked her arms around my back, and held me close, entrapping me under the sheets with her. I didn't mind, the warmth we both shared was comforting. I had a feeling Sasha would fall back asleep at any moment.

"I need to shower babe," I whispered to her.

"You need to stay right here and cuddle me," she corrected.

I stifled a laugh and rubbed her back gently.

"You could always join me," I proposed.

This intrigued her. She lifted her head, revealing her blonde lions mane. She gave me a look, and then I was running a hot shower for the two of us. I held Sasha as she rested her head on my shoulder, still drowsy from the early hour. I then contemplated how I got so lucky, to be with Sasha. To think that I could've  left the mission or have been assigned elsewhere.

"I love you Sasha," I blurted out, which made her pull away and look up at me. Her cheeks had blushed and her smile was contagious. She leaned up and pressed a sensual kiss on my lips. 

"I love you," she repeated to me.

Her gaze left my eyes and wandered down my damp body. This was the first time she had looked at my body, and really looked at it. The scars Jon gave me remained red, and very visible. They practically glowed on my dark skin. Sasha's eyes widened once she saw all of them. They trailed from my chest, down my ribs, and on my legs. Jon was even so cruel as to reopen the wound I had acquired in May. That was now re-healing. It resembled an X now, and still housed stitches.

"What did he do to you?" She asked cautiously.

"He wanted to know where you were. He thought I knew, but I didn't. I made sure of that when you left with Price," I explained.

Sasha gazed up at me in horror.

"He stopped after a while, once I agreed to help him," I added, hoping to soften the blow.

"You should've stayed with me," she said regretfully.

"We wouldn't have caught him if I hadn't," I pointed out.
If I had to do it all again, I would do the same thing. Even if it killed me. Then again, I had an unflinching ability of surviving. As time went on, I started to believe that Sasha was the reason I survived in May. She was my purpose. I recalled the morning that we had the same conversation:

"And what's that?" She questioned.

"That's what I was trying to figure out..."

Sasha stopped the shower and pulled me out with her.  She grabbed a towel and dried by body off. I had been prescribed a topical cream to use that promoted the healing process. Sasha grabbed it and pushed some onto her fingertip, before gently pressing it onto my scars. I took a deep breath, some scars still stung to the touch. I leaned back against the counter and huffed out a pained sigh. I was relieved when she finished but my body now felt like it was burning.

"I'll be damned if something like this happens to you again," she stated.

I smiled and pulled a strand of her hair away from her face, moving it behind her ear.

"Nothing can take me from you," I promised.

"Good. It's my turn to protect you," she whispered before pulling me in for a soft kiss. My lips melted into her as our bodies did the same. I felt her warm hands on my chest, while mine embrace her waist. Nothing felt better than my warm skin pressed against hers.
Then we were back in bed again, naked and tangled in the sheets.
This was everything I wanted with her, ever since I first kissed her. She had consumed me, from the very moment I met her.

"Is this okay?" She whispered to me, as she gently massaged the heat between my legs. I groaned out in pleasure, and nodded as she continued. I was still healing, which meant we couldn't get to crazy in the bedroom.
Profanity fell from my mouth before she captured my lips with hers again.
My vision blackened for a second when I finished. My muscles tensed and had started to slight ache. I was scared I was going to pass out.

"Sash," I called out weakly.

"I'm here," she reassured. Her voice pulled me from my dazed state. I blinked a few times, until her stunning face appeared to me again.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and nodded. A smile appeared on her lips before she planted them on my forehead.

"I'm going to get you some water," she said.

I watched her slip on her bathrobe and leave for the kitchen. I took a another deep breath, allowing myself and my body to come down from its high.
I was truly in love. Nothing had felt so right in my life.

1 week later

Price sipped his black coffee as he looked out at the view on display. The busy streets of New York were buzzing with life.

"She managed to make you retire huh?" He teased. "I thought I'd never see the day."

"I didn't pursue this, it just happened," I told him.

"That's how it always happens," he said. "But I can't say I'm surprised."

I furrowed my brow at him, "Why not?"

"When you left, she was crushed. She mourned you like she had loved and lost you. She didn't eat or sleep for days," he explained. He could still hear her sobs at night. He looked as if he felt so horribly for her. I hadn't seen Price sympathize with anyone, maybe she had done a number on him too.

"But I guess that's fate," he concluded.

"Guess so," I agreed.

"You know, you should really think about retiring yourself," I added to him. He was getting older, his body wouldn't carry him as it used to.

"Nah. Maybe in a few years. Still got more work to do," he stated. "Maybe I'll rescue another pop-star for myself."

I chucked at his insinuation. "It might not be as bad as you think." It certainly worked out for me. He smirked and stood from the table, I followed his lead. He held his hand out and I shook it firmly.

"It's been an honor to serve with you," he said.

"The honor is mine, sir," I replied.

"I'll be in touch," he promised, before turning and walking out of the coffee shop. But I wasn't sure if I would ever see him again.

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