
By Manga_bird

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Gavin arrived at his brother's house for a visit, but the house seemed empty. When he got to the pool, he fou... More

The Reconnaissance Model
The Storm
Abused - Heartache
Abused - Bring Him Home
Abused - Gaslighting
Abused - A Brother's Duty
Waiting for Gavin - Back to Work
Waiting for Gavin - Waiting
Waiting for Gavin - Disquiet
Waiting for Gavin - Better Together
Seen - Exertion
Seen - Caught
Tiny's First-Second Christmas
Tiny's Snowy Day

Waiting for Gavin - Reunited

69 5 0
By Manga_bird

Gavin could barely keep his eyes open long enough to sip water for the first two days, but he always seemed to know when Tiny was there. Elijah insisted these visits couldn't continue. It was too risky now that nurses were constantly flitting in and out to administer medication and check his vitals. Despite that, he allowed Tiny to sneak along for the first week. Even while sleeping, Gavin seemed somehow more at ease when he had Tiny curled up at his side, and Tiny seemed to sleep better when he had his tail draped across Gavin's hips.

Gavin's voice was small at first, barely more than a whisper as he called for Tiny and apologised repeatedly. He felt bad for breaking his promise. He'd promised he'd come home, and he hadn't made it. Everything was so clear when he thought back. Saying goodbye to Tiny. Driving to work. Getting that case and heading out with Miller. He hadn't thought twice when he'd seen the guy take aim. All he could think about was how Miller's son was just a few months shy of his second birthday. Shoving Miller out of the way, he'd taken the bullet himself. He'd known it was bad the minute it had pierced his skin. He'd known because, for the first few minutes, it hadn't hurt. His phone had been in his pocket, so he'd just about managed to call Hank before he'd passed out. No words were necessary. So long as the call went through and Hank picked up, he'd know. It seemed he was right. It had taken a little time to track the GPS location, but they'd been found.

During the week, Gavin woke up more often and drank more water. He even started to try small bites of yoghurt. His stomach hadn't handled solid food in months, so there was a lot of vomiting at first, and he couldn't eat too much. Tiny listened from Chloe's bag as the doctors informed them it could take months for Gavin to leave the hospital as he regained his strength and the use of his bowels. Tiny didn't worry too much about that. Elijah was paying well for Gavin's care, so he knew he was in good hands.

"I'll be back before you know it, alright? Go help Chloe get the house ready," Gavin had grumbled tiredly on his last visit. Tiny had trilled happily from his place beside him on the bed. He would miss Gavin. The frail hand on his back teasing his plating told him that Gavin would miss him, too. It seemed far too soon when Chloe roused them both to tell them that visiting hours were over and they were about to be chased off. Tiny's expression dropped as he crawled up to Gavin's chest and cuddled into his shoulder. Gavin winced as he moved to wrap an arm around him. His injury was still tender, even after all this time. "See you soon, yeah?" Tiny trilled his agreement as he nuzzled Gavin's fuzzy cheek and hopped into Chloe's bag.

When they got home, Tiny took Gavin's words to heart. He followed Chloe all over the house as she cleaned, starting with Gavin's room. They'd need to dust it down again before he came home, of course, but they could do a deep clean. Chloe fully sprayed and disinfected the surfaces, making things as sterile as possible to prevent infections. Tiny helped with the lower parts. The skirting boards, drawers, bedside tables, sofa, and coffee table. Chloe got all the higher places that Tiny couldn't reach. They even went over the bathroom, bleaching every surface.

It took a few hours, but unfortunately it was nowhere near enough to keep Tiny busy until Gavin's return. By the end of the week, he and Chloe had cleaned the entire house from top to bottom. Tiny was getting restless and impatient, but Elijah wouldn't let him visit the hospital again. They'd had too many close calls already, and Gavin needed to focus on his recovery. Tiny chittered miserably each time he left, but he felt better as Chloe joined him in his misery. She'd decided it would be fairer for her to remain at home as a distraction for Tiny.

She did her best to fulfil Gavin's usual role, as she had for the past few months. They spent time together at the piano; she read with him, ran around the house with him, swam with him, and talked to him. Sometimes she even went outside with him. They didn't venture as far from the mansion as he did with Gavin, but she took him around the edge of the estate and showed him all the plants she had growing in her gardens. He often helped as she cooked in the evening. It would only be small things. Single meals for Elijah, but she also cooked extra portions occasionally to store in the freezer. She was slowly building a stockpile of food for when Gavin returned so they'd have various options ready.

Weeks yet again started to drag into months. Tiny was impatient. He took to screeching at Elijah when he left the house. Elijah always looked sheepish, doing his best to placate him as he pouted and nipped his heels. He wouldn't let him go to the hospital, but he wouldn't return Gavin, either. It was unfair! All Elijah would say was soon. How long was soon? It had been two months since Gavin had awoken, and he still hadn't been allowed to return. Tiny was getting lethargic, slumping on the floor by the window in the front parlour as Chloe dusted down furnishings. She seemed particularly cheerful that day. Tiny didn't know how she could be so spirited without Gavin.

"Today will be a good day. You'll see," she insisted as she wiped down the picture frames in the living room. Tiny clicked forlornly. How could it be a good day? It was just like all the other days they'd experienced for the past few months! Lonely. Tiny curled his tail around his body as he huddled by the window. He knew that wasn't fair to Chloe, but he couldn't help it. Although Chloe kept him company, he still felt lonely and distracted without Gavin. She didn't carry his scent. She didn't have his touch. He couldn't settle on her shoulders the same way, and it didn't feel the same when he curled up to sleep beside her. Despite Tiny's less than enthusiastic response, Chloe kept her chipper mood.

Once she finished in the front parlour, she headed into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Tiny remained by the window at first, but he started to recognise the smell. It was the same steak and mushroom pie she'd been preparing the day Gavin had been injured. Tiny chittered curiously as he scuttled through to the kitchen. She was humming cheerfully as she rolled out the puff pastry for the lid while the steak mixture bubbled on the stove. Tiny watched as she cut the lid and left the odd cuttings in a small pile at the edge of her small floured section.

"Why don't you make another jam pocket? Gavin's eating solid food now, so he's sure to enjoy it," she added as she set the finished lid aside and checked on her steak mix. Tiny clicked, unconvinced it was a good idea. This was the same meal they'd been preparing last time. What if something bad happened to Gavin? What if Gavin didn't come home? He knew he was being foolish. There was no connection between the food and something bad happening to Gavin. "They're one of his favourites." Chloe's prompt was enough to get Tiny started. If it would please Gavin, then Tiny would make a whole tray of small pastry tarts.

Chloe watched from the corner of her eye as she worked on the pie. Tiny was hesitant at first as he gathered the dough, but he was soon kneading a small ball on the floured surface. Chloe moved the mixture off the stove to cool as she started preparing vegetable sides. She peeled carrots and potatoes, and cut up some broccoli ready to boil. Tiny used the pin to roll the pastry flat and cut it in two. There was enough to make two jam pouches. One for Gavin, and one for Elijah. Chloe passed down the jam as he chittered before returning to her pie. By the time she finished the pie, Tiny was ready to egg wash his small tarts. They weren't perfect triangles, and they'd likely lose their shape while cooking, but Tiny was sure they'd taste good.

"Alright, I'm going to clean a little upstairs. You stay in the front room and keep an eye on the oven for me," Chloe instructed as she set aside the tea towel. Tiny clicked his agreement and followed her as far as the hall before splitting off into the front parlour. He curled up with a ten-minute timer ticking in his HUD, not wanting to risk the pastries burning. Outside was a bright, sunny day, so perhaps Chloe had been right in some respects. The weather was certainly making it a good day for bees and butterflies. Tiny followed a large butterfly with his luminous blue and black eyes as he stretched out lazily on the sofa, lounging on his stomach. It looked like a monarch butterfly, with shades of orange, black, white, and brown. He chittered softly. If Gavin had been there, he could have chased it while he watched and called him a weirdo. When he did such things, he'd always do it while chortling, and he'd ruffle his hair afterwards. Gavin...

Tiny almost sighed as he rolled to his feet and headed into the kitchen, where Chloe had left a stool out for him this time, so he could reach the oven properly. He peered inside to find the golden pockets were almost ready. He had just enough time to bring his extraction model to the kitchen before it was time to take them out. It was much easier to handle physical tasks like this at full size. The extraction model reached into the oven and removed the two golden pockets. Since it needed longer, the larger pie remained in the oven. The extraction model added a coating of caster sugar to the pockets before returning to the vents. Tiny chittered in satisfaction as he made his way into the hall, but paused as his LED blinked yellow.

A proximity alert had gone off. He clicked curiously as he linked to the outside cameras. A vehicle had just turned onto the mountain road. The camera confirmed it was Elijah's car, so there was no need to worry, but he was early. He'd usually work and then visit Gavin straight after. Tiny was wary as he shuffled into the main hall to wait, sitting patiently on his spot. It wasn't even conscious anymore. It's simply where his body always came to rest. His tail twitched anxiously as he heard the car crunching gravel outside. Once it stopped, two doors opened and closed. Two? And the boot. Tiny raised his small body curiously. He could hear Elijah talking as he approached the house. He was slower than usual, and there was a second set of steps. Smaller, shuffling steps. Tiny heard the grumbled response and trilled. Gavin!

"We're back!" Elijah called into the house as he opened the door and stepped inside. He held the heavy door and set Gavin's bag inside as he reached an arm back to support Gavin's weight. Gavin grumbled about how he didn't need it, but he was certainly leaning into the touch as he stepped inside. They both paused as Tiny screeched. Small scuttling clicks sounded as his claws raced across the marble flooring. "Tiny, no!" Elijah stepped in front of Gavin's frail body as Tiny launched himself. Tiny's luminous eyes widened as he found himself in Elijah's arms, bundled against his chest. "Gavin's still in recovery. You need to be careful!" Tiny clicked in apology, small shoulders slumping at the reproach.

"Phck that shit! Give him here," Gavin demanded in a gruff tone as he appeared at Elijah's side and held an arm out. Tiny scanned Gavin's body and was saddened to find that Elijah was right. It would be a few weeks before he could jump and climb him as he used to. He was small and frail beneath his clothing. The past two months had barely started filling him out to where he used to be. His cheeks were still gaunt. His dim green eyes were sunken. The bones were clear in his hands and wrists. Tiny clicked cautiously as he reached out and allowed Gavin to grip his underarms. Elijah was reluctant to hand over his full weight. He may have been the size of a cat, but he was still a heavy machine. Gavin had no such reservations as he hauled Tiny out of Elijah's arms and cradled him against his shoulder with a pained wince.

"Gavin!" Elijah's hands were there in an instant, catching Gavin's underarms and lowering him to the marble floor as he slumped. Tiny shrieked in alarm as he wriggled in Gavin's arms, but he wouldn't let go. If anything, he held him tighter. With Gavin safely on the floor, Tiny rest his weight on his thighs. "I told you not to push yourself," Elijah sighed as he helped Gavin lean back against the wall. Gavin seemed fairly content to remain there for now as he smirked up at Elijah and ruffled Tiny's small head.

"Like you thought that was going to work!" It was true that Gavin rarely listened to a thing he said, but Elijah had hoped he'd take his recovery a little more seriously. A strain injury now could set him back for weeks. "Guess I won't be picking you up for a while," Gavin lamented apologetically as he looked down at Tiny, who was perfectly happy kneeling on his lap. He chittered and nuzzled his shoulder, being sure not to touch his stomach or abdomen. He was still strapped and bandaged beneath his clothing, so he didn't want to jostle him too much. Tiny didn't mind at all. He'd rather have a sickly Gavin than no Gavin at all. It seemed Gavin understood as he pulled him even closer. Frail fingers stroked along the plating of his spine, all the way down to his tail. Cold. Gavin was cold.

"Aww, look at you two," Chloe cooed softly as she appeared at the bottom of the glass staircase. Elijah looked over his shoulder with a warm smile of greeting, opening his arm up for her to slot against his side. Tiny was almost jealous of how well they fitted together. Chloe's head was the perfect height to lean against Elijah's shoulder. His arm wrapped around her loosely as she rested a hand against his chest. Tiny burrowed himself deeper into Gavin's shoulder, clicking as he felt the obvious bones beneath his loose jacket and woollen top.

"Where would you like to go? The front parlour or your bedroom?" Elijah asked as Gavin huffed and ruffled Tiny's hair. He was getting tired. Elijah could tell. His green eyes were blinking as he tried to remain alert. He'd been a lot more physical over the past few weeks, but he still wasn't used to so much activity. Walking from the hospital to the car, then from the car to the door, and almost being bowled over by Tiny was clearly taking its toll. He'd been awake and alert in the car, but the excitement of being home had clearly worn him down.

"Your bed would be more comfortable," Chloe chimed in as she leaned down beside him. She didn't want him to get a backache on top of everything else. Her smile softened as she watched Gavin's head droop a little before he blinked awake again. "Bed?" she prompted softly, trying not to press him too much. She knew Gavin could get defensive sometimes, but it seemed he was in a docile mood that day. He nodded tiredly and allowed her to take his arm and help him up. Tiny hopped down to the marble and led the way, skittering ahead to the stairs to pause and looked back. Chloe had taken it upon herself to act as Gavin's walking aide. She was slow and patient as they slowly ambled towards the stairs with Elijah carrying Gavin's bag behind them. Elijah was especially alert on the stairs, always ready in the event Gavin fell backwards. Not that Chloe would allow such a thing to happen.

Once they reached his room, Chloe helped Gavin to remove his jacket and let him settle on the bed. The AC was cooling the room nicely against the lingering summer heat, so he was fine on top of the covers. Gavin's eyes were already shut by the time Chloe had hung his jacket in the wardrobe. She took the bag from Elijah and unpacked the clothing inside, taking the dirty items away to be cleaned. Tiny clicked a small farewell as they left, and Chloe called a gentle assurance that she'd bring a snack in a while. They were finally home. Finally alone. Tiny chittered happily as he hopped up on the bed. He was a little sad that they couldn't sleep as they used to. Gavin would usually spoon his smaller body as they slept, but being unable to turn on his side with his injuries, Tiny would need to find a new spot. Somewhere he wouldn't jostle his stitches or put pressure on his bruises.

Tiny crept higher on the bed, right up to Gavin's shoulder. Gavin didn't even stir as the bed dipped under his weight. He shuffled right in and curled up like a cat. It was a nice spot. He could enjoy the warmth of Gavin's body from there, feel his pulse throbbing in his throat, and listen to his steady breaths. There was no blockage in his lungs. His airways were clear, pulse steady. His skin wasn't as warm as he would like, but it was passable. Tiny clicked softly as he flicked out his tail and draped it across Gavin's pelvis, nuzzling closer as a large hand subconsciously reached out to rest against it.

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