King and My Queen👑


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Warnings: In my stories Tae is very feminine and Tae breasts and pussy, Then some feminine words will be use... More

Chapter 1 The Proposal
Chapter 2 Preparations
Introduction The Parents and The Couples
Chapter 4 💍HoneyMoon🌕🌚🔞
Chapter 5 Sassy🔥Queen👑
Chapter 6 "Drop the Bouquet" 🔞
Chapter 7 🎅 Christmas in the Dark Kingdom 🔞
Chapter 8 Cristal 🎠🔮 🔞
Not a Chapter
Chapter 9 Mood Swings😎
Chapter 10 Fun
Chapter 11 The Commoners
Chapter 12 Bam is here 🔞

Chapter 3 👑ROYAL 💍WEDDING👑

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Kingdom of The Stars

Taehyung Pov*

I was in front of several targets surrounded by my bodyguards, while
i had the bow and arrow in my hands and my eyes focused on the target🎯.
I always counted 3 seconds and then fired. With each shot the arrow hit the target more accurately. I loved bows and arrows, and i guess that's why i was good at shooting. My security guards looked at me apprehensively while i was having fun, They were already warned by my mom to do everything for me not get hurt and well... Throwing arrows... That had a great chance of happening, And at the same time some looked at me with lust, Many of my security guards have already been fired by my father because of the looks they gave me, and i always told this to my Dad, But this happened so many times that i gave up to telling Dad, because apparently this was not going to change. Maybe just change when i get married. I still suggested to my Dad to he put female security guards for me, But my mother didn't agree, she said women wouldn't be able to protect me, which i thought was absurd. I was about to shoot the next bolt when i heard a loud, dramatic exclamation. "TAEHYUNG??? My baby for God's sake...Stop shooting that thing" Said my mom, as she lifted her dress and ran towards me with an extremely worried expression,
I lowered my bow surprised to see her and noted that in the moment she appeared, The guards immediately stopped looking at me."Mom?, what's the matter?" I asked looking confused. "What's the matter??? The matter Son is that you are shooting that dangerous thing again, even though i told you several times that i don't like it" She said approaching me and breathing heavily. "Mom... Please, this is not dangerous at all, and i have control, there's nothing to be afraid of" I said smiling at my her, I was already used to her exaggerated reactions. "Even if you have control, it's still dangerous, we don't keep control of everything all the time..." She suddenly interrupted herself and looked me up and down "God, you're back to wearing those low-cut, tight clothes again? I thought it was going to stop when you decided to stop riding" She said looking at me with a scolding look. I smiled carefree and went back to shooting while answering "Correction Mom. I didn't decide to stop riding... You convinced Dad to stop lending me his horse, Just like you stopped him from giving me a horse as a gift in this birthday, Instead of a horse...I got a husband" I answered her while continuing to shoot. She looked at me in surprise when i spoke about her preventing my father from giving me a horse as a gift. "Ohhh...hum...About...that..." She stammered and i interrupted her
"I already know that Dad was going to give me a horse to celebrate my 18th birthday but... did you prevented..."
"My love, I'm sorry... I just can't stand the idea of ​​seeing you hurt" Said my mother interrupting me while holding my face, I was usually taller than her, but at that moment she was wearing heels so she was a little taller.
"Mom, I know you didn't do it out of malice, and i know you did it to protect me but... You can't protect me my whole life, Right now I'm going to get married and things that won't be within your reach will automatically happen, and i need to be prepared to then...This exaggerated protection you give me could end up getting in my way" I said softly looking into her eyes. "Oh dear i know, I know all that but...To me you are still my baby...You're only 18...I can't see you as an adult, just thinking about something happening to you makes my heart bleed" Said Sophia with her eyes shining with tears and caressing Taehyung's face "Mommy, calm down, know that i will always be your son okay? This is not going to change just because i got married or because i like bows and bolts. I need you to be strong so i can stay strong" I said taking her hands away from my face and gently wiping her tears away."Okay, I'll give it a try, and I'm sorry for the drama and self-protection" She said smiling at me even with twinkling eyes. "Okay, Is forgiven but... Since i won't have a horse I'll at least enjoy my arrow and bow". i told her smiling and raisingthe bow. "Oh God...I'll never understand how you like that thing" She said laughing as she wiped away her tears and rolled her eyes "Well i don't have many options...Since i don't have living targets I'll have fun with targets wooden" I said ironically making my Mom smile and slap me lightly on my ass "Okay my naughty baby. But don't take too long shooting this, tomorrow is your wedding and you need to rest"
She said pointing at me. "Okay mom i won't be long, I'm finishing" I told her "You guys please watch over him and take care of him" My mom said to my guards "Yes ma'am" They replied in unison.

(Tae's Outfit_Ignore the Sword)

After finishing my fun i went in my room to take a shower, and like always my maids helped me, After the shower, My maids gave me full body massage while putting a scented oil on my skin which helped to relax my muscles.
Shooting a bow and arrow wasn't so tiring, I felt more tired when i was riding a horse. That was things that i loved very much, Archery, riding and reading. My mother loved it when i went to the library, Because she knew i would spend hours there, and i wouldn't do other things that she considered dangerous. Since i was very young, I helped my father in the Kingdom's business, taking care of the animals (From food, vaccines, birth and etc.) and taking care of the plantations (grape, cotton, cocoa, soy and some vegetation, plants, trees, flowers) But i didn't take care of 100% of everything by myself, some things Jin and my mother helped me with, But after Jin getting married i stayed with a large part, and my mother with the other, even though it wasn't always that my Mom helped me because she had many duties as Queen. In the last month i haven't been taking care of things very well because of the wedding, My parents decided to let me rest my mind until the wedding, But i can't sit still, So i went back to practicing archery behind my mother's back...But today she finally saw Lol. After giving me a full massage my maids left my room.
I put on some comfortable clothes and decided to go to the library to read a little before bed. I wanted to watch a movie but i don't like to watch it alone, Jin and i always watch movies and series before going to sleep, But since he got married i only watch it when Jimin comes to visit me. Jin didn't visit us very much because he knew that the time he came and left, Our Mom got sadder, and also Jin helps his husband with princely tasks. After arriving at the library i went to the horror section and looked for a book that i liked.
As i searched i heard my father's deep voice."Why does my little Brat always only come in the macabre section?" Said Dad. I take of my eyes on the bookshelf and watch my Dad coming at me with his hands behind his back, And his leather boots clattering on the floor. He had a neutral smile in his eyes, He always smiled with his eyes, and only slightly curved his lips. Well is what being an Head Alpha does to you.
"Oh, Good Evening Dad" I said picking up a book and hugging it while smiling at my father "Hello, Good Evening Tae" He replied stopping beside me "What do you mean, I only ever come to the macabre section?"
I asked looking at him curious
"Well son, The truth. Every time i see you in the library you are reading a horror book, I never see you reading a fantasy book, or a romance one" Said my father looking at the shelves of books while walking with hands still behind his back "Ah...Hmm... It's not entirely true, I read Mythology, Investigation, and Science fiction books too" I said stuttering a bit as i hugged the book tighter to my chest to keep my father from see the cover "Hmmm you really read these stories, But... All with horror themes" Said my father turning to me and smiling crookedly.
"I think you are a horror lover Lol, which is funny and curious about an omega and princess" Said my father now stopping next to me and leaning against the library table "Okay, Okay,
I like macabre tales, I admit but... Why can't an omega princess like not so girly things?, I don't see a problem with being a little dark" I said making a pout while crossing my arms with the book still on my chest. My dad let out a low laugh "Oh my little brat i don't have any problem with you being gloomy either, Even more so since you decidedly inherited it from me, It already intrigued me a little that you look so much like your mother physically, The only physical thing you have mine is my hair and even then... Only for month to month..." Said my father lowering his voice a little, I widened my eyes when he mentioned my hair "Shhhhhhhhh Dad, don't talk about my hair" I said complaining about my father. He let out another laugh and made a sign of a zipper in his mouth "Okay, your secret is safe with me... But as i was saying, Jin inherited my physique, The hair, Eyes and even a little height, But the beauty you two definitely take for your mother" Said Dad messed up my hair. "What are you talking about Dad? You are very handsome" I said to my father laughing and running one of my hand through my hair to fix what he messed up, and the other continued to hold the book, He also laughed and replied."Oh my child, I'm just what an Alpha should be" He replied still laughing. My father was a very handsome man and many women in the Kingdom thought that too, which brought out my mother's possessiveness. She was very jealous of my dad, Which i thought was cute and funny. My father was also jealous, But he dealt with this things in a cold and calculating way, while my mother was carried away by emotion. Jin was really like my mother emotionally, He was jealous too, and was very emotional.
I was already like my father.
I was calculating and calm, I just didn't deal with things coldly, I just pretended to be cold because that's what my position called for. And now about to have a cold and cruel husband i wondered how i should act.
My thoughts were interrupted when my Dad asked me "Are you Afraid?"
He asked me in a low worried voice.
I knew what he was asking about, and it was about the marriage... "Honestly i'm not afraid but... I'm apprehensive and kind of lost on what i should do,
I have no idea what's in store for me"
I said lowering my head.
"I understand son but... Taehyung... Know that i would never give your hand to a boy that i don't trust. I know that boy Jeon is a little cold and arrogant, and his reputation for being a ruthless Alpha , But i have known him since he was a child, and i know he would never harm any Omega, He may be cruel but he is fair, He would never hurt an innocent, I dare to say he is even more merciful than i am, I dare to tell you " My father spoke to me in a serious tone but with a little laughter at the end. "I know Dad, you already know that i trust you but as i told you before, I can't trust anyone else" I replied looking into his eyes. "I know son... I know" He said placing his hand on my shoulder and giving me a little smile. That's when he suddenly took the book from my hand to read the cover, But i ran to him trying to take the book from him before he read the cover
"DAD GIVE ME BACK!!!" I said to him jumping up to try to get the book back "But why my little Brat?, why can't i see what my own son is reading? Ohh don't tell me it's something erotic???" My dad said putting his hand over his mouth in an exaggerated way and in mock surprise "WHAT???? OF COURSE NOT"
I replied widening my eyes in embarrassment, while still jumping up and down trying to pick up the book "Oh really? Then let me read the cover" Said my father looking at me from above, I sighed and finally gave up "Okay old man, you can read"
I said crossing my arms with an angry expression. My father laughed at my attitude and turned the cover of the book to read "Edgar Allan Poe_The Reven" My father read aloud. I closed my eyes sighing and opened them to see my father laughing "Laugh all you want, at least I'm not reading anything erotic" I said still angry with my father "Oh my little brat, You never disappoint me" He said still laughing and again messed up my hair.

Kingdom of the Shadows

Jungkook pov*

I was in the woods running at full speed in STORM, my Horse. It's been about 2 hours since i was behind that beast, I wanted to get close enough to be able to shoot. The others who accompanied me, were a little behind,
I ran in STORM with blood in my eyes "Come on boy. Let's get this beast"
I said to my horse as we ran after the tiger. People always thought i was crazy because i liked to hunt Felines, Especially my mother, every time i said i was going to hunt, She made up an excuse to keep me at home, This whole month she kept me at home with the excuse that i had to look at the wedding stuff, But today i was finally able to go out hunting, Since everything for the wedding was ready. (In this story they don't turn into wolves, But they have more strength, endurance and are faster than a normal human being, especially the Alphas).
I continued chasing the catlike but i noticed that my horse started to be tire, It was time to let him rest and hunt alone "Okay boy, I'll let you rest, and you go to the others okay?" I told my horse even though he couldn't answer me i knew he understood me. STORM was still running. Slowly i got up in my feet and i stood on top of his cell and then i took my gun and left it cocked,
I jumped up and hit the floor, Stopped a little in front of the tiger. He looked at me angrily and let out a roar "Hello magnificent creature"

(Something like that, except he jumped off the horse, So ignore the wolf and the man)

I said smiling at a predatory manner.
I got up little by little while wielding my gun, He kept snarling and ran towards me. I smiled and aimed my gun at his head and quickly fired, When his paws were about to reach me, He fell at my feet immobilized. Then i heard the noise of horses hooves and the others reached to me, Yoongi Hyung had the STORM rope in his hand "Damn it Kook, why don't you ever wait for us? Hunting with you is never fun" Said Yoongi complained to me with displeasure. "Get used to it Yoongi Hyung, When it's just me and him, He does the same thing" Said Namjoon laughing at his brother's attitude

"You guys are sluggish anslow... Since you all it's here, Then please do me the favor to catch the tiger and put it in the cell... I want him in my base"
Said Jungkook walking to his horse and taking the rope from Yoongi's hand in a rude way... Well, he doesn't like to share anything. "You selfish person, why did you call us to hunt if only you were going to hunt alone???" Yoongi shouted at Jungkook who ignored him and started to ride away on the horse.
"Son of a bitch, and you haven't even helped us put the feline in the cage..." Yoongi continued. Namjoon drew his sword and aimed it at Yoongi neck. "Don't curse my mother you bastard" Said Namjoon Seriously.
"Sorry, sometimes i forgot you both have the same mother" Yoongi said pushing the sword away with his finger and laughing in a cynical way.
"Then let's put the tiger in the cage " Namjoon said jumping off the horse and going to the animal, Yoongi accompanied him along with the guards who went to help with the hunt, and they put the tiger in the cage and went back to the castle where Jungkook had already arrived.
(I'm sorry for not knowing how to narrate a hunt🥺 is that I don't understand these things🤭)

(Kook's Clothes To Hunt, and his Horse)

Still Jungkook pov*

I got home and took STORM straight to the stables for a shower. Jisung a Beta boy who worked taking care of the horses, Came to me and took STORM's cell to take him to shower, I took the cell from him "It's ok kid, I'll wash him" I replied not so rudel, Since he was just a boy. I didn't like having my things touched, I only let him bathe my horse when i wasn't home, STORM was one of the things i like most in my Castle, Him and my dog. "Fine sir, sorry"
He replied smiling and bowing.
"No need to apologize. You can prepare his food" I said and the boy beamed and bowed about 10 times "Thank you sir, thank you very much" He seemed happy because i didn't let anyone touch anything on my horse, and he only did that when i wasn't there, But today i was in the castle and still allow him to touch STORM's food. I took the horse to the sink, I took his cell and, I got the hose and started to wet him, Then i threw the shapoo in his shiny fur and brushed him with his brush. After rinsing him i took him to the stall. When i entered the stall Jisung was finishing putting STORM's feed.
He finished and looked at me bowing once more, "Why the hell he always bowing so much?" I thought to myself. "Sir, The ration is ready" Jisung said with an innocent smile. "Alright boy, you can go home and rest" I said as i directed STORM to lame to eat the kibble. "No sir, I still have to take care of the others' horses when they arrive..." "Don't worry, They will take care of their horses themselves, You can go home, your mother must be waiting for you" I said interrupting him. "Alright then sir, Thank you very much" He said smiling, and bowing once more before leaving. I waited for STORM to finish eating then i locked his stalland, and i went to the main castle, My house. Already from the road i noticed the crowd and the decoration 99% Ready.
I walked past everyone and went to my room to take a shower. I got to my room took off my clothes and took a cold shower, My muscles needed ice water as they needed to relax after nearly 2 and a half hours of hunting.
I left the bathroom and went into my room, I grabbed some comfortable clothes and after dressing, I took a cigar from my pack, lit it with a lighter and put the lighter in my pocket. Later i went to my office. It was already getting a little dark, despite not being so visible here... In the sky there were already stars. My mom wouldn't let me smoke, she said my mate wouldn't like me to smoke, so i started to smoke just one cigarette during the week, I only smoked when i was very stressed and at the time i was stressed because of the wedding. I couldn't smoke a whole cigar anymore so i threw the rest on the floor and stubbed it out with my shoe.
After turning it off, I walked into my office and went to my desk. I sat in the chair, turned on my notebook and took my papers and started looking at the week's pending items. Because of the wedding, I had a lot of accumulated things to do. I personally sighed and started to solve possible problems on the computer. After about 2 hours i heard jumping noises entering my office. "Fuck" I said knowing who she was, and why she was there.
"Good Evening 🌙, You stubborn kid" Said my mother possing her arms over her chest while looking at me.
"So you were Hunting a tiger??? And then you smoked a cigar? And now you're here working instead of resting? All this on the eve of your wedding. Are you trying to kill yourself under torture????" She asked me with a very low athoritative voice.
"Mom (I sighed)... I did all this exactly because of this marriage, I needed to distract myself, relax and finish the work that this mariage delayed"
I replied calmly, still playing with the Notebook.
My mother approached me and closed the computer rudely on my hand.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you you brat, Take advantage of the fact that I'm here today to guide you because after you get married we'll don't see each other very much"
She said bending over the table and looking at me in the eyes in a threatening way. I didn't feel intimidated or angry, My mother was a lot like me, We had the same genius and the two of us always measured strength. But i always won because i was cold and i didn't care about details, She was strong but she was also apprehensive and let her emotions speak louder. After she closed the computer i remained calm and slowly took my hands off the laptop placing them on the arm of the chair. I looked at her blankly waiting for her to finish what she had to say. She saw that she now had my attention and then she said "I already told you that i don't like you to hunt Felines. And i know that's your life... I know that...But you're about to get married, And your bride is just a child, A adorable child, Do you really think he'll want to see his future husband smoking cigars?" She said moving away from the table and pacing back and forth as she spoke. I just watched her with boredom. "Like you said he's young, so he's probably more open-minded than you" I told her evenly. She stopped walking and looked at me. "Look Jungkook i don't mind that you wear those piercings and tattoos that you've had for years, I really don't mind, Since you guys nowadays love to invent different ways of torturing yourselves. But when i talk about huntin, I talk about your life, I didn't put you in the world and suffered for hours in childbirth for you to waste my pain and kill yourself in a light way, You don't have that right Jeon"
My mother said more authoritative than ever. I smiled inside, I liked her crazy, nonsensical logic. That was the best way for her to say she loves me. "Don't worry, when i try to kill myself I'll ask your permission first" I said ironically. "Great your majesty. You won't do more than your duty. And the next time you go hunting, Shoot some deer like the others do, And when you feel like smoking... Smoke your wife's body" She said turning to me and giving me a stern look. I smile internally with her advice. One of them looked even interesting...(You know😎🔞) "Okay...So i Can i finish my work now?"
I asked her still without expression. "Okay, go back to your work... But try to rest for at least a few hours" She told me and i just nodded my head turning my eyes to the computer. She came over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I remained motionless. She looked me in the eyes and said...
"I Love You More Than Everything" She didn't wait for my answer because she knows she wouldn't have. I stopped saying I LOVE YOU to my parents and my Hyung when i turned 8 and took over the knighthood of the Castle, and Years later i turned 12 and took over the knighthood of the entire Kingdom. After giving me a lecture and a statement my mother leaves my office and i saw her knock on the office door with my father who placed his hand on her waist, Caressing her and then walked into the office and closed the door. "Did i really have to see that? This is worse than torture, For stuffs like this that i smoke." I thought turning my attention back to the screen.
"Good Evening Son" Said my father sitting in a chair in front of me.
"Good Evening Father" I replied without looking at him "Are you finishing work?" He asked me and i just nodded in confirmation. "Need help?" He asked neutrally. "If it's not too much bother" I replied without looking at him. "Okay, get over there" He said pushing my chair and placing his beside me. He picked up the papers on the table and started looking through them, He took out his cell phone and started making some important calls. My Father was not a very transparent person. Not everyone knew the real "I" of him. He was a born leader. An Alpha who played by the rules but also made his own rules. Every time he smiles doesn't mean he's happy and every time he "cries" doesn't mean he's sad, He's like an unknown quantity, He always used to say that only our family and the King of the Kingdom of the Stars CHRIS really know who he is, And in that i agree. The two of us also had a lot in common, looks mostly, and we weren't much for talking. After finishing work i said good night to my father and went to my room try to sleep. I took all off my clothes, I felt more comfortable sleeping without clothes, I didn't know if i would have to change this habit because of my mate, I didn't know if this baby would be comfortable with it. Tomorrow would be the big day, Where i would be bound with an alliance,
I still honestly didn't know how i felt about it. And all i knew about my future mate was that he was younge and Extremely Beautiful.

The other day in the morning

I woke up with the noise of the guests were making in the castle. I didn't mind too much because i was used to being up early. And like King and Head Alpha, I was also used to hearing a lot of noise, Mainly from crowds, gunshots and torture. I got up and went to my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, As "almost" every morning i woke up with a small problem 🔞, So i fixed it and took a shower. Then i came to my room and put on some clothes.
I left my room and walked past the decorations and down to the stable to see my horse. I wanted to ride before starting the ceremony. When i was halfway walking i heard someone calling my name and so i turned around. She was a maid from the Kingdom who always came to my castle even though she didn't work there. "Hello Master" She said smiling.
I ignored it and turned around to walking again. She ran and stopped in front of me. "What the hell that person want?" I thought. "Your majesty wait... I came to offer you something" She said fluttering her eyelashes thinking she was acting sexy, When in fact she looked like a peacock covulating. "Believe me ma'am, You have nothing that i want, Now get the hell out of my way before i kill you" I said glaring at her. She looked a little scared but still didn't pull away, on the contrary she approached and tried to touch me "Jungkook please, It's just one night that I want, just one before you get married please" She said trying to touch me as i walked away. My anger only increased. "You dare call me by my name???? How dare you try to touch me???? What the hell are you? A nymphomaniac? To beg for it?" I said gritting my teeth.
"I was willing to let you go unharmed since you're close to my mother's age, But i just woke up and already came across someone annoying me. Guards?, Arrest her in the dungeon" I told my guards who caught the woman and took her to the dungeons. What surprised me is that she wasn't crying, on the contrary, She laughed and rubbed the guards as she was taken.
I ignored that being insignificant person and went to my horse. After feeding him i decided it wouldn't be good to ride today as i might have a bad back.
I went back to the castle and watched the decorations. At the moment there wasn't much i could do. Everything was ready and in order. I had already bought the rings and my outfit.
The only thing missing was the wife.
The hours passed and finally the time had arrived. My mother had informed me that Taehyung had already arrived in the Kingdom and that he was already getting ready. But as the bride it was always going to take time. I asked my mom to do as much as she could to make him look older. She said she was going to try but she wasn't sure if she would make it as his mom would also help him to get ready. I greeted Taehyung's father and a few other guests like Taehyung's brother who had arrived today, and Yoongi Hyung's wife who had also arrived today.
(Jin and Jimin didn't go to the castle together with Namjoon and Yoongi. Namjoon and Yoongi went first because they wanted to spend time with Jungkook and have a bachelor party hunting). I also ran into Namjoon and Yoongi Hyung who were still complaining about the hunt and about me not leaving anyone to take care of their horses when they arrived. After greeting people i went to get ready. After taking a shower i got dressed and went to the living room with the people who were going to help me finish getting ready. I didn't like strangers touching me so after helping Taehyung my mother came to help me with my hair and tie. She said that Taehyung's maids were already helping him.
I didn't really like hearing that, what maids was she talking about?
I didn't like the idea of ​​anyone touching him, especially a few hours before we got married. I got ready and went to the altar to wait for my future wife.

Taehyung pov*

I woke up in the morning a little late after sleeping the whole night. I thought my thoughts wouldn't let me sleep but... I sleep peacefully. I think it was the bath and relaxing massage that my maids gave me. After getting up, My maids as they do every morning, Entered in my room and helped me in the shower. I took a shower for about half an hour. Because i was once again forced to soak in the tub of roses.
After the long shower i spent a few more hours getting massages and spar stuff. My dress had already arrived and the roses from my bouquet too.
When i was finally allowed to breathe,
I put on a robe, And some wedding tags were passed to me, There were some of them that really embarrassed me. After the labels, The night was coming, and i got dressed so i could go to the other Kingdom. My bags were already packed, I made a point of getting everything i was going to miss. And so i said goodbye to my house with a heavy heart, Then i went to my limousine with my parents and my servants.
My security guards followed us in other cars. I spent the entire trip memorizing the stars of my Kingdom that i would miss so much. After 1 hour and a half i noticed the face of the path change.
We had arrived at the grounds of the Kingdom of the Shadows. It was no longer very much possible to see the stars. It was a Kingdom with many large trees that overshadowed the light of the moon and stars a little. Hence the name "Kingdom of the Shadows". After another half hour we arrived at the gate of my future husband's Castle.
The gate automatically opened for us. We walked in and greeted everyone, Queen Mia gave me lots of hugs and squeezed my cheeks, King Johnathan smiled a lot and shook my hands.
My parents seemed happy with the hospitality they treated me. Soon after i found Jin and Jimin and the three of us stayed together the whole time talking, Laughing and missing each other.
I missed my brother a lot, We loved each other very much and i was happy to know that we would be neighbors. Jin, after spending a lot of time with me, went to miss our parents. Jimin and i continued talking until it was time for me to start getting ready. I entered a room that was like a dressing room, and then Jin, my mother, Queen Mia, Jimin and my maids start to get me ready. After almost 3 hours i was ready. I don't know why miracle but Mom liked my dress. After wearing it she placed the Veil on my head and Jin gave me my bouquet. I was just a little sad because my maternal and paternal grandparents were not going to attend, They were from a very distant Kingdom. After getting ready i took a deep breath and headed towards the entrance of the party. Queen Mia was no longer in the room with us she had already left a few hours ago, After she insisted on doing my makeup together with my Mom. Jin and Jimin did my hair, and my maids adjusted my dress and fashioned my bouquet.
I took a deep breath and covered my face with the veil, and after hearing the entrance music ring i started walking towards the Hall. I thought i was going to get more nervous but my nervousness was medium, But my heart was a little racing. I continued to walk and then i slowly descended a stairway with too many flowers on the back for my liking. Not that i didn't like flowers, I loved them but on trees. I continued down the steps, careful not to trip over my dress. I surreptitiously observed the decorations, Everything was really pretty, and i realized that everything at weddings was apparently flowers.

After going down all the steps, Dad came up to me and offered me his arm smiling. I put my arm through his and we both walked side by side.
I looked at the guests through the thin veil on my face, my Mom and Queen Mia were emocional, Jin and Jimin were crying rivers of tears, King Johnathan was smiling, and Namjoon and King Yoongi had a smirk on their faces. And it was then that i directed my eyes forward and faced Mister Jeon. He was wearing a beautiful black robe that suited him very well. He was very handsome and even with his hair combed the strands stuck out to the sides, which i found attractive and different. Mister Jeon had a neutral expression he stared at me looking like he wanted to look through my Veil.
A few seconds my Dad and i arrived at the altar and the music stopped.
"Take good care of him" Dad spoke in a low voice to Lord Jeon.
He nodded at to him in confirmation. Dad turned to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead through the Veil. I smiled at him even though i knew he couldn't see fully, He also smiled a little and shook my hand and then guided my hand to Lord Jeon who held my hand in his, Dad took my bouquet from my hands and left the altar and went to sit next to Mom.

(Tae's Outfit, Bouquet, How he is looking)

(Kook's Outfit, and How he is looking)

I turned to my future husband who still held my hands. He slowly turned me towards him and took hold of my veil and slowly lifted it. After suspending it, He looked at me intensely as if examining me, I saw his eyes move to my mouth and i saw him swallow hard, Our gazes were interrupted by the priest who began the ceremony. The priest said several things about married life and fidelity, and the whole time while he was talking Jeon and i were holding hands. After the long ceremony the Priest asked us to repeat some words to each other and to file papers with witnesses. And then Jin brought us the rings and crowns. I placed the ring on Alpha finger and then he placed it on my finger repeating the words
"Take this Ring as proof of my love and my fidelity" And then we placed the crowns, Jeon bent down for me to place his crown, And i paid the crown and put it on in his black hair. Then he took my crown and again bent down to place it on my head. My crown had stars which represents in a way my Kingdom of birth, and Lord Jeon's Crown had black details that symbolized the shadows of his Kingdom.

(Taekook Hold Hands)

(The Rings_ and They Are Gold)

(Taekook's Crown, Tae's up and Kook's down)

"And so i pronounce you both Husband and Wife and King and Queen. You may Kiss the Wife and your Queen" Said the priest loud and clear. Upon hearing his words my cheeks turned red and my heart sped up. My husband approached me, put his hands on my waist and pulled me close in a manly and steel grip, I let out a slight sigh of surprise, Then he looked me in the eyes and bent down, putting his lips on mine.
His mouth was warm and soft.
Unlike the piercing he had in the lips, Which was cold and hard, This created a contrast between his mouth and mine, He started to move his lips on mine and i responded slowly, When he saw that, He squeezed his arm around my waist more and deepened the kiss, His piercing hurt my lips a little bit,
I put my hands on his shoulder and neck for balance. When i put my hand on his neck he bit my mouth, I let out an exclamation of pain, and he stuck his tongue in my mouth, He deepened the kiss even more and put his hands in my hair stroking and pulling. I was surprised by this hot kiss he had given me, and he continued to kiss me, But now are more slowly. People started to applaud and slowly he released me.
He locked his eyes with mine as if he wanted to see my reaction. I blinked my eyes several times and bit my mouth looking away and looking around the

All the guests in Smiling. Less one person. I froze a little when i saw him over there, "Why did he come,?"
I wondered but quickly ignored that thought and his presence. Jungkook took my hand and we walked down the aisle as some people threw rice at us and others lit our way with small fireworks.

(Something like this)

As we walked past the people i looked up to see my husband's reaction,
He was already looking at me, He had a neutral expression but gave me a crooked smile when we looked at each other. After passing through the crowd Jin and Jimin came up to me smiling "Tae come with us, now you have to change clothes for the party" Said Jin smiling and pulling me away to my husband. I looked at Jungkook and he had a hard expression on his face, But soon Yoongi and Namjoon walked over to him and the three of them also left for Jungkook to change his clothes.
Jin and Jimin took me to the room and gave me the party dress, I put on the dress and took off the veil and went back to the part to finish the celebrations.

(Tae's Party Dress)

Jungkook Pov*

I was at the Altar waiting for my mate to arrive, I had been waiting for almost an hour, and Patience was not my strong suit. After a few more minutes, His entry was announced. He came down the stairs and came to me arm in arm with his father. I tried to see his face clearly but the Veil prevented, Later his father left him beside me asking me to take good care of him. And then eagerly i took the veil off his face. He was looking very beautiful as always, That beauty always left me speechless, But i think my mother failed in trying to make it a little older.
He was still looking younger than ever, with those big, beautiful blue eyes and that sexy, very red mouth. I held his hand throughout the ceremony as custom goes, And then we repeated words to each other and exchanged the rings, When we put on the crown i had to bend down r him to place it on me, And i also had to bend down to put it on his crown in his beautiful light hair. Then the priest announced that we were married and we could kiss.
I looked at him intensely and breathed in, and then that sweet smell of strawberry hit me, I just couldn't control myself and i pulled him tight by the thin waist and glued my lips to his, He answered me slowly and i deepened the kiss and i could feel the contrast of my piercing in is mouth and mine.
His lips was very sweet and delicate,
I wondered how sweet his tongue would be too, and So i bit his mouth a little rough, he let out a painful gasp and that made me even more excited and so i stuck my tongue in into his mouth and started sucking his tongue along with my lips. I wasn't in my right mind, I was just lost in that scent and that warm, delicious mouth, I felt him tighten around me holding my shoulders and my neck, When he grabbed my neck an unknown pleasure shot through me and i tucked my hands in his soft full hair and pulled stroking. That's when i heard clappings and i came to my senses. I slowly pulled away from him and looked into his big blue eyes, He was even more beautiful with his face flushed and breathing heavily, But i regretted kissing him so roughly. He was so young and cute and now he had a scared expression on his face because of my rough kiss and because i just couldn't control myself.
After the kiss we left the altar and went to the guests who lit the way and threw rice at us. I looked at him watching his reactions and he turned to me too,
I curled my lips a little in an imitation of a smile, It was my way of apologizing for the rude kiss. nd then his friend and his brother came up to us and took him away from me, so he could change for the party, I knew it was necessary but i didn't like them touching what was mine and it got out of my control. My hyungs came over to me too and i changed into more comfortable clothes and put on a glove, I was afraid my skin would touch my mate's and i wouldn't be able to control myself when our skins touch. After changing i went back to the hall for the party. I went to my parents and my wife's parents along with Yoongi and Namjoon. I grabbed a glass of wine and started sipping as i watched everyone talking.
I wasn't chatting, I was just observing everyone's conversation, I wasn't a very communicative person, I just spoke when it was necessary. It was then that Taehyung entered the hall accompanied by his rother and friend. My blood started to boil and i balled my hands into fists "What the hell does he think he was wearing???" I thought to myself. He wore a revealing dress that accentuated his tiny waist and wide hips, and to add to my dismay the dress had a plunging neckline and a slit down the leg. Was he just trying to kill me???????? I looked around to scan the room to see if anyone was looking at him, If i saw someone staring at him i was sure to rip their head off. But everyone in the hall was looking at him, Damn, maybe the solution was to kill everyone. I sighed angrily knowing that unfortunately i couldn't do that, Even because there were people who looked up to him just because he was the bride and the Queen, But even with plausible reasons i didn't like to anyone looked at what belongs to me. I was definitely going to leave him a notice afterwards that he was forbidden 🚫 to wear that kind of clothing.

(Kook's Outfit)

Taehyung pov*

After arriving at the salon i observed the cake, It was a beautiful cake, but it was too big and had too many details.
I looked around the room and saw Mr. Jeon in the corner with his parents,
My parents, and Yoongi and Namjoon.
He had a glass of wine in his hand.
I looked at him and observed that he looked at me with stern eyes as if he wanted to burn my soul, But why that look i did not understand. "Let's go to your husband Tae" Said Jimin pushing me towards Mister Jeon and the others. "Hi darlings, Are you ready to waltz?" Said my mother looking at me and looking at Mr. Jeon. She no longer seemed to have any quarrels with Lord Jeon. "Um, not really" I replied sincerely with a shy smile, and out of the corner of my eye i noticed that my husband kept looking me up and down. "Well try to calm down and get ready" My mom said smiling at me. And then she turned her attention to Mr Jeon's parents, Jimin was hugging Yoongi and Namjoon hugging Jin. And then i realized that only me and Head Alpha were standing there not talking. And then he came to me looking me up and down with a piercing gaze, He stopped in front of me and offered his hand which was dressed in a black glove. "My Queen, grant me this dance" He said looking me deeply in the eyes, His brown eyes seemed dark with lust.
I took a deep breath and handed my hand to him. He held it delicately as if he was afraid my hand would break, his hand practically swallowed mine.

We stopped in the middle of the hall and a slow song started to play, He held me by the waist and started to move slowly with waltz steps, I didn't think he could dance so well, Lucky i could dance too "Interesting dress" He told me looking me in the eyes, The eyes usually read were brown but that night they looked like black orbs watching glued to every detail of the my face and my body. Even though he was my husband, His looks made me uncomfortable because i was a little shy person. "Lol, don't you like it? I like it, it's very comfortable" I said in a low voice and a little shy. "Um, I think it lacks a bit of cloth, don't you?" He told me in a menacingly low and gravelly voice. Now i understood the reason for his hard looks. "Actually i like open clothes, They are more comfortable"
I said looking at him with challenge.
He pulled me closer and squeezed me tighter in his arms, He lowered his lips to my ear and whispered
"I hope i don't see you again in that kind of outfit, This is just a warning,
I don't like to repeat my words".
He pulled his lips away from my ear and looked at me authoritatively. "We'll see" I said looking him in the eyes with a challenging smile. He blinked at me as if he was surprised by my answer.
He opened his mouth to answer me but suddenly the guests started banging their glasses with their spoons.
My heart started to race because i knew what that meant. Jeon looked at me and cocked his head to the side and asked me "Are you ready?" I just nodded at him in confirmation. he moved away from me, and slowly bent down with his eyes glued to mine, I also kept my gaze on his as he bent down, He raised his hands that were covered with the glove and Taking off gloves and throwing them to the floor. Them he brought his hands to my leg, I grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled it up at the slit part exposing my leg fully so i lifted my leg a little towards him,
I could feel my face getting hot as i blushed, Jeon looked at my exposed leg piercingly with his big dark eyes glowing with lust. I gulped. He brought his hands to my leg and touched it, sliding his hands along it, He didn't have to do that, My breathing was heavy and i looked at him with a scolding look, He ignored my gaze and grabbed my leg with his hand and pulled me close, I let out an exclamation of surprise. Jeon brought his face to my thigh close to the garter that was around him, He brushed his lips on my thigh and i took a deep breath to not moan, Then he opened his mouth and bit the garter on my thigh and slowly pulled his mouth away while the garter knot was coming undone from my thigh. He looked at me with the garter still in his mouth and he stood up slowly with his gaze glued to mine, He walked over to me and cocked his head, And then i realized what he wanted, I lifted my slightly trembling hands and took the league from his mouth. He keeps looking at me and then all the guests start applauding.
I took a breath and inhaled with the garter still in my hand.

After Jeon took my garter off, my father came up to me for a dance, Jeon danced with his mother. After dancing with my father i went to the balcony which was a little way from the hall. Everyone in the hall was dancig to upbeat music.
I looked at the Kingdom from the balcony, It was dark and very beautiful, Full of big trees, I just wanted to be able to see the stars better that night. It was only possible to see a little of them.
I closed my eyes and felt the wind breeze pass over my face. That's when i felt a presence approaching me.
I opened my eyes and turned around,
I was startled when i saw Jackson in front of me staring at me. "Tae...Yo...u...Are...Loo...king..So...Beautiful" Jackson said slowly stuttering as he looked at me with twinkling eyes,
I looked at him and then looked around to see if anyone saw us. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "I came to see you, I came to see your wedding... Well since unfortunately i wasn't the one who married you, you had to marry someone else didn't you? After all i didn't wait for you, My parents didn't let me wait for you" He spoke to me with a shaky and sad voice. "Jackson this is in the past, Now we are both married so go back to your wife" I told him seriously. He took a few steps towards me but i backed off. "I know... I know all that, But... I wish i had married you and you know that, It should have been me today in his place, It should have been me bye your side" He spoke quickly approaching me and stopping in front of me, I didn't even have time to walk away "Jackson stop being crazy and get out of here, My husband won't like to see you near me" I told him giving a few steps but the balcony was already at my back leaving me with no way out "I know...I just want to ask you one thing, One last thing" He said raising an index finger "What?" I breath. "Give me a dance? One last dance?" He said looking into my eyes "Jackson They'll see..." "Please just one dance" He interrupted me with pleading eyes. I nodded slowly in agreement. He smiled and walked over to me putting his hands around me, and then we started slow dancing. "You are so beautiful" He said looking at me and smiling. "Jackson stop it" I said staring at him "Okay I'm sorry, I'll try to control myself" He said with a crooked smile. "Okay we danced, now i need to go back" I told him trying to walk away, But he kept holding me "Wait...Don't go now" He said pulling me close "Jackson let me go, I need to get back to my husband". He didn't hear me and tightened his arms around me and started to approach to my lips trying to kiss me, I widened my eyes annd started to pull him.
"Jackson are you crazy??? Stop it. You're better than that" I said trying to push him away "Oh, Is that you're wrong" He said with a sad laugh. is face was already quite close to mine...when suddenly Jackson was pulling back and someond hitting him in the face with a powerful punch that knocked him to the ground. I widened my eyes when i saw Jeon throwing Jackson to the ground and throwing punches at him.
I screamed and ran towards them "Jeon? Stop... Stop you're going to kill him" I screamed trying to pull Jeon's arms but he didn't even move "That's the ideia" He answered me with a scary voice and came back punching Jackson who at that time was alost unconscious "Stop please... JUNGKOOK STOP" I screamed and the moment i said his name he stopped and looked at me. So that's when Yoongi and Namjoon came to us, Yoongi went to help Jackson and Namjoon came to his Brother.
I looked around the room and luckily nobody seemed to have noticed anything. Everyone was still dancing. "Jungkook why did you hit my cousin like that?" Yoongi asked looking at Jungkook with a calm but not happy look. "You're lucky i didnt kill him" Jeon replied with a voice full of anger. Yoongi didn't argue and helped Jackson up, As an Alpha he was already recovering from the punches, So he headed for an exit by the balcony stairs so the guests wouldn't see them. Jackson turned his head a little softly towards me and said "Tae, I love you"
I widened my eyes and then Jungkook let out a curse and went to Jackson and grabbed him by the neck, Namjoon and Yoongi try to contain him, Jungkook huffed anger "How dare you lust after my Queen in front of me?????" I went to Jungkook and pulled im away from Jackson with a lot of effort "Your Majesty please calm down and don't listen to him" I said
Yoongi and Namjoon took advantage of the fact that i managed to "contain" Jungkook and rushed Jackson away.
I saw that Jackson had a voting smirk on his face. Jungkook turned to me angrily, His eyes burning with rage,
His whole body was shaking. "Why the hell you here with this Guy?????? WHY????????" He yelled in my face.
"I came to get some air and he came after me" I replied scaed. "And why did he come to you?" He asked closing me with his arms between the balcony.
"He only knows me from visiting my father...just this, Nothing more"
I replied in a shaky voice. I didn't want to tell Jungkook the truth that Jackson was once my fiancé because i was scared to see his possitivity so it wouldn't be good for him to find out that Jackson was once my fiancé.
"Does your father know about this?" He asked with a low voice bt still shaking with anger "No, He doesn't know" I said not wanting to cause my Dad any problems. "I really hope you weren't lying, My Queen...Because i can't stand lies" He said stroking my face with his thumb, It was a caring but threatening gesture. I didn't answer, I just looked at him and shook my head. He seemed to relax a bit and pulled away but kept one hand on my waist.
It was then that our parents came up to us smiling "Hello married people. Are you two already hiding here enjoying it?" Said Queen Mia smiling. Me and Jungkook turned to themand he kept his hands on my waist. "Sorry to interrupt you, But it's time to cut the cake" Said King Johnathan looking at us smiling. "Of course we're going"
I replied with a forced smile. Jungkook and i walked into the hall, he still kept his hand around me. "It's everything okay?" Asked my mother whispering to me "Yes. it is" I replied smiling at her. "Okay then" She said smiling not too much convinced.
Jungkook and i walked over to our cake and distributed it to the guests. The first pieces we gave to our
parents. Jungkook was already calmer and seemed to have forgotten what happened. After a few more minutes of conversation, it was time to go to the room for our honeymoon. I said goodbye to my parents and Jimin and tried my best not to cry. I was already nervous again, My heart was fluttering like crazy. Jungkook slowly came up to me and held my hand "Shall we go?" Jungkook said looking at me seriously,
I nodded in confirmation. The two of us left the hall and he led me to the halls of the castle. As we walked i realized how beautiful and big the castle was. Jungkook was guiding me along the way and then we entered a large and very beautiful room that had an unlit fireplace. Jungkook led me to a staircase, then we went upstairs and stopped at a bedroom door. We entered the room and Jungkook closed the door.


That was long.
Hope you liked it 💚💜

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