If Bob was your Dad.

By LocalQueerBaddieee

25.8K 575 762

I.. I don't know. My daddy issues spoke to me. More

He was a great Dad.
Why did he leave?
Visiting dear old Dad.
How did she.. Survive?
Going home.
The news.
What happened?
Not this time.
What have you done.

I won't lose him too.

1.1K 26 55
By LocalQueerBaddieee

You wake up determined. You would find your dad, even if it killed you. You got dressed into sweatpants, a T-shirt, with a zipper hoodie over the shirt, and your best combat boots. You put a pocket knife in your pocket and try to leave without Streber noticing. Luckily, he wasn't up yet.

You sneak out to the spot where your father was brought to his knees. It still shakes you to the core. You knew what you were risking, but it was worth it.

You sigh and walk along the sidewalk thinking of places he could be. Truth be told, you have absolutely no idea. You check the local butcher shop since you heard your father mention working there once. As you step into the shop, you're engulfed in the smell of fresh meat. Looking around for any sign of your father, you approach the cashier.

"Hey Jake, uhm have you seen either my father or a tall skinny man with long black hair?" He shook his head. Groaning in disappointment, you thank him and walk out.

You think of where you would hide your father if you were a kidnapper. The haunted house in the woods is your first thought. Begrudgingly, you make your way to the woods.

Once you get to the edge of the woods you slide your hand into your pocket, gripping onto your knife. The woods are dark and foggy. You can see the haunted house from where you are in the woods. You can't shake the feeling you're being followed.

After what seems like hours of walking, you finally come to the haunted house. You take a deep breath and slowly open the door with a loud creak.

You creep in and look around. You hear someones footsteps nearby so you duck behind the closest thing and watch the figure. Its him. The man who knocked your father to his knees.

You want to lunge at him and slice off his body parts until he tells you where your father is, but you have to stay hidden. You can hear the man curse under his breath, "fuck you too Bob."

You smirk and wait for him to leave before creeping over to the door he came through.

You enter the room and are swallowed by the smell of blood and the sound of whimpering. You step further into the room out of the hallway. Looking around, you see your father, curled up in a corner with chains on his neck and ankles. He's soaked in blood and tears, shaking uncontrollably. You gasp and rush over to him, grabbing onto his chains trying to unlock them while he slowly turns his head to see you.

"Y/N? No no you need to leave.."
You grab his hands and look him in the eyes. "No. Not without you I'm not. Never again." He smiles slightly but immediately stops, shooing you away. You sigh and try to break the chains. You whine under your breath as you fail to break them. You grab his hands and try to pull him up but he falls back down. You've never seen your father so hopeless, so.. Broken. It scares you, but you need to power through.

You have to get your father out of these chains, and back home to tend his wounds. "God dammit, why did you have to have my stubbornness.. Y/N you need to leave.. He'll kill you.." You chuckle and smile at your father.

"No one's gonna kill me Dad, you won't let them get near me." The reassuring tone in your voice only comforts your father.

You keep fumbling with the chains as your father stands up, bracing against the wall. You watch as he snaps the chains with a tug. You stare at him for a good few seconds before letting out a heavy sigh.

He chuckles feebly as you took his arm resting in on your shoulder as you both stumbled to get to the hallway.

You walk into the main room and see the tall man speaking with two others in red robes. They all turn to you, and you smile sheepishly, trying to use their confusion to your advantage. That failed. Your father steps forward in front of you putting his arms out and balancing out his stance. "Dad no you can't take them on, not in your current state." Apparently, your father could care less. The men charge at your father. You back up against the wall, gripping your sweater.


Your father grabs one of the men by their face, slamming them onto the ground and stomping onto their neck, killing them swiftly. You stare at the dead body in horror, starting to tremble. Your father hasn't noticed your quiet whimpers.

He grabs the second man, biting into his neck and tearing his flesh. Blood gushes out of the wound all over the man and your father. You feel your tears starting to trickle down your face.

The tall man steps forward, seeming not to be effected by the dead bodies.
"Come on now Bob, you know what we can do. Give up." The tall man says in a nauseating tone. Your father seems to be snapped out of his murder trance. He slowly looks at the man. You watch in terror as your father kneels down to the man. The man chuckles and looks at you his gaze turns cold as ice.

"Well lookie here. I'm guessing you're not really his friend's kid huh?" He chuckles as he approached you. You try to back away but your back hits the wall and your heart rate spikes.

"Leave them out of this." Your father declares as he shakily stands up.

"Stand down Bob. You know the rules." Your father scoffs.

"Fuck the damn rules that's my kid. You want my service, you keep away from my kid."

The man laughed and turned to your father. "Who says you're not replaceable?"

Your father seems shaken by this. He runs at the man and grabs him by the throat, slamming him into a wall. The man pierces his knife through your father's neck, causing him to stumble back, gripping his neck.

As anger fills and overtakes your body, you stand up and charge at the man, tackling him. He swings for your shoulder, ripping through your clothes and stabbing into your skin. You grimace as you strike his face repeatedly. The man grabs you by your throat and rolls over, pinning you to the ground. He pulls his knife out of your shoulder and stabs into your other shoulder, missing your neck. Blood flows down your body. Your father stands up, pulls the man off of you and in one fluid movement, snaps his neck. He turns to you as your vision blurs.

"Shit, Y/N!" You see him run to your side, picking you up as your vision fades to black.

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