Total drama world tour!

By karateunicornalc

7K 91 180

Total drama world tourrrrrrrrrrr! More

Walk like an Egyptian part one
Walk like an Egyptian part two
Super happy crazy fun time Japan
Anything Yukon do, I can do better!
Broadway baby!
Slap, slap, revolution
Hello there
Can't help falling in Louvre
! ! ! IMPORTANT ! ! !
Newf kids on the rock
Jamaica me sweat
I see London!
*Bonus chapter*Gwuncan begins
Greece's Pieces
The ex files
Down and outback
Sweden sour
Niagara brawls
Chinese fakeout
Scarlett/ Alex gets eliminated
African lying Safari
Rapa phooey
Awwwwww, drumheller!
Interrupting the story, lmao
Hawaiian style
Planes, trains and hot air mobiles
Hawaiian Punch

The Am-AH-zon race

182 3 4
By karateunicornalc

Alex's POV

We were in loser class. Owen was asleep. He started mumbling in his sleep. "Engine failure... ah! ah! AHHHHHHHH!". He punched Alejandro in the face, knocking him to the ground and giving him a black eye. Scarlett smirked.

Owen woke up "Woah, what a terrible dream..." he said groggily. He noticed Alejandro on the floor with a black eye "Woah Al, what happened?" he asked in confusion.

"Nothing a little ice and revenge won't fix" Alejandro said.


Alex: Did he just say revenge?


"Cool- wait, did you just say revenge?" Owen asked in concern

"Of course not" Alejandro reassured "Off topic, do you have any serious allergies?".

"Hmmm... let's see now..." Owen pondered. I facepalmed and sighed at Owen's Owen-ness.

Chef came in and gave Alejandro an eyepatch to cover his injury.

Noah was sleeping with his mouth open, which caused a rat to fall into it. He woke up and spat it out "BLEGH! Stupid economy class!!!" he said in disgust.

"Being back here has some perks" Tyler said, before looking and Lindsay who was waving to him.


Alex: Awww, I'm so glad Lindsay remembered Tyler! They're such a cute couple! A little cliched, being a jock and 'the cute girl' but still!


"Next time we get on this plane, we better be in first class" Alejandro muttered, folding his arms.

"Yeah cool! Let's be a team! A team that gets along. All of us! With everyone forgiving anything that might have happened by accident! Or, whatever. Yeah!" Owen said

"Wow, that was very specific" Scarlett noted.

"Man, I feel bad for voting off LeShawna! All she did was hurt Heather! I'm hurting innocent animals" Dj sighed.

Um, 'all she did'? Heather might not be the nicest person on the show, but she's still a human being, who deserves respect! Well, she does sometimes at least.

Lindsay took Dj's hand "Cheer up Dj!" she smiled "If Tyler can come back, anything is possible! Maybe we'll become the best team ever!".

Dj and I smiled at her optimism.

Chris entered "Here's the best team ever!" he announced "Is exactly what I'll say when I get to the first class compartment!".

Dj sighed.

The plane flew for another half hour.

"Brace yourselves for landing! We've arrived at our next destination, the Amazon!" Chris said over the loudspeaker "Buuuuuuuuut, the runway's a little short".

I gulped, picturing the plane crashing into the ground.

"Gosh, I sure hope that no one from team Amazon said this might be lucky for them! That'd be disastrous" Chris added

Scarlett pulled out a notebook and pen "I'm taking bets, which member of Team Amazon jinxed it for them?" she asked twirling her pen in her fingers.

"Cody." we all responded.

The plane landed surprisingly smoothly and we got out.

"Welcome to Peru! Birthplace of the mighty Amazon river!" Chris said "This challenge is called the Am-AH-zon race-"

"You couldn't have thought of a better title?" Scarlet interrupted.

"Well what would you call it, Miss Know-it-all?" Chris glared

"Amazon pain forest?" Scarlett suggested "It's both fitting of whatever torture you're going to put us through, and an excellent play on words"

"Whatever" Chris said, knowing that that was a better name, but not wanting to admit it "Anyway, where was I before I was so rudely interrupted... oh right! Teams must hike along an ancient Inca trail all the way to Machu Pichu. Hidden somewhere among the ruins of Machu Pichu, a golden treasure awaits discovery! Find the treasure to win first class passage to our next destination! Last team to arrive at Machu Pichu sends someone out the elimination door. And be warned, the jungle contains many vicious insects!"


Alex: *Puts on bug spray*


Cody's eyes widened and he raised his hand.

Chris rolled his eyes "Yes Cody, the legal department has made me VERY aware of your deathly allergies" he sighed "And have INSISTED we supply an EpiPen." He held it up.

Cody tried to grab it, but Chris held it just out of reach.

"Wouldn't make sense to give it to the person who has the allergy" Chris smirked "What if you need an injection while you're unconscious?"

"Ooh! Ooh! Me! I can take it!" Sierra pleaded, jumping up and down.

"Who can we get to take this?" Chris said, ignoring Sierra completely.

"Ohhhhhh! Chris! Chris!" Sierra pleaded.

Cody stared at Gwen with puppy dog eyes. The goth girl sighed "I'll take it" she said with an eyeroll.

Sierra gasped "What?! No!!! I'm the only one who knows what send Cody into anaphylactic shock!!! Black ants, red ants, brown ants, poggio beans, wolf spiders, katydid crickets, the clear-winged cithearias pireta butterfly, and GOAT SALIVA!" she rambled.

"Goat saliva?" Chris chuckled "Must make dating tough, eh Cody?"


Scarlett: ...I don't get it


"Here you go Gwen" Chris said, tossing her the EpiPen. She gasped and just managed to catch it.

"Also in the jungle are the Zing-Zings" Chris continued, holding up a picture of the mention Zing-Zings "A native tribe who have never encountered modern man, and they're not about so if you see a Zing-Zing, do not make contact! They-".

Chef started playing a drum, distracting Chris.

"Will you stop that?" Chris glared. Chef stopped and rolled his eyes.

"How far is it to mucky pigeon?" Owen asked.

"Machu Pichu is a hop, skip and a jump away! Plus eighteen hours!" Chris grinned. We all groaned in annoyance.

"The jungle is too dangerous to travel at night, so teams must break at dusk and camp along the trail until sunrise" Chris continued

"And I assume there are no tents?" Alejandro guessed

"Correctamundo" Chris said "Now, because the playing field is so vast and dangerous, each team will have a walkie talkie for emergencies." He handed each team a walkie talkie "Teams, I wish you good luck! or at very least, a lack of death!"

We walked to two paths.

"Eneie, meenie, miney... left?" Lindsay said. Dj and I shrugged before following her.

We walked for a few hours, and Lindsay proceeded to talk and talk.

We got to a platform above a river.

"Welcome Tiny Victory! I'd say team, but you're more of a trio" Chris smiled "But hey, you got first so you get to cross the water hazard using this T-bar. Everyone else will have to take the line hand over hand".

Lindsay clapped excitedly.

"Sweet!" Dj cheered. I grinned

Dj hung from the T bar and Lindsay jumped on his back while I stood on top of the T bar. Dj pushed off the platform.

"First plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!" Lindsay cheered.

"Whoohooooooooooooooooo!" I cheered, honestly being happier to ride a zipline, because... it's a zipline. Enough said.

We kept running until night fell.

"I'm so hungry! I'd even take something without low carbs!" Lindsay groaned "Ok, maybe not that hungry"

We saw Chris in the middle of the path and stopped.

"Chris! Please tell me you have food, because we're starving!" Dj told him.

"Victory triplets! You're still in first place, and this is your reward!" Chris said before cutting a rope. A crate fell from a tree, breaking on impact to reveal bananas.

"All the bananas you can eat!" Chris announced.

"Sweet!" I cheered, picking one up.

Chris's walkie talkie turned on 

"Chris Chris Chris it's Gwen!" Gwen said, sounding panicked.

"Walkie talkies are for emergencies only!" Chris told her.

"The zingies- caught by the tree- tied up- with my hands in Cody's pants! This trouble is BIG!" Gwen said, still sounding frazzled

"Way to go Cody!" Tyler said over the walkie talkie. I heard the sound of him getting hit "Ow! Dang it Scarlett! That hurt!"

"That was the point, idiot" Scarlett said "Are you alright Gwen?".

"Gwen EpiPenned herself! We need help!" Courtney said.

"E-MER-GEN-" Chris tried to say

"We are being held at spearpoint by the Zing-Zings. Help. Us. Now." Heather said.


Scarlett: I have serious doubts that the alleged 'Zing-Zings' are actually real


"We're in first plaaaaace! Hi Tyler!" Lindsay yelled into the walkie talkie, oblivious to what was happening.

"Stop waving, she can't see you, idiot" Scarlett said

"Oh yeah" Tyler said.

"Ok Team Amazon! Remain calm and-" Chris said, before the song bell rang.

"You must be joking" Heather said dissaprovingly.

"Do we have to sing backup?" Owen asked

"Nope! This one is only team Amazon!" Chris said "But let's make it end with a little solo from Heather. Aaaaaand, begin!".

Acoustic guitar music started playing.


Heather: We should have just gone left. We wouldn't be in this mess

Sierra: I said so too but then Gwen used Cody's EpiPen!

Heather: Now if he gets bitten

Cody: M-my obituary's written

Sierra: Oh what would I do then?

Gwen: *Rapping* Tied up with rope, this is no joke

Spears in our face

Get me out of this place

Ain't having the luck that I anticipated

Probably means I'm eliminated. Yeah, I'm out! 

Heather: O-o-out, ooh ooh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.


The Amazons wrapped up their song.

"Well, that was entertaining. I'm going to get a manicure" Chris said, before starting to leave.

I grabbed his arm "No, you are going to help them" I said firmly.

"I am?" Chris said

"Yes." I responded

"Nah, I'm good." he grinned

"I could just hack into the security cameras in your personal quarters and post the videos on my youtube channel." I threatened

"Chef!" Chris called. Chef ran up. "Go help team Amazon" Chris told him. Chef rolled his eyes before leaving.


Alex: I have no idea how to hack, I don't have a youtube channel. I guess I'm just a really good actor

*Cuts to Chris watching the confessionals in his personal quarters*

Chris: *Spits out coffee* WHAT?!


We ate all the bananas, which was probably a mistake.

We lay down on the ground to sleep, but Dj kept us awake with weird slapping noises.

"Dj, what are you doing?" Lindsay asked him.

"I'm covered in bugs!" Dj said. I turned on my phone's flashlight and shined it at him, to reveal that he was not covered in bugs, but small monkeys.

"You didn't!" I gasped

"Wow! The bugs look just like teeny tiny adorable monkeys!" Lindsay said. Dj stopped slapping the monkeys (Thank the gods).

"What?!" he exclaimed, looking around "Oh no! They must have been attracted to the bananas...".

Dj and I bandaged up the monkeys' injuries.

"I think they're gonna be ok! Shh, let's get moving" Dj said. We started leaving, but Dj stepped on a twig, causing the monkeys to wake up and try to kill him.

"And the curse continues" I sighed, before picking up a stick and going to chase away the monkeys.

I chased them away and we started moving towards Machu Pichu. We got to the top of the mountain after climbing 374 stairs (Yes, I counted).

"The victorious threesome!" Chris said when we reached the top "Somehow, you're still in first place. Find the treasure before anyone else, and you'll leave Peru in first class!"

"Yes yes yes!" Lindsay cheered

"Alright!" I smiled.

Chris noticed Dj's terrified state "What happened to him?" he asked

"Same old story. Attacked by miniature monkeys" Lindsay shrugged

"I deserved it. I always deserve it" Dj sniffed.

"But this time the animals hurt you! And we're still in first place!" Lindsay soothed "Maybe for once the person going home won't be from our team!".

Dj sniffed again, before smiling "Split up. We'll cover more ground!" he said.

"Alright Dj!" I cheered.

We started searching for the golden treasure.

"I FOUND IT!" Tyler yelled.

"Oh no you did not!" I exclaimed, running over to where he was. 

He and Owen were trying to pull a weird crystal out of the ground.

"Um, what are you guys doing?" I asked

"We found it! The olden treasure!" Owen exclaimed, not looking away from the very, very not golden crystal.

"Nice. But, you're supposed to be looking for golden treasure" I explained.

"I found it!" Lindsay said, running up with a weird golden monkey egg statue.

"Like that!" Chris said, walking over "Finally, Victory for team Victory!"

"Way to go Lindsay!" I cheered. Dj, Lindsay and I high-fived.

"Tyler, Owen, you two are completely useless!" Scarlett yelled at Owen and Tyler.

"wait... did he say golden?" Owen questioned

"YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Scarlett screamed at him.

Owen pulled the crystal out of the ground. Sunlight hit it, causing light to beam around the temple, causing it to start crumbling.

"RUUUUUUUUUUN!" Chris yelled. We all ran while screaming.

Team Amazon ended up losing. Poor them.

Dj, Lindsay and I went up to first class.

"More freshly baked cookies? Don't mind if I do!" Dj said, taking some cookies from a stewardess.

"Hey, um, would you mind if I-" Lindsay asked

"Invited Tyler up here? No worries" I smiled. Lindsay beamed and kissed my cheek before running off to loser class to get Tyler.

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