camilo angst one-shots

By AussieAstro8

25.6K 750 305

sad boi, angst because yeah. honestly, if I wrote trigger warnings would you read them? More

Smile for the end is near
The yellow skirt.
Requests or just talk.
Hidden Hurt, Part 1.
Hidden Hurt part 2
Mental pain- part one
Mental pain-part two
How the world works.
behind this smile part one
Behind this smile-part 2
Behind This Smile- part 3
Behind This Smile
Failing to burn Part one:
Failing to burn: part 2
Wake up part one:
not a chapter ):
Camila not Camilo
Shifts hurt
Grief (short)
not so okay: part one.
Not so okay: part 2
Not-so-okay:part 3
Oh my god.
Smile for your life, it won't last forever.
It's just a little pain:
Not so okay part 4:
The boy in the mirror.
You are beautiful in every single way.
false love: part one:
False love part two:
False love part three
The Shadows Follow Me Part One:
The Shadows Follow Me Part Three:
The Shadows Follow Me Part four:
Not so okay part 4:
a burning home ---- ---
a burning home part two
with every broken bone.
a burning home extension + book update
The Lies We Tell (part one):
A headache you'll never forget-part one:

The Shadows Follow Me Part Two:

148 7 1
By AussieAstro8

The Shadows Follow Me Part Two:

Camilo had been feeling a lot better since his talk with Isabela, so much so that he felt ready to let someone else on the secrets that plagued his thoughts, the problem being he wasn't sure who.

Honestly telling anyone that he wasn't technically straight was terrifying but he knew that the more he put it off the harder it'd be and the worst the ideas and theories of how others would react would become.

Pepa and Fėlix were the ones Camilo wanted to tell next, leaving Abuela for last since he was warned about what her reaction may be.

Deciding that it was too hard to choose between his Mami and Papi Camilo decided to tell his uncle Bruno what he'd discovered about himself, Bruno's why Camilo started Questioning his identity in the first place after all.

Despite no longer having to Bruno would spend a lot of time in the walls, and although nobody judged him for it his room was hell.

"Tìo Bruno.....Tìo Bruno" Camilo called out before being dragged into the wall, by his uncle.

"Yes, how can I help you my little chameleon?"Bruno asked offering Camilo a piece of bread which Camilo didn't accept.

"Well, you know how last time we talked you came out as Asexual, Aromantic to me and I said that I was Asexual but not Aromantic and wasn't sure who I was romantic-wise?" Camilo wondered, knowing his uncle wasn't the best at remembering things.

"Yes yes I remember kiddo, we watched the mice play football afterwards" Bruno smiled fondly due to the memories he'd been making with his family.

"Well I've sorta decided to continue as unlabeled, but I've liked a girl before and I've liked boys I'm not all straight" Camilo came out.

Bruno just nodded in understanding before shoving bread in his mouth.

"That's nice kiddo have his cool rock I found it looks like a flower, kinda" Bruno spoke with his mouth full, handing Camilo a rock that looked nothing like a flower.

"Umm, thanks Tìo" Camilo smiled, confused by the gift but thankful for it anyway.

"Oh, Oh do you want to what the mice perform a play?"Bruno offered.

"Umm.. sorry but I can't" Camilo chuckled, questing what those years in the walls had done to his poor Tìo Bruno, who was nowhere near as scary as even had always made him seem, he was a bit crazy but not scary.

Camilo left as quickly as he entered the walls, deciding that he'd come out to whichever parent he saw first instead he saw his sister who just hugged him out of the blue.

" as much as I love hugs and don't get me wrong I love hugs, what is this for?" Camilo questioned.

"Ummm...I sorta overheard you coming out to Tìo Bruno" Dolores admitted.

Quite frankly Camilo had forgotten about his sister's super-hearing.

"O-Oh" the shapeshifter mumbled.

"It's okay I accept you, clearly but considering this is the first I've heard of this Bruno and I are the only ones that know" Dolores assumed.

"Actually nope, Isabela knows too I told her first" Camilo smiled, Although he hadn't planned to come out to Dolores yet he was happy she found out, besides he was going to take as many good reactions as he could before having to tell Abuela.

"And she reacted well?"Dolores asked, her expression giving away that she was ready to murder Isa in cold blood if she hadn't.


not wanting to be rude Camilo stood and talked to his sister before his eyes landed on his dad who was walking past, Camilo excused himself from the conversation and Followed Fėlix.

Eventually, Camilo caught up to his surprisingly fast father and the two sat down on a set of chairs in Pepa and Fėlix's room.

"So what's going on kiddo, why were you following me without saying anything about it?"Fėlix wondered very confusedly.

"Well...Papì there is something I have to tell you and I'm not sure how you'll react but-".

"You're Gay?"Fėlix guessed, shocking Camilo.

"What no!..well sorta I'm unlabeled I'm not straight or gay...oh and I'm also Asexual"

Camio came out again, three people in a day he was on a roll.

"Oh, okay, cool" Fėlix smiled, not really bothered.

"Cool?"Camilo repeated very confusedly.

"Well, yeah...what did you think I wouldn't accept you?.. Well, I do you're my son and hey what am I going to be mad that you don't have a sexual attraction to people and like both boys and girls? , just means I don't gotta worry about you getting any girls pregnant, doubly so if you end up with a guy" Fėlix chuckled.

Camilo wasn't sure what to expect when it came to coming out to people but it wasn't that yet was grateful for the fact his Papì accepted him.

"Is that all or are you going to stalk me all day not saying anything" Fėlix joked, causing Camilo to laugh.

Coming out to Isabela, Bruno, Fėlix, and kinda Dolores had started to give Camilo more confidence, making him want to go find the next family member he saw (that wasn't Abuela) and come out to them, that Family member being Lusia, who basically said the same as Dolores and then asked him to let her get back to moving the building that she was holding, looking back on it Camilo understood he should have waited until she didn't have a house on her shoulders to come out to her but what's done is done.

After dodging Abuela twice Camilo managed to find the second scariest person he had to tell,

His Mamì.

"Mamì I need to talk to you are you busy?"Camilo asked sitting next to his mother.

Pepa had been sitting next to the lake, it was where she'd go when she was bored or wanted to admire the water.

"I'm never too busy for you Mì Amorė" Pepa smiled looking at her son instead of the lake.

"Well..umm, Mamì I'm Asexual" Camilo admitted not sure what Pepa would say.

"Oh is that all, I thought you'd killed someone the way you were acting, did you know you're Tìo Bruno is Asexual as well?"Pepa laughed.

"Y-Yes Mami...but it's more than that, I'm also sorta unlabeled, as far as dating goes, like I'm not straight..I'm not gay either" Camilo came out for the fifth time that day.

"Sì that's okay Amorė, at least your father and I never have to worry about teen pregnancies out of you" Pepa laughed at her own joke.

"That's what Papì said, why did everyone think I was going to get a girl pregnant?"

Camilo exclaimed, very confused.

Pepa just burst into laughter before stopping herself.

"Bebé dose you Abuela know?"Pepa asked seriously.

"No, I'll tell her last Tìo Bruno warned me that she won't be happy." Camilo frowned.

"No, No she will not, but that's okay your Papì and I love you all the same and I'm sure the same goes for everyone other than your Abuela" Pepa forced a smile hugging her son.

"Tìo Bruno, Isabela, Papì, and Lusia were okay about it" Camilo smiled, trying to forget about his Abuela and how much coming out to her scared him.

"That's wonderful, you only have Mirabel, Antonio, and my Mamì left to come out to" Pepa hugged Camilo again, she never wanted to let go, knowing that eventually, Camilo was going to come out to her Mamì and if Bruno's coming out was anything to go by that wouldn't end well.

do you guys want a backstory/of Bruno's angst from his coming out to Abuela?

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