Simple Concept . (Frerard Flu...

By SunshineCellabration

41.4K 1.7K 1.2K

Want to have a cringe attack? Read this. One of those really common college fanfics of which the gay couple... More

I'm broke but I'm rich in paintings. No literally I'm drowning in them.
"Paint your flower crown black, you as*hole!"
In which Gerard is a homosexual puddle of feelings.
The Gaydar went crazy when Frank looked at Gee.
Mikey ships Frerard more than me.
Gerard would look hot in a purple shell bra.
This is a filler but my MCR references make up for it.
The beginning of this chapter might make you Panic!
This Chapter is shorter and gayer than Frank.
This is the Chapter of Cute
Red Flag to Bull is Rainbow Flag to Homophones
Frank can't be a Lad. I can't write a Chapter.
Its been a long day but not a long chapter.
Way. More like Why. Why can't I write?
Chapter as long as my D*ck
I'm bored so Frank is going down a trip down meme-ory lane.
Meme-orgy lane pt.2
That was clichè and now you will go go Hell
I don't hate Adam Sandler. You might hate me though. (FINAL)

Afro with Legs and Pokerface are better matchmakers than Ok-Cupid.

2.4K 91 142
By SunshineCellabration

<IERO COLLAGE! (finally!)>

Frank's POV:

Alrighty, music! Yay!
But I have to go past the principles office to get to the music corridor...
I've managed the 3 days without talking to my Dad, and this might ruin it.
I know. I'm mature as f* ck? I may as well have come out! because that's how cold I am towards his homophobic comments.
If he wasn't denser than a rock he might have noticed...
At least I've got Gee to talk to...
He keeps sending me photos of his art drawing, the one of me screaming...
He's so cute I could scream!
He always poses with the drawing!
Last one he was pretending to kiss the cheek.
Another he was putting bunny ears up behind it...
He's so cute and immature...
Then again I'm giving my father and principle the cold shoulder.
Eh Fu*k it.
To music...

The music students were already outside the 'common room', trying to play music over each Other. I've tried to talk people into taking turns, and having the girl who plays Taylor Swift never have a turn. I'm ready to shove the neck of my guitar down her esophagus, so she'll never see nor sing 22.
As the teacher called us in I gravitated to my guitar, of which I left at school because my father disapproved. Surprise.
Our task was to do nothing.
We had to learn to play an instrument.
Where's my 100% teacher bi*ch.
The teacher was such a tighta*s, she wanted us to all play trombone or cello or something. I don't really see belting out Iron Maiden on a bassoon.
The could all choke on their mouthpieces as long as I had Pansy.
I fiddled with her for a bit, before playing 'Feeling This' by Blink 182.
The chords were simple enough, this class wasn't so much as a class but as a relaxing time. It sure beat the English, Science and Maths my father had forcible enrolled me in.
It was my intention to fail every class.
As I got to the chorus of 'Feeling this' an Afro with legs walked in, saying to the teacher;
"Hi, I'm Ray Toro. The senior class didn't have space for me so...I'm here."
"Hello, Toro. Go join Iero, you both play guitar. True?"
"True, miss. Which one is..."
"Iero. Frank Iero."
"Like the school name!"
"Yes. Principle's son. If he wasn't I'd kick his pitiful self out of my class."
"I can here you, And I'm offended. Your my favorite teacher!" I called out, my voice dripping with sarcasm and a smile across my face.
"Iero, I'm trying to talk to Toro over here." Her eyes were wide and her lips were thin. She was mad! "Toro. Go join him."
Ray picked up his guitar case and shuffled over to the corner I was sitting in, I pulled a chair over for him and patted it.
"I'm Frank. I'm the principle's son but that's not that important, cause he's an as*hole."
"Great, I'm Ray. I'm my Dad's son. My Dad's not that much of an asshole. I mean, he buys wholemeal bread so I'm sure a part of his soul is missing but, hey."
I laughed;
" I like you already Ray."
"Thanks Frank. You seem pretty cool. But this is the test; favorite band?"
"What a choice... The Smashing Pumpkins, The Smiths, Iron Maiden, Blink 182, Green day, The Misfits....need I go on?"
"Oh I can't stand you, I'm all for Taylor Swift!"
"Please tell me your joking..."
"I am. Your music taste rocks. Going to see The Smiths this June?"
"Nah. My Dad thinks anything that isn't Mozart will rot your brain. I think he speaks from experience, considering how stupid he is."
" God. Remind me to be a good kid. I don't want to meet Mr.Iero, think he'd disapprove of my shirt?" He pulled at a The Smashing Pumpkins shirt.
"Yes. But let's play some of this stuff!"
"Do you know any Blink songs?"
"Sure. Wanna play 'Stay together for the kids.'?"
Ray leant over to plug his guitar, but I grabbed his hand.
"No! Miss will kill us! We play acoustically or get sent to the Fires of Beethoven Hell!"
"This teacher is so much stricker than my old one."
"Who'd you have?"
"Mr. Bryar."
"Really, why aren't you with him anymore?"
"He was fired for being a flaming homo and my the new teacher wouldn't have me."
"Sounds like my Dad. Homophobic c*nt."
"Is he that homophobic?"
Before I could answer, my phone buzzed and I pulled it out to see another photo of Gee and the portrait. This time he had romantically snuggled up to it, gazing adoringly.
This were some cute selfies!

'Would like a real life hug because the paint fumes don't smell as nice as you -G x'

"Who's that Frank!" Ray asked excitedly,
"My friend who could possible be my boyfriend if I'd grow a pair and ask him out."
"What's his name!?" Ray was acting like such a fangirl. He was like a little kid at the circus.
"Gerard Way...he goes to the college across town."
"Frerard. It really rolls of the tongue. I ship it." Ray was such a fangirl. I was turning a 'Gee's hair' red.
"I need to text him back."

'Stunning. Not just in a 'I've breathed in too many paint fumes and now I might pass out way' but in a 'Gerard is really cute way' -Frankie x'


"Is this why you think your Dad's an as*whipe?"
"Yeah. I snuck off to see Gee at a football game and he cracked it. Calling everything that moved at faggot." I was a bit glum now that I thought back to that night.
"Well...I can't make your Dad not an as*whipe, even with my magical hair and fairy-god-mother like qualities I can support you, you're welcome at my dorm. I can trust you not to play Katy Perry and sob about 'the one that got away' at 3am, right?"
I laughed, and nodded, Ray did have Fairy-God-Mother like qualities. But I wasn't gonna take him up on his offer, my Dad would flip out, even though I'm 21, I can't move out until I have a proper job and a........wife.

<Gee's dorm>

Gerard's POV:

Art class done!
I'm free for today.
But coffee calls my name.
So grabbing a new jacket, I couldn't stay loyal to the one Frank liked, I'm a bit of a jacket slut.
I got a five dollar note, left over from paying my fees.
God they were pricey.
Each year the got bigger.
Like my feelings for Frank!
That boy was so cute, he was really smart too. Like in coming up with cute puns and stuff. He always responses to my text with a little joke and a kiss.
I could die.
I probably will if I don't get some coffee into me soon.
Bracing myself for the wind outside the big door, and the effects it would have on my hair I grabbed the handle but then...
"Gerard!" Mikey called out, weird. He didn't have a game till the weekend.
"You better not be skipping school Michael!" I said, in my best parent tone.
"I'm not."
"I went to first period."
"God. You are a disappointment."
"If I buy you a coffee will you shut up."
"Buy me large and I won't tell Mama."
"Let's go."
We stepped out. Mikey's jacket was a poor windbreaker but he didn't seem to mind. If the idiot is going to shave the sides of his head he better be prepared for some wind in the winter.
"So this boyfriend of yours?" Mikey asked as we entered the cafe, holding the door open for me.
"He's not my boyfriend."
"Yeah. But I ship it."
"Get off tumblr you loser."
"*cough* Hypocrite!"
"Sorry man, but I don't have school to go to the next day. Oh wait."
"I'm buying you a coffee, now shut your hole!"
"Large latte please."
"M'kay, go sit down."
He was distracted,
Oh my god he was eyeing of the barista.
Her name tag read Kristen.
I couldn't really tell her age, girls these days spend too much time on their makeup foundation and not enough time making a stable foundation action for life.
Sh*t I sound like Mr Iero.
He's such a loser, but I kissed his son so he can go suck a dick. Oh wait, that's my job!
Diverting my attention to Mikey, before the thoughts of Frank gave me a hard-on I saw he was charming Kristen.
She was smiling, she laughed a little too.
He wrote something down and took his coffee and left.
"Kristen Eh?"
"She's pretty, and she's in my Calcus class.But I'm here to discuss your lovelife, not mine."
"She's in your class. So she knows you're skipping."
"Drink. Keep your promise."
"Okay Okay!"
"So tell me about Frank."
"Err. Okay. He's 21 and goes to Iero college."
"No, what you like about him, little quirks you really love and make you feel warm inside."
"Okay, he's smooth and creamy, oh wait. That's the coffee. That what's making me warm inside."
"Good, I don't want to know about your boyfriend's cream."
"Mikes, he's not my boyfriend."
"Just tell me about him..."
"Okay. He's got really cool black hair. It falls so nicely and neatly , no matter how he wears it. He's got really nice eyes, kinda flaky. He's really cute when he winks, cause he sticks his to tongue out a bit and shrines up one side of his face which is so cute. He looks so happy when he does that. He's also really outspoken, like he shares his options, but not in an oppressive or offensive way. He always makes up these cute little poems or puns or some other p word to say things. He's got really good music taste, and plays so many instruments, even though his Dad hates them. He really stands up for himself. He's got really smooth skin but his lips aren't so smooth, cause he bites his lip a lot..."
"....did you says something about his lips?"
"So you have kissed him?"
"Yay! I'm so excited. When will you see him next?"
"I don't know...I think I might take him on a date...."
"Where?" Mikey really was playing matchmaker.
"The outdoor cinema, it's relatively close to both of our schools. I can borrow Dad's ute."
"Great! When?' Mikey wasn't gonna stop playing matchmaker it seemed.
"This weekend. We can go see Pitch Perfect 2 or something."
"Brilliant.Its on, Saturday at 5"
"I'm gonna text him...' I pulled out my phone;

'Hey Frankie. Free this Saturday at like 4:30? We can go to the outdoor cinema and get pitch-slapped. If you want. -G x'

The answer came straight away.

'You better aca-believe it! Pick me up from school?"

'Sure, see you at 4:30. - G xx'

Two kisses. I was feeling frisky today!

<Iero College, Saturday 4:15>

Frank's POV

"I'm going on a daaaaatttteeee!" I sung to Ray as I headed to the main door, where Agee was supposed to meet me in 15 minutes.
He organized a date like 5 days ago and I won't shut up about it.
Ray probably wants to decapitate me but I'd haunt him forever.
"I've heard. Let's fresher you up before you head outside."
"M'kay!" We slipped into the bathroom, wary not to touch the handle.
"Hair is good, change into up your fresh clothes though." Ray said
"Eye Eye, Professor Toro!" I slipped into the cubical and pulled on black sweatpants and a band tee, a gray hoodie and a bag of popcorn and gummy snakes in my backpack.
"Stunning Iero." Ray said, picking at his fro in front of the mirror.
"Could say the same Toro."
"Get yourself out the front, you've got 10 minutes."
"Great, see ya!"
I skipped out to the front door before a stern hand grabbed my shoulder.
"Where you going Frank?" My Dad, who I had began speaking to again said.
"I've got a date...."
"Really? With who?"
"Uh, Georgia. I call her Gee though." Was that too obvious?
"Brilliant. Glad to see you've stopped hanging around with that faggot."
Fu*k you Dad, I'm going on a date with that faggot.
"See you around son." He left, just as a white ute pulled up.

"Gee!" I called out, as my date opened the side door to let me in.
"Hi Frankie!" He kissed me on the cheek as I buckled up my seatbelt.
"I'm so childishly excited for this date!"
"Same! I brought a sh*t load of blankets so we could cuddle in the back of the ute,"
"That's cute and gonna prevent hypothermia! Win win!"
He giggled and pressed a button on the stereo, so music filled the car as well as our sweet chatter.

AN: all these chapters are so full on. But hey,
And yes, I love Blink. "Stay together for the kids" is an amazing song that MCR should take advice from.
Thanks for the reads, I mean all 6 of you warm my heart.

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