Beyond the King's Gate

By ElenaAlexandra10

11.5K 480 60

A servant's daughter befriends the prince and finds an unlikely friendship. One that would be greatly scrutin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty

197 8 1
By ElenaAlexandra10

It was rather quiet in the castle when Bethany and her mother arrived home. A guard opened up the castle's main doors when they walked up, but inside it was silent. Neither servant nor guest. No one milled about.

Maybe they were gathered for some festivities? Bethany wondered.

"I wonder what we're missing. Is there a holiday?" Mother asked the very thing on Bethany's mind.

"I don't recall there being one, no.You think Ronald left on a trip?" Bethany asked, her heart sinking at that thought. She really wanted to see him.

"I suppose it's possible." They both knew how empty and quiet it got in the absence of the king and queen. Even with the constable in charge.

"I sorely miss him. I wanted to see him." She said, feeling a little crushed as they walked towards the servants quarters. They still haven't seen anyone. Not even Mary.

Bethany carried mother's and her own pouch, filled with their belongings. Mother was worn out, and Bethany could tell that her body was fighting off a cold.

Bethany urged her the whole trip home to stay inside the carriage and not get out unless it was to sleep in the tent. Since it was snowing heavily on their way home and it was too cold for mother to bear. Bethany caught a glimpse of mother as they walked, the cloak was soaked through. Bethany picked up her pace.

They reached the room that they once shared, all three of them. In the confines of the room, mother sighed and sat down on the chair next to her bed. She took off her soaked wool cloak and Bethany walked over to grab it, making sure mother didn't have to get up.

Hanging up the cloak to dry, she told mother, "Why don't you lie down and rest, I will get you a warm soup, and see if I can get a doctor to see you."

At this, her mother's fiery temper came back, temporarily forgetting her weakness. "You will do no such thing. I am quite alright."

Bethany saw no use in fighting her, and so she pulled up a chair to mother and sat down by her. Mother's eyes watched Bethany for any sign of retort.

"Mother while I was at fathers, I got to thinking." Unfasteningbher cloak, she let her own fall onto the chairs back, not bothering to hang it up. For it had to be said soon rather than later. "You are not in the best condition to be able to handle the stress of cooking for this castle. I will speak to Ronald, I'm sure he's more than happy to oblige me in getting you a new position amongst the staff. You need-"

"I will not be leaving the kitchen."

"Instead," she continued despite her mother's refusal. "I will get something else for you to do. I had come to learn you were once a very talented seamstress. You can perhaps take over and sow instead?" She held her breath as her mother considered her words. She sent a prayer heavenward that she would accept. She couldn't make it another year in that kitchen, all but working herself to death.

"Why would I give up cooking?" She countered Bethany.

"Because it is too much for you. Ever since you fell ill-"

"I am not helpless Bethany." There was a clip in her tone. And she was clearly displeased with how Bethany was speaking about her.

Bethany gave a frustrated sigh. "You and your stubborn pride."

A sparkle in her eye, mother smiled at her. She leaned forward and swept a run away curl. "I see the same in you my darling."

"Mother please." She pleaded with her.

"I might consider it, but it's not a promise." She jutted out her chin.

Laughing, Bethany agreed. "That's good enough for me." She crossed her arms, satisfied that mother had even considered. She knows she will come around, it's only a matter of time.

Once she was convinced mother was cared for, she was ready to go on the hunt for anyone to tell them what was going on.

She walked out and towards the king's quarters to begin searching for Ronald. Or maybe Henry who could tell her the whereabouts of the king.

And her suspicions turned out to be wrong, he didn't leave. Instead she found him in his old room that he used to sleep in.

The door stood ajar. She caught a glimpse of him. There he was, sitting on the chaise at the foot of the bed. Staring out of the window with a faraway look. In his hand, dangling, was a sword that swung to and fro. Aimlessly.

Bethany was partly relieved, partly concerned when she found him.

She didn't want to interrupt him, deep in thought, so she walked in without opening it further. Silently making her way to him, she sat down in a chair to his right. Staying out of his sight.

He must've sensed her presence for he turned towards her. Their eyes met, and then his eyes flooded with life once more. He swiveled around to face her completely, dropping his sword on the floor. "Your home!" Then he realized and it clicked. "Your home. Forgive me, no one helped you. Oh how foolish of me." He went to embrace her and then he guided her to sit next to him.

She waved off his comment. "I'm a very capable lady. I can carry my own pouch. Though I am most intrigued, where did everyone go? I feel as though most of the castle is deserted." She asked, puzzled. It was at this time she noted the king's appearance. His hair was in disarray, his beard grew out just a bit. A rough look for sure.

"Oh no." He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, and straightened up his attire. Bethany knew he noticed her assessment of him, and she averted her gaze. Though she found him utterly charming this way. "I sent them home to have a break. Not all, but most." Bethany's head shot up. He did what?

He sent almost all of the staff home. "How come?" She asked, still reeling from what she heard. The whole entire castle, running on a few servants. That was unheard of.

"When you left I simply decided I shall send them home for a break. Give them the break they long deserved."

Bethany was warmed by his compassion for those who served under him. He thought of them and their needs. "That is considerate of you."

"It is nothing. That is the least I could do for them."

Overcome by emotion, she wrapped her arms around him. She couldn't be more proud of him. Though he brushed it off as if it were nothing, but for her, it was everything. "Do you know how much this means to them?" She said into his hair. They stayed that way for a moment.

He put some space in between them so he could see her. "I missed you. I was thinking about you." Even though he was delighted at her presence, Bethany sensed an undercurrent.

Leaning on his shoulder, she asked, "What are you doing here? Sitting in your old room?" She suspected it might be his father's passing, that brought about the dark cloud that hovered.

He gave her a small smile, trying to appease the worries that shone in her eyes. "I wanted to escape Henry for a couple of hours. He stayed back, refusing to leave. Said I had many duties left for today. I needed to escape, to think."

Ronald looked away, staring out the window. The thoughts were churning. "Oh, I also took the liberty of inviting the best planners for our nuptials." He continued.

"Thank you. I was wondering how to go about that. Have we picked a date yet?"

"Well, let's plan that later." Bethany frowned. What has changed between the day he asked her to marry him, and now?

He returned his gaze back on her. "Bethany," Ronald let his shoulders drop. "I have to admit something. When you were gone, there was a meeting by the house of the lords. It was about our betrothal. There was an equal part uprising and equal part support on your behalf. Though I'm afraid that the uprising can produce far more damage."

The news made her breath catch in her throat. It made sense now why he wasn't in a rush to plan. There was more uncertainty. She tuned out, her mind whirling. It was just as she feared. They would continue chasing them down until she was out of the courts.

He continued talking about how they were severely displeased at the nuptials between Ronald and Bethany, his eyes wore the battle that was etched in his heart. Between his duty to his people, and the love for her. It broke Bethany's heart.

"I told them that I will not have it." He was saying, "I would abdicate before giving into the whims of people who sit in high and mighty places, putting their noses down at you." He said with firm conviction.

"What of my title?" She asked, sitting tall now. "Would that make a difference to them? They can't do much of anything to you, can they?"

"I told them." When he didn't offer her any assurance, it was clear that they didn't care. "Listen to me Bethany, I won't let them separate us." Ronald held her face in between both his hands. The warmth from his hands eased the sorrow that was gripping her heart.

"Ronald, promise me you will never leave. You are what this kingdom needs. You know as well as I who will take the throne if you abdicate your position on the throne."

There was a beat of silence as he pondered her words. "So what are you saying?"

"Nothing for now. But in all of this, you must stay. Even your mother speaks of this truth. She would be devastated if you left. Promise me Ronald you will never give up on them. Those who need you, people like me, like Melissa, like my mother. Who's very lives are crushed if another is on the throne."

His shoulders eased. "Of course. I'm sorry for even considering. We will fight this. Together." He promised her.

Weary from the journey, she decided to let the conversation go. "I will retire now to the drawing room, would you like to accompany me?" If it weren't snowing outside, she would've loved a nice stroll bout the courtyard.

"I fear I will not, forgive me, I must seek out Henry. Unfortunately the pressing matter with barons feuding over land, can no longer be avoided for today. I will be preoccupied until probably late evening." He said this with a sigh.

"Well, I hope to see you sometime tomorrow then." Ronald arose from the chaise and extended out a helping hand. Bethany allowed him to assist her, then she wrapped her arms about his neck.

The emotions shifted, and a spark of desire flickered in his eyes. He leaned in and kissed her, as he allowed his arms to tighten around her waist in fierce protectiveness.

When he broke away, he brushed her hair, and caressed her cheeks. "I love you Bethany." He said, his voice deep like the sea, husky with emotion.

A lump formed in her throat, though she wouldn't let it stop her. "I love you more, Ron."

He brushed a wispy strand of red auburn hair. "I will try to wrap things up as quickly as possible, so we can meet for dinner." He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, and stepped to the side. Disappearing behind her.

She still felt the warmth of his kiss lingering. Her heart felt the emptiness of the room that was earlier filled with his presence. Though her heart was heavy from the news, it sprung up with joy. For she knew the depth of his love for her. And it was enough to strengthen her against those who war to keep them apart.

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