By Rinelexxy

38.1K 669 34

"YOU ARE MINE , LIKE IT OR NOT." Mr. Maximilian is the type of guy who does not take a "no" for an answer li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 9

1K 17 1
By Rinelexxy

There I was rushing to her room with the hope that she might be awake. On her doorstep i took a deep breathe before finally making my mind about knocking. To my surprise it wasn't locked. I peeped in only to see her small frame body laid in bed.

Few seconds I debated on whether to enter or not. I found myself checking left and right before entering her room and shutting the door behind me. I have never been this way but what was driving me to do so was dangerous cause I couldn't control the burning sensation in me.

I stood close to where she was sleeping. Couple of minutes I watched her breath while sleeping soundly like a little baby. Free of any worries. I don't remember the last day I slept like her.

Slowly she turned. Bet she felt my presence since she opened her eyes. My heart started racing. I knew I had blown my cover. If I run away it would alert her but if I patted her gently I bet she'd go to sleep and think it was a dream.

Her sleepy eyes was way sexier than I thought. Gently I patted her and stroked her hair to get her back to sleep. Didn't think it would work but it did. When I was about to leave she held my hand, her eyes shut still.

"Don't go." she pleaded with her sleepy voice.

I was so messed up. Then a bad idea got in my head and I liked it. Taking my phone out i snapped her a picture while sleeping.

"Shhh!" I gently stroke her hair till I was sure she was asleep.

"Promise me that you won't be on Mr Bernard's good side." I whispered.

"" she struggled to speak.

Then she went silent. For a second there I felt like kissing her but I refrained myself. I have done worse but for her I want to be the best she sees.

I quickly walked out of her room before anyone saw me. Unfortunately I bummed into Lukah on my way up to my floor. He looked at me confused.

"Don't... " I started.

"Well... Well... I didn't know you had a room down here." he cut me in.

"If you like your job... shut it!" I warned before going up the stairs to the third storey that has only one room and that's mine.

End of pov

* * * * * *

"Wake up you lazy ass. What time did you get back?" she asked while drawing the curtains.

I struggled to open my eyes. The sun rays shot in my room like dangerous spike ready to kill. The room was illuminated in every corner.

What felt like a dream seemed so real. I couldn't accept any. The dream about my boss or the reality that he was here. Being unsure I kept It to myself.

"Hey you look dead." Gab commented.

"Seriously how do I look dead?"i shot her a death glare.

" Fine hurry and wash up. Plus... "she came running to me and hugged me tightly.

" Thank you. "she whispered.

I hugged her back. Couple of minutes and I could be a goner. She was squeezing me so much.

" Gabby one more squeeze and am done with you. "I warned.

It's usually best to keep my mouth shut with her around cause she will do the opposite. That's what she did. I was squeezed till I could take it.

" Gabby. "

I pulled her away from me grabbing a pillow and started hitting her. She followed suit and we began toying around.

"Girls..." Lukah called.

We both stopped what we were doing and faced him.

"Gab get down. We are running late."

I looked to where Gabby was and Lukah. Both remained silent.

"Jeez go on your date. I'll still got lots of things to do."

With that I bid them. Later I took a hot shower before getting to work. I was starving. Quickly I made my way to the kitchen only to bump into my boss.

"Good morning sir." I spoke while looking at where everything is to familiarize myself.

"Mmh! Morning."

He seems off. Maybe he woke up on the wrong foot or something.


He offered his meal to me. This wasn't the time to act like a princess. I happily took the cup of coffee he was drinking and drank from it too. Well for the bacon and toast I wouldn't say the same. We both ate it together.

For once since I came I could say he was happy. I saw him smile couple of times. When we were done I offered to do the dishes.

Suddenly we both attempted to take the same bowl at the same time. He looked at me in my eyes and I did the same. Suddenly he walked away Leaving me confused.

* * * * *
Maximilian POV

When I first saw her coming my way with that simple mini short she had worn, everything in me got excited. I've never been that excited to see anyone. Her smile was the best one.

She greeted me and I was so glad. I greeted her back even though I answered lamely. Didn't want her to know how happy I was to see her walking around my house like it was ours.

I saw her checking everything it's like she was looking for something. Bet she was hungry. As a matter of fact I was too. Earlier on I had brewed a fresh cup of coffee, bacon and toast for a quick snack.

Even when I decided on giving her my cup of coffee that I had been drinking she happily took it and drank. That came as a surprise to me. I mean no one can just simply do that if there was no bond between them.

Handing her the rest of my meal seemed pretty much like my responsibility over her. After all we enjoyed the meal together. Time to time she made jokes and I love I'd so much. Watching her munch the toast was pleasant to watch.

I was surprised when she fed me a piece of the toast. At first I didn't want to bite but then I found myself doing so. She handed me the cup of coffee. I didn't see anything strange. I drank too from it. She offered to clean the dishes but I insisted. Suddenly we both went for the same thing.

Looking at her messed me up big time. Her big round eyes enticed me more. In her eyes I saw what I've been missing. That kind of love that I wanted so bad. It was right here but yet so far away. I walked away from her before the monster in me could choose her as my medicine.

In my office I sat on the couch drinking my favorite brand of whiskey while thinking of how my life has taken a great turn.

"Fuck I hate this." I cursed.

When I had just decided to go get her and mess her up the way she does without knowing, I bumped into her on my door step.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

She looked at me. Her eyes dark. Composure not that pleasing.

"Last night..." she began.

My body became stiff and I froze at the moment. The way she looked at me could tell she had already figured it out. I walked back to my seat and slowly slouched to avoid the tension that was kicking in.

"Anny am tired we'll talk later." I tried to get her off my back but she marched to where I was seated.

"I had this dream and I saw you. You were in my room and you took a picture of me." she paused.

Sensing concern in her voice tore me apart. How could I think about doing such a thing to her. Whatever I was feeling that blinds me to see the bad in my actions has to stop.

" Anny it's just a terrible dream. "I assured her even though I perfectly knew I was lying.

" You'll never do that right? "

At that time I regretted my actions. This side of her I never wanted to see ever again. I was guilty for what I did but I couldn't come clean about it. She'd hate me or despice me and I can't have it in my conscious. It will be like a death wish.

" I'd never." that's all I said.

I watched her walk away with a slight smile on her face leaving me with guilt eating me up. Fishing my phone in the near drawer i opened my galary and stared at her picture. I wanted to delete it but I couldn't. That courage wasn't in me yet. I still wanted to look at her sleepy face till midnight.

Much more I wanted to fantasize about the perfect life I saw every time I looked in her eyes. At least for once let me keep one thing that would make my life have meaning.

End of POV

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