Happily ever never

By klcj123

143 4 7

Noah was born into a world knowing that there was no hope for happiness as all he was surrounded by was blood... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chaoter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 15

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By klcj123

Five years later
Noah was now 17, and josh was 19; they had tried so many times to get back into one of their family's gangs, but it never worked; one wanted to kill them, and the other said no and kicked them out every time they tried so it was now time to move on in this world without family and friends just themselves.

Noah walked home from school looking both ways when crossing, then crossed and walked to his apartment building.

Noah walked down the road until he reached an apartment building and walked inside.

Noah pressed the up button on the elevator and saw miss Norris "good evening, miss Norris" he said, "good evening Noah, how was school" she asked, "good how are your kids" I asked, "good, their growing bigger everyday how's josh" she asked, "good" he said, "great" she said.

The elevator opened up as Noah walked to his and josh's apartment, number 308, on the third floor.

Noah opened the door to their apartment and walked inside "josh? Babe are you home" he asked, "yeah, I'm in the kitchen" josh said.

Noah closed the door and set his bag down on the couch and walked into the kitchen, and saw josh "josh!" Noah yelled.

Josh turned around and saw noah. "Noah!" Josh yelled.

Noah jumped into josh's arms, and josh held him tight "how was school" josh asked, "good how was work" Noah asked, "great as usual, I missed you so much" josh said, "so did I? I love you so much josh" noah said, "so do I Noah are you hungry" josh asked, "yeah I am what are you making" noah asked.

Josh put Noah down as he returned to the stove "you'll see" josh said, "ooh you master chief, you" Noah said

Noah waited a few minutes josh laid a plate on the table "I made spaghetti" josh said.

Noah looked into Josh's fierce green eyes "haha, I love how excited you get when you make food; it's like your superpower, josh," Noah said, "haha, oh Noah, I love when I make you happy and smile" josh said.

Noah ate the food as it was excellent as always "you are the best chef in the world, josh" noah said.

Josh smiled as he grabbed his plate and sat down to eat with Naoh until they were both full and relaxing on the couch, cuddling together.

Josh picked up Noah "hey, put me down," Noah said, "never, my sleeping prince," josh said.

Josh carried Noah to their room and put him on the bed "cone on, no fair, you know your stronger than me" Noah said, "haha I'm sorry, but you know you have school tomorrow, sleepy boy" josh said, "awe come on I'm not tired" Noah said, "yes you are looking at you" josh said.

Noah yawned "okay, you're right, but I want to cuddle with you some more," Noah said, "oh, alright, here I come, big teddy bear," josh said.

During that time
Jowl watched over the gang, looking for any trouble, but nothing was wrong with the gang member's training and bringing in and out shipments of drugs and alcohol "uncle jowl" someone said.

Jowl looked over and saw his niece running over to him "jelly bean, what are you doing here" he asked, "papa brought me" she said, "now, why would your papa do that" he asked, "he wanted to show me around" she said.

Jowl just smiled as he looked at his niece; every day, she looked more and more like Jack and Suzy "well, you better start running jelly bean before he catches you," he said.

She just laughed as she started to run away "sir, co-leader jowl" someone asked "yes, what is it" he asked, "well, sir, I've found your son" he said.

Jowl then froze in shock "where" he demanded "in another city nearby goes to a high school called welsh" he said, "thank you, you are dismissed" he said.

The other man then walked away. After all this time, Noah, you've been under my nose, welsh ha? Thrown to the dogs, I guess.

Jowl then walked to his truck then to find his son.

The next morning
Noah woke up but didn't feel the warm touch of josh.

Noah looked around until he found a note like usual "dear Noah, I'll be back later had to run to work early, love; you have a great day at school" he read.

Noah got up and went to the closet. It looks like it's just me until after school, but that's okay I know josh's work is important to him since he is a chef at a high price restraint.

Noah picked out an outfit and then went to the bathroom and went to get ready for the day.

Noah walked out of the bathroom a little bit later and walked to the kitchen, and made a bowl of cereal while watching the clock to make sure he had enough time to get to school.

Noah cleaned up then, walked out the door, making sure to lock the apartment door, and then headed towards the elevator to get to school.

Jowl followed the directions to a few towns over known as welsh until he got to an apartment complex jowl came to a stop and saw the boy he once knew as his son with his short blond hair and green eyes with the freckles on the right side of his face as he smiled down the sidewalk. At the same time, he kept a close eye on him.

During that time, Noah walked to the high school nearby, and he rushed inside like usual "sorry, you're late again, mister evens" someone said.

Noah looked up at his principal "sorry, sir" he said, "what did I tell you last time you were late" he asked, "don't be late again, or I'll expel you" Noah said, "uh huh now; come on to my office" he said, "yes sir" noah said.

Noah walked with his principal to his office "close the door" he said, "yes, sir" Noah said.

Noah closed the door as his principal brought out a stack of papers "what are those, sir" Noah asked.

He then grabbed a paper "okay, let's see, you've been late 50 times now, Noah; you know that goes on your permanent record, right" he said, 'yes, sir" Noah said, "so what will you do? Mister Evans," he asked, "I guess I'm expelled, then I'll see you later," Noah said, "don't you want to stay at school, Noah? Don't you want a good life with learning" he asked, "not really" Noah said.

He just stared at Noah with a blank face "what do you mean not really" he asked, "I don't care I have never cared for school and learning; my partner went to school, yes and loved it, but I never liked it I only cared for training and pe nothing else" Noah said, "so you don't want to learn" he asked, "not sir" Noah said.

He then wrote down something "okay, well then, just sign on the dotted line, and you will be expelled, mister evens," he said, "then you," noah noted, "are you sure about this," he asked, "yes I'm sure I never paid attention in class why do you think I have bad grades," Noah said, "okay fine," he said.

Noah signed on the line, "Okay, grab anything from your locker and get out of my school" he said, "yes, sir" Noah said.

Noah then walked out of the principles office and walked to his locker and grabbed whatever he had left in there, then walked to the front door and walked out of the building as noah slid down slowly on the side of the school. Man, that was close; at least I got that over with, and I hate school and learning so much that this will be a significant weight off of my shoulders.

Jowl followed his son to a nearby high school; he saw his son outside, sitting by the side of the building as he took out something.

Jowl got out of his truck and went into the bushes to make sure Noah wouldn't see him until he was close enough to grab him, then took him away to the gang and killed him.

Noah just lit his stick and started to smoke; it was the only thing that helped him with his stress until something happened, and someone pulled him into the bush and put his hand over his mouth "sleep Noah" someone said, "fuck-" Noah said.

Noah then fell asleep as jowl put out the smoke and got up, and went to his truck. Don't worry; Noah will be home soon.

A/n: Here it is, another chapter, another great one I things it's a little bit all over, but it's what I thought of for this chapter I hope you guys enjoy I'll be back soon with another branch, hehe.

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