Conection)Johnny Silverhand ×...

By bearhug2077

381 3 0

None of these characters are mine these characters are solely owned by CD projekt Red and come from the game... More

conection chapter 1 choices
conection chapter 2 (new found love )
conection chapter 4 ( Time
conection chapter 5 (Family
Halloween 2077
Phantom liberty update

conection chapter 3 ( Baby Daddy )

52 1 0
By bearhug2077

_____________three years later _______

Trigger warning mention of violence and swearing.

One morning in bed V woke up in Johnnys arms . As V rolled around Johnny woke up and placed a small smooch on the side of Vs head as the young merc ran his hand along the jawline of the rockerboy feeling the fluffy stubble that lined his face. After a while of snuggling V got up to get ready .he brushed his teeth and washed his face . Johnny wrapped his arms around V as he stood fixing himself in the mirror .V turned around to hold Johnny then kissed him letting his lover taste the mint on his lips then went and had a shower leaving Johnny to get ready. finally ready for the day ahead they headed out to work

_______________later that day ________

Thug : theres no way thats Johnny Silverhand hand he's long dead by now . If he was alive he'd be like 80 million years old . And plus that guy was never gay we all knew kerry had a thing for him so Im sure even if he was he'd be with kerry not some streetrat like you .

Johnny piped up. Hey kid shut the Fuck up first of Im mother fuckin Jhonny Silverhand. And dont you say another fuckin word about kerry less you want your guts full oh led .and the fuck did you call my output !?

The thug piped up once more .
Choom you must take me for gonk you're fuckin crazy . If the one and only Johnny Silverhand is your output prove it .

V pulled Johnny close by the chain round his neck and kissed him .

V took one look at the dirtbag maelstromer who's jaw hit the floor. He got him while he was distracted and shot him dead between the eyes as he took his lips from Johnnys and walked back to the car satisfied with a job well done . Johnny soon followed as he took what info he could find on this dirtbag .

The day dragged on as they finished as many gigs as possible before the sun started going down .

After work Johnny offered to take V out to eat anywhere in the city . V said I know just the place its not a restaurant though. He grabbed some snacks, drinks and a blanket in a rucksack and chucked it in the car . He drove them to the pond just before North Oak . They climbed up the North Oak sign put down the blanket and sat in the O . Johnny lay/sat with his back facing the inside of the sign as V straddled him and lay his head on his chest . Johnny ran his fingers through the fluffy blonde hair of the young merc for a while .V looked up at him and said . I love you Johnny. Then scootched up and kissed him . They made out as the sun was setting. It was a romantic date . V couldn't have asked for anything more .

In the passing months V had brought up the Idea of Having a kid Johnny was hesitant but wasnt shut off to the idea. As he never really knew his own father he wasnt sure he'd be a great role model for a kid . He got to thinking of his death . The way he died. He worried that he hadn't left any noticable mark on this world only diehards remembered samurai. He thought of Alt of all the one night stands . Then there was his days with the Nomads . He pondered on the thought That maybe he had his own flesh and blood walking around out there .somewhere.

They had discussed adoption and other means of having a kid . Eventually they settled upon surrogacy.

A few weeks went by and they finaly found someone who was willing to help them . It was one of Vs former clients. The ripperdoc he saved from the maelstrom hideout. She agreed to help them upon seeing her saviour . She got the pair to give samples as she could do the implantation herself. The three talked over their plan . V asked the woman if she would be willing to work with Vick to bring things together. She agreed. But the process wasnt gonna be cheap .
The technology of the time allowed people to have babies with both parents DNA no matter the sex of the parents. implanted into an egg . So V and Johnny would have a son that was their own flesh and blood .

In the coming month
The woman harvested her eggs with the help of an assistant and implanted the couple's samples into the egg then implanted it into an artificial womb. And waited a month before she was able to see if the implantation had taken . She looked at the cells under a microscope. It was looking like it had taken . She had successfully impregnated an artificial womb. She called V to let the couple know they were gonna be parents .

When V got of the hollow with her mind was rushing and wouldn't rest . He was elated but the shock hit him . It was the biggest news he had herd in his life appart from being told your probably gonna die . The fear set in .He took of his jacket, shirt went to the bathroom and slpashed his face with water .

As he stood looking in the mirror just staring at his own reflection. Johnny walked over behind V and reached his hands around his waist and placed his head on his shoulder.

To cheer him up he said. He's gonna be a rockerboy just like his Daddy . V smiled at that sentence . What makes you think its gonna be a boy? he asked. I dunno just got a feeling in my bones Johnny answered. Na he's gonna be a streetkid .said V . Or he could be a Nomad Just like you . We could go to the badlands. Panam already she'd have you as part of her clan . Show him the way of the Nomad and what its like to be part of something bigger than yourself what its like to wear clan colours. Johnny ponderd.

V reminisced in memories of his childhood and smiled at the thought.

Oh yea does she even know that Im alive? Or even about you and me ? Have you told her ? Johnny questioned.

Yea I sent her a message saying Im bi with a photo attached I took of us kissing . She didn't really care about the Bi part but she did ask how you were alive and I explained it to her . V replied.

Johnny placed a small smooch on Vs neck while V ran his fingers through his beard . It was late since she had called V after he got off work The time was in the tenth hour . Johnny took V to bed as it had been a big day for the both of em .

The woman had handed the containment chamber of the womb over to Vick to keep in his clinic. Now he was the sole caretaker . He would monitor it and wach it grow .

In the next few months Johnny and V were allowed to see their baby in the artificial womb it looked just like the one V saw when he helped River looking for some records at the police station.

They continued to Visit their baby as the months passed . It grew bigger every day in its containment chamber .

__________the next morning _________

In the morning V woke up with Johnny wraped around him in an almost protective way . Johnny woke up as he felt V shift beneath him. he lay with his head on his chest ,his arm covering Vs belly with his leg twisted around Vs leg . V ran his fingers through Johnnys hair gently waking him up .Johnny reached his head up to give his partner a morning smooch then moved his head back to his chest As he gently ran little patterns on Vs belly with his fingers. V giggled . Sto -hop your tickling me Johnny smiled . V got up to get ready for the day as did Johnny. They were ready to Motor as they headed out of the apartment. And headed out to their first mission of the day .

It was a scavs hideout. The mission was to retrieve data from a computer .as they snuck by the ripped apart bodies of the scavs unfortunate victims Johnny saw a pretty mean pair of Mantis blades . He picked them up . As they retrieved the data and got back out a thought was on Johnnys mind . As the day went on Johnny worried for Vs safety so much it was killing him .

At the end of the day as they were going home Johnny said to V . Hey you go home Im gunna go pick something up from Vick real quick I'll meet you back at home . V was curious but to tired to care as he dropped Johnny of at Vicks .

Oh hey Johnny where's V ? Vick asked . Hey old man .yea Vs at home Johnny answered. Your one to talk Vick retorted. Hey I died at 31. Yea 50 or so years ago . They laughed together. So what can I do for ya . Well I found these today . He showed Vick the Mantis blades . I was hoping you could chip me with em . And also I dont have the eddies but I'll scratch em together if you could chip me with a smart link and a sandevistan. Vick sighed. Ok I'll do it this once and Im giving you the friends and family discount. You can pay me back in instalments. But not this month . You can pay me next month. As they were already paying off the debt for the implantation. now sit in the chair and I'll get started . Johnny sat In the chair and Vick prepped for the procedures .

After the 3 hour procedure Vick was teaching Johnny how to use his Mantis blades . Johnny took a swing and cut Vicks punching bag in half and ripped a giant hole in the training area fence . Vick sighed. thats as good as were gonna get tonight . Now you'd better be hedin home I got all this sand to clean up an V will be wondering where you are .

Johnny headed home . As he got in the apartment he found V fast asleep so he changed and clambered in beside him . As he did he felt arms reaching out across his body . A small mumble came from V . I missed you . I missed you to Johnny whispered as he fell asleep for the night .

______________the Next day _________

V woke up the same way he did the day before . With Johnny completely wrapped around him . His protective parenting instincts must be kicking in already V thought to himself which brought a smile to his face . As the morning dragged in the couple did what they usually do. They got ready for work and headed out the door . Today was the perfect opportunity for Johnny to show V his new toys .

As they got to the Job everything was running smoothly.
V was doing his thing up until they were ambushed . 3 heavy gunners Jumped out of a van that rolled onto the lot . They wielded 3 heavy machine guns. It was looking like they were cornered there was no way out V had used all his Bullets and cybernetic resources Johnny had one bullet left in the chamber of his Malorian . The gang goons were trying to give V an ultimatum where they both wouldn't get out alive anyway.

I promise if you tell us who hired you I'll make your deaths as quick and painless as possible the lead gunner spat .

As soon as those words left his mouth something snapped in Johnny. A feeling he had never felt before. Johnnys sandevistan kicked into action slowing time while he put the last bullet in the main gunners skull and implanted his blades in the torsos of the other 2 ripping them apart from the inside out . Johnny saw red . Time finally slowed and for V in the blink of an eye he saw the results of Johnnys handy work some of his skills from the days he served in the corporate war shining through.

He swaggered back over to him and said No one messes with my baby daddy. Yup his parenting instincts were definitely kicking in . Johnny felt better in his new found power knowing he could protect V if he needed to. He wasn't so worried

The days went by and the jobs rolled in and so did the eddies. Seeing Johnnys natural instincts kick in was something to behold. V had worked alongside some pretty heavy hitters and went up against some to . But none as fierce a Johnny in these past few days . V had a reputation but it seems another rumour had spread around town. The solos output was to be feared. Seems he had a new guarddog . Some gonks ran at a quick flash of Johnnys Mantis blades.

Seems the very same rumour had finally reached Johnny when a contract from none other than Rogue came through. They went to the Afterlife to pick up the detes . Rogue was impressed. Seems the solo has a new guarddog . Looks like your finally taking things serious Johnny boy she purred before she filled them in on the job .

They took a few days to prep for the gig . Loading up their gear . Doing an ammo count . Johnny handed V something a bullet proof vest he got from Rouge from their days as the Atlantis crew .

The day had come . the day they had prepared for . They knew the buildings schematics and every crows nest. They were sent in to collect the hostage . This was gonna be a pretty big pay out .from Rouge and the Hostage as they had agreed to pay out as long as they got out alive. A rich corpo cunt messed around with the wrong gangoons and got herself into a pretty sticky situation.

They entered through the top of the building thanks to Delimains flying taxi service. They reached the 3rd floor of the building when they ran into a hitch . A room full of emp shrapnel spitters . Their hostage was being held in the basement . V could disable some but not all of em . This was a stealth mission as client safety was top priority. They definitely weren't getting out of here without a bang . They came up with a plan .

V disabled as meany as he could then Johnny would clear the rest of the path by firing a few rounds to cause a chain reaction and clear the room . A whole pack of goons came running up the stairs as they heard the explosion. Johnny and V cleared them in seconds . Then reached the 2nd and first levels lucky looks like the ones who were guarding this floor they had already dealt with on the 3rd . All they needed to do now was reach the basement. As they were sneaking in lights flooded the basement they were circled by Maxtack dirty cops taking money from the scum of Nightcity to keep their mouths shut and protect them.

Johnny and V both pulled out their Mantis blades. Maxtac might be able to handle one cyberpsycho at a time but what about a man with a motive and a father soon to be . V turned to Johnny with a smirk. Well you've heard what they call you . FETCH !!! Upon that comand they both unleashed pure unbridled rage upon the forces that stood in the way of their mission. For Johnny this was a true test of his power because the moment his sandevistan kicked in so did theirs as he dodged and weaved his way through the chaos two officers followed behind him . He managed to lose one and was trying to lose the other when Vs Mantis blade comes ripping through the neck of the officer that was tailing him . As they took down the last remaining few that stood in their way V stood on lookout while Johnny worked to free the hostage.

She started flirting with him so he humoured her . Oh yea I'm sure my output would love that . She replied oh c'mon a man such as yourself surely you must get all the fun you want why limit yourself to one person. Hmm what a good question Im sure my output would love to answer that one he chimed as he led her out of her prison. He walked over to V gently held him by the jaw and kissed him.The woman looked disappointed. Hmm and Here I took you for a ladies man . Oh I was in my younger days but now not so mutch Jhonny retorted with a smirk . They led the woman to her getaway car and reported back to Rouge.

__________later on that night ________

V changed infront of the mirror as he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. Do you think I'll be a good Dad Johnny questioned grabbing Vs attention. Ofcourse you will . V replied. Johnny smiled . And your right he's gonna be a rockerboy just like his Daddy V said. Johnny swayed with him as an old country song came on the radio. V hummed along to the song . They both closed their eyes as they let the rythum take control . I remember this one .I heard it all the time as a kid V said . Barbecues over an open fire , nights under the stars , the freedom. Do you ever miss it asked V . Mmhm Johnny replied. V took Johnny by the hand and led him to the livingroom floor . They danced in eachothers arms to the old timey song that brought back so many memories for V.

During the night v satrted bleeding out . He had been remotely hacked by a netrunner from the last gig . The hack had fried one of Vs artificial organs . They rushed to Vicks in a panic . Vick took one look at V and got him on the operating table .

Vick worked on V for a while but finaly had him stabilised . He was gonna be in pain but he'd survive

After the procedure V woke up on the chair a little disoriented. As Vick noticed he walked over . V asked wheres Johnny? . So he went to go get him . Johnny had fell asleep in the stairwell with Vs Jacket covering him . Vick woke him Up and said Vs awake you can see him now . Johnny walked back in as V held out his hand and said In a garbled groggy voice . I thought you were gonna hold my hand . Johnny chuckled as he laced his fingers with Vs. Ok I am now . Better ? He said with a smile . V was still high from the anesthesia . Once again he managed to say with a garbled voice . I LoooVeee Yoo . Johnny chuckled at his ramblings as he replied. I love you to V . Johnny signed his release papers and took V home .

As they got in . Johnny helped V change . And lay him in the recovery position in bed , got changed himself then climbed in beside him . He decided not to snuggle V tonight for his own safety.

At around 6 in the Morning Johnny woke up from a not so good nights sleep . Every small sound from V he would wait until he heard him breathing normally again. Johnny got up without disturbing V and got dressed then unwrapped one of the burritos he had stopped to get on the way home it was scop but it was something to eat. He sat down at the corner of the window just next to V keeping an eye on his breathing. Vick told him the dangerous side effects of anesthesia . Johnny had operations in the past but had never been around anyone who had one . He was worried sick . Hours later V woke up to find Johnny fast asleep sitting next to him . V got up and gently slung his blanket around Johnny. Then sat on the couch to watch tv . A little while later Johnny woke up and Joined V on the couch ..

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