Recovery (A Diggy & Yn Trilog...

By diggys__bae_

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THIS IS A TRILOGY BOOK BOOK 1: Trying To Love Again (A Diggy & Yn Fanfic) BOOK 2: Life After Pain (A Diggy... More

Recovery (A Diggy & Yn Trilogy)
Chapter 1
New Book Alert
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chaper 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Short Chapter)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 16

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By diggys__bae_

Diggy's POV

"Bad Kitty?" I shook my head and chuckled. "Sounds kind of cliché."

Twist laughed. "Yeah, I thought so too. But I heard she legit as fuck. And you, my friend, you gotta stop stressin'."

I shrugged. "If I go it won't be with y'all niggas. Imma go up there with Corahn."

"Damn nigga! What's wrong with us?!" Trevor asked.

"Yall niggas wild as fuck, bruh! I need someone that's gonna stay calm and under control with me if I go, so I don't do no dumb shit and mess up my family again." I looked over at DJ who was still oblivious to the conversation with headphones in his ear while still playing with the iPad. "I can't do it again" I added lowly.

French nodded. "You right. We'll go up there now and tell you if it's worth your time or not. Cmon yall" he said.

I laughed. "Damn! Twist didn't even finish editing the song, nigga!"

They all shrugged while laughing and left. After grabbing all of our things, DJ and I left too. We stopped to go get some McDonald's (DJ's request of course) and ate it there (also his request). When we got home I saw someone sitting on the front porch.

"Who the hell is that?" I said out loud. As we got closer I saw that it was Russy. "Russy, how the f-"

"Vanessa and Angela are gone, Dig! I don't know where the fuck they are! They ran away after what happened to mom and they aren't ans-"

"Slow the fuck down! Did you try calling them?"

He nodded. "They won't answer. Dig, I'm freakin the fuck out!"

I pulled him and DJ into the house. In the dark outside I didn't notice how bloody he was, but sure enough, he was dripping it. He had a bloody nose, a bloody lip, a black eye, and a bruise on his face. "Russel, who did this to you?" I asked him.

"Dad, I got into it with him" he said angrily.

"About what?" I demanded.

"I'm tired of him puttin' mama in the hospital man!" He yelled.

DJ flinched. "You're dripping" DJ said.

Russy turned to him. "What?"

"You're dripping" DJ repeated. He ran to get a cold towel and some alcohol.

Just then Yn came through the door with a big ass smile on her face. "Hey yall" she said happily. I guess she could feel the tension and her smile faded. "Well damn" she said while putting her purse and all of her shopping bags down. Who the hell goes shopping at 3:00 A.M.? She looked over at Russy and her mouth dropped. "Russy" she said as she ran over to him. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Long story" he said.

DJ came down with all the first aid stuff for Russy and Yn started to clean his face up. I tried to call Vanessa and Angela and they wouldn't answer. I grew frustrated and punched another hole in the wall.


I sighed as Yn shook her head as Russy explained how Vanessa and Angela ran out of the house after breaking up the fight he was in with their dad. "You should've moved in wayyy earlier. When you first asked." She turned to me. "Why didn't you tell me your mom was in the hospital again?"

Is she fucking serious right now?

"Maybe if you were home sometimes & had time to talk to me you would know!"

"3 weeks is too long to not tell me the important shit like that. And why are you trying to start an argument?" She rolled her eyes before cleaning Russy's face again.

I put my hands on my face and rubbed it. "Don't start with me, Yn" I said.

Just when she was about to say something the doorbell rang. I got up and it was Angela and Vanessa. "Aye, why the fuck didn't yall answer the phone when we called?!" I yelled at them.

Angela started crying. "We left our phones in the house" she said.

Yn rushed over and hugged them while they came in and took a seat. She got everybody bottles of water so they could calm down. I hope she doesn't think our conversation we had earlier is over with.

DJ laid his head down on Angela, who smiled. Vanessa's daughter, Ava, was over her father's house. Which is good, she's away from any danger and drama.

Russy was standing again a wall with his arms folded and his head down. "Look, we can't stay in that house, Dig. We ain't got no money and no one else to turn to."

"Where the fuck is JoJo at? I'm not yall only brother" I reminded them.

Vanessa shrugged. "JoJo been out on the streets. We haven't seen him since mom went to the hospital."

"Fuck you mean he 'been out on the streets'?!"

Angela wiped away her tears and sighed tiredly. "Selling drugs, Dig."

I shook my head. "Nah, that can't be right" I said sitting back on the couch. "JoJo ain't no thug."

"Well, it is" Vanessa said.

"Yall should just stay here" Yn said. "Nobody ever uses the guest house next door. Hell, I forgot we even had a guest house."

I glared over at her as they all nodded and went next door. DJ went with them so he could be close to Russy, who he's very fond of. "Why you makin' decisions without me?" I said irritated.

"They're your brother and sisters! The fuck was I supposed to do? Let them stay on the streets?" She stood up and threw her hands up.

"Oh, like you care about anything now! You're never even at home. & then you walk through the front door at 3 A.M. with hella shopping bags in your hands like everything's just fine!" She sat back down and turned her back to me and put her head down. Then, I started thinking about it. "The money."

She looked irritated while she turned back around to me. "What?"

"The money" I repeated. "Where the hell are you getting all of the money to buy all of the new shit you've been walking in here with?"

She looked nervous, then angry. "So now I have to notify you on my every move?" She rolled her eyes at me and stood up again. "None of your damn business. You don't-"

Yn's POV

"Sit yo ass down!" Diggy suddenly yelled. My eyes grew wide but I did as I was told. "I'm sick of this bullshit, Yn! I ain't gotta put up with this shit! But you know why I do it? Because I love you and I've never loved anyone else the way I love yo crazy ass! But you keep on fuckin up and yo attitude is gettin on my damn nerves! Fix that shit, for real."

I looked at him.

Yesss, daddy, put me in my place! Damn, he is so sexy when he's mad at me.

"Im sorry" I said as I walked over to him. I grabbed both of his hands and stood on my tippy toes to kiss him. "You're right, I'm wrong. I'm sorry."

He kissed me again before grabbing my hand and leading me to the bedroom.

Minnie's POV

The baby should be here any day now. I'm huge and I feel like crying and eating everything in sight and beating somebody's ass all at the same time. I took another scoop of my ice cream.

Corahn was sitting next to me, scrolling through his phone. I stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom. You want anything while I'm up?"

He shook his head. "Nah, I'm good."

"How was work today?"

"Good" he said. His dancing career is finally starting to take off now. He choreographs dances and he's being asked to work with Usher!

I started walking and suddenly experienced sharp pains in my stomach. I groaned and grabbed my stomach. What the hell? I kept walking. Maybe this is normal?

I felt my legs get weaker as I felt another sharp pain in my stomach. I screamed out in pain as I gripped my stomach. I looked down and saw that there was a puddle of water beneath me.

Corahn came running into the room after hearing me scream. "Min! What's wrong?"

"My... Water-" I couldn't finish my sentence because I screamed out in pain once again.

He looked down and his eyes grew. "Holy shit."

Diggys POV

I got a call from Twist two days after we went up to the studio.

"Wassup" I answered.

"Aye, you saw that article about you in the newspaper?"

I nodded with a smirk and looked over at it on the table. "'Diggy Simmons is on the rise and keeps getting better as he is working on yet another album that, which we assume, will be amazing'" I quoted the newspaper. "And all over magazines" I said proudly.

"Man, you blowin' up big time Dig. But aye, you know that Bad Kitty stripper?"


"Well, lemme just say one word: hot damn!"

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes Twist can be a stupid asshole. "That was two words, nigga. You forgot how to count?"

He smacked his lips. "Man, you know what I mean. She the business, man. And her body is on ten million. You gotta check her out."

I shrugged. "Man, Yn won't be happy about me going to a strip club."

"The same Yn you've been constantly arguin' with lately?" He scoffed. "Dude, this is just gonna be a stress reliever for you. Ya know, because of workin' on the new album and arguing with Yn and taking care of DJ. When was the last time you had some real fun?"

I smirked. "With Yn two days ago."

"Okay, I ain't need to hear all that" he chuckled. "But just think about it. I gotta go, I just pulled up to the studio and I gotta finish editing the music."

I hung up and called Corahn. "Wassup, Dig? I need you & Yn to come to the hospital NOW. Minnie's in labor."

I kept calling Yn but of course she didn't answer. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I ran upstairs and carried DJ to the car. He slumped in the backseat, still asleep.

I drove there and I had to take DJ to the kids area so he wouldn't have to wait in the waiting room alone since he was too young to go to the room while she was giving birth. I searched for the room number and saw Corahn standing outside of it hyperventilating.

"Bruh, what the fuck?" I said to him as I walked over.

He was bent over with his hands on his knees struggling to catch his breath. "Diggy... it's so much screaming... & blood... and..." This nigga couldn't breathe.

"Nigga! Getcho ass in there and watch your girlfriend give birth to yo child!" I yelled in between laughs.

He shook his head. "Hell nah! I fainted at first, Dig. I was out for about 5 minutes! I can't go back in there" he said.

I pushed the door open and pushed him inside the delivery room. Sure, enough Minnie was in there screaming with all her might and pushing with the doctor, who was between her legs.

I pushed Corahn over to her and she immediately took his hand. "Baby! You're back, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm-"

He was cut off by her screaming again. "This hurts like hell!" She squeezed tighter and tighter on his hand.

"Minnie! You cutting off my circulation" he said. Then, all at once, she screamed & so did Corahn and she squeezed his hand even tighter. Then, Corahn fainted again.

This nigga did not just faint.

I ran out of the room. "Aye! We need another doctor in here" I yelled out of the room.

Minnie started crying. I ran over to her side and she grabbed my hand. "Aye, aye, calm down" I said while striking her hair with my other hand.

"Diggy, where's Yn?" She was breathing hard in between pushes.

I shrugged my shoulders irritably. "I don't know" I answered honestly. I looked her in her eye, and for a second I thought I saw worry, and then anger. "Wait, you know where she is?"

When she was about to answer, she started pushing again. "Why did I want a natural birth?!" She kept screaming it over and over again and my damn eardrums were about to burst.

Just as the doctors came in to take Corahn to another room, this nigga woke up like a damn demon had possessed him and jumped up. "Okay, I'm good!"

Minnie started squeezing on my hand even tighter. "Dammit! Corahn, getcho ass over here and hold her hand before she pulls mine off!"

Corahn rushed over and grabbed her hand. "I'm starting to see a head" the doctor said. I almost forgot the nigga was even in here.

"Aye, don't be lookin' down there too hard" Corahn warned him.

*Hours Later*

Corahn's POV

"You've given birth to a beautiful baby boy" the doctor said. Minnie had fallen asleep so he handed him to me. He walked out of the room to give us a little bit of privacy.

Corahn Jr. was born May 15 at 3:23 A.M. I held him close to me. I couldn't stop looking at him. This was my child. He belonged to me.

I looked over at Minnie and smiled. I'll never take advantage of her ever again. She's given me so much these last 5 years (yes, it's been 5 years now). I can't lose her. If I lose her, I'll lose myself.

"Congrats bro" Diggy said from the corner of the room. He went to bring DJ in from the kids room of the hospital. He'd been going back and forth from the kids room from the delivery room all night to check on him.

DJ saw him and smiled. "He has your eyes" he said quietly. It was true, his eyes were green just like mine.

The doctor came back to take Corahn Jr (or CJ for short) and get him cleaned up. He took DJ with him, so he could view the nursery with all the other babies since DJ seemed so fascinated with CJ.

"Where's Yn?" I asked Diggy.

He rolled his eyes. "Man, I don't know. She been pissing me off lately. But you know 'The Palace'?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it's some type of new stripper there that everyone is talking about."

"Everybody's goin' to see her! Trevor, Twist, & French think I should go to relieve some 'stress' since I'm always arguing with Yn. But I can't go alone."

I widened my eyes, realizing what he meant. Minnie would be pissed if I just gained her trust back, just got back together with her, and if she just had out baby if I went to see that stripper with Diggy. This nigga want me to get my dick chopped off! "Diggy, please don't ask me. I really-"

"How would you feel about going to 'The Palace' to see Bad Kitty?"
I don't keep up with timing/dates AT ALL with my book(s) because I'm too forgetful. So, if the timing is off or doesn't make sense IGNORE IT. I didn't edit this chapter.

Looks like Diggy & Corahn are going to find out about Yn VERY soon? So, Yn's stripping and missing the birth of her best friend's first child? Also, some old characters are coming back into the book very, very soon. Corahn was so hilarious to me in the last few paragraphs when Minnie was giving birth. 💀💀💀

So, what'd you think?

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