Continue? (Player Male Reader...

By Derrius961

14.1K 258 133

Here it is. The sequel. Read my other story "Press Any Button" to understand this book. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Little Talk
Chapter 5


1.8K 21 20
By Derrius961

Talking: Hey.
Thinking: Hey.

Y/n won. Flawless victory.

Frisk told her family the news. They were devastated.

Mettaton was honestly shocked, and angry at this matter.

Toriel and Asgore were heartbroken.

But Alphys...

She was torn apart by it. Undyne's death hurt her a whole lot for sure. But the fact that all there efforts to defeat Y/n were in vain....Alphys couldn't bare it.

They wanted to have a funeral, but it wouldn't work. Y/n would just go to the funeral and do something disrespectful. (Probably take a skateboard and do a sick backflip off of someone's coffin.)

Anyways, they were in the living room, since Frisk wanted to talk.

Frisk: Listen, everyone. I know we're all sad, and....*sniff*..I'm sorry. But...we need to talk.

Toriel: What is it, child?

Frisk: This isn't over. We can still win this war.

Mettaton: And how exactly will we do that? Y/n is way stronger than the entirety of both the monster AND the human race. If we fight, we'll just die.

Frisk: I know. That's why I know how fix this.

Frisk pulled something out of her pocket, and everyone's eyes widen.

Alphys: T-That's the s-same dimension traveling device we used to find Kiwi.

Frisk: Yes. If we use this, maybe we'll find someone else who can beat Y/n.

Toriel: But how? Kiwi died to Y/n, so who else could stop him?

Frisk: I don't know. But we have to take our chances. We can't just let Y/n go! We have to defeat him, and free the REAL Y/n. Whatever it takes.

Everyone went silent as they thought about this. Could they really ride to the challenge. If they find a fighter, will they win this time?

Toriel: ....Okay. Let's do it.

Frisk nodded, and began to press some buttons. The device beeped and made some noises, and began to glow.

Frisk: It's happening. Step back.

Everyone steps back as the device glows brighter. Soon, it shines extreme bright, and the room is filled with its light.

Then, the light dies down. Everyone looks at the person they summoned. It was a girl.

???: ..Hm? Where am I....?

Frisk: Um, excuse me?

The girl looked at Frisk.

???: Who are you?

Frisk: I-I'm sorry. My name is Frisk. I used this device to bring you here because we need your help.

???: Really? With what?

Frisk: Well, you see...(Dhar Mann vibes)'s this guy who needs to be stopped.

???: Who is it?

Frisk: Well, it's this guy named Y/n-

???: Oh! I see. I know who he is.

Frisk: Y-You do? How?

???: We used to be friends! Well...until....his hate went out of control.

Frisk: His hate?

???: Yeah. You see, hate can manifest in someone's heart, and overtake their soul trait. Y/n had this happen, but his hate is different. It seems more...overprotective. (I know some people are confused, and will say "Isn't the evil us the player? Well, the reason you're the player is because you took over and became the player by overthrowing Frisk. I know, lazy writing.

Frisk: Oh...oh my gosh...

???: Yeah, it's terrible. But don't worry, I'll be able to help. Trust me.

Frisk: Thank you so much!

Frisk then realized something.

Frisk: Wait! I never got your name.

The girl smiled.

???: ...

























You were in a forest at night. Itachi looked at you with a serious face.

Y/n: I challenge you to a battle!

You summoned your sword. But then...

Itachi vanished.

Y/n: Wait, where'd he go-

You were interrupted by a kick to the face.


(Choose any slumber effect you want.)

That's it for the prologue.

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