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By CaseyDixon1

1.3K 47 6

" i tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter " ----------------- "never let your... More

โ†  In The End โ†ž
โ†  Arc 1 โ†  The Shinigami Awakening โ†ž
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64 6 0
By CaseyDixon1

"What's taking so long?"

"These things take time," his companion answered, not bothering to spare him a glance. "You know that."

He frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. It had been almost a year since his friend had made his last visit to her, and he worried what that meant.

"Why'd you stop?"

His friend paused before turning to look at him with a barely noticeable frown. "It's not by choice," he murmured softly. "His Majesty has been giving me more duties to perform. I believe it is an effort to prevent me from seeing her."

The man sighed. "That ain't right," he muttered angrily, clicking his tongue softly. "That just ain't right."

"What are we to do, but follow his orders?"

- - - - - - - - - -



The lieutenant of Squad 9 paused in his steps, waiting for his companion to make his way over before they continued on their walk. He glanced over at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What's got you worked up, Izuru?"

Kira Izuru, lieutenant of Squad 3 and a good friend of Shūhei's, frowned. "You haven't heard yet?" At Shūhei's confusion, he continued, "They're brought back Kuchiki Rukia."

Shūhei froze, staring at Izuru in shock. "What?"

Izuru creased his brows together. "Why are you so worked up about it?"

"...No reason."

He wasn't going to break the vow he made to the Kuchiki girl, not even to his friend.

- - - - - - - - - -



Urahara flinched as another loud crash sounded from the underground training area. He supposed that he would need to make some repairs when this was over.

Yoruichi frowned in worry. "She really isn't taking it well," she murmured softly, her chin resting on the palm of her hand.

"Did you think she would?" Urahara asked rhetorically. "The bond was slowly forming and Rukia was taken away, effectively pausing the bond from completely forming." He paused for a moment. "Though, I suppose that's a good thing."

Yoruichi gave him a look but didn't argue with him.

The ringing of a phone sounded in the small room. Urahara reached over and looked at the contact information with a frown.

"Oh dear, unknown caller," he muttered before shrugging. "Might as well answer." He accepted the call and placed it on speaker. "Moshi moshi?"

"Is this Kurosaki Sayuri's phone number?" a male voice asked from the other end.

"I'm afraid you called the wrong number, my friend," Urahara answered as Yoruichi raised an eyebrow. He held up a finger to tell her to wait a moment. "Who are you looking for? Maybe I can point you in the right direction?"

It was a long shot, but maybe this person could give something about them away that would help identify who the caller was.

The caller was silent for a moment. "...Kurosaki Sayuri. She is twenty-one, has short black hair and bright blue eyes. A university student in Karakura Town. Do you perhaps know her? Or, maybe someone who knows her?"

"Oh, I know her well," Urahara decided to say with a grim look on his face. "And I know that there is a shadow organization after her. Is that what you are a part of?"

The caller was stunned into silence. "What is your name, friend of Kurosaki Sayuri?"

"Urahara. You didn't answer my question."

"...We are the Hunters, and she is our next prey." The call promptly ended.

Urahara heaved out a loud sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. "Everyone is so interested in her," he mused, making eye contact with Yoruichi. "You know anything about these guys?"

She hesitated before nodding. "Whispers. But, none of them are good."

"Well, I believe I need to hear them now more than ever."

- - - - - - - - - -


Bare feet padded against the wooden floors as Lieutenant Abarai Renji walked down a hallway, clad in a kimono. He gave a simple greeting to two of his squadmates before continuing on with a frown on his face, thinking about what had happened not too long ago.

Something flashed in Sayuri's bright blue eyes as she suddenly rushed towards Renji, her Zanpakutō positioned for a killing blow.

Rukia watched as Sayuri's entire posture changed and her eyes widened when she caught sight of her eyes.

They were red instead of bright blue and black instead of white.

Without a second thought, she moved between her childhood friend and her crush and screamed out, "STOP!"

Sayuri froze, her invisible blade an inch away from slicing through Rukia's neck.

Renji let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Byakuya watched with a tense posture as Rukia stood unmoving and unafraid.

"Sayuri, calm down," she whispered softly, hoping her voice would get through to her. "Please."

Sayuri stared at the Kuchiki girl for a moment before she slowly lowered her Zanpakutō from her neck.

"Only because you asked, Rukia," she said softly as her eyes returned to their usual bright blue. "Only because it's you."

He scowled and mentally shoved the memory away. Why was he even thinking of that girl? Sure, she was his soulmate, but she was the human that cause Rukia to become a criminal. He pulled out a key and used it to enter the cell block of the barracks.

His eyes twitched as he slammed his foot into a squadmate's face, knocking him to the ground.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he asked, lowering his foot back to the ground.

"Renji-san," Yuki Rikichi said, rubbing the back of his head to soothe the pain, "aren't you off duty today?"

"I'm checkin' in on the prisoner," he said. "She still sulking?"

"I am not sulking."

Rukia glanced over her shoulder as Renji leaned an arm against the bars of her cell. "Then, why haven't you touched your food?"

"I am simply not hungry, fukutaicho," she said with a small smirk, emphasizing his title mockingly.

He growled. "What, dammit?" He gripped the bar with his hand. "You got a problem with me bein' a fukutaicho?!"

"No. Not particularly. Do your best, fukutaicho! You're strong, fukutaicho! You've got weird eyebrows, fukutaicho."

"Damn you!" Renji shouted, pissed off. "I'll kill you! Come out of there, dammit!"

"Say, Renji..." He calmed down. "Am I...really going to die?"

"Of course," he answered, letting go of the cell bars. "You'll get the death penalty, instant execution."

"I see..." She closed her eyes in acceptance. "You're probably right..."

Renji faltered. She was displaying the same attitude as a few nights ago. "Come on, don't be stupid. Obviously, I'm joking. Joking!"

She turned slightly to look at him. "Which is it, you fool?"

"Who's the fool?" he asked. "You're the one acting weird and getting me worried." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Kuchiki-taicho's probably applying for a sentence reduction for you right this minute."

Rukia turned back around. "I wonder about that..."

Renji scowled. "What are you? Stupid? He's your brother. No way he'd let his little sister die right before his eyes."

"No," she denied, much to Renji's shock. "He will kill me. I know well...what kind of person he is." She thought of her memories of Byakuya. "In the forty years or so since I was taken in by the Kuchiki clan...that man...has not cared about me even once."

Renji stared at her with wide eyes before shaking his head. He needed to talk to her about why he actually came to see her.

"What's her name?"

Rukia's eyes flew open, caught off-guard by the question. "What?"

"The human girl, the one you gave your powers to," he clarified. "What's her name?"

"And why should I tell you that?" she asked, glancing at him with hardened eyes, something that shocked him. She had never looked at him like that before.

"Just tell me," he said, getting annoyed. "Please."

She stayed silent for a moment before saying, "Sayuri." He jolted, not expecting an answer. "Her name is Kurosaki Sayuri. And her real name, her birthright, is Shiba Sayuri." She fully turned her head to look at him. "She is the heir of the Shiba clan."

- - - - - - - - - -

Sayuri scowled heavily at the destroyed boulder in front of her, Tentai no Kibō in hand. She panted as sweat dripped down her face.

You need to calm down.

She scoffed. "Calm down? Don't tell me to fucking calm down."

Well, it's what you need to do.

"Smartass," she muttered before stabbing her Zanpakutō into the ground, taking a seat on the ground, facing the blade. She took a deep breath before allowing herself to enter her inner world.

That didn't take too long, the voice mused quietly as Sayuri slowly opened her eyes. Maybe you should follow my advice more often.

"And let you get an oversized ego?" she snarked. "No chance."

The figure of a man with long brown hair and bright blue eyes appeared in front of her with a playful grin. You wound me, my dear.

She sighed. "What do you want, Tentai no Kibō?"

Geez, haven't I told you to just call me Tentai when in your inner world? He sighed. You know my name can be a bit of a mouthful.

"I want to show respect," she denied with a shake of her head. "Anyway, why did you want me here?"

He snapped his fingers, as though remembering. Right! He gave her a bright grin. I think it's nearly time to go to the Soul Society.

Her eyes widened. It had been nearly four days since Rukia had been taken back to the Soul Society, and Sayuri was starting to get anxious about going to rescue her. She had wanted to leave as soon as she woke up and found out, but Urahara had to talk her out of it, which can be pretty difficult to do.

"You're sure?" she asked.

She had been training the entire time, Urahara and Yoruichi sometimes pitching in and forcing her to rest before she could wear herself thin. She was grateful for them.

He nodded. But I do have a request, he said. At her inquisitive look, he gave her a grin. I want you to learn a special attack, one that will definitely make the Shinigami think twice about messing with you.

She raised an eyebrow but returned the grin. "Then let's get started."

- - - - - - - - - -


Renji gripped the bar of Rukia's cell, eyes wide with disbelief. "What did you just say? Kuchiki-taicho...what is...?"

"You heard me," Byakuya said monotonously. "Do not make me repeat myself again and again. The Class 1 felon, Kuchiki Rukia, shall be confined on death row and twenty-five days from now, shall be put to death at the Central Court. That is the Soul Society's final decision." He placed the order in his kosode. "This shall be the last time you and I shall speak." He turned and began to leave the room. "Rukia, the next time we meet shall be on the execution platform."

We must not shed tears. That is the defeat of the body by the heart. Because, for us, this thing called 'the heart' can become nothing less than proof that one's existence is superfluous.

- - - - - - - - - -

"What the hell?!"

Sayuri ripped the mask off her face with a fierce glare, standing beside the area that the attack had just hit.

"You tryin' to kill me?!"

Warped laughter sounded. He stood there with his hand holding his Zanpakutō and a wide grin on his face. Tentai no Kibō stood off to the side with a nervous smile and a sweatdrop. Maybe this was a bad idea, he thought to himself.

"And why would I want to do that to my Queen?" he asked. "I just want to make sure you're ready to deal with those fuckin' Shinigami bastards."

"By nearly killing me?!" she shouted. "Seriously, Shiro, you are the worst sparring partner in the entire world!"

He snickered. "No offense taken."

"Offense was meant to be taken!"

Okay! Tentai no Kibō interrupted with a clap of his hands, causing both Sayuri and Shiro to look at him. Time to get serious. He looked at his wielder. You think you're ready to try it out?

She shrugged. "No time like the present," she said.

He nodded as Shiro moved farther away, making himself the target she had to aim for.

She gripped the hilt of her Zanpakutō with both hands and took a deep breath before chanting, "From the heavens, take my word as my command. Let my will be yours, and burn my enemy." Her eyes snapped open, revealing them to be red and black. "Amaterasu!"

- - - - - - - - - -

Byakuya walked down a corridor of the Squad 6 barracks, having just relayed the verdict to Rukia and Renji, only to pause in his steps when he felt two presences behind him.

"Pretty calm back there, Squad 6 taicho-san," Captain Ichimaru Gin of Squad 3 said with his usual fox-like grin, sitting on the railing. With him was Captain Zaraki Kenpachi of Squad 11. "Exemplary, exemplary."

Byakuya turned to look at them, growing annoyed with them being there. He just wanted to go back to his office and ponder on what to do about Kurosaki Sayuri.

"So calm even though your sister's gonna die," Gin continued. "That's Squad 6's taicho-san for ya. A shining example of a Shinigami."

"Don't be ridiculous," Kenpachi said. "The only Shinigami scared of dyin' is pretty much just you and the Squad 9 captain."

"What? Really?"

"Two squad captains appearing without their lieutenants...what do you want with me?" Byakuya interrupted.

"That ain't nice," Gin whined playfully. "We heard your sister's gonna be executed, so...we were worried you might be depressed."

"It has nothing to do with you gentlemen," Byakuya said.

"There's no way you'd be depressed, right?" Kenpachi asked. "For noble families, criminals are obstacles, after all."

"Oh?" Byakuya turned to face them completely. "I don't expect a commoner could comprehend the subtleties of the aristocracy."

"That ain't true." Kenpachi took a step forward. "I've always been pretty considerate. Whadda ya say? While I'm being considerate, want me to go to that criminal...and lop off her head for you before the execution?"

Byakuya's eyes narrowed in the slightest. "I didn't know one could cut off a head with just your skills?"

"Want me to try it on ya?"

"You want me to let you try it?"

Before anything could happen, Gin and Kenpachi were suddenly gone. Byakuya turned his head to see Gin had tied up Kenpachi and were on another roof.

"Give 'im a break, Squad 6 taicho-san," Gin said, making sure the struggling Kenpachi didn't get loose. He genuinely didn't want the two of them to start fighting since that spelled disaster. "I at least didn't mean to make ya mad. Well then, say hi to your sister for me."

He quickly left, dragging the protesting Squad 11 captain with him.

Byakuya stared at where they once were for another moment before continuing on to his original destination.

- - - - - - - - - -


Sayuri crossed her arms over her chest, Yoruichi resting on her shoulder in her cat form. She glanced behind her to look at Chad, Orihime, and Uryū, all of whom were going to go to the Soul Society with her to rescue Rukia from her execution. All of them had a debt to pay, and a score to settle in Uryū's case. She didn't want to bring them alone, but they were adamant about coming and she needed all the help she could get.

Urahara cleared his throat quietly from beside Sayuri, making her glance at him to see his gray eyes already on her.

"What is it?" she whispered quietly, figuring he didn't want the others to hear their conversation.

Yoruichi's ears twitched, but she remained silent. She already knew what her friend was about to do.

He leaned his mouth down next to her ear and whispered something into it, causing a dark blush to spread across her cheeks. "Urusai," she muttered, looking away from him.

He smirked before moving away and snapping his fingers, revealing a large stone gate to them. "All right. This is the gate that leads to Soul Society. It's called a Senkaimon. Ready? Please listen very closely. This gate is made by piling Reishi Henkan-Ki atop the normal Senkaimon. As you know, Soul Society is a world of souls. Entering it is impossible unless you're in soul form. However, the only one of you who can move around in soul form is Sayu-chan since she's a Shinigami."

She rolled her eyes in exasperation. Did he really have to go into a big speech about it now of all times?

"So we use an exchanger to turn you into spirits and send you there."

"Basically, even without pulling out our souls, if we go through this gate..." Uryū said.

"Yes," Urahara answered his unspoken question. "You can enter Soul Society in your current state. However, the amount of time we can open this gate and stay connected to Soul Society is at most four minutes."

That's more than enough, Sayuri thought to herself.

"Normally, it's impossible," Urahara said. "This is an impossible endeavor to begin with. The most we can stretch is four minutes. If you can't reach the other side in that time, you will be permanently imprisoned in the space between Soul Society and the World of the Living."

"What should we do?" Orihime asked nervously.

"Go forward," Yoruichi said. "I told you, your heart and your soul are connected. The important thing is the state of your heart. The will to move forward. I will be your guide. Move forward, that and that alone. Only those who can do that will come with us."

"We done talkin'?" Sayuri interrupted, stepping forward. The blush on her cheeks had finally disappeared completely. "We're here. That's that, nothing else to say about it."

"You understand though, Sayuri?" Yoruichi asked. "If you lose, you'll never be able to come back."

"Then, we'll just win," she said with a smirk. "We have to."


With that said, Tessai and Urahara activated the Senkaimon, and Sayuri and her friends were off to Soul Society.

And here we go. It's time for the Soul Society arc to begin and I'm really excited. Things are gonna pick up from here and more things about Sayuri and the soulmate thing will be revealed.

The gif at the top is Sayuri's Zanpakuto spirit, Tentai no Kibo.

Until next time, have a great day.

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